These 5 People Will Get the COVID Vaccine First, Dr. Fauci Says

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015
1. Health care workers

2. People who are high risk

3. Teachers

4. Child care providers

5. People who are deemed important to society

There you go.

90% effective? which means 10% M&M stats? o_O

While i've a 99.99% chance of my own immunological system ousting C19?
oh and, do keep in mind the pharmacabal capped any litigant restitution, because our medical hierarchy assumes more M&M annually that ANY pandemic ever has.....

sorry, i've no reason to cheerlead the very same bureaucratic negligence pushing this vaccine, that created it!

1. Health care workers
View attachment 423820

2. People who are high risk
View attachment 423821

3. Teachers
View attachment 423822

4. Child care providers
View attachment 423823

5. People who are deemed important to society
View attachment 423824

There you go.

Who gets to decide who is important to society? Our government shutdowns have shown government employees and politicians are NOT important nor essential, indeed, we are better off without them.

And why should teachers and child care workers get the vacc first since children are the LOWEST group of people likely to get harmed by it and most schools are closed anyway.
No thanks. Not taking a vaccine for a virus that has a 99.7 recovery rate. BTW, these new vaccines have nanotechnology that has never been used before. The normal time for a vaccine trial is 5-10 years. This one is 9 months for mRNA technology never before used. Not me or my family.

It uses a sequence of genetic RNA materials produced in a lab that, when injected into your body, must invade your cells and hijack your cells’ protein making machinery called ribosomes to produce the viral components that subsequently train your immune system to fight the virus.
No thanks. Not taking a vaccine for a virus that has a 99.7 recovery rate. BTW, these new vaccines have nanotechnology that has never been used before. The normal time for a vaccine trial is 5-10 years. This one is 9 months for mRNA technology never before used. Not me or my family.

It uses a sequence of genetic RNA materials produced in a lab that, when injected into your body, must invade your cells and hijack your cells’ protein making machinery called ribosomes to produce the viral components that subsequently train your immune system to fight the virus.

whoa! o_O ~S~

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