The Venezuela Effect United States of America


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Every American who loves their life, liberty, constitutional rights, and ability to pursue their own destiny free of government intervention should immediately stand up and take a real close look at what's going down outside their own front doors. For the purpose of this thread I will not pull the standard USMB sports team fan division which pits the political right and left against each other. We have zero time left for such petty irrelevance. I wish to focus instead on the ongoing collapse of the ancient, tried and true (and safe) American Way established some 245 years ago; the American Way wherein the average hard working citizen can still survive free of life threatening government tyranny.

At present the powers that be, those high political and corporate powers reigning over us from on high, are doing almost everything in their considerable capability to strangle the American People—that's us; you and me and everyone we know and love. THEY are suffocating the global supply chain, the national supply chain, and local supply chains. Who cares if Holiday goodies are held up in fucking Hong Kong if a majority of local grocery stores can't get fresh produce? See where I am going with this?

THEY are also strangling to death just about every red and blue blooded American Industry and Institution. Big deal you say? Yes, it's a BIG fucking deal. It's a big deal when those collapsing industries and institutions include medical staff, law enforcement staff, energy plant workers and the like. Want to get your child life saving emergency medical care? Tough shit because soon there'll be no one home in the ER to patch you up. Gang violence break out in your neighborhood? Sorry Charlie the cops all quit over a local vaccine mandate.

In essence, and I don't know how to simplify it any further for all you charlatan hard-heads out there, SOME higher power far above us has exerted immense pressure on our supposedly elected political leaders to make them begin destroying just about every facet of our American civilization. From local public schools to industries to supermarkets to department stores to energy companies—America coast to coast and all Americans everywhere are under attack.

While America has not quite fallen into the equivalent abyss of recent Venezuelan hyperinflation and political violence, the levels we are experiencing more and more each day should scare the hell out of us and compel us to some kind of action to counter America's rapidly unfolding destruction. You know, I used to have great faith in most of my fellow Americans. Lately, however, I've picked up on a prevailing every American for himself sentiment which seems to be winning out and killing us all in the process.

If we Americans, Americans from every walk of life, religion, culture and political leaning, do not band together and at least attempt some kind of resistance . . . then we are all lost; we are all simply circling the drain, watching and waiting for the end to arrive, filling our minds with the busywork of escaping reality and fully content to watch it all burn. We are no more intelligent or enlightened or deserving than a semi-trailer full of cattle on the way to the slaughterhouse.
You are free not to work where they require vaccinations...Just like I was free to work where they didn't infringe on my privacy or freedom when they wanted me to pee for a job. You are not the first to be subjugated by corporate America join the club and learn what it means when you didn't give a shit when people have to pee to get a job.
You are free not to work where they require vaccinations...Just like I was free to work where they didn't infringe on my privacy or freedom when they wanted me to pee for a job. You are not the first to be subjugated by corporate America join the club and learn what it means when you didn't give a shit when people have to pee to get a job.
I remember the good old days when we were about to become Greece any minute.

Now it's Venezuela!
You are free not to work where they require vaccinations...Just like I was free to work where they didn't infringe on my privacy or freedom when they wanted me to pee for a job. You are not the first to be subjugated by corporate America join the club and learn what it means when you didn't give a shit when people have to pee to get a job.


Forcing someone to have a foreign substance injected into their body is not that same as checking to see if you've introduced a substance into your body that might affect your ability to accomplish your work.


View attachment 553952

Forcing someone to have a foreign substance injected into their body is not that same as checking to see if you've introduced a substance into your body that might affect your ability to accomplish your work.



Your body has foreign substances that you never knew existed along with pathogens of viruses just waiting for a triggered event to kill you.
Every American who loves their life, liberty, constitutional rights, and ability to pursue their own destiny free of government intervention should immediately stand up and take a real close look at what's going down outside their own front doors. For the purpose of this thread I will not pull the standard USMB sports team fan division which pits the political right and left against each other. We have zero time left for such petty irrelevance. I wish to focus instead on the ongoing collapse of the ancient, tried and true (and safe) American Way established some 245 years ago; the American Way wherein the average hard working citizen can still survive free of life threatening government tyranny.

At present the powers that be, those high political and corporate powers reigning over us from on high, are doing almost everything in their considerable capability to strangle the American People—that's us; you and me and everyone we know and love. THEY are suffocating the global supply chain, the national supply chain, and local supply chains. Who cares if Holiday goodies are held up in fucking Hong Kong if a majority of local grocery stores can't get fresh produce? See where I am going with this?

THEY are also strangling to death just about every red and blue blooded American Industry and Institution. Big deal you say? Yes, it's a BIG fucking deal. It's a big deal when those collapsing industries and institutions include medical staff, law enforcement staff, energy plant workers and the like. Want to get your child life saving emergency medical care? Tough shit because soon there'll be no one home in the ER to patch you up. Gang violence break out in your neighborhood? Sorry Charlie the cops all quit over a local vaccine mandate.

In essence, and I don't know how to simplify it any further for all you charlatan hard-heads out there, SOME higher power far above us has exerted immense pressure on our supposedly elected political leaders to make them begin destroying just about every facet of our American civilization. From local public schools to industries to supermarkets to department stores to energy companies—America coast to coast and all Americans everywhere are under attack.

While America has not quite fallen into the equivalent abyss of recent Venezuelan hyperinflation and political violence, the levels we are experiencing more and more each day should scare the hell out of us and compel us to some kind of action to counter America's rapidly unfolding destruction. You know, I used to have great faith in most of my fellow Americans. Lately, however, I've picked up on a prevailing every American for himself sentiment which seems to be winning out and killing us all in the process.

If we Americans, Americans from every walk of life, religion, culture and political leaning, do not band together and at least attempt some kind of resistance . . . then we are all lost; we are all simply circling the drain, watching and waiting for the end to arrive, filling our minds with the busywork of escaping reality and fully content to watch it all burn. We are no more intelligent or enlightened or deserving than a semi-trailer full of cattle on the way to the slaughterhouse.

All true.
But we can chant "Go Brandon" billions of times while doing nothing and we'll still end up like Venezuela.

Americans are PET-RI-FIED of the Federal government at this point. That's how bad it is.
They know that if they raise a stink, the feds will come after their assets, their savings their home even.
The IRS used as a lethal weapon against them.

This was precisely the situation the FF's tried to equip future generations to avoid.

As long as Americans keep thinking someone else will earn their freedom for them.... and do nothing....the fall will continue.

The road back to freedom and prosperity will, unfortunately require great sacrifice and bravery. And Tree watering.
The corporate and political powers are not about to give up their grip without a nasty fight.
The history of Vz is about runaway capitalism and a shrinking middle class.. The elite were too greedy for too long.

The canned response of a certified dumbfuk. now that they have Socialism and a Dictator......why has it gotten even exponentially WORSE? have no clue. You stupid MFer.

If only internet bitch slaps were available.
The canned response of a certified dumbfuk. now that they have Socialism and a Dictator......why has it gotten even exponentially WORSE? have no clue. You stupid MFer.

If only internet bitch slaps were available.

Vz has been oil rich for over a hundred years but they usually had US approved ex-military dictators.. They didn't invest in the people.. or healthcare and education..The middle class kept shrinking. All the wealth was concentrated around the dictator and his elite circle.. Finally about 20 years ago they elected Chavez..


This level of dependency causes a “paradox of plenty,” or “resource curse,” in which a country with large natural resource endowments is nonetheless hard pressed to develop. It also leads to corruption, since a limited number of people generate wealth and the government plays a central role in distributing it. In places with weak representative institutions, oil booms—which create the illusion of prosperity and development—may actually destabilize regimes by reinforcing oil-based interests and further weakening state capacity.

All of this has happened in Venezuela, where oil dependency has contributed to at least three recurrent problems. First, it is difficult for dependent states to invest oil rents in developing a strong domestic productive sector.

Abundant revenue from natural resource extraction discourages the long-term investment in infrastructure that would support a more diverse economy. Venezuelan leaders have long recognized this challenge.

In a famous 1936 op-ed, writer and intellectual Arturo Uslar Pietri urged his countrymen to “sembrar el petróleo” (plant the oil) by using oil rents to grow the country’s productive capacity, modernize, and educate.

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