There's A Lesson In Th War On Drugs Frm This Case Where Six Cops Got Shot!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
This incident where six police officers were shot in Philadelphia epitomizes our society's ineptness and lack of responsibility and lack of bringing wisdom to bare in dealing with the drug problem devastating America. As the media has uncovered this situation the public learns of the disgraceful failure that went on here what we have is this alleged perpetrator, Maurice Hill, who has been in the drug dealing business for seventeen year (since 2002) he is not a drug addict that was a small time drug dealer to support his habit this guy was a mid-level drug dealer who carved out a section of southwest Philadelphia and held it as his sales territory for drugs and the criminal justice and law enforcement systems knew about this guy and he would be sent to jail for a year or two and in one case four and a half years and come out of jail and go right back into his business of being the drug dealer for this section of southwest Philadelphia and the system just went "oh well" and let him operate. This story of Maurice Hill is America's story of being essentially a total failure on the war on drugs; it is a perfect example of America's overall problem in fighting this war in that America doesn't fight to win the war it fights to have successes in the war, it deems as satisfactory just making a great effort to reduce the drug trafficking that goes on in American it is not vital to essentially shut down this trafficking the American public will be content with displays of effort!

The sad thing is that America could essentially win this war on drugs if they used wisdom and exercised the will to win the war. The Maurice Hill case shows many examples of how wisdom is not being used to fight this war Maurice Hill's last contact with the city's criminal justice system was in 2013 where he was found guilty of perjury and put on probation; I can bet you "dollars to doughnuts" that the Judge that found him guilty and sentenced him and probably not even the Prosecutor trying the case knew that this defendant was a mid-level drug dealer who had a territory in southwest Philadelphia and was drawing young people in the neighborhood into drug trafficking using them as delivery workers for his business, sure they all knew that the defendant sometimes dealt drugs his criminal record history clearly revealed that but simple drug dealers are a dime a dozen the justice system is inundated with people that have delivery drug convictions you can't expect a Judge to send every defendant with such a record to jail because then society is just going to have a lot of prisons filled with drug addicts that is with people that have a disease, a medical condition, which is nonsensical!

The policy change that needs to take place is that the Judges, Probation Officers, Parole Officers, Law Enforcement and Prosecutors have to establish a system that effectively distinguishes between low level drug dealers and the mid and higher level drug dealers ( mid-tier drug dealers), and for the latter group if they return to their drug trafficking business take them off the streets and send them to jail for long stints. For these mid-tier drug dealers when they are placed on probation and parole they have to be assigned to special agents who are given access to law enforcement personnel especially narcotics law enforcement teams who are required to work with them and to inform the agents and gather proof to that end that the defendant has gone back to the drug dealing business and for these recidivist defendants their cases have to be listed for probation and parole violation hearings and where established these defendants have returned as mid-tier drug dealers they need to be sent away to jail. To address the problem of Judges who treat probation sentences as essentially a finality to the case a law needs to be enacted where if the local District Attorney and the local Police Commissioner designate a defendant with a mid-tier drug dealer status the respective Judge and respective parole board have to list the defendant's case for a status hearing every six months where a District Attorney representative and local Police Department representative have to appear and make a representation on whether or not their organization believes the Defendant is back in the drug dealing business and if he or she is they have to present evidence proving that accusation and if it is proven the defendant needs to be sent to jail.

A law also has to be enacted to address jaded Judges that will and do require that if the government wants to claim the defendant is drug dealing again the government needs to arrest him, bring the drug charges and get a conviction on those charges; the law needs to require Judges that put these defendants on probation to monitor the defendant and to examine evidence the defendant is back into this type of crime again and make a determination of whether or not sufficient proof is provided and if there is send the defendant to jail; Judges need to be given this duty to protect society, society shouldn't be required to wait until law enforcement is lucky enough to gather proof of a crime against this defendant for it to be able to be protected - the law should also authorize removal of Judges that will not cooperate here!

The other major flaw that our society exhibits in the war against drugs is it doesn't fully exploit the Achilles heal of these mid-tier drug dealers. Their Achilles heal is that they need guns to be in their business and they need guns close by them to be in their business. They need these guns to protect themselves from being robbed of their drug monies and/or their drugs and also to protect themselves from being shot by a competitor whose intention is to take over their business. What this means is that this level of drug dealer is going to have a gun for these self protection purposes in their "personal" residence. The other important point is that it is a crime for a convicted felon to have possession of a gun. The key point here is that the law should be changed to give probation officers and parole officers and law enforcement officers "for defendants on probation or parole for a felony conviction and/or have a felony conviction in their past" permission to search their persons, personal residences and personal vehicles "at will", no search warrant is needed to do the search; this will trip up a high percentage of mid-tier drug dealers because they will be caught possessing a gun and they will then be convicted of that crime and be given long prison sentences. This policy initiative begs the question what about people's constitutional rights to privacy and protections against searches and seizure that is true people have these rights that is ordinary people have these rights when you're a person on probation or on parole you are not an ordinary person you are person under the jurisdiction of a Criminal Judge you are under a criminal sentence by definition you don't have the full rights to your freedom so society through the law should be able statutorily limit your right to privacy in these areas of your person, personal residence and personal vehicle! - it will provide this great tool to law enforcement! Similarly, the law should be enacted that for these defendants on probation or parole by their being on probation or parole their probation or parole officer and law enforcement officers has authority to subpoena, view and copy any and all their financial records. This would facilitate probation and law enforcement offices subpoenaing the defendants credit card records, residential lease records and car loan records and if it shows the defendant living the high life and only having a minimum wage job he or she works only part-time and unless that defendant has a unique set of facts it will go a long way to proving to a probation judge the defendant is back drug dealing!

It should be super unsettling and unsatisfactory to the American people as a whole the entirety of the government's efforts in the War on Drugs! The America people are definitely losing the War illegal drugs are readily available throughout America; these drugs that enslave people damage and destroy their mental and physical health and often kill them. Our society should implement some of the policy changes outlined above so it will stop fighting this war in a manner analogized as doing so with one arm tied behind one's back!
I'm pretty sure that it's been mentioned more than a couple of times that he should not have been on the street. There were cases that weren't even prosecuted. When that was pointed out, there was a big ol' thing about lack of evidence and being busy. You know, busy with other cases. The whole lets not take gun charges seriously is a problem.
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This incident where six police officers were shot in Philadelphia epitomizes our society's ineptness and lack of responsibility and lack of bringing wisdom to bare in dealing with the drug problem devastating America. As the media has uncovered this situation the public learns of the disgraceful failure that went on here what we have is this alleged perpetrator, Maurice Hill, who has been in the drug dealing business for seventeen year (since 2002) he is not a drug addict that was a small time drug dealer to support his habit this guy was a mid-level drug dealer who carved out a section of southwest Philadelphia and held it as his sales territory for drugs and the criminal justice and law enforcement systems knew about this guy and he would be sent to jail for a year or two and in one case four and a half years and come out of jail and go right back into his business of being the drug dealer for this section of southwest Philadelphia and the system just went "oh well" and let him operate. This story of Maurice Hill is America's story of being essentially a total failure on the war on drugs; it is a perfect example of America's overall problem in fighting this war in that America doesn't fight to win the war it fights to have successes in the war, it deems as satisfactory just making a great effort to reduce the drug trafficking that goes on in American it is not vital to essentially shut down this trafficking the American public will be content with displays of effort!

The sad thing is that America could essentially win this war on drugs if they used wisdom and exercised the will to win the war. The Maurice Hill case shows many examples of how wisdom is not being used to fight this war Maurice Hill's last contact with the city's criminal justice system was in 2013 where he was found guilty of perjury and put on probation; I can bet you "dollars to doughnuts" that the Judge that found him guilty and sentenced him and probably not even the Prosecutor trying the case knew that this defendant was a mid-level drug dealer who had a territory in southwest Philadelphia and was drawing young people in the neighborhood into drug trafficking using them as delivery workers for his business, sure they all knew that the defendant sometimes dealt drugs his criminal record history clearly revealed that but simple drug dealers are a dime a dozen the justice system is inundated with people that have delivery drug convictions you can't expect a Judge to send every defendant with such a record to jail because then society is just going to have a lot of prisons filled with drug addicts that is with people that have a disease, a medical condition, which is nonsensical!

The policy change that needs to take place is that the Judges, Probation Officers, Parole Officers, Law Enforcement and Prosecutors have to establish a system that effectively distinguishes between low level drug dealers and the mid and higher level drug dealers ( mid-tier drug dealers), and for the latter group if they return to their drug trafficking business take them off the streets and send them to jail for long stints. For these mid-tier drug dealers when they are placed on probation and parole they have to be assigned to special agents who are given access to law enforcement personnel especially narcotics law enforcement teams who are required to work with them and to inform the agents and gather proof to that end that the defendant has gone back to the drug dealing business and for these recidivist defendants their cases have to be listed for probation and parole violation hearings and where established these defendants have returned as mid-tier drug dealers they need to be sent away to jail. To address the problem of Judges who treat probation sentences as essentially a finality to the case a law needs to be enacted where if the local District Attorney and the local Police Commissioner designate a defendant with a mid-tier drug dealer status the respective Judge and respective parole board have to list the defendant's case for a status hearing every six months where a District Attorney representative and local Police Department representative have to appear and make a representation on whether or not their organization believes the Defendant is back in the drug dealing business and if he or she is they have to present evidence proving that accusation and if it is proven the defendant needs to be sent to jail.

A law also has to be enacted to address jaded Judges that will and do require that if the government wants to claim the defendant is drug dealing again the government needs to arrest him, bring the drug charges and get a conviction on those charges; the law needs to require Judges that put these defendants on probation to monitor the defendant and to examine evidence the defendant is back into this type of crime again and make a determination of whether or not sufficient proof is provided and if there is send the defendant to jail; Judges need to be given this duty to protect society, society shouldn't be required to wait until law enforcement is lucky enough to gather proof of a crime against this defendant for it to be able to be protected - the law should also authorize removal of Judges that will not cooperate here!

The other major flaw that our society exhibits in the war against drugs is it doesn't fully exploit the Achilles heal of these mid-tier drug dealers. Their Achilles heal is that they need guns to be in their business and they need guns close by them to be in their business. They need these guns to protect themselves from being robbed of their drug monies and/or their drugs and also to protect themselves from being shot by a competitor whose intention is to take over their business. What this means is that this level of drug dealer is going to have a gun for these self protection purposes in their "personal" residence. The other important point is that it is a crime for a convicted felon to have possession of a gun. The key point here is that the law should be changed to give probation officers and parole officers and law enforcement officers "for defendants on probation or parole for a felony conviction and/or have a felony conviction in their past" permission to search their persons, personal residences and personal vehicles "at will", no search warrant is needed to do the search; this will trip up a high percentage of mid-tier drug dealers because they will be caught possessing a gun and they will then be convicted of that crime and be given long prison sentences. This policy initiative begs the question what about people's constitutional rights to privacy and protections against searches and seizure that is true people have these rights that is ordinary people have these rights when you're a person on probation or on parole you are not an ordinary person you are person under the jurisdiction of a Criminal Judge you are under a criminal sentence by definition you don't have the full rights to your freedom so society through the law should be able statutorily limit your right to privacy in these areas of your person, personal residence and personal vehicle! - it will provide this great tool to law enforcement! Similarly, the law should be enacted that for these defendants on probation or parole by their being on probation or parole their probation or parole officer and law enforcement officers has authority to subpoena, view and copy any and all their financial records. This would facilitate probation and law enforcement offices subpoenaing the defendants credit card records, residential lease records and car loan records and if it shows the defendant living the high life and only having a minimum wage job he or she works only part-time and unless that defendant has a unique set of facts it will go a long way to proving to a probation judge the defendant is back drug dealing!

It should be super unsettling and unsatisfactory to the American people as a whole the entirety of the government's efforts in the War on Drugs! The America people are definitely losing the War illegal drugs are readily available throughout America; these drugs that enslave people damage and destroy their mental and physical health and often kill them. Our society should implement some of the policy changes outlined above so it will stop fighting this war in a manner analogized as doing so with one arm tied behind one's back!
Enact a litany of even more laws, or... End the failed war on drugs...? I’ll take ending the war on drugs. A war that the government isn’t actually trying to win anyway. It’s just a useful tool for them to use against fools for the purpose of growing government, and seizing yet more power. And wouldn’t you know it? Just like clockwork; here comes another fool begging them to do just that... What a shocker...
You know, the cheaper option is to legalize the drugs. It puts the dealers and producers out of business in a few years max.
This incident where six police officers were shot in Philadelphia epitomizes our society's ineptness and lack of responsibility and lack of bringing wisdom to bare in dealing with the drug problem devastating America. As the media has uncovered this situation the public learns of the disgraceful failure that went on here what we have is this alleged perpetrator, Maurice Hill, who has been in the drug dealing business for seventeen year (since 2002) he is not a drug addict that was a small time drug dealer to support his habit this guy was a mid-level drug dealer who carved out a section of southwest Philadelphia and held it as his sales territory for drugs and the criminal justice and law enforcement systems knew about this guy and he would be sent to jail for a year or two and in one case four and a half years and come out of jail and go right back into his business of being the drug dealer for this section of southwest Philadelphia and the system just went "oh well" and let him operate. This story of Maurice Hill is America's story of being essentially a total failure on the war on drugs; it is a perfect example of America's overall problem in fighting this war in that America doesn't fight to win the war it fights to have successes in the war, it deems as satisfactory just making a great effort to reduce the drug trafficking that goes on in American it is not vital to essentially shut down this trafficking the American public will be content with displays of effort!

The sad thing is that America could essentially win this war on drugs if they used wisdom and exercised the will to win the war. The Maurice Hill case shows many examples of how wisdom is not being used to fight this war Maurice Hill's last contact with the city's criminal justice system was in 2013 where he was found guilty of perjury and put on probation; I can bet you "dollars to doughnuts" that the Judge that found him guilty and sentenced him and probably not even the Prosecutor trying the case knew that this defendant was a mid-level drug dealer who had a territory in southwest Philadelphia and was drawing young people in the neighborhood into drug trafficking using them as delivery workers for his business, sure they all knew that the defendant sometimes dealt drugs his criminal record history clearly revealed that but simple drug dealers are a dime a dozen the justice system is inundated with people that have delivery drug convictions you can't expect a Judge to send every defendant with such a record to jail because then society is just going to have a lot of prisons filled with drug addicts that is with people that have a disease, a medical condition, which is nonsensical!

The policy change that needs to take place is that the Judges, Probation Officers, Parole Officers, Law Enforcement and Prosecutors have to establish a system that effectively distinguishes between low level drug dealers and the mid and higher level drug dealers ( mid-tier drug dealers), and for the latter group if they return to their drug trafficking business take them off the streets and send them to jail for long stints. For these mid-tier drug dealers when they are placed on probation and parole they have to be assigned to special agents who are given access to law enforcement personnel especially narcotics law enforcement teams who are required to work with them and to inform the agents and gather proof to that end that the defendant has gone back to the drug dealing business and for these recidivist defendants their cases have to be listed for probation and parole violation hearings and where established these defendants have returned as mid-tier drug dealers they need to be sent away to jail. To address the problem of Judges who treat probation sentences as essentially a finality to the case a law needs to be enacted where if the local District Attorney and the local Police Commissioner designate a defendant with a mid-tier drug dealer status the respective Judge and respective parole board have to list the defendant's case for a status hearing every six months where a District Attorney representative and local Police Department representative have to appear and make a representation on whether or not their organization believes the Defendant is back in the drug dealing business and if he or she is they have to present evidence proving that accusation and if it is proven the defendant needs to be sent to jail.

A law also has to be enacted to address jaded Judges that will and do require that if the government wants to claim the defendant is drug dealing again the government needs to arrest him, bring the drug charges and get a conviction on those charges; the law needs to require Judges that put these defendants on probation to monitor the defendant and to examine evidence the defendant is back into this type of crime again and make a determination of whether or not sufficient proof is provided and if there is send the defendant to jail; Judges need to be given this duty to protect society, society shouldn't be required to wait until law enforcement is lucky enough to gather proof of a crime against this defendant for it to be able to be protected - the law should also authorize removal of Judges that will not cooperate here!

The other major flaw that our society exhibits in the war against drugs is it doesn't fully exploit the Achilles heal of these mid-tier drug dealers. Their Achilles heal is that they need guns to be in their business and they need guns close by them to be in their business. They need these guns to protect themselves from being robbed of their drug monies and/or their drugs and also to protect themselves from being shot by a competitor whose intention is to take over their business. What this means is that this level of drug dealer is going to have a gun for these self protection purposes in their "personal" residence. The other important point is that it is a crime for a convicted felon to have possession of a gun. The key point here is that the law should be changed to give probation officers and parole officers and law enforcement officers "for defendants on probation or parole for a felony conviction and/or have a felony conviction in their past" permission to search their persons, personal residences and personal vehicles "at will", no search warrant is needed to do the search; this will trip up a high percentage of mid-tier drug dealers because they will be caught possessing a gun and they will then be convicted of that crime and be given long prison sentences. This policy initiative begs the question what about people's constitutional rights to privacy and protections against searches and seizure that is true people have these rights that is ordinary people have these rights when you're a person on probation or on parole you are not an ordinary person you are person under the jurisdiction of a Criminal Judge you are under a criminal sentence by definition you don't have the full rights to your freedom so society through the law should be able statutorily limit your right to privacy in these areas of your person, personal residence and personal vehicle! - it will provide this great tool to law enforcement! Similarly, the law should be enacted that for these defendants on probation or parole by their being on probation or parole their probation or parole officer and law enforcement officers has authority to subpoena, view and copy any and all their financial records. This would facilitate probation and law enforcement offices subpoenaing the defendants credit card records, residential lease records and car loan records and if it shows the defendant living the high life and only having a minimum wage job he or she works only part-time and unless that defendant has a unique set of facts it will go a long way to proving to a probation judge the defendant is back drug dealing!

It should be super unsettling and unsatisfactory to the American people as a whole the entirety of the government's efforts in the War on Drugs! The America people are definitely losing the War illegal drugs are readily available throughout America; these drugs that enslave people damage and destroy their mental and physical health and often kill them. Our society should implement some of the policy changes outlined above so it will stop fighting this war in a manner analogized as doing so with one arm tied behind one's back!
Well he was a Police rat. He was playing both sides of the street.


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This incident where six police officers were shot in Philadelphia epitomizes our society's ineptness and lack of responsibility and lack of bringing wisdom to bare in dealing with the drug problem devastating America. As the media has uncovered this situation the public learns of the disgraceful failure that went on here what we have is this alleged perpetrator, Maurice Hill, who has been in the drug dealing business for seventeen year (since 2002) he is not a drug addict that was a small time drug dealer to support his habit this guy was a mid-level drug dealer who carved out a section of southwest Philadelphia and held it as his sales territory for drugs and the criminal justice and law enforcement systems knew about this guy and he would be sent to jail for a year or two and in one case four and a half years and come out of jail and go right back into his business of being the drug dealer for this section of southwest Philadelphia and the system just went "oh well" and let him operate. This story of Maurice Hill is America's story of being essentially a total failure on the war on drugs; it is a perfect example of America's overall problem in fighting this war in that America doesn't fight to win the war it fights to have successes in the war, it deems as satisfactory just making a great effort to reduce the drug trafficking that goes on in American it is not vital to essentially shut down this trafficking the American public will be content with displays of effort!

The sad thing is that America could essentially win this war on drugs if they used wisdom and exercised the will to win the war. The Maurice Hill case shows many examples of how wisdom is not being used to fight this war Maurice Hill's last contact with the city's criminal justice system was in 2013 where he was found guilty of perjury and put on probation; I can bet you "dollars to doughnuts" that the Judge that found him guilty and sentenced him and probably not even the Prosecutor trying the case knew that this defendant was a mid-level drug dealer who had a territory in southwest Philadelphia and was drawing young people in the neighborhood into drug trafficking using them as delivery workers for his business, sure they all knew that the defendant sometimes dealt drugs his criminal record history clearly revealed that but simple drug dealers are a dime a dozen the justice system is inundated with people that have delivery drug convictions you can't expect a Judge to send every defendant with such a record to jail because then society is just going to have a lot of prisons filled with drug addicts that is with people that have a disease, a medical condition, which is nonsensical!

The policy change that needs to take place is that the Judges, Probation Officers, Parole Officers, Law Enforcement and Prosecutors have to establish a system that effectively distinguishes between low level drug dealers and the mid and higher level drug dealers ( mid-tier drug dealers), and for the latter group if they return to their drug trafficking business take them off the streets and send them to jail for long stints. For these mid-tier drug dealers when they are placed on probation and parole they have to be assigned to special agents who are given access to law enforcement personnel especially narcotics law enforcement teams who are required to work with them and to inform the agents and gather proof to that end that the defendant has gone back to the drug dealing business and for these recidivist defendants their cases have to be listed for probation and parole violation hearings and where established these defendants have returned as mid-tier drug dealers they need to be sent away to jail. To address the problem of Judges who treat probation sentences as essentially a finality to the case a law needs to be enacted where if the local District Attorney and the local Police Commissioner designate a defendant with a mid-tier drug dealer status the respective Judge and respective parole board have to list the defendant's case for a status hearing every six months where a District Attorney representative and local Police Department representative have to appear and make a representation on whether or not their organization believes the Defendant is back in the drug dealing business and if he or she is they have to present evidence proving that accusation and if it is proven the defendant needs to be sent to jail.

A law also has to be enacted to address jaded Judges that will and do require that if the government wants to claim the defendant is drug dealing again the government needs to arrest him, bring the drug charges and get a conviction on those charges; the law needs to require Judges that put these defendants on probation to monitor the defendant and to examine evidence the defendant is back into this type of crime again and make a determination of whether or not sufficient proof is provided and if there is send the defendant to jail; Judges need to be given this duty to protect society, society shouldn't be required to wait until law enforcement is lucky enough to gather proof of a crime against this defendant for it to be able to be protected - the law should also authorize removal of Judges that will not cooperate here!

The other major flaw that our society exhibits in the war against drugs is it doesn't fully exploit the Achilles heal of these mid-tier drug dealers. Their Achilles heal is that they need guns to be in their business and they need guns close by them to be in their business. They need these guns to protect themselves from being robbed of their drug monies and/or their drugs and also to protect themselves from being shot by a competitor whose intention is to take over their business. What this means is that this level of drug dealer is going to have a gun for these self protection purposes in their "personal" residence. The other important point is that it is a crime for a convicted felon to have possession of a gun. The key point here is that the law should be changed to give probation officers and parole officers and law enforcement officers "for defendants on probation or parole for a felony conviction and/or have a felony conviction in their past" permission to search their persons, personal residences and personal vehicles "at will", no search warrant is needed to do the search; this will trip up a high percentage of mid-tier drug dealers because they will be caught possessing a gun and they will then be convicted of that crime and be given long prison sentences. This policy initiative begs the question what about people's constitutional rights to privacy and protections against searches and seizure that is true people have these rights that is ordinary people have these rights when you're a person on probation or on parole you are not an ordinary person you are person under the jurisdiction of a Criminal Judge you are under a criminal sentence by definition you don't have the full rights to your freedom so society through the law should be able statutorily limit your right to privacy in these areas of your person, personal residence and personal vehicle! - it will provide this great tool to law enforcement! Similarly, the law should be enacted that for these defendants on probation or parole by their being on probation or parole their probation or parole officer and law enforcement officers has authority to subpoena, view and copy any and all their financial records. This would facilitate probation and law enforcement offices subpoenaing the defendants credit card records, residential lease records and car loan records and if it shows the defendant living the high life and only having a minimum wage job he or she works only part-time and unless that defendant has a unique set of facts it will go a long way to proving to a probation judge the defendant is back drug dealing!

It should be super unsettling and unsatisfactory to the American people as a whole the entirety of the government's efforts in the War on Drugs! The America people are definitely losing the War illegal drugs are readily available throughout America; these drugs that enslave people damage and destroy their mental and physical health and often kill them. Our society should implement some of the policy changes outlined above so it will stop fighting this war in a manner analogized as doing so with one arm tied behind one's back!

The idiotic and failed "war on (some) drugs" is emblematic of how you cannot fight a health (both mental and physical) problem with guns and prisons.

Trying to sort out the big time dealers from the day-to-day users is one of the many reasons that alcohol prohibition was a towering failure....The same model won't work for any other drugs.

The idiotic and failed "war on (some) drugs" is emblematic of how you cannot fight a health (both mental and physical) problem with guns and prisons.

Trying to sort out the big time dealers from the day-to-day users is one of the many reasons that alcohol prohibition was a towering failure....The same model won't work for any other drugs.
The fault lies with the lawmakers. Law enforcement doesn't have the laws needed to win the war on drugs.

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