There is No Democratic Plantation


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Modern Republicans in a dishonest revision of history, have tried using the liberal beliefs of the original republican party to make claims to black people. For example they will use black republicans from the past to gaslight blacks to claim that the current republican party is the right choice for blacks. Meanwhile they use the past conservatism of the democratic party to claim that blacks today are being fooled by the democrats. That we are being tricked or given free stuff which creates a dependency that keeps blacks voting democrat against their best interest and that our interest would be better served if we joined the republican party. They use black historical figures as props.


But there is one problem with this. Here are some words from Frederick Douglass:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

You can't name one black republican today who would stand before the nation on the Fourth of July questioning and denouncing Americas continuing problem with race. Why? Because opposition to racism has always been a liberal ideal. Frederick Douglass was a progressive and not a conservative.

White conservatives have always opposed racial equality and have always advanced blacks who did not challenge white supremacy. Still today white conservatives love B.T. Washington. Why?

“There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. ... Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well.”

This is the dumbest opinion of all time. Washington made this comment in 1911, now let's think about what was going on in those times to understand the stupidity of this statement. But whites loved it because Washington was blaming blacks for the problems created by a legalized system of racial oppression. Today this stupidity manifests itself in Larry Elders, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Jessie Peterson, Ben Carson, Nora Wheatley, Starr Parker or Candice Owens.

This is not about opposition to sucessful blacks, because Oprah Winfrey is more successful than all the people in the prior paragraph combined and she is loved and admired. Barack Obama accomplished what no other black in the history of western civilization has and he is loved and admired. So it is apparent why right wing, anti black, white racism validating blacks are despised and it has nothing to do with success or free shit from democrats.

" The plantation metaphor relies on the misperception that most black Americans are living in poverty. This assumption is demonstrably false; the majority of black Americans are not living in crime-ridden communities or suffering from poverty. But there is a reason why this belief exists. Many Americans might know that the majority of blacks are not poor, but the media constantly bombards the public with images of poor black men and women living on the government’s largesse.

In 2016 22% of blacks fell below the poverty line. That’s a troubling statistic given the fact that about 8.8% of whites were living in poverty. However, the fact remains that the rest of black America is not destitute. While black Americans make up a disproportionate percentage of people using welfare programs, the majority are still not reliant on government assistance and for this reason, the slavery metaphor does not work."

Earlier I quoted Booker T. Washington. Some whites love using his words to counter arguments made by blacks today regarding continuing white racism. To reflect our modern reality, I have modified Washington’s comments.

“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti white racism. ... Some of these people do not want whites to lose preference, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of white race-"problem solvers" who don’t want America to get well.”

There is no democratic plantation. We were republicans for 100 years. The party failed us. The following statement pretty much sums it up relative to blacks and our experiences with the major political parties. This is a comment from a man who saw the beginning of the first civil rights movement. A man who saw his parents spit on by whites during the days of Jim Crow.

I don’t say that to take sides with democrats, because I'm old enough and have seen MORE than enough to know that NEITHER political party is truly and collectively concerned about the well being of the black citizens of this country. It was no badge of honor to abolish slavery, or pass the civil rights act, the voting act or to even sign affirmative action into law.

Those were the most basic of human rights as well as rights of a tax paying citizen to be treated equally and fairly, so there is ZERO gratitude owed to either party for those so called "historical moments".

The racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. I will not be writing about the 1860 Democratic Party. I find is sad and pathetic that when we bring our grievance to the table, “conservatives” provide lectures to us on how long ago slavery was. Yet as they pander to get blacks to join the modern republican party, we must remember that it was the democrats who were pro slavery. But as I look back over the years since I cast my first ballot (1980), I see a republican party that holds the same ideology as the 1860 Democrats. This ideology comes complete with a wish to secede, defense of the confederacy and some have gone so far as to wish for or openly discuss the idea of a civil war.
The left continues to hold black citizens in bondage as they continually placate and buy their votes through never ending social engineering and trinkets out of the treasury. Its repulsive but here they are, following up to their past of slavery and segregation and continuing on with their same twisted ideology while desperately projecting and whitewashing history. Its beyond appalling.
Modern Republicans in a dishonest revision of history, have tried using the liberal beliefs of the original republican party to make claims to black people. For example they will use black republicans from the past to gaslight blacks to claim that the current republican party is the right choice for blacks. Meanwhile they use the past conservatism of the democratic party to claim that blacks today are being fooled by the democrats. That we are being tricked or given free stuff which creates a dependency that keeps blacks voting democrat against their best interest and that our interest would be better served if we joined the republican party. They use black historical figures as props.

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But there is one problem with this. Here are some words from Frederick Douglass:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

You can't name one black republican today who would stand before the nation on the Fourth of July questioning and denouncing Americas continuing problem with race. Why? Because opposition to racism has always been a liberal ideal. Frederick Douglass was a progressive and not a conservative.

White conservatives have always opposed racial equality and have always advanced blacks who did not challenge white supremacy. Still today white conservatives love B.T. Washington. Why?

“There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. ... Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well.”

This is the dumbest opinion of all time. Washington made this comment in 1911, now let's think about what was going on in those times to understand the stupidity of this statement. But whites loved it because Washington was blaming blacks for the problems created by a legalized system of racial oppression. Today this stupidity manifests itself in Larry Elders, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Jessie Peterson, Ben Carson, Nora Wheatley, Starr Parker or Candice Owens.

This is not about opposition to sucessful blacks, because Oprah Winfrey is more successful than all the people in the prior paragraph combined and she is loved and admired. Barack Obama accomplished what no other black in the history of western civilization has and he is loved and admired. So it is apparent why right wing, anti black, white racism validating blacks are despised and it has nothing to do with success or free shit from democrats.

" The plantation metaphor relies on the misperception that most black Americans are living in poverty. This assumption is demonstrably false; the majority of black Americans are not living in crime-ridden communities or suffering from poverty. But there is a reason why this belief exists. Many Americans might know that the majority of blacks are not poor, but the media constantly bombards the public with images of poor black men and women living on the government’s largesse.

In 2016 22% of blacks fell below the poverty line. That’s a troubling statistic given the fact that about 8.8% of whites were living in poverty. However, the fact remains that the rest of black America is not destitute. While black Americans make up a disproportionate percentage of people using welfare programs, the majority are still not reliant on government assistance and for this reason, the slavery metaphor does not work."

Earlier I quoted Booker T. Washington. Some whites love using his words to counter arguments made by blacks today regarding continuing white racism. To reflect our modern reality, I have modified Washington’s comments.

“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti white racism. ... Some of these people do not want whites to lose preference, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of white race-"problem solvers" who don’t want America to get well.”

There is no democratic plantation. We were republicans for 100 years. The party failed us. The following statement pretty much sums it up relative to blacks and our experiences with the major political parties. This is a comment from a man who saw the beginning of the first civil rights movement. A man who saw his parents spit on by whites during the days of Jim Crow.

I don’t say that to take sides with democrats, because I'm old enough and have seen MORE than enough to know that NEITHER political party is truly and collectively concerned about the well being of the black citizens of this country. It was no badge of honor to abolish slavery, or pass the civil rights act, the voting act or to even sign affirmative action into law.

Those were the most basic of human rights as well as rights of a tax paying citizen to be treated equally and fairly, so there is ZERO gratitude owed to either party for those so called "historical moments".

The racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. I will not be writing about the 1860 Democratic Party. I find is sad and pathetic that when we bring our grievance to the table, “conservatives” provide lectures to us on how long ago slavery was. Yet as they pander to get blacks to join the modern republican party, we must remember that it was the democrats who were pro slavery. But as I look back over the years since I cast my first ballot (1980), I see a republican party that holds the same ideology as the 1860 Democrats. This ideology comes complete with a wish to secede, defense of the confederacy and some have gone so far as to wish for or openly discuss the idea of a civil war.
You really working hard for that welfare check lol or token
You forgot to quote the great Malcolm X...

“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.”
The left continues to hold black citizens in bondage as they continually placate and buy their votes through never ending social engineering and trinkets out of the treasury. Its repulsive but here they are, following up to their past of slavery and segregation and continuing on with their same twisted ideology while desperately projecting and whitewashing history. Its beyond appalling.

This is spoken by a black conservative.

" The plantation metaphor relies on the misperception that most black Americans are living in poverty. This assumption is demonstrably false; the majority of black Americans are not living in crime-ridden communities or suffering from poverty. But there is a reason why this belief exists. Many Americans might know that the majority of blacks are not poor, but the media constantly bombards the public with images of poor black men and women living on the government’s largesse.

In 2016 22% of blacks fell below the poverty line. That’s a troubling statistic given the fact that about 8.8% of whites were living in poverty. However, the fact remains that the rest of black America is not destitute. While black Americans make up a disproportionate percentage of people using welfare programs, the majority are still not reliant on government assistance and for this reason, the slavery metaphor does not work."

Conservatives, Let’s Stop With The Plantation Talk

So keep being white and lying to yourself.
Modern Republicans in a dishonest revision of history, have tried using the liberal beliefs of the original republican party to make claims to black people. For example they will use black republicans from the past to gaslight blacks to claim that the current republican party is the right choice for blacks. Meanwhile they use the past conservatism of the democratic party to claim that blacks today are being fooled by the democrats. That we are being tricked or given free stuff which creates a dependency that keeps blacks voting democrat against their best interest and that our interest would be better served if we joined the republican party. They use black historical figures as props.

View attachment 391982

But there is one problem with this. Here are some words from Frederick Douglass:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

You can't name one black republican today who would stand before the nation on the Fourth of July questioning and denouncing Americas continuing problem with race. Why? Because opposition to racism has always been a liberal ideal. Frederick Douglass was a progressive and not a conservative.

White conservatives have always opposed racial equality and have always advanced blacks who did not challenge white supremacy. Still today white conservatives love B.T. Washington. Why?

“There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. ... Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well.”

This is the dumbest opinion of all time. Washington made this comment in 1911, now let's think about what was going on in those times to understand the stupidity of this statement. But whites loved it because Washington was blaming blacks for the problems created by a legalized system of racial oppression. Today this stupidity manifests itself in Larry Elders, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Jessie Peterson, Ben Carson, Nora Wheatley, Starr Parker or Candice Owens.

This is not about opposition to sucessful blacks, because Oprah Winfrey is more successful than all the people in the prior paragraph combined and she is loved and admired. Barack Obama accomplished what no other black in the history of western civilization has and he is loved and admired. So it is apparent why right wing, anti black, white racism validating blacks are despised and it has nothing to do with success or free shit from democrats.

" The plantation metaphor relies on the misperception that most black Americans are living in poverty. This assumption is demonstrably false; the majority of black Americans are not living in crime-ridden communities or suffering from poverty. But there is a reason why this belief exists. Many Americans might know that the majority of blacks are not poor, but the media constantly bombards the public with images of poor black men and women living on the government’s largesse.

In 2016 22% of blacks fell below the poverty line. That’s a troubling statistic given the fact that about 8.8% of whites were living in poverty. However, the fact remains that the rest of black America is not destitute. While black Americans make up a disproportionate percentage of people using welfare programs, the majority are still not reliant on government assistance and for this reason, the slavery metaphor does not work."

Earlier I quoted Booker T. Washington. Some whites love using his words to counter arguments made by blacks today regarding continuing white racism. To reflect our modern reality, I have modified Washington’s comments.

“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti white racism. ... Some of these people do not want whites to lose preference, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of white race-"problem solvers" who don’t want America to get well.”

There is no democratic plantation. We were republicans for 100 years. The party failed us. The following statement pretty much sums it up relative to blacks and our experiences with the major political parties. This is a comment from a man who saw the beginning of the first civil rights movement. A man who saw his parents spit on by whites during the days of Jim Crow.

I don’t say that to take sides with democrats, because I'm old enough and have seen MORE than enough to know that NEITHER political party is truly and collectively concerned about the well being of the black citizens of this country. It was no badge of honor to abolish slavery, or pass the civil rights act, the voting act or to even sign affirmative action into law.

Those were the most basic of human rights as well as rights of a tax paying citizen to be treated equally and fairly, so there is ZERO gratitude owed to either party for those so called "historical moments".

The racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. I will not be writing about the 1860 Democratic Party. I find is sad and pathetic that when we bring our grievance to the table, “conservatives” provide lectures to us on how long ago slavery was. Yet as they pander to get blacks to join the modern republican party, we must remember that it was the democrats who were pro slavery. But as I look back over the years since I cast my first ballot (1980), I see a republican party that holds the same ideology as the 1860 Democrats. This ideology comes complete with a wish to secede, defense of the confederacy and some have gone so far as to wish for or openly discuss the idea of a civil war.
You really working hard for that welfare check lol or token

Your sources of income are none of my business.

This is spoken by a black conservative.

" The plantation metaphor relies on the misperception that most black Americans are living in poverty. This assumption is demonstrably false; the majority of black Americans are not living in crime-ridden communities or suffering from poverty. But there is a reason why this belief exists. Many Americans might know that the majority of blacks are not poor, but the media constantly bombards the public with images of poor black men and women living on the government’s largesse.

In 2016 22% of blacks fell below the poverty line. That’s a troubling statistic given the fact that about 8.8% of whites were living in poverty. However, the fact remains that the rest of black America is not destitute. While black Americans make up a disproportionate percentage of people using welfare programs, the majority are still not reliant on government assistance and for this reason, the slavery metaphor does not work."

Conservatives, Let’s Stop With The Plantation Talk
You're one of the hardest workers on the Dem's plantation. They should give you extra rations for that wordy post.

This is spoken by a black conservative.

" The plantation metaphor relies on the misperception that most black Americans are living in poverty. This assumption is demonstrably false; the majority of black Americans are not living in crime-ridden communities or suffering from poverty. But there is a reason why this belief exists. Many Americans might know that the majority of blacks are not poor, but the media constantly bombards the public with images of poor black men and women living on the government’s largesse.

In 2016 22% of blacks fell below the poverty line. That’s a troubling statistic given the fact that about 8.8% of whites were living in poverty. However, the fact remains that the rest of black America is not destitute. While black Americans make up a disproportionate percentage of people using welfare programs, the majority are still not reliant on government assistance and for this reason, the slavery metaphor does not work."

Conservatives, Let’s Stop With The Plantation Talk
The left continues to hold black citizens in bondage as they continually placate and buy their votes through never ending social engineering and trinkets out of the treasury. Its repulsive but here they are, following up to their past of slavery and segregation and continuing on with their same twisted ideology while desperately projecting and whitewashing history. Its beyond appalling.

This is spoken by a black conservative.

" The plantation metaphor relies on the misperception that most black Americans are living in poverty. This assumption is demonstrably false; the majority of black Americans are not living in crime-ridden communities or suffering from poverty. But there is a reason why this belief exists. Many Americans might know that the majority of blacks are not poor, but the media constantly bombards the public with images of poor black men and women living on the government’s largesse.

In 2016 22% of blacks fell below the poverty line. That’s a troubling statistic given the fact that about 8.8% of whites were living in poverty. However, the fact remains that the rest of black America is not destitute. While black Americans make up a disproportionate percentage of people using welfare programs, the majority are still not reliant on government assistance and for this reason, the slavery metaphor does not work."

Conservatives, Let’s Stop With The Plantation Talk

So keep being white and lying to yourself.
Does that mean you're a Candace Owens supporter?
Modern Republicans in a dishonest revision of history, have tried using the liberal beliefs of the original republican party to make claims to black people. For example they will use black republicans from the past to gaslight blacks to claim that the current republican party is the right choice for blacks. Meanwhile they use the past conservatism of the democratic party to claim that blacks today are being fooled by the democrats. That we are being tricked or given free stuff which creates a dependency that keeps blacks voting democrat against their best interest and that our interest would be better served if we joined the republican party. They use black historical figures as props.

View attachment 391982

But there is one problem with this. Here are some words from Frederick Douglass:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

You can't name one black republican today who would stand before the nation on the Fourth of July questioning and denouncing Americas continuing problem with race. Why? Because opposition to racism has always been a liberal ideal. Frederick Douglass was a progressive and not a conservative.

White conservatives have always opposed racial equality and have always advanced blacks who did not challenge white supremacy. Still today white conservatives love B.T. Washington. Why?

“There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. ... Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well.”

This is the dumbest opinion of all time. Washington made this comment in 1911, now let's think about what was going on in those times to understand the stupidity of this statement. But whites loved it because Washington was blaming blacks for the problems created by a legalized system of racial oppression. Today this stupidity manifests itself in Larry Elders, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Jessie Peterson, Ben Carson, Nora Wheatley, Starr Parker or Candice Owens.

This is not about opposition to sucessful blacks, because Oprah Winfrey is more successful than all the people in the prior paragraph combined and she is loved and admired. Barack Obama accomplished what no other black in the history of western civilization has and he is loved and admired. So it is apparent why right wing, anti black, white racism validating blacks are despised and it has nothing to do with success or free shit from democrats.

" The plantation metaphor relies on the misperception that most black Americans are living in poverty. This assumption is demonstrably false; the majority of black Americans are not living in crime-ridden communities or suffering from poverty. But there is a reason why this belief exists. Many Americans might know that the majority of blacks are not poor, but the media constantly bombards the public with images of poor black men and women living on the government’s largesse.

In 2016 22% of blacks fell below the poverty line. That’s a troubling statistic given the fact that about 8.8% of whites were living in poverty. However, the fact remains that the rest of black America is not destitute. While black Americans make up a disproportionate percentage of people using welfare programs, the majority are still not reliant on government assistance and for this reason, the slavery metaphor does not work."

Earlier I quoted Booker T. Washington. Some whites love using his words to counter arguments made by blacks today regarding continuing white racism. To reflect our modern reality, I have modified Washington’s comments.

“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti white racism. ... Some of these people do not want whites to lose preference, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of white race-"problem solvers" who don’t want America to get well.”

There is no democratic plantation. We were republicans for 100 years. The party failed us. The following statement pretty much sums it up relative to blacks and our experiences with the major political parties. This is a comment from a man who saw the beginning of the first civil rights movement. A man who saw his parents spit on by whites during the days of Jim Crow.

I don’t say that to take sides with democrats, because I'm old enough and have seen MORE than enough to know that NEITHER political party is truly and collectively concerned about the well being of the black citizens of this country. It was no badge of honor to abolish slavery, or pass the civil rights act, the voting act or to even sign affirmative action into law.

Those were the most basic of human rights as well as rights of a tax paying citizen to be treated equally and fairly, so there is ZERO gratitude owed to either party for those so called "historical moments".

The racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. I will not be writing about the 1860 Democratic Party. I find is sad and pathetic that when we bring our grievance to the table, “conservatives” provide lectures to us on how long ago slavery was. Yet as they pander to get blacks to join the modern republican party, we must remember that it was the democrats who were pro slavery. But as I look back over the years since I cast my first ballot (1980), I see a republican party that holds the same ideology as the 1860 Democrats. This ideology comes complete with a wish to secede, defense of the confederacy and some have gone so far as to wish for or openly discuss the idea of a civil war.
Hopefully you’re a smart enough liberal to know these bozos on here are going to take your well thought out and nicely cited post and simply call you names before degrading into racist claims. Good luck, I loved the post!
  • Thanks
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Modern Republicans in a dishonest revision of history, have tried using the liberal beliefs of the original republican party to make claims to black people. For example they will use black republicans from the past to gaslight blacks to claim that the current republican party is the right choice for blacks. Meanwhile they use the past conservatism of the democratic party to claim that blacks today are being fooled by the democrats. That we are being tricked or given free stuff which creates a dependency that keeps blacks voting democrat against their best interest and that our interest would be better served if we joined the republican party. They use black historical figures as props.

View attachment 391982

But there is one problem with this. Here are some words from Frederick Douglass:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

You can't name one black republican today who would stand before the nation on the Fourth of July questioning and denouncing Americas continuing problem with race. Why? Because opposition to racism has always been a liberal ideal. Frederick Douglass was a progressive and not a conservative.

White conservatives have always opposed racial equality and have always advanced blacks who did not challenge white supremacy. Still today white conservatives love B.T. Washington. Why?

“There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. ... Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well.”

This is the dumbest opinion of all time. Washington made this comment in 1911, now let's think about what was going on in those times to understand the stupidity of this statement. But whites loved it because Washington was blaming blacks for the problems created by a legalized system of racial oppression. Today this stupidity manifests itself in Larry Elders, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Jessie Peterson, Ben Carson, Nora Wheatley, Starr Parker or Candice Owens.

This is not about opposition to sucessful blacks, because Oprah Winfrey is more successful than all the people in the prior paragraph combined and she is loved and admired. Barack Obama accomplished what no other black in the history of western civilization has and he is loved and admired. So it is apparent why right wing, anti black, white racism validating blacks are despised and it has nothing to do with success or free shit from democrats.

" The plantation metaphor relies on the misperception that most black Americans are living in poverty. This assumption is demonstrably false; the majority of black Americans are not living in crime-ridden communities or suffering from poverty. But there is a reason why this belief exists. Many Americans might know that the majority of blacks are not poor, but the media constantly bombards the public with images of poor black men and women living on the government’s largesse.

In 2016 22% of blacks fell below the poverty line. That’s a troubling statistic given the fact that about 8.8% of whites were living in poverty. However, the fact remains that the rest of black America is not destitute. While black Americans make up a disproportionate percentage of people using welfare programs, the majority are still not reliant on government assistance and for this reason, the slavery metaphor does not work."

Earlier I quoted Booker T. Washington. Some whites love using his words to counter arguments made by blacks today regarding continuing white racism. To reflect our modern reality, I have modified Washington’s comments.

“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti white racism. ... Some of these people do not want whites to lose preference, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of white race-"problem solvers" who don’t want America to get well.”

There is no democratic plantation. We were republicans for 100 years. The party failed us. The following statement pretty much sums it up relative to blacks and our experiences with the major political parties. This is a comment from a man who saw the beginning of the first civil rights movement. A man who saw his parents spit on by whites during the days of Jim Crow.

I don’t say that to take sides with democrats, because I'm old enough and have seen MORE than enough to know that NEITHER political party is truly and collectively concerned about the well being of the black citizens of this country. It was no badge of honor to abolish slavery, or pass the civil rights act, the voting act or to even sign affirmative action into law.

Those were the most basic of human rights as well as rights of a tax paying citizen to be treated equally and fairly, so there is ZERO gratitude owed to either party for those so called "historical moments".

The racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. I will not be writing about the 1860 Democratic Party. I find is sad and pathetic that when we bring our grievance to the table, “conservatives” provide lectures to us on how long ago slavery was. Yet as they pander to get blacks to join the modern republican party, we must remember that it was the democrats who were pro slavery. But as I look back over the years since I cast my first ballot (1980), I see a republican party that holds the same ideology as the 1860 Democrats. This ideology comes complete with a wish to secede, defense of the confederacy and some have gone so far as to wish for or openly discuss the idea of a civil war.
Sorry, I dont read books
There is no such plantation and let me quote Malcolm X since I forgot.

View attachment 391996

On the plantation, you are completely dependent of those Democrats for your sustenance. They like keeping you reliant on them, yet they offer you very little in return if you think about it.

It's pretty obvious that if those Democrats have done so much for you, race wouldn't be such an issue with you. But they haven't. The Democrats have kept you poor, angry, and divided among yourselves. They've had a long history of telling you that if you vote for them, you'll no longer be poor, angry, and divided. But they always fail to deliver on their promises.
Modern Republicans in a dishonest revision of history, have tried using the liberal beliefs of the original republican party to make claims to black people. For example they will use black republicans from the past to gaslight blacks to claim that the current republican party is the right choice for blacks. Meanwhile they use the past conservatism of the democratic party to claim that blacks today are being fooled by the democrats. That we are being tricked or given free stuff which creates a dependency that keeps blacks voting democrat against their best interest and that our interest would be better served if we joined the republican party. They use black historical figures as props.

View attachment 391982

But there is one problem with this. Here are some words from Frederick Douglass:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

You can't name one black republican today who would stand before the nation on the Fourth of July questioning and denouncing Americas continuing problem with race. Why? Because opposition to racism has always been a liberal ideal. Frederick Douglass was a progressive and not a conservative.

White conservatives have always opposed racial equality and have always advanced blacks who did not challenge white supremacy. Still today white conservatives love B.T. Washington. Why?

“There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. ... Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well.”

This is the dumbest opinion of all time. Washington made this comment in 1911, now let's think about what was going on in those times to understand the stupidity of this statement. But whites loved it because Washington was blaming blacks for the problems created by a legalized system of racial oppression. Today this stupidity manifests itself in Larry Elders, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Jessie Peterson, Ben Carson, Nora Wheatley, Starr Parker or Candice Owens.

This is not about opposition to sucessful blacks, because Oprah Winfrey is more successful than all the people in the prior paragraph combined and she is loved and admired. Barack Obama accomplished what no other black in the history of western civilization has and he is loved and admired. So it is apparent why right wing, anti black, white racism validating blacks are despised and it has nothing to do with success or free shit from democrats.

" The plantation metaphor relies on the misperception that most black Americans are living in poverty. This assumption is demonstrably false; the majority of black Americans are not living in crime-ridden communities or suffering from poverty. But there is a reason why this belief exists. Many Americans might know that the majority of blacks are not poor, but the media constantly bombards the public with images of poor black men and women living on the government’s largesse.

In 2016 22% of blacks fell below the poverty line. That’s a troubling statistic given the fact that about 8.8% of whites were living in poverty. However, the fact remains that the rest of black America is not destitute. While black Americans make up a disproportionate percentage of people using welfare programs, the majority are still not reliant on government assistance and for this reason, the slavery metaphor does not work."

Earlier I quoted Booker T. Washington. Some whites love using his words to counter arguments made by blacks today regarding continuing white racism. To reflect our modern reality, I have modified Washington’s comments.

“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti white racism. ... Some of these people do not want whites to lose preference, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of white race-"problem solvers" who don’t want America to get well.”

There is no democratic plantation. We were republicans for 100 years. The party failed us. The following statement pretty much sums it up relative to blacks and our experiences with the major political parties. This is a comment from a man who saw the beginning of the first civil rights movement. A man who saw his parents spit on by whites during the days of Jim Crow.

I don’t say that to take sides with democrats, because I'm old enough and have seen MORE than enough to know that NEITHER political party is truly and collectively concerned about the well being of the black citizens of this country. It was no badge of honor to abolish slavery, or pass the civil rights act, the voting act or to even sign affirmative action into law.

Those were the most basic of human rights as well as rights of a tax paying citizen to be treated equally and fairly, so there is ZERO gratitude owed to either party for those so called "historical moments".

The racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. I will not be writing about the 1860 Democratic Party. I find is sad and pathetic that when we bring our grievance to the table, “conservatives” provide lectures to us on how long ago slavery was. Yet as they pander to get blacks to join the modern republican party, we must remember that it was the democrats who were pro slavery. But as I look back over the years since I cast my first ballot (1980), I see a republican party that holds the same ideology as the 1860 Democrats. This ideology comes complete with a wish to secede, defense of the confederacy and some have gone so far as to wish for or openly discuss the idea of a civil war.
You really working hard for that welfare check lol or token

Your sources of income are none of my business.

This is spoken by a black conservative.

" The plantation metaphor relies on the misperception that most black Americans are living in poverty. This assumption is demonstrably false; the majority of black Americans are not living in crime-ridden communities or suffering from poverty. But there is a reason why this belief exists. Many Americans might know that the majority of blacks are not poor, but the media constantly bombards the public with images of poor black men and women living on the government’s largesse.

In 2016 22% of blacks fell below the poverty line. That’s a troubling statistic given the fact that about 8.8% of whites were living in poverty. However, the fact remains that the rest of black America is not destitute. While black Americans make up a disproportionate percentage of people using welfare programs, the majority are still not reliant on government assistance and for this reason, the slavery metaphor does not work."

Conservatives, Let’s Stop With The Plantation Talk
I been in the black community for 40 years, I see what’s going on. And it’s not freedom
Modern Republicans in a dishonest revision of history, have tried using the liberal beliefs of the original republican party to make claims to black people. For example they will use black republicans from the past to gaslight blacks to claim that the current republican party is the right choice for blacks. Meanwhile they use the past conservatism of the democratic party to claim that blacks today are being fooled by the democrats. That we are being tricked or given free stuff which creates a dependency that keeps blacks voting democrat against their best interest and that our interest would be better served if we joined the republican party. They use black historical figures as props.

View attachment 391982

But there is one problem with this. Here are some words from Frederick Douglass:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

You can't name one black republican today who would stand before the nation on the Fourth of July questioning and denouncing Americas continuing problem with race. Why? Because opposition to racism has always been a liberal ideal. Frederick Douglass was a progressive and not a conservative.

White conservatives have always opposed racial equality and have always advanced blacks who did not challenge white supremacy. Still today white conservatives love B.T. Washington. Why?

“There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. ... Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well.”

This is the dumbest opinion of all time. Washington made this comment in 1911, now let's think about what was going on in those times to understand the stupidity of this statement. But whites loved it because Washington was blaming blacks for the problems created by a legalized system of racial oppression. Today this stupidity manifests itself in Larry Elders, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Jessie Peterson, Ben Carson, Nora Wheatley, Starr Parker or Candice Owens.

This is not about opposition to sucessful blacks, because Oprah Winfrey is more successful than all the people in the prior paragraph combined and she is loved and admired. Barack Obama accomplished what no other black in the history of western civilization has and he is loved and admired. So it is apparent why right wing, anti black, white racism validating blacks are despised and it has nothing to do with success or free shit from democrats.

" The plantation metaphor relies on the misperception that most black Americans are living in poverty. This assumption is demonstrably false; the majority of black Americans are not living in crime-ridden communities or suffering from poverty. But there is a reason why this belief exists. Many Americans might know that the majority of blacks are not poor, but the media constantly bombards the public with images of poor black men and women living on the government’s largesse.

In 2016 22% of blacks fell below the poverty line. That’s a troubling statistic given the fact that about 8.8% of whites were living in poverty. However, the fact remains that the rest of black America is not destitute. While black Americans make up a disproportionate percentage of people using welfare programs, the majority are still not reliant on government assistance and for this reason, the slavery metaphor does not work."

Earlier I quoted Booker T. Washington. Some whites love using his words to counter arguments made by blacks today regarding continuing white racism. To reflect our modern reality, I have modified Washington’s comments.

“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti white racism. ... Some of these people do not want whites to lose preference, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of white race-"problem solvers" who don’t want America to get well.”

There is no democratic plantation. We were republicans for 100 years. The party failed us. The following statement pretty much sums it up relative to blacks and our experiences with the major political parties. This is a comment from a man who saw the beginning of the first civil rights movement. A man who saw his parents spit on by whites during the days of Jim Crow.

I don’t say that to take sides with democrats, because I'm old enough and have seen MORE than enough to know that NEITHER political party is truly and collectively concerned about the well being of the black citizens of this country. It was no badge of honor to abolish slavery, or pass the civil rights act, the voting act or to even sign affirmative action into law.

Those were the most basic of human rights as well as rights of a tax paying citizen to be treated equally and fairly, so there is ZERO gratitude owed to either party for those so called "historical moments".

The racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. I will not be writing about the 1860 Democratic Party. I find is sad and pathetic that when we bring our grievance to the table, “conservatives” provide lectures to us on how long ago slavery was. Yet as they pander to get blacks to join the modern republican party, we must remember that it was the democrats who were pro slavery. But as I look back over the years since I cast my first ballot (1980), I see a republican party that holds the same ideology as the 1860 Democrats. This ideology comes complete with a wish to secede, defense of the confederacy and some have gone so far as to wish for or openly discuss the idea of a civil war.
When you win everything you will condemn the youngest ones to impoverishment and economic slavery. Ain't nobody working in a group going to excel while others are bums doing the same thing and taxed at 70%.
Simple question for you, IM2...has liberal Democratic control been a good thing or a bad thing for blacks living in American urban settings?
If you claim it's been a good thing...then explain Chicago and New York...
The fact is...liberals have used the black vote for decades to keep themselves in power while their policies have made life worse for blacks living in our cities. Do you honestly think Bill De Blasio is good for blacks in New York? His policies are literally killing them by the thousands!
All one needs to do is look at the black community 40 years ago and look at it now after the progs have "helped "them for those 40 years.

In 1959, blacks had a 55 percent rate of poverty. In 1975, poverty for Blacks was 31.3 percent. In 2016, blacks had a 22 percent rate of poverty. Black poverty has been cut in more than half by prog policies and the reason why most blacks don't vote republicans is that your policies are regressive.

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