This is not an anti-Pit Bull thread.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
But personally, I really don't like these dogs, and I certainly don't think people
should have them around small children. But to each their own.

Tristin Lent works jobs as a receptionist and cleaner.

She had left the boy with his grandmother after she was called into work at the last minute but an hour later police called and she had to drive 90 minutes to Bronson Hospital in Kalamazoo where she waited 30 minutes to see her son.

'They wouldn't let me see Camdon at first and then a nurse came out and said "good news he's breathing on his own" and I freaked out – I thought why wouldn't he be?' Lent said.

Her son's face was wrapped in gauze so she didn't know the extent of his injuries until he came out of surgery.

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Sounds like a personal problem. Pit bulls are fantastic dogs. If you're to pussy to deal with them, then maybe you shouldn't. They're good around kids and all, if raised right.
I had one that had to be put down for defending a 4 year old. That was a good dog. He did what he thought was right. Really he was right.
My oldest son had a Pit- Paxton- he was a better person than most people- I called him my first grandson- had to have him put down at 11 due to cancer- I laid in the floor with him as he went to sleep and cried like a baby- best and smartest dog I've ever known.
Sounds like a personal problem. Pit bulls are fantastic dogs. If you're to pussy to deal with them, then maybe you shouldn't. They're good around kids and all, if raised right.
I had one that had to be put down for defending a 4 year old. That was a good dog. He did what he thought was right. Really he was right.
Thanks for demonstrating the reason for my title, to avoid dickhead remarks like this,.
But personally, I really don't like these dogs, and I certainly don't think people
should have them around small children. But to each their own.

I largely agree. My dogs are far better behaved than most kids I see in public. I’ll keep the dogs and you can keep your kids out of my yard.
Years ago when I owned a bunch of rental properties, I got out of my car at one of my properties, only to see a large pit bull running straight at me. It was a beautiful dog. Big blue pit eyed. Scared the shit out of me. However, it ran right passed me to a little boy who was standing behind me. It was excited to see the boy and was licking his face.

That dog was the friendliest dog I’ve ever come across.
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Sounds like a personal problem. Pit bulls are fantastic dogs. If you're to pussy to deal with them, then maybe you shouldn't. They're good around kids and all, if raised right.
I had one that had to be put down for defending a 4 year old. That was a good dog. He did what he thought was right. Really he was right.
Damn right.
We have a Husky/Pit mix.
Sweet 8 month puppy.
Here is our friends Pitbull that we sometimes dog sit also.
After a ten hour nap, he might lick you to death. He is very protective of small children and small dogs.
His father is a sweetheart also.
I have never met a Pitbull that wasn't friendly with a good disposition. In fact, it's the damn Ankle Biters that are usually psycho.

Dogs are not to be blamed for their training or complete lack of it. Any problem with an animal can always be traced back to the human owner.
Sounds like a personal problem. Pit bulls are fantastic dogs. If you're to pussy to deal with them, then maybe you shouldn't. They're good around kids and all, if raised right.
I had one that had to be put down for defending a 4 year old. That was a good dog. He did what he thought was right. Really he was right.
Thanks for demonstrating the reason for my title, to avoid dickhead remarks like this,.
Whatever dude. What do you think about Dobies? Vicious dogs, right? Well one saved my life. Oh yeah they have the capacity, but that dog was awesome! He was the kids' dog. He was our babysitter. He grabbed me by the diaper and kept me from getting run over by a speeder.
Any dog that would chew up a kid should be put down.
In my world, big dogs defended kids.
Years ago when I owned a bunch of rentals properties, I got out of my car at one of my properties, only to see a large pit bull running straight at me. It was a beautiful dog. Big blue pit eyed. Scared the shit out of me. However, it ran right passed me to a little boy who was standing behind me. It was excited to see the boy and was licking his face.

That dog was the friendliest dog I’ve ever come across.
My blue pit was the biggest baby you ever met, it's always the owner not the dog
Years ago when I owned a bunch of rentals properties, I got out of my car at one of my properties, only to see a large pit bull running straight at me. It was a beautiful dog. Big blue pit eyed. Scared the shit out of me. However, it ran right passed me to a little boy who was standing behind me. It was excited to see the boy and was licking his face.

That dog was the friendliest dog I’ve ever come across.
My blue pit was the biggest baby you ever met, it's always the owner not the dog
Most times it's the owner, but sometimes there are just bad dogs. I never had any of the pit variety be bad, but another dog I had was.. He was just a turd. I think it was rottweiler...oh dammit..long red hair dog mix.
Some kinda Spaniel? Just a bad dog. Only one I ever had. He ate the stick of butter off the table..
half a block of cheese off the table.
I forget what happened to him. Oh! The pound got him and I said "I don't know that dog".
Off to doggie Auschwitz he went! Not ary a tear was shed for that POS.
He did a host of other things, too..fighting with friend's dogs..just total garbage.

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