This could be ugly- if you're a snowflake


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Understandably, at this point in time after the 2020 elections, many observers are laser focused on the struggle for the Presidency between the incumbent and the cadaver. Accounts of voter fraud are mildly interesting, but observers are, in my view, missing the larger and far more important story: The race war against Whites has reached a new level, yet many people who shouldn’t be are distracted by the details of day-to-day politics, much to our collective peril. Today I will try to remedy this by using a method falling between essay writing and a video: I will use a photo essay to represent what is being done to the White race in real time. This will be ugly.

In essence, I will use my academic background to show why images are important in a struggle for existence and power, and how those images are used by a certain group to weaken the White race.

Over a decade ago, I began on this site an examination of the changing representations of who we Americans are. As part of that, I introduced academic texts that — to be honest — accurately showed “the deep-rooted stereotypes which have fueled anti-black prejudice” and buttressed White dominance, which is not really surprising given that Whites comprised roughly 90% of America’s population (and all of the elite) for the entirety of European settlement in the lands that were to become The United States. Breathlessly, we read in grad school books such as Ceramic Uncles & Celluloid Mammies: Black Images and Their Influence on Culture and White on Black: Images of Africa and Blacks in Western Popular Culture that dutifully convicted the American majority of racism. In short, all such accounts concluded: “White Man Bad.”

Condition Red: Your Visual Displacement Is Now Complete

This might be a bit over the top- but, it is what it is-
Funny how the pathetic uneducated hicks in this country that believe in some old men in the clouds and and cling to guns get to call anyone else a "Snowflake" when it's us in the streets fighting your fascist police.
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Funny how the pathetic uneducated hicks in this country that believe in some old men in the clouds and and cling to guns get to call anyone else a "Snowflake" when it's us in the streets fighting your fascist police.
Are you talking about yourself? I'm not a "believer", so, your analysis failed from the get-go Karl
Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I give you in the OP, your average Trump supporter. When you boil all the bullshit down and get to the root of why these people worship the ground Trump walks on, you are left with this. The hatred and mistrust of anyone or anything that isn't white, heterosexual, carries a gun, and believes in God. These underlying prejudices have always been there. Trump just came along and made it OK to voice them out loud.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I give you in the OP, your average Trump supporter. When you boil all the bullshit down and get to the root of why these people worship the ground Trump walks on, you are left with this. The hatred and mistrust of anyone or anything that isn't white, heterosexual, carries a gun, and believes in God. These underlying prejudices have always been there. Trump just came along and made it OK to voice them out loud.
Actually that was Barry Soteros who has apparently from his own words always felt inferior because his mamma jacked with a black man and his wifey Michelle who had purposely fueled a race war.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I give you in the OP, your average Trump supporter. When you boil all the bullshit down and get to the root of why these people worship the ground Trump walks on, you are left with this. The hatred and mistrust of anyone or anything that isn't white, heterosexual, carries a gun, and believes in God. These underlying prejudices have always been there. Trump just came along and made it OK to voice them out loud.

Well said ... so many people were shocked in 2016 that the USA is full of racists and sexists ... the hatred just boiled over and it's been nothing but hate hate hate ...

The hatred has always been there ... The Donald just gave everyone permission to express it ... the new KKK ...
Funny how the pathetic uneducated hicks in this country that believe in some old men in the clouds and and cling to guns get to call anyone else a "Snowflake" when it's us in the streets fighting your fascist police.
Most would not have to fight the police if they would follow the law to begin with.
Funny how that works.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I give you in the OP, your average Trump supporter. When you boil all the bullshit down and get to the root of why these people worship the ground Trump walks on, you are left with this. The hatred and mistrust of anyone or anything that isn't white, heterosexual, carries a gun, and believes in God. These underlying prejudices have always been there. Trump just came along and made it OK to voice them out loud.

Well said ... so many people were shocked in 2016 that the USA is full of racists and sexists ... the hatred just boiled over and it's been nothing but hate hate hate ...

The hatred has always been there ... The Donald just gave everyone permission to express it ... the new KKK ...
Keep dreaming snowflake, Democrats just traded their white hoods for black masks. You folks still have a monopoly on hate and intolerance.
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Understandably, at this point in time after the 2020 elections, many observers are laser focused on the struggle for the Presidency between the incumbent and the cadaver. Accounts of voter fraud are mildly interesting, but observers are, in my view, missing the larger and far more important story: The race war against Whites has reached a new level, yet many people who shouldn’t be are distracted by the details of day-to-day politics, much to our collective peril. Today I will try to remedy this by using a method falling between essay writing and a video: I will use a photo essay to represent what is being done to the White race in real time. This will be ugly.

In essence, I will use my academic background to show why images are important in a struggle for existence and power, and how those images are used by a certain group to weaken the White race.

Over a decade ago, I began on this site an examination of the changing representations of who we Americans are. As part of that, I introduced academic texts that — to be honest — accurately showed “the deep-rooted stereotypes which have fueled anti-black prejudice” and buttressed White dominance, which is not really surprising given that Whites comprised roughly 90% of America’s population (and all of the elite) for the entirety of European settlement in the lands that were to become The United States. Breathlessly, we read in grad school books such as Ceramic Uncles & Celluloid Mammies: Black Images and Their Influence on Culture and White on Black: Images of Africa and Blacks in Western Popular Culture that dutifully convicted the American majority of racism. In short, all such accounts concluded: “White Man Bad.”

Condition Red: Your Visual Displacement Is Now Complete

This might be a bit over the top- but, it is what it is-
I’ll rate this one “Thread Of The Year” with ease.
Now watch how fast it’s moved to the dungeon floor as this sort of exposure to reality scares the living shit out of the nutless PC programmed pussies.
Understandably, at this point in time after the 2020 elections, many observers are laser focused on the struggle for the Presidency between the incumbent and the cadaver. Accounts of voter fraud are mildly interesting, but observers are, in my view, missing the larger and far more important story: The race war against Whites has reached a new level, yet many people who shouldn’t be are distracted by the details of day-to-day politics, much to our collective peril. Today I will try to remedy this by using a method falling between essay writing and a video: I will use a photo essay to represent what is being done to the White race in real time. This will be ugly.

In essence, I will use my academic background to show why images are important in a struggle for existence and power, and how those images are used by a certain group to weaken the White race.

Over a decade ago, I began on this site an examination of the changing representations of who we Americans are. As part of that, I introduced academic texts that — to be honest — accurately showed “the deep-rooted stereotypes which have fueled anti-black prejudice” and buttressed White dominance, which is not really surprising given that Whites comprised roughly 90% of America’s population (and all of the elite) for the entirety of European settlement in the lands that were to become The United States. Breathlessly, we read in grad school books such as Ceramic Uncles & Celluloid Mammies: Black Images and Their Influence on Culture and White on Black: Images of Africa and Blacks in Western Popular Culture that dutifully convicted the American majority of racism. In short, all such accounts concluded: “White Man Bad.”

Condition Red: Your Visual Displacement Is Now Complete

This might be a bit over the top- but, it is what it is-

On one hand I see your point; the current prevailing representation of Americans in all forms of mass media as a whole people is ludicrous. But on the other hand, well, I am myself three quarters gleaming "white" and one quarter Native. My wife is one half Irish and the other half Indian. Our children are miraculous amalgamations of the preceding. While I despise on many levels the cultural war deception that racial purity is evil, we ourselves, personally speaking, are far from pure in any racial sense. Thus . . . it's complicated. However, white Americans still need the representation of great heroes in every layer of our civilization.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I give you in the OP, your average Trump supporter. When you boil all the bullshit down and get to the root of why these people worship the ground Trump walks on, you are left with this. The hatred and mistrust of anyone or anything that isn't white, heterosexual, carries a gun, and believes in God. These underlying prejudices have always been there. Trump just came along and made it OK to voice them out loud.
To blanket “all trump supporters” as this or that is beyond ignorant. Since you don’t seem like a total dimwit, I’ll chalk it up to intellectual laziness and a need to feel morally superior. You’re the same guy who bitches when democrats/liberals are called socialists/communists.
this line is precious... “The hatred and mistrust of anyone or anything that isn't white, heterosexual, carries a gun, and believes in God.”
You’re a fool. I’d try and talk sense into you, but it would fall on deaf ears.
The hatred has always been there ... The Donald just gave everyone permission to express it ... the new KKK ...

Only mentally twisted lowlife degenerate snowflakes believe We The People need permission from Father Government to express our opinions and discontent.
But hey stifling freedom of expression is working in the EU why wouldn't it work here?

Not really they are having massive rioting there too.
Keep dreaming snowflake, Democrats just traded their white hoods for black masks. You folks still have a monopoly on hate and intolerance.

I voted for The Donald ... but that doesn't mean I can't laugh at the stupidity coming from the far right ... I'm a white man, police are always deferential to me, judges believe all my testimony, public hearings become silent when I step up to the microphone ... I've lost count the number of times I've been promoted over a more qualified non-white ...

My whole life, I've had privilege thrust upon me solely because of the color of my skin and a ding-a-ling between my legs ... is this the America we want? ... freedom for the few, slavery for the rest? ... how feudal ... do we answer progressives with regression? ...

Phaw ... the far right are total rookies when it comes to making themselves look like idiots ... you will never catch the far left in this ...

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