The violence rioting once again helps Trump, if he harnesses it wisely (without going overboard)


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
My political dissection of this, as I've said before, I'd love to be on Trumps re-election campaign, I know I'm not the only one who sees this.

First a reflection back to tragedy in July 2016 with the cowardly, well armed, military trained wannabe antifa guy who killed those police officers in Texas. That was particularly difficult to watch, it was aired live. Horrific and haunting. Those officers to me were as brave as they come, and I hope people remember that kind of valor.

At the time of these attacks I thought to myself, "this is going to contribute to Trump winning as people have seen too many attacks like this on U.S soil." I think these protests remind everyone that this is what one might expect more of if Hillary won. A resurgence of far left radicals and terrorists and she would be unconcerned, focusing on appeasing China, getting rid of borders and focusing on which washroom people should use (any of them!). Be it antifa or just Internationally funded rabble rousers who want to harm America and capitalism, they would be given a platform with a continuance of Obama policies which Hillary would maintain.

Trump hasn't been a neo-con, he's made in-roads with the black community. He immediately appointed the DOJ and FBI to this case, he weighed in that he didn't like what he saw in the video. He doesn't need to be too hard in his language, he just needs to point out the differences between lawful, meaningful protests compared to illegal violence and looting. He can then associate this radicalism as returning even stronger if Biden wins as he has to appease the far left extremists and donors in his party.

Politically this is how I would play it. Be that libertarian, which I'm certain most Americans are; and express that you believe in the right to peaceful protest when warranted, but the violence and looting have nothing to do with this murder, and in fact, such actions are an insult to his memory. He can then link the extremist far-left, alt-left at various times during his campaign as "people who don't support me, but they might support my opponent"
Yes, peaceful protest is widely-respected. Here's an example from the top:

"You have to stand proudly for the national anthem, or you shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there. Maybe you shouldn’t be in the country," Trump said.

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