Thermal Imbalance Creating High Latitude Winter Storm Depressions...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
This is how we now know that cooling is happening in earnest. Polar storm depressions are very unusual and haven't been seen since the 1960's. They are back and that should worry a lot a people who are not prepared for winter storms from the 1930's and 1960's.

NHC tracks ‘uncommon' January disturbance in Atlantic (

NHC is tracking a polar low, with very low pressures, that has formed over the ocean. The heat loss above the poles is now creating enough energy imbalance that wintertime lows can generate the same kind of power that summertime hurricanes can. The earth is cooling fast, and we are still being lied to about global warming. Just like Tropical Depressions are spun off the equatorial jet stream, a polar depression is spun off the polar jet stream.
This is how we now know that cooling is happening in earnest. Polar storm depressions are very unusual and haven't been seen since the 1960's. They are back and that should worry a lot a people who are not prepared for winter storms from the 1930's and 1960's.

NHC tracks ‘uncommon' January disturbance in Atlantic (

NHC is tracking a polar low, with very low pressures, that has formed over the ocean. The heat loss above the poles is now creating enough energy imbalance that wintertime lows can generate the same kind of power that summertime hurricanes can. The earth is cooling fast, and we are still being lied to about global warming. Just like Tropical Depressions are spun off the equatorial jet stream, a polar depression is spun off the polar jet stream.
300 miles north of Bermuda is NOT "polar". And, I have to say I find it a bit surprising that a high tech atmospheric physicist would be using MSN as his primary meteorological data source.
300 miles north of Bermuda is NOT "polar". And, I have to say I find it a bit surprising that a high tech atmospheric physicist would be using MSN as his primary meteorological data source.

Could you possibly explain what it is you mean by "thermal imbalance"?



Special Tropical Weather Outlook
NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL
1005 AM EST Mon Jan 16 2023

For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:

Special Tropical Weather Outlook issued to discuss the potential for
subtropical development over the northwest Atlantic.

Northwestern Atlantic:
1. A non-tropical low pressure system centered over the northwestern
Atlantic Ocean about 300 miles north of Bermuda is producing
storm-force winds. Although the cyclone is producing some
thunderstorm activity near the center, it is embedded in a cold air
mass with nearby frontal boundaries. The low is expected to move
northeastward today and northward tonight, bringing the system over
much colder waters and across Atlantic Canada by early Tuesday.
Therefore, it is unlikely that the low will transition to a
subtropical or tropical cyclone. Nevertheless, the system is
expected to remain a strong non-tropical low during the next day or
so, and additional information, including storm-force wind warnings,
can be found in High Seas Forecasts issued by the National Weather

1. No additional Special Tropical Weather Outlooks are scheduled for
this system. Regularly scheduled Tropical Weather Outlooks will
resume on May 15, 2023, while Special Tropical Weather Outlooks will
be issued as necessary during the off-season.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...low...near 0 percent.
* Formation chance through 5 days...low...near 0 percent.

High Seas Forecasts issued by the National Weather Service can be
found under AWIPS header NFDHSFAT1, WMO header FZNT01 KWBC, and
online at

Forecaster Cangialosi
Here is a satellite loop showing the development of that storm. It does not appear to my untrained eye as if it came from the poles but from the mess that California's atmospheric river blew across the country. But, you know, I'm no atmospheric scientist.

This is how we now know that cooling is happening in earnest. Polar storm depressions are very unusual and haven't been seen since the 1960's. They are back and that should worry a lot a people who are not prepared for winter storms from the 1930's and 1960's.

NHC tracks ‘uncommon' January disturbance in Atlantic (

NHC is tracking a polar low, with very low pressures, that has formed over the ocean. The heat loss above the poles is now creating enough energy imbalance that wintertime lows can generate the same kind of power that summertime hurricanes can. The earth is cooling fast, and we are still being lied to about global warming. Just like Tropical Depressions are spun off the equatorial jet stream, a polar depression is spun off the polar jet stream.

You PROMISED me some really cool Florida weather a few years back.......

I refuse to trust your posts again until I get what you promised :auiqs.jpg:
1. A non-tropical low pressure system centered over the northwestern
Atlantic Ocean about 300 miles north of Bermuda is producing
storm-force winds.
You don't read what you post.. They Identify that it was not tropical in orgin. Now what other region has the power imbalance to create it? The polar Jet now has that ability again.
You don't read what you post.. They Identify that it was not tropical in orgin. Now what other region has the power imbalance to create it? The polar Jet now has that ability again.
Non-tropical does not mean polar. Did you look at the satellite loop to which I linked? That weather came across the US from the mid latitudes of the Pacific.
Non-tropical does not mean polar. Did you look at the satellite loop to which I linked? That weather came across the US from the mid latitudes of the Pacific.
Did you follow which Jet was the culprit? Of Course, you didn't... Mid latitudes of the pacific where there was competing position from the polar jet. And the folks from NOAA don't want to admit where the power in the atmosphere is today.
Did you follow which Jet was the culprit? Of Course, you didn't... Mid latitudes of the pacific where there was competing position from the polar jet. And the folks from NOAA don't want to admit where the power in the atmosphere is today.
So you think the world-shaking heat loss in the poles is what drove a storm from the central Pacific to organize into, basically, a short-lived thunderstorm in the mid Atlantic 300 miles north of Bermuda. And this at a point in time when Rossby waves in the western Pacific typically sweep into Oregon, Washington and BC. Pleases show us a real atmospheric physicist - or even a TV weatherman - saying something that would support your contention.
So you think the world-shaking heat loss in the poles is what drove a storm from the central Pacific to organize into, basically, a short-lived thunderstorm in the mid Atlantic 300 miles north of Bermuda. And this at a point in time when Rossby waves in the western Pacific typically sweep into Oregon, Washington and BC. Pleases show us a real atmospheric physicist - or even a TV weatherman - saying something that would support your contention.

Fuck you for being right ... lowest cold-core pressure was recorded just off the Oregon coast Oct 14th 1962 ...

No one is saying the word "subtropical cyclone" ... er ... two words ... that is a distinct structure of a cyclone, and they do form at exactly that position in January ... every ten or twenty years ... perhaps news-worthy but CNN and B'Bob have this blown way out of proportion ... it's not that big of a deal ...

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