They Don't Stop Barking At Him - A Good Sign!

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
There is speculation in the press that the blind Bulgarian Baba Vanga, known as "the Nostradamus of the Balkans," credited with paranormal powers and the ability to see into the future, apparently foretold that the US president would suffer from "a mysterious illness" which will leave him deaf and with a brain tumor.

Trump's "well-wishers," claim this was an accurate prediction of coronavirus, which the President tested positive for earlier this week.

The media sites the following:
"One fan wrote on Twitter: "I heard of this prediction almost a year ago, I didn't believe it. Now I do!" And if another said: "Trump tested positive for COVID-19, Baba Vanga prediction strikes once more."

This is not the only prediction by Baba that fans claim was accurate.

In a 1989 prediction, she said: "Horror, horror! The American brothers will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. Followers of the blind woman, who died in 1996, believe she also correctly predicted a number of key events in world history, including Brexit and the rise of ISIS.


Baba Vanga has long been gone, as there are no documented confirmations of these prophecies. But the fact that the deceit of the American media, as well as of the fact that the Democratic politicians have no boundaries, has a lot of records.

One can recall the hypocritical statement of Nancy Pelosi that she "was praying for our President every day" during the impeachment.


As always, the corrupt media "forgot" to mention that a number of Baba Vanga's "prophecies" were not confirmed, in particular, that there would be a nuclear war in the years 2010 to 2014, which obviously failed to materialize ...

To all this, I can only answer with the words of an African proverb:


References to predictions are evidence that the potential of lying can be depleted, too...

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