There should be a maximum age for voting and running for office.


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2020
You have to be 35 to run for president and 18 to vote. We all know the reason for that is because a person should have a certain amount of cognitive growth and experience before being allowed to do these things. We all also know that people start to go into serious cognitive decline as they get older. Even the ones that remain sharp are still only a shadow of their former selves.

I think it's ridiculous that most presidential candidates these days are pushing 80 years old. Many of them are also waist-deep in corruption they have been complicit in for decades. I don't think anybody above the retirement age should be able to run for office and I don't think anybody over 80 should be voting at all. These people have little or no stake in the future they're helping to shape anyway.

While I'm bitching about old people I also want to add that I think after 60-70 a person should have to regularly retake a driving test to keep their license. Far too many people are having their lives cut short by some half-blind 90 year old great grandparent high on prescription medication.
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Its not being high on rx meds. Its just flat out lack of capability like they used to have, and more prone to accidents. And yeah...80 year olds do not need to run the country. Get someone 45 to 60.
You have to be 35 to run for president and 18 to vote. We all know the reason for that is because a person should have a certain amount of cognitive growth and experience before being allowed to do these things. We all also know that people start to go into serious cognitive decline as they get older. Even the ones that remain sharp are still only a shadow of their former selves.

I think it's ridiculous that most presidential candidates these days are pushing 80 years old. Many of them are also waist-deep in corruption they have been complicit in for decades. I don't think anybody above the retirement age should be able to run for office and I don't think anybody over 80 should be voting at all. These people have little or no stake in the future they're helping to shape anyway.

While I'm bitching about old people I also want to add that I think after 60-70 a person should have to regularly retake a driving test to keep their license. Far too many people are having their lives cut short by some half-blind 90 year old great grandparent high on prescription medication.
I dunno, I mean arguably those that are young are getting screwed with worst seeing as how their future is being pissed away with massive debt, so why do they not have a voice again? Perhaps parents with children should have a weighted vote.

As for the elderly, we have a more serious problem in the US which is drug use coupled with the IQ of the average Leftist. My grandpa with dementia had more sense than both of them combined.
You have to be 35 to run for president and 18 to vote. We all know the reason for that is because a person should have a certain amount of cognitive growth and experience before being allowed to do these things. We all also know that people start to go into serious cognitive decline as they get older. Even the ones that remain sharp are still only a shadow of their former selves.

I think it's ridiculous that most presidential candidates these days are pushing 80 years old. Many of them are also waist-deep in corruption they have been complicit in for decades. I don't think anybody above the retirement age should be able to run for office and I don't think anybody over 80 should be voting at all. These people have little or no stake in the future they're helping to shape anyway.

While I'm bitching about old people I also want to add that I think after 60-70 a person should have to regularly retake a driving test to keep their license. Far too many people are having their lives cut short by some half-blind 90 year old great grandparent high on prescription medication.
The thread premise is ridiculous.
Are you for Exempting senior citizens from having to pay taxes as well?
Don't be silly. The only people exempt from paying taxes are politicians like Charley Rangel and the corporations that fund them.

Are you new to politics?
Age discrimination is so great isn’t it?

So then in 2024 you will tell Donald Trump he can not run for President because of him being old, right?

Of course not who am I kidding!

As long as the person has the stamina and mental capacity to do the job then let them run...
Age discrimination is so great isn’t it?

So then in 2024 you will tell Donald Trump he can not run for President because of him being old, right?

Of course not who am I kidding!

As long as the person has the stamina and mental capacity to do the job then let them run...
"As long as the person has the stamina and mental capacity to do the job then let them run..." That definitely puts the mentally deficient trump out of the running in 2024. (and 2020, if the truth were known.)

You have to be 35 to run for president and 18 to vote. We all know the reason for that is because a person should have a certain amount of cognitive growth and experience before being allowed to do these things. We all also know that people start to go into serious cognitive decline as they get older. Even the ones that remain sharp are still only a shadow of their former selves.

I think it's ridiculous that most presidential candidates these days are pushing 80 years old. Many of them are also waist-deep in corruption they have been complicit in for decades. I don't think anybody above the retirement age should be able to run for office and I don't think anybody over 80 should be voting at all. These people have little or no stake in the future they're helping to shape anyway.

While I'm bitching about old people I also want to add that I think after 60-70 a person should have to regularly retake a driving test to keep their license. Far too many people are having their lives cut short by some half-blind 90 year old great grandparent high on prescription medication.
This argument always seem to come up, around election time, where seniors who have been around a while, the only thing they vote for is to keep their Social Security coming, while the seniors look at those coming out of high school and think, oh my god, what the hell is the public education system putting out these days. What all of you fail to see, is it isnt the young and old that are the problem, it is the fucking Progressives, who have made the United States into such a "ME FIRST", mentality. Back before FDR and the New Deal, families took care of each other, kept unity and love of this country....When welfare became a thing, families didnt need each other, just Uncle Sugar and that monthly check of other people's money...
Age discrimination is so great isn’t it?

So then in 2024 you will tell Donald Trump he can not run for President because of him being old, right?

Of course not who am I kidding!

As long as the person has the stamina and mental capacity to do the job then let them run...
President Trump wont be allowed to run for a 3rd term, you moron, no worse than that, you slave..
Age discrimination is so great isn’t it?

So then in 2024 you will tell Donald Trump he can not run for President because of him being old, right?

Of course not who am I kidding!

As long as the person has the stamina and mental capacity to do the job then let them run...

I'm not a Trump supporter.
Age discrimination is so great isn’t it?

So then in 2024 you will tell Donald Trump he can not run for President because of him being old, right?

Of course not who am I kidding!

As long as the person has the stamina and mental capacity to do the job then let them run...
Presidents maybe should be younger. It says a lot about the lack of trust with younger people running. The minimum age though was made for the 18th century. Raising it several years in this time period would be prudent. Ted Cruz to me would have been an excellent President. But demographics and voting classes would have made it difficult in 2016. Younger Progs are all the same and some are even now moving to the left of of the left.
Age discrimination is so great isn’t it?

So then in 2024 you will tell Donald Trump he can not run for President because of him being old, right?

Of course not who am I kidding!

As long as the person has the stamina and mental capacity to do the job then let them run...

I'm not a Trump supporter.

It matter not if you are or not and the fact is as long as they have full mental capacity to carry out the Job then they should be able to do it.
Age discrimination is so great isn’t it?

So then in 2024 you will tell Donald Trump he can not run for President because of him being old, right?

Of course not who am I kidding!

As long as the person has the stamina and mental capacity to do the job then let them run...

I'm not a Trump supporter.

It matter not if you are or not and the fact is as long as they have full mental capacity to carry out the Job then they should be able to do it.
Full mental capacity? You just exempted Joe XiBiden....
You have to be 35 to run for president and 18 to vote. We all know the reason for that is because a person should have a certain amount of cognitive growth and experience before being allowed to do these things. We all also know that people start to go into serious cognitive decline as they get older. Even the ones that remain sharp are still only a shadow of their former selves.

I think it's ridiculous that most presidential candidates these days are pushing 80 years old. Many of them are also waist-deep in corruption they have been complicit in for decades. I don't think anybody above the retirement age should be able to run for office and I don't think anybody over 80 should be voting at all. These people have little or no stake in the future they're helping to shape anyway.

While I'm bitching about old people I also want to add that I think after 60-70 a person should have to regularly retake a driving test to keep their license. Far too many people are having their lives cut short by some half-blind 90 year old great grandparent high on prescription medication.
Well since kids aren't considered adults now till they are 26 for insurance purposes---voting age should be raised and minimum IQ levels should required. Those below average iq which roughly half the population shouldn't be allowed to vote.

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