There is no pathway to a loss for Trump in November if good real Americans vote like they did in 2016.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
In 2016 30 states and 2,623 counties voted for Trump, a reality show host with no track record or experience in government....By every metric that matters he's done nothing but restore American virtues and improve the quality of life for good real Americans while Mexicrats have become increasingly hostile, corrupt and unAmerican.
Help me reconcile how Trump could possible lose in November.
Please, save us the "POLLS" bullshit.
In 2016 30 states and 2,623 counties voted for Trump, a reality show host with no track record or experience in government....By every metric that matters he's done nothing but restore American virtues and improve the quality of life for good real Americans while Mexicrats have become increasingly hostile, corrupt and unAmerican.
Help me reconcile how Trump could possible lose in November.
Please, save us the "POLLS" bullshit.
Most American voters voted for Hillary in 2016 or is this a 'No True Scotsman' argument and they aren't 'good real' Americans? It wouldn't take many swing state voters to regret their 2016 votes to have the election go to Biden.
In 2016 30 states and 2,623 counties voted for Trump, a reality show host with no track record or experience in government....By every metric that matters he's done nothing but restore American virtues and improve the quality of life for good real Americans while Mexicrats have become increasingly hostile, corrupt and unAmerican.
Help me reconcile how Trump could possible lose in November.
Please, save us the "POLLS" bullshit.
Most American voters voted for Hillary in 2016 or is this a 'No True Scotsman' argument and they aren't 'good real' Americans? It wouldn't take many swing state voters to regret their 2016 votes to have the election go to Biden.

I think we both know the filth in Loon York and Mexifornia voted for Hillary...that's all.
Remember, Trump told wetbacks, pole puffers, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, degenerate lowlifes, feminazis and weirdos to go fuck themselves....He never campaigned in those filth infested shitholes...he knew he couldn't govern for the filth among us and win.
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he's done nothing

Yes. Nothing but be a smarmy, fat, orange fuck up since 2016. You voted for this stupid mental midget because you are indeed a stupid mental midget yourself. I'm here to remind you of this and laugh at you as much as possible. Enjoy your term.

Yes, he's done nothing but "fuck up" for the filthy pieces of shit among us....He was hired to do exactly that.
You filthy twisted bastards got your eight year run of terror with the Super you're done
In 2016 30 states and 2,623 counties voted for Trump, a reality show host with no track record or experience in government....By every metric that matters he's done nothing but restore American virtues and improve the quality of life for good real Americans while Mexicrats have become increasingly hostile, corrupt and unAmerican.
Help me reconcile how Trump could possible lose in November.
Please, save us the "POLLS" bullshit.
You would think so, BL, but your conclusion is based on several assumptions. The one golden rule we can rely upon is that:
  1. The voter is a fickle bitch.
  2. The voter is stupid and uninformed, making him easily influenced and mislead.
So there is no guarantee at all that Trump wins. If we had more intelligent and informed people in this world, not only would it be a better world, we'd likely have better candidates, too.
In 2016 30 states and 2,623 counties voted for Trump, a reality show host with no track record or experience in government....By every metric that matters he's done nothing but restore American virtues and improve the quality of life for good real Americans while Mexicrats have become increasingly hostile, corrupt and unAmerican.
Help me reconcile how Trump could possible lose in November.
Please, save us the "POLLS" bullshit.
Unfortunately for trump, America has had over 3 years of his crap act, and now he has even provoked his followers to favor discounting a huge senior voting block and saying we should have been ready to sacrifice our lives for him if necessary. I doubt if real American vote like they did in 2016 when he had no record in office and had a villain to run against.
he's done nothing

Yes. Nothing but be a smarmy, fat, orange fuck up since 2016. You voted for this stupid mental midget because you are indeed a stupid mental midget yourself. I'm here to remind you of this and laugh at you as much as possible. Enjoy your term.

Yes, he's done nothing but "fuck up" for the filthy pieces of shit among us....He was hired to do exactly that.
You filthy twisted bastards got your eight year run of terror with the Super you're done

Well he certainly emboldens filthy pieces of shit like you, whom he secretly detests, but you're way too obtuse to realize it. Now that the economy is in the toilet (his only possible saving grace) and it's been shown you supporter mouth breathers aren't nearly as smart as you think you are, he's become totally obsolete, thus unnecessary. Nothing but a useless fuck up pretending he's on a WH edition reality show. Way to cast your vote, you Cult45 piles of garbage. Enjoy the coming depression/recession. You bought it.
In 2016 30 states and 2,623 counties voted for Trump, a reality show host with no track record or experience in government....By every metric that matters he's done nothing but restore American virtues and improve the quality of life for good real Americans while Mexicrats have become increasingly hostile, corrupt and unAmerican.
Help me reconcile how Trump could possible lose in November.
Please, save us the "POLLS" bullshit.

Just keep telling yourself that over and over. It'll make it all better. How can Trump lose in November? Simple. People have had enough of his crap. And if those people show up to vote, Trump is gone. He won with a margin of barely 77,000 votes across three key swing states. And that was after a couple of big factors came together to hand him the election. That ain't gonna happen this year.
he's done nothing

Yes. Nothing but be a smarmy, fat, orange fuck up since 2016. You voted for this stupid mental midget because you are indeed a stupid mental midget yourself. I'm here to remind you of this and laugh at you as much as possible. Enjoy your term.

How do you think Hillary Clinton could have done a better job?
In 2016 30 states and 2,623 counties voted for Trump, a reality show host with no track record or experience in government....By every metric that matters he's done nothing but restore American virtues and improve the quality of life for good real Americans while Mexicrats have become increasingly hostile, corrupt and unAmerican.
Help me reconcile how Trump could possible lose in November.
Please, save us the "POLLS" bullshit.
Unfortunately for trump, America has had over 3 years of his crap act, and now he has even provoked his followers to favor discounting a huge senior voting block and saying we should have been ready to sacrifice our lives for him if necessary. I doubt if real American vote like they did in 2016 when he had no record in office and had a villain to run against.

"Crap act"....such as lowest unemployment EVER, lowest UE for blacks ever, record level stock market, rising wages, rising real estate values, command of foreign relations, command of foreign trade, a controlled southern border, restoration of law and order, restoration of patriotism, American pride and nationalism...etc etc....That kind of "crap act"?
In 2016 30 states and 2,623 counties voted for Trump, a reality show host with no track record or experience in government....By every metric that matters he's done nothing but restore American virtues and improve the quality of life for good real Americans while Mexicrats have become increasingly hostile, corrupt and unAmerican.
Help me reconcile how Trump could possible lose in November.
Please, save us the "POLLS" bullshit.

Just keep telling yourself that over and over. It'll make it all better. How can Trump lose in November? Simple. People have had enough of his crap. And if those people show up to vote, Trump is gone. He won with a margin of barely 77,000 votes across three key swing states. And that was after a couple of big factors came together to hand him the election. That ain't gonna happen this year.

"His crap"....such as lowest unemployment EVER, lowest UE for blacks ever, record level stock market, rising wages, rising real estate values, command of foreign relations, command of foreign trade, a controlled southern border, restoration of law and order, restoration of patriotism, American pride and nationalism...etc etc....That kind of "crap"?
we should have been ready to sacrifice our lives for him if necessary

Link us to that quote please TDS'er.
Thanks in advance.
No direct quote. Just his policies of economy over healthcare.
Trump woos older Americans after tossing them aside as collateral damage in his reelection
But older Americans can be forgiven if they're not super excited by the transactional rhetoric of a man who very clearly considers them collateral damage in his reelection. Trump and other Republicans have eagerly prioritized saving the economy over slowing the spread of the virus, which has proven particularly lethal to older people.
In 2016 30 states and 2,623 counties voted for Trump, a reality show host with no track record or experience in government....By every metric that matters he's done nothing but restore American virtues and improve the quality of life for good real Americans while Mexicrats have become increasingly hostile, corrupt and unAmerican.
Help me reconcile how Trump could possible lose in November.
Please, save us the "POLLS" bullshit.

Just keep telling yourself that over and over. It'll make it all better. How can Trump lose in November? Simple. People have had enough of his crap. And if those people show up to vote, Trump is gone. He won with a margin of barely 77,000 votes across three key swing states. And that was after a couple of big factors came together to hand him the election. That ain't gonna happen this year.

"His crap"....such as lowest unemployment EVER, lowest UE for blacks ever, record level stock market, rising wages, rising real estate values, command of foreign relations, command of foreign trade, a controlled southern border, restoration of law and order, restoration of patriotism, American pride and nationalism...etc etc....That kind of "crap"?

Economy and employment were growing already under Barack Obama for years. The rest of your spew is just that...spew. The majority of people in this country are tired of his incompetence and petulance. Only you mouth breathers are still behind him 100%.
Enough with the Clinton whataboutism. It's a lazy argument when you've got nothing profound left to debate. Get some new talking points, as I detest Clinton.

That said, a German Shepard could have done a better job economically, militarily, and diplomatically as president than this useless orange dip shit we were saddled with.
In 2016 30 states and 2,623 counties voted for Trump, a reality show host with no track record or experience in government....By every metric that matters he's done nothing but restore American virtues and improve the quality of life for good real Americans while Mexicrats have become increasingly hostile, corrupt and unAmerican.
Help me reconcile how Trump could possible lose in November.
Please, save us the "POLLS" bullshit.
Unfortunately for trump, America has had over 3 years of his crap act, and now he has even provoked his followers to favor discounting a huge senior voting block and saying we should have been ready to sacrifice our lives for him if necessary. I doubt if real American vote like they did in 2016 when he had no record in office and had a villain to run against.
biden and his chicom pals are also villains ....china is responsible for nearly 100 thousand American deaths ! dems cant run on being tough on china because they arent .
No direct quote. Just his policies of economy over healthcare. total projection on your part.
What's weird is; every elderly person I know has been very outspoken about this bullshit dragging on for far too long. They say "stay in the house if you're scared but let the people get to work."
Enough with the Clinton whataboutism. It's a lazy argument when you've got nothing profound left to debate. Get some new talking points, as I detest Clinton.

That said, a German Shepard could have done a better job economically, militarily, and diplomatically as president than this useless orange dip shit we were saddled with.

The only choices offered were Clinton or Trump. Clinton is a buffoon and the Democrats do not deserve to be counted as Americans since they hate the Constitution with every fiber of their being. That, in no way, means I'm giving the Republicans a free pass. Trump is an ex-Democrat that came to the Republican side to soften them up and help them make that transition to socialism.

Even when Trump was warned by Kamala Harris that if he outlawed bump stocks via Executive Order, the Democrats were going to outlaw so - called "assault weapons" one feature at a time using Trump's precedent. Trump sided against the Constitution and helped the Democrats out. Trump is a temporary window for real Americans to get their excrement together and prepared. Once Trump is gone, there will not be another president of the United States - except in name and the Constitution will be flushed down the toilet and relegated to those "historical documents."

Those who want Freedom and Liberty will be forced to unify, organize and develop a platform for Liberty and Freedom OR be prepared to live like slaves. Right now, my money says that if Biden picks an unknown woman and avoids a debate with Trump, then Trump is a one term president. If anti-white (I want reparations) Stacey Abrams gets picked for Biden's #2 or maybe Kamala Harris, who knowingly sent innocent people to prison during her stint as DA, Biden is toast. If Biden debates Trump and has a few of those brain farts, exposing his senility, even the Dems are going to jump ship.

No matter who wins, if you believe in the Constitution of the United States, the balance of Trump's time is time you have to spend thinking about resistance or capitulation. Here is where the rubber meets the road. If you plan on resisting the NEW WORLD ORDER, you must unify, organize, and prepare for a very hard fight.

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