There is no requirement in Islam


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
There is no requirement in Islam for students in school to pray. They are allowed to skip prayers for school.
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There is no requirement in Islam for students in school to prey. They are allowed to skip prayers for school.

Ahh but on the other hand, Muslims are allowed to pray in school, while Christians aren't.
OP, you do realize that "prey" and "pray" are two completely different things, right?
There is no requirement in Islam for students in school to pray. They are allowed to skip prayers for school.
Muslim prayer is a lie. Will truth be found where there are lies? Pray without ceasing. In all things give thanks. Muslims give thanks, when non Muslims die. That is rejoicing in iniquity. I judge rightly. Muslims want to be here to spread Islam, fooling people. They must not be around, period. I told Muslims about Jesus not being a man, having control of when he died. Muslims wanting to linger here means that they have not taken what I said to heart.
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That is false. Muslim children are required to pray at school if prayer is obligatory for them (they're old enough).
That is false. Muslim children are required to pray at school if prayer is obligatory for them (they're old enough).
Wrong there is NO requirement in Islam to pray at school UNLESS it is set up to handle that, meaning in NON Muslim countries NO requirement exists.
Wrong there is NO requirement in Islam to pray at school UNLESS it is set up to handle that, meaning in NON Muslim countries NO requirement exists.
The rules come from Islam, not from schools or any other institution.
I dont go there anymore havent in years.
Alright then I'll prove you wrong.
What is required of the Muslim is to regularly offer the prayers at the proper times, and to keep away from schools that do not allow him to do that, so as to protect his religious commitment, because prayer is the foundation of Islam and anything that distracts from doing it is not permissible.

End quote from Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah, 7/41

Based on that, whoever is able to move to another school where he can pray Zuhr and Jumu‘ah, must do that. Whoever is not able to move should strive to offer Zuhr prayer at the proper time even if he prays on his own; if he is not able to do that, then he may put it together with ‘Asr prayer. The school is preventing them from praying Jumu‘ah and offering other prayers in congregation; what should they do? - Islam Question & Answer

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