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The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
There is no mystery about why Stephen Paddock committed a terrorist act, and hate crime.

The Media wants to spin the narrative about gun control, but the Story is MORE LEFTY HATE & MURDEROUS INTOLERANCE.

The same motive was exhibited at the Congressional Baseball Game where only GOP Congressmen were targeted.

Let's not forget that Hillary Clinton paid millions of dollars to have thugs commit violent assaults and riot, commit mass vandalism at Trump Rallies.

Because in Liberal Theology, if you don't agree with a Liberal, you are subhuman and unworthy of life and unworthy of having your views heard.

Do you Lefties think we don't know EXACTLY why this was done?

The TARGET HE CHOSE shows his MOTIVE. The same was true of the Congressional Baseball Shooting.

He chose the largest gathering of "DEPLORABLES" and Red Neck Trump Supporters he could find and then mowed them down.

He sent $100,000 to his Muslim Girlfriend in the Philippines.

He attended Anti-Trump Rallies in Reno and spewed a lot of hateful venom towards The President and his supporters, and procured the overwhelming majority of his firearms after President Trump was elected.

Vegas Shooter Spotted at Anti-Trump Rally [VIDEO]
Footage of Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock at an Anti-Trump Protest? – Dr. Rich Swier

And then there is THE MEDIA who played the same game with the Congressional Baseball game....urging people not to jump to conclusion (i.e. Obama)
Then they gradually swept that story that the shooter was a Leftard Trump the back pages...and instead talked about confiscating guns and more gun control. If The Media even had the smallest hint that Paddock was a Conservative, they would blast that 24-7 on the airwaves, in newspapers, and on every single venue they could find.

But It's JUST A them...... No one believes that. We've seen this song and dance too many times.

Lastly, I never saw someone's Social Media page taken down as fast as this guy's. There was no reason to do that. They could have locked comments on his page, and let THE PEOPLE see what this guy was about, and his girlfriend.

Instead, we are served up another heaping pile of "Mystery" that The Media, and the Left wants us to eat.


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What was the motive again?

Where is any evidence he ever said anything about Trump?
You have so much hate for the democrats you would beleive this..

That is not fucking him you moron..

Yah, his disquise is real clever. Lockheed Martin employee wearing a NASA shirt and PUSSY HAT.
How Clever?

It's not my fault THE LEFT has resorted to political violence and even called for the assasination of Law Enforcement, The President and even go so far as to say that All Conservatives Deserve to be gunned down.

Instead of being in complete denial about The Democrat Party's alliances with Violent groups, like ANTIFA, & BLM, why don't you do something to take back control of your party, and promote American Values, Patriotism and Brotherhood, instead of what you have been doing exemplified by the image below?

Thinking about it all, we have been conditioned to relate terriorist with Islam. Not a racist thing, it’s just that Islam is really the only trying really related to terriorist activity as far as the media gos. We do know the guys motivation here. It was to make as big a mess as possible in as short a time as possible. He forever altered how people will go to concerts or even just walk down the street. Dudes motive was to instille fear and sew division. He was successful.
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