The Walking Dead... the show has become it's own name.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
It went on far too long. The 2020 season finale had almost half the viewers it did on 2019. My only question... is how the hell is ANYONE still watching this soap opera?
Bonzi and I quit watching it, I believe it was season 7. We lugged through season 6, and the last episode we watched was one where almost the entire show was two side characters talking in a rail car. FFS.
It was super clear that by season 4... the boardroom suits instructed the writers to stretch the story out by a factor of at least 3 - "what you have as season 5...make that season 5,6 and 7. The show went from one of the most dramatic series in television history to a drawn out boring soap opera.

I made this meme on Facebook 4 years ago... it got several hundred shares and many likes...

It went on far too long. The 2020 season finale had almost half the viewers it did on 2019. My only question... is how the hell is ANYONE still watching this soap opera?
Bonzi and I quit watching it, I believe it was season 7. We lugged through season 6, and the last episode we watched was one where almost the entire show was two side characters talking in a rail car. FFS.
It was super clear that by season 4... the boardroom suits instructed the writers to stretch the story out by a factor of at least 3 - "what you have as season 5...make that season 5,6 and 7. The show went from one of the most dramatic series in television history to a drawn out boring soap opera.

I made this meme on Facebook 4 years ago... it got several hundred shares and many likes...

View attachment 568212
It's awful----I mean awful and painful to watch.....I just wanted to watch Michonne get killed off. This last drawn out season is worse than all the previous by far and it is saying a lot. Off the wall stupid----I want to watch all of them die horrible miserable deaths with the zombies taking over the world.
It went on far too long. The 2020 season finale had almost half the viewers it did on 2019. My only question... is how the hell is ANYONE still watching this soap opera?
Bonzi and I quit watching it, I believe it was season 7. We lugged through season 6, and the last episode we watched was one where almost the entire show was two side characters talking in a rail car. FFS.
It was super clear that by season 4... the boardroom suits instructed the writers to stretch the story out by a factor of at least 3 - "what you have as season 5...make that season 5,6 and 7. The show went from one of the most dramatic series in television history to a drawn out boring soap opera.

I made this meme on Facebook 4 years ago... it got several hundred shares and many likes...

View attachment 568212
Whoops, wrong subject! I seen the header & thought this was a post about the Washington D.C. crowd.
I watched the first season. After that, though, I had a hard time getting into it.

Then, when they started with all of that "Talking Dead" bullshit, they lost me completely...
To be fair, that's the reason I stopped reading the book. When the series was first created in 2003, it was great. We were just starting the rebirth of the zombie craze.

But, I would wait a month, sometimes longer, for my favorite comic book store to get in the latest issue only to be treated to 18 pages (not including ads) of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happening.

After the first year, I stopped buying the monthly issues and went for the tradebacks. Same thing with the show. I could not watch the weekly series as it just took too long for characters I didn't care about to do something. The last three seasons I waited until the series was over and watched the whole thing in a weekend.

The series is very much like the book in that respect.
I stopped watching it back in the 90's.

But it helped me form my opinion of how to treat the Unvaxxed, right?

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