‭‘‬They’ll freeze Them Out‭’‬:‭ ‬Democrats Fear Senate Republicans Will Block Biden’s Judges


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
‭‘‬They’ll freeze Them Out‭’‬:‭ ‬Democrats Fear Senate Republicans Will Block Biden’s Judges

The corporate Democrats‭’ ‬faux whining about being the‭ “‬minority party‭” ‬is as much bullsh!t as their claims they opposed the impeached president trump’s corrupt regime.‭ ‬As the minority party,‭ ‬a status the corporate Democrats prefer,‭ ‬they can tell the folks back home there is nothing they can do for them,‭ ‬while helping the GOP screw all average Americans.

The corporate Democrats‭’ ‬complaints that AOC and other progressives cost them seats in the House is bullsh!t.‭ ‬Why should anyone vote for a Democrat loyal only to Big Business and the ruling billionaire class,‭ ‬when that person can vote for a Republican and elect a politician that belongs to the political party that invented selling out their constituents...‭ ‬decades ago.

The corporate Democrats in Washington have offered no substantial opposition to the impeached president trump’s destructive agenda,‭ ‬despite their‭ “‬complaints‭”‬.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬Pelosi only initiated impeachment proceedings because she could no longer fend off public public pressure to take action.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬before anything else,‭ ‬she made certain the impeached president trump would be‭ “‬acquitted‭” ‬by the Senate.

The corporate Democrats‭’ ‬enthusiastic support for Republicans‭’ ‬legislative response to the coronavirus crisis did not go unnoticed by the progressives in Congress or average citizens.‭ ‬As usual,‭ ‬when the congressional Republicans included provisions in the bill to let the impeached president trump’s corrupt appointees and the Federal Reserve hand out over‭ ‬$2‭ ‬trillion in government cash to politically connected corporations and their allies with no strings attached,‭ ‬the corporate Democrats rolled over and played dead.

The so-called paycheck protection program‭ (‬PPP‭)‬,‭ ‬were loans designed to help employees of mom-and-pop enterprises throughout the country.‭ ‬New stimulus legislation planned by corporate Democrats in the House,‭ ‬would open up this small business lending program to what they call‭ “‬small nonprofits‭”‬.‭ ‬But the corporate Democrats carefully composed the language in their bill to provide the forgivable loans to industry trade associations.‭ ‬These are the lobby groups that represent the planet’s biggest corporations.‭ ‬In the last two decades,‭ ‬political action committees controlled by these groups have contributed more than‭ ‬$191‭ ‬million of campaign cash to‭ “‬business friendly/anti-worker‭” ‬politicians in both parties.

The corporate Democrats want this bill to send a clear message to Washington power-players,‭ ‬to assure them the money,‭ ‬supposedly meant for workers at neighborhood restaurants,‭ ‬local shops and other mom-and-pop concerns,‭ ‬can easily be stolen by the front groups representing giant drug companies,‭ ‬health insurers and Wall Street firms.

If the legislation passes,‭ ‬it would demonstrate the corporate Democrats‭’ ‬willingness to‭ “‬feed the greed‭" ‬of people and businesses the GOP has served,‭ ‬exclusively,‭ ‬for the past six decades.‭ ‬The corporate Democrats want a‭ “‬piece of the Republicans‭’ ‬action‭”‬,‭ ‬and believe providing this new funding stream for corporate lobbying groups would bolster the very forces that make sure federal policy disempowers workers,‭ ‬maximizes private profit and generally protects the ruling billionaire class.‭ ‬The legislation’s‭ “‬message‭” ‬is also a declaration of the corporate Democrats‭’ “‬values‭”‬ and extremely questionable ethics,‭ ‬which mirror those of the congressional Republicans.

So,‭ ‬the corporate Democrats‭’ ‬faux concern Moscow Mitch will‭ “‬freeze out‭” ‬Biden’s judicial picks,‭ ‬is more of their hypocrisy that they represent the best interests of their constituents.‭ ‬Moscow Mitch’s obstructionism also protects Biden from the progressives‭’ ‬accusations of his next four years of‭ “‬collaboration‭” ‬to help congressional Republicans fvck over‭ ‬330‭ ‬million Americans to protect the fat cats.


They did it to Obama, of course they will do it to Biden.

hurt obama.jpg
The Democrats have made it clear that they hate and loathe Republicans and everything we believe in, why should we cooperate with them on anything?
Not to worry!

If the Pubs hold the Senate (it does not look good for them in Georgia), they will go along with the Dems in order to get along.

Both the Dems & Pubs are part of the D.C. establishment. It's all a game.

In fact, the Pubs may want some "liberal" judges in order to take the steam out of the Dems' proposal to pack the courts.

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