This is how a president gives a foreign affairs speech


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Highlights of Mitt Romney's VMI Speech 10/8/12

* Mourns 15 VMI brave graduates who have lost their lives on our behalf and prays for blessings upon VMI men and women who are currently serving in harm's way.
* Highlights legendary VMI Graduate George Marshall (Former Army Chief of Army, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense) who helped vanquish facism and restore Europe.
* GM's commitment to peace was borne of the costs of war. "The only way human beings can win a war is to prevent it." - Still true today
* Regards and mourns Ambassador Stevens and other three Americans lost lives. Calls the attackers murderers.
* Correctly regards the correlation between the Benghazi attacks and the 9/11 date of the attacks -- "The attack on our consulate there on September 11th, 2012, was likely the work of forces affiliated with those that attacked our homeland on September 11th, 2001."
* "This latest (Libya) assault can’t be blamed on a reprehensible video insulting Islam, despite the administration’s attempts to convince us of that for so long."
* "After the attack on our consulate, tens of thousands of Libyans...marched, unarmed, to the terrorist compound and then they burned it to the ground. As one Libyan woman said, “We are not going to go from darkness to darkness.”"
* Statesmen like Marshall rallied our nation to rise to its responsibilities as the leader of the free world. We helped our friends to build and sustain free societies and free markets. We defended our friends and ourselves from our common enemies. We led. We led.
* Nobody else but the murderers are to be blamed for Ambassador Stevens's murder.
* Obama's policies have emboldened Iran.
* Iranian agents plotted to kill Saudi Ambassador in DC.
* 2009: When Iranians took to the street, looking for freeedom; Obama was silent.
* President Obama has not signed one new free trade agreement during his term.
* As Middle East dictators have fallen; Obama has not offered proper security and economical means to build strong democracies and economies.
* Obama has given away many great gains achieved in Iraq.
* Obama idle as 30,000 men, women and children massacred in Syria
* "Al-Qaida still growing --Obama claims, "the tide of war is receding." Romney counter point: " it’s clear that the risk of conflict in the region is higher now than when the president took office."
* "The greater tragedy of it all is that we are missing an historic opportunity to win new friends who share our values in the Middle East -- friends who are fighting for their own futures against the very same violent extremists and evil tyrants and angry mobs who seek to harm us."
* Missle Defense: "There will be no flexibility with Vladimir Putin!"
* "No enemy that attacks America will question our resolve to defeat them. And no one anywhere, friend or foe, will doubt America’s capability to back up our words."
* Pledged to roll back Obama's deep and arbitrary spending cuts to the military.
* "The size of our Navy is at levels not seen since 1916!" Commitment: To build 15 ships and 3 submarines per year.
* "I will call on our NATO allies to keep the greatest military alliance in history strong by honoring their commitment to each devote 2 percent of their GDP to security spending. Today only three of the 28 NATO nations meet this benchmark."
* "I’ll make it clear to the recipients of our aid that in return for our material support, they must meet the responsibilities of every decent, modern government: to respect the rights of all of their citizens, including women and minorities; to ensure space for civil society, a free media, political parties and an independent judiciary; and to abide by their international commitments to protect our diplomats and our property."
* Call for clear conditions on aid to Egypt.
* "We should be working no less vigorously through our international partners to support the many Syrians who would deliver that defeat to Iran, rather than sitting on the sidelines. It’s essential that we develop influence with those forces in Syria that will one day lead a country that sits at the heart of the Middle East."
* Afghanistan "I’ll pursue a real and successful transition to Afghan security forces by the end of 2014."
* "I will affirm that my duty is not to protect my political prospects but to protect the security of the nation."
* "I’ll recommit America to the goal of a democratic, prosperous Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with the Jewish state of Israel."
* Condemnation of Hugo Chavez, Castro brothers, Putin and China as threats to freedom.
* "I believe that if America doesn’t lead, others will -- others who don’t share our interests and our values -- and the world would grow darker, for our friends and for us. America’s security and the cause of freedom cannot afford four more years like the last four years."
* Nations seek a Great America.


Full Transcript:
Yet he didn't even mention the troops during his RNC speech.
Some people are VERY easily impressed.

Sort of like the people who handed out a Nobel Peace prize to Obama... What was that for again? It couldn't be for drone attacks into Pakistan... Could it? Easily impressed indeed. What was it like deciding your vote on the words hope and change? :lol:
OH! I see what you did there! You switched it up on me......funny! And original too! If only I had your wit!

So countering your point properly becomes a means for you to granstand about nothing? Good job bud. Frankly, it's more than you normally bring to the table though :D

Countering my point? Grandstand about nothing?

Mindless drivel.

You started a thread lauding the foreign policy speech that Romney gave yesterday. As if he had some kind of vision. Tool.
Romney has the worst kind of a personality for CIC or a leader on the world stage in military affairs and defense. He changes his positions on important policy issues almost daily. He says one thing to one group of people and the complete opposit to someone else. He apologizes for his mistatements as often as he makes statements. He called RUSSIA "our greatest threat". I can understand why he was successful cheating people out of their money at Bain. He is a serial liar. The planet does not need a serial liar representing the free world.
Romney has the worst kind of a personality for CIC or a leader on the world stage in military affairs and defense. He changes his positions on important policy issues almost daily. He says one thing to one group of people and the complete opposit to someone else. He apologizes for his mistatements as often as he makes statements. He called RUSSIA "our greatest threat". I can understand why he was successful cheating people out of their money at Bain. He is a serial liar. The planet does not need a serial liar representing the free world.

You spelled Obama incorrectly, dumb ass.
Romney has the worst kind of a personality for CIC or a leader on the world stage in military affairs and defense. He changes his positions on important policy issues almost daily. He says one thing to one group of people and the complete opposit to someone else. He apologizes for his mistatements as often as he makes statements. He called RUSSIA "our greatest threat". I can understand why he was successful cheating people out of their money at Bain. He is a serial liar. The planet does not need a serial liar representing the free world.

You spelled Obama incorrectly, dumb ass.

After Mittens loses in November I hope he goes back to stealing the money hard working Americans have set aside for their retirement. Maybe with luck he will gain access to yours and show you personally what he is best at. I hope you will be true to form and support him as much then as you do now.

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