The Woke Empire striking back...they hate the most successful Star Wars effort, and want to destroy the hero...cause he's a white guy....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Spoilers....but you have to be living in a cave not to know them already....

The big ending for this season of the Mandalorian t.v. show? Luke Skywalker in a very impressive Jedi moment...

And left wing, Woke, SJWs hated it with the fury of a thousand tornadoes.....and they plan on doing something about it...

Those showrunners, Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni, have made their series,The Mandalorian, the highest-rated Star Wars fare ever.

According to IMDB, The Mandalorianā€™s 16th episode, ā€œThe Rescue,ā€ rates 9.9 with viewers. Such a rating beats out The Empire Strikes Back (8.7) and destroys every episode in the sequel trilogy: The Force Awakens rates a generous 7.9, while The Last Jedi grabs 7.0. The Rise of Skywalker only rates a paltry 6.6.

Fans have largely turned against all three of the sequel trilogy films over their incoherent storylines, overreliance on nostalgia, and their ill treatment of series heroes and villains from the original trilogy. Some OG fans want the whole sequel trilogy retconned out of canon. To borrow canon from another movie franchise, Iā€™d nuke them from orbit. Itā€™s the only way to be sure.
But according to Pirates and Princesses, the woke empire is unhappy and itā€™s plotting to strike back.

Behind the scenes, large swaths of Kathleen Kennedy loyalists are messaging back and forth about their disdain for Luke Skywalker ā€“ a Caucasian male ā€“ being brought back in any valiant form. In fact, Iā€™m even told that individuals at Lucasfilm have been reading articles here on Pirates and Princesses, as well as watching videos on Clownfish TV, and are now actively planning on how they can roadblock the retcon attempts of Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau to make Luke Skywalker a hero once more.
P&P points to a recent episode on social media, in which Pablo Hidalgo, who is on the Disney/Lucasfilm committee thatā€™s in charge of Star Wars story and canon, lashed out at a Star Wars fan for his deep and positive reaction to Lukeā€™s return.

Spoilers....but you have to be living in a cave not to know them already....

The big ending for this season of the Mandalorian t.v. show? Luke Skywalker in a very impressive Jedi moment...

And left wing, Woke, SJWs hated it with the fury of a thousand tornadoes.....and they plan on doing something about it...

a Democrat, who spoke forcefully against secession in his home base of Tennessee

To know what?? That Trump is Jar Jar Binks..Meesa say there was much FRAUD!!
Spoilers....but you have to be living in a cave not to know them already....

The big ending for this season of the Mandalorian t.v. show? Luke Skywalker in a very impressive Jedi moment...

And left wing, Woke, SJWs hated it with the fury of a thousand tornadoes.....and they plan on doing something about it...

a Democrat, who spoke forcefully against secession in his home base of Tennessee

To know what?? That Trump is Jar Jar Binks..Meesa say there was much FRAUD!!

Do the Chinese know you are wasting your time on a Star Wars thread instead of defending China?
Spoilers....but you have to be living in a cave not to know them already....

The big ending for this season of the Mandalorian t.v. show? Luke Skywalker in a very impressive Jedi moment...

And left wing, Woke, SJWs hated it with the fury of a thousand tornadoes.....and they plan on doing something about it...

Those showrunners, Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni, have made their series,The Mandalorian, the highest-rated Star Wars fare ever.

According to IMDB, The Mandalorianā€™s 16th episode, ā€œThe Rescue,ā€ rates 9.9 with viewers. Such a rating beats out The Empire Strikes Back (8.7) and destroys every episode in the sequel trilogy: The Force Awakens rates a generous 7.9, while The Last Jedi grabs 7.0. The Rise of Skywalker only rates a paltry 6.6.

Fans have largely turned against all three of the sequel trilogy films over their incoherent storylines, overreliance on nostalgia, and their ill treatment of series heroes and villains from the original trilogy. Some OG fans want the whole sequel trilogy retconned out of canon. To borrow canon from another movie franchise, Iā€™d nuke them from orbit. Itā€™s the only way to be sure.
But according to Pirates and Princesses, the woke empire is unhappy and itā€™s plotting to strike back.

Behind the scenes, large swaths of Kathleen Kennedy loyalists are messaging back and forth about their disdain for Luke Skywalker ā€“ a Caucasian male ā€“ being brought back in any valiant form. In fact, Iā€™m even told that individuals at Lucasfilm have been reading articles here on Pirates and Princesses, as well as watching videos on Clownfish TV, and are now actively planning on how they can roadblock the retcon attempts of Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau to make Luke Skywalker a hero once more.
P&P points to a recent episode on social media, in which Pablo Hidalgo, who is on the Disney/Lucasfilm committee thatā€™s in charge of Star Wars story and canon, lashed out at a Star Wars fan for his deep and positive reaction to Lukeā€™s return.

You have to watch anything from ClownfishTV, because they are a pair of ex-Disney Employees who will basically amplify any anti-Disney rumor.

So essentially little Grogu went to learn from Luke, and we all know what happened to Luke's students, OH MY GOD, HE'S GOING TO GET KILLED BY KYLO REN!!!!
Spoilers....but you have to be living in a cave not to know them already....

The big ending for this season of the Mandalorian t.v. show? Luke Skywalker in a very impressive Jedi moment...

And left wing, Woke, SJWs hated it with the fury of a thousand tornadoes.....and they plan on doing something about it...

a Democrat, who spoke forcefully against secession in his home base of Tennessee

To know what?? That Trump is Jar Jar Binks..Meesa say there was much FRAUD!!

Do the Chinese know you are wasting your time on a Star Wars thread instead of defending China?

Feel free to sink down into whatever alt-right excuses you think are appropriate Captain Cherry Picker.
C'mon. Show me you are worthy of that gun you claim to cherish. Show me you can think for yourself.
Can you give the current occupant of the WH any criticism for his failures?...or are you just gonna fall back
on the fact that so many of you just and righteous white people voted for him that he COULD NOT HAVE LOST!!
Spoilers....but you have to be living in a cave not to know them already....

The big ending for this season of the Mandalorian t.v. show? Luke Skywalker in a very impressive Jedi moment...

And left wing, Woke, SJWs hated it with the fury of a thousand tornadoes.....and they plan on doing something about it...

a Democrat, who spoke forcefully against secession in his home base of Tennessee

To know what?? That Trump is Jar Jar Binks..Meesa say there was much FRAUD!!

Do the Chinese know you are wasting your time on a Star Wars thread instead of defending China?

Feel free to sink down into whatever alt-right excuses you think are appropriate Captain Cherry Picker.
C'mon. Show me you are worthy of that gun you claim to cherish. Show me you can think for yourself.
Can you give the current occupant of the WH any criticism for his failures?...or are you just gonna fall back
on the fact that so many of you just and righteous white people voted for him that he COULD NOT HAVE LOST!!

Dipshit....this is a thread about Star Wars and Woke leftist being pissed off that Favreau brought him back...after they spent 3 movies trying to wreck the first 3 movies...

If your Chinese masters don't care about you posting about Star Wars instead of posting about how wonderful China is, you should talk about Star Wars........
Spoilers....but you have to be living in a cave not to know them already....

The big ending for this season of the Mandalorian t.v. show? Luke Skywalker in a very impressive Jedi moment...

And left wing, Woke, SJWs hated it with the fury of a thousand tornadoes.....and they plan on doing something about it...

a Democrat, who spoke forcefully against secession in his home base of Tennessee

To know what?? That Trump is Jar Jar Binks..Meesa say there was much FRAUD!!

Do the Chinese know you are wasting your time on a Star Wars thread instead of defending China?

Feel free to sink down into whatever alt-right excuses you think are appropriate Captain Cherry Picker.
C'mon. Show me you are worthy of that gun you claim to cherish. Show me you can think for yourself.
Can you give the current occupant of the WH any criticism for his failures?...or are you just gonna fall back
on the fact that so many of you just and righteous white people voted for him that he COULD NOT HAVE LOST!!

Dipshit....this is a thread about Star Wars and Woke leftist being pissed off that Favreau brought him back...after they spent 3 movies trying to wreck the first 3 movies...

If your Chinese masters don't care about you posting about Star Wars instead of posting about how wonderful China is, you should talk about Star Wars........

What does China have to do with shitty writing and making Luke Skywalker into a whiny little bitch who sounds like your average Trump supporter screaming about election fraud??? LOL.
Dipshit....this is a thread about Star Wars and Woke leftist being pissed off that Favreau brought him back...after they spent 3 movies trying to wreck the first 3 movies...

If your Chinese masters don't care about you posting about Star Wars instead of posting about how wonderful China is, you should talk about Star Wars........

Buddy, it's only a movie.

Yes, the Sequels were kind of awful, but you are acting like they broke into your Man Cave and busted up all your action figures.
Spoilers....but you have to be living in a cave not to know them already....

The big ending for this season of the Mandalorian t.v. show? Luke Skywalker in a very impressive Jedi moment...

And left wing, Woke, SJWs hated it with the fury of a thousand tornadoes.....and they plan on doing something about it...

a Democrat, who spoke forcefully against secession in his home base of Tennessee

To know what?? That Trump is Jar Jar Binks..Meesa say there was much FRAUD!!

Do the Chinese know you are wasting your time on a Star Wars thread instead of defending China?

Feel free to sink down into whatever alt-right excuses you think are appropriate Captain Cherry Picker.
C'mon. Show me you are worthy of that gun you claim to cherish. Show me you can think for yourself.
Can you give the current occupant of the WH any criticism for his failures?...or are you just gonna fall back
on the fact that so many of you just and righteous white people voted for him that he COULD NOT HAVE LOST!!

Dipshit....this is a thread about Star Wars and Woke leftist being pissed off that Favreau brought him back...after they spent 3 movies trying to wreck the first 3 movies...

If your Chinese masters don't care about you posting about Star Wars instead of posting about how wonderful China is, you should talk about Star Wars........

What does China have to do with shitty writing and making Luke Skywalker into a whiny little bitch who sounds like your average Trump supporter screaming about election fraud??? LOL.

China now has editorial review on Hollywood do have that issue......just ask Tom Cruise and the Taiwan patch on his leather jacket, or the guys who made the remake of Red Dawn.......

China is forcing the servile hollywood industry to change movies......
Dipshit....this is a thread about Star Wars and Woke leftist being pissed off that Favreau brought him back...after they spent 3 movies trying to wreck the first 3 movies...

If your Chinese masters don't care about you posting about Star Wars instead of posting about how wonderful China is, you should talk about Star Wars........

Buddy, it's only a movie.

Yes, the Sequels were kind of awful, but you are acting like they broke into your Man Cave and busted up all your action figures. is the left wing crowd who are mad that Favreau made Luke Skywalker cool again....after they spent two movies trying to wreck him as a character... is the left wing crowd who are mad that Favreau made Luke Skywalker cool again....after they spent two movies trying to wreck him as a character...

Really? because a whacky set of misogynist Youtubers said so?

Here's the real problem with the Star Wars Sequels.

I'm not 15 anymore.

The thing is, fans of a certain age have kind of romanticized the Original Trilogy, when they really aren't that great. New Hope has some very wooden acting in it. Empire is a great movie. Return of the Jedi is kind of a rushed affair, and it shows.

Frankly, I found Kylo Ren's return to the Light more compelling than Vader's (Sans Prequels). But the OT did it first!!! And sometimes, doing something first beats out doing it better.

Mark Hamill was probably the best thing in the Sequels... The problem was they didn't explore it nearly enough.
The concept that he became disillusioned with the force and the notion of the Jedi was actually kind of interesting, but they didn't take it anywhere.

The problem with the Sequels was that they didn't have an overall plan, like Lucas had for the much maligned Prequels. Abrams set it up, Johnson tried to take it in a new direction, and then Abrams came back and listened to every fanboy complaint and gave them a bunch of fan service.


Alas, Poor Rose, we hardly knew ye....

But toxic male fans will rant about how Rey was a Mary Sue (really, no more than Luke was in the first movie) and be horribly upset the Black Stormtrooper was lusting after her.

Now, I kind of liked the Mandolorean, but it's fan service to the max. They aren't movies you'd enjoy if you never saw a Star Wars movie before that. Look, everyone, We brought back Boba Fett... don't ask any questions about how he got out of the Sarlac and make sure he isn't around when Luke shows up, because THAT would be awkward.

(While I thought it was a nice touch they brought in Temura Morrison to play Fett, his character was totally inconsistent with what had been established about him in the OT. NOW he's a man of honor who feels obligated to join Mando on a series of fetch quests?)

So now we are going to see Disney Plus flooded with Fan Service series filled with Member-berries... and I guess that's what the fans want. Heck, even I'll probably watch. is the left wing crowd who are mad that Favreau made Luke Skywalker cool again....after they spent two movies trying to wreck him as a character...

Really? because a whacky set of misogynist Youtubers said so?

Here's the real problem with the Star Wars Sequels.

I'm not 15 anymore.

The thing is, fans of a certain age have kind of romanticized the Original Trilogy, when they really aren't that great. New Hope has some very wooden acting in it. Empire is a great movie. Return of the Jedi is kind of a rushed affair, and it shows.

Frankly, I found Kylo Ren's return to the Light more compelling than Vader's (Sans Prequels). But the OT did it first!!! And sometimes, doing something first beats out doing it better.

Mark Hamill was probably the best thing in the Sequels... The problem was they didn't explore it nearly enough.
The concept that he became disillusioned with the force and the notion of the Jedi was actually kind of interesting, but they didn't take it anywhere.

The problem with the Sequels was that they didn't have an overall plan, like Lucas had for the much maligned Prequels. Abrams set it up, Johnson tried to take it in a new direction, and then Abrams came back and listened to every fanboy complaint and gave them a bunch of fan service.

View attachment 437429
Alas, Poor Rose, we hardly knew ye....

But toxic male fans will rant about how Rey was a Mary Sue (really, no more than Luke was in the first movie) and be horribly upset the Black Stormtrooper was lusting after her.

Now, I kind of liked the Mandolorean, but it's fan service to the max. They aren't movies you'd enjoy if you never saw a Star Wars movie before that. Look, everyone, We brought back Boba Fett... don't ask any questions about how he got out of the Sarlac and make sure he isn't around when Luke shows up, because THAT would be awkward.

(While I thought it was a nice touch they brought in Temura Morrison to play Fett, his character was totally inconsistent with what had been established about him in the OT. NOW he's a man of honor who feels obligated to join Mando on a series of fetch quests?)

So now we are going to see Disney Plus flooded with Fan Service series filled with Member-berries... and I guess that's what the fans want. Heck, even I'll probably watch.

You know as much about this topic as you do the other topics on U.S.message..........

Kylo Ren? really have to stop drinking and mixing your meds.....

Even Mark Hamill thinks you are nuts with the Luke Skywalker character assassination in those movies......

Yeah......a girl in the desert hunting junk can just climb into the Millenium falcon and out fly and out gun an Imperial pilot.......when she hasn't had even basic math go girl......

You know as much about this topic as you do the other topics on U.S.message..........

Kylo Ren? really have to stop drinking and mixing your meds.....

Even Mark Hamill thinks you are nuts with the Luke Skywalker character assassination in those movies......

I'm sure he's unhappy about a lot of things, like not having a career after the original series....

Yeah......a girl in the desert hunting junk can just climb into the Millenium falcon and out fly and out gun an Imperial pilot.......when she hasn't had even basic math go girl......

A farm boy from a desert planet can fly an advanced interstellar fighter and outgun imperial pilots.

Um, kind of the same thing.
You know as much about this topic as you do the other topics on U.S.message..........

Kylo Ren? really have to stop drinking and mixing your meds.....

Even Mark Hamill thinks you are nuts with the Luke Skywalker character assassination in those movies......

I'm sure he's unhappy about a lot of things, like not having a career after the original series....

Yeah......a girl in the desert hunting junk can just climb into the Millenium falcon and out fly and out gun an Imperial pilot.......when she hasn't had even basic math go girl......

A farm boy from a desert planet can fly an advanced interstellar fighter and outgun imperial pilots.

Um, kind of the same thing.

At least he was an actual pilot who had some training. Rey had nothing.....never set foot in an actual vehicle of any kind, let alone a space ship.
At least he was an actual pilot who had some training. Rey had nothing.....never set foot in an actual vehicle of any kind, let alone a space ship.

Actually, she had been salvaging spaceships her entire life.... DId you not see the beginning of the movie?

Certainly, its no more unbelievable than Aniken knowing how to fly a Naboo Fighter despite being oh, 8 years old and never having seen one before. Or Luke never flying a starfighter, just crop-dusters.
At least he was an actual pilot who had some training. Rey had nothing.....never set foot in an actual vehicle of any kind, let alone a space ship.

Actually, she had been salvaging spaceships her entire life.... DId you not see the beginning of the movie?

Certainly, its no more unbelievable than Aniken knowing how to fly a Naboo Fighter despite being oh, 8 years old and never having seen one before. Or Luke never flying a starfighter, just crop-dusters.

And how does that translate into any kind of ability to fly the things?

Anakin also had the robot helping him pilot the thing.......

Besides.....that movie sucked too...
At least he was an actual pilot who had some training. Rey had nothing.....never set foot in an actual vehicle of any kind, let alone a space ship.

Actually, she had been salvaging spaceships her entire life.... DId you not see the beginning of the movie?

Certainly, its no more unbelievable than Aniken knowing how to fly a Naboo Fighter despite being oh, 8 years old and never having seen one before. Or Luke never flying a starfighter, just crop-dusters.

Look piloted more than crop dusters......he was applying to a military academy. And that is still more than Rey....who never flew anything in her entire life, and didn't have any sort of education in any kind of subject........
And how does that translate into any kind of ability to fly the things?

Anakin also had the robot helping him pilot the thing.......

Besides.....that movie sucked too...

The Falcon has an onboard flight computer.

Obviously, she grew up in a port where ships are salvaged all the time. Maybe she was getting flight lessons from passing pilots... We really don't know, because we are only seeing a few days of her life in three movies. (Force Awakens and Last Jedi only happen within a few hours of each other.)

Also, it's been established the Force gives one some precognitive abilities so she'd know where to turn and anticipate enemy moves...

Now, leaving 2TinyGuy's hurt pride alone, the problem with a franchise like Star Wars or Star Trek or Doctor Who is that you are always stuck in that trap between fan service and innovation. Too much innovation, the fans will hate it. Too much fan service, it gets boring and tired.

The problems with the Sequels is they went fan service to subverting expectations to massive fan service.

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