This is how anti gunners lie when they do anti gun research...19 year old "minors."


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The next line of attack by the anti gunners is to use the medical community to do research that lies about gun statistics...for example...this study goes into how many minors are injured by guns each day....

That is if you think a 15 year old gang banger is the same as Jane and Johnny who are not gang members killing rivals for drug turf...

The funniest part......they use the age range 15-19 as the definition of "minor" and don't tell you the criminal status of those "Minors."

Study finds 16 minors injured by guns each day

Notice the title of the Study....

The study, ”Pediatric Hospitalizations due to Firearm Injuries in the U.S. in 2012,” was presented at the 2017 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting in San Francisco over the weekend.

Can anyone explain how a 15 year old gang member, who gets shot by another 15 year old gang member gets counted in a Pediatric hospitalization study?

Youths aged 15 to 19 years suffered the largest number of gun-related injuries, making up an overwhelming 83.6 percent. do 15-19 year old count in a Pediatric study?

Ten to 14-year-olds made up the second largest demographic at just under 10 percent, followed by 5- to 9-year olds at 3.6 percent and 4-years-old and under with just under 3 percent.

Additionally, males were far more likely to suffer gun-related injuries than females, who made up less than 13 percent of overall gunshot victims for the year, compared with over 87 percent for males.

Likewise, the majority of gunshot victims – nearly 54 percent – were black, followed by Hispanic at just over 21 percent. Whites comprised 19.5 percent of gunshot victims for the year, with Asian/Pacific Islander and Native American youth each making up less than 1 percent of victims.

So...this is why you can't trust anti gunners and their research....they use the research to push their agenda, instead of doing research to find the truth...

'Fuck You, Guns' 'Fuck You, Guns'

A day in America

"3 adults, 1 child found shot to death inside Alaska hotel room
Police: Man shot dead while trying to stop man from beating woman
3 shot while hanging Christmas lights amid fight with driver
Good Samaritan fatally shot outside Northwest Side Walmart
Accused Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof competent to stand trial"
And here we have another person who points out that 17-19 years not get to be involved in a study on Pediatric research...

The NRA is killing 16 toddlers a day with guns! (Or something like that)

Two things here: Under the eyes of the law and most rational people, 18 and up is considered adults, not bumbling toddlers chasing butterflies in a meadow in the middle of spring with Kenny G playing a happy tune in the background. Second, why are teen/children and adults/children being shot intentionally rather than accidentally? Are scores of pick up trucks decorated with the logo of the NRA on the doors and the Confederate flag waving from the antenna going through neighborhoods and shooting them while they walk on the way to church? That does not seem the case or you could be sure as shit it would have been reported and documented like crazy.

Why are 13 out of 16 “children” between the ages of 15 and 19 being shot on purpose by parties not described in the article? You cannot tell me that they do not know the reasons, so it begs the question: why is it not being mentioned? Because it is embarrassing? Because it would be an admission of failed Liberal policies? Because it would mean to admit they have failed a constituency deeply tied to their political line? Because nobody wants to admit they have a gang and drug problem in their cities? Because they know the problem is so big now that it is going take a herculean effort to fix and that begins with eliminating failed policies they swore by and are the platform of their political party? And it is cheaper and more politically convenient to allow the killings to go on and blame guns rather than say We Fucked Up?

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