The Untold Story Of The Dangerous New Experiment Coal Companies Want To Bring To Amer


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
The Untold Story Of The Dangerous New Experiment Coal Companies Want To Bring To America

Few people have heard of coal gasification, which is the process of creating synthetic natural gas out of coal by setting it on fire and injecting it with oxygen and water. But even fewer people have likely heard of underground coal gasification, which is the process of doing that while the coal is still deep underground.

Some of the people that are hearing about it the most are in Campbell County, Wyoming, where an Australian company’s proposed underground coal gasification project is just one step away from becoming the only one of its kind in the country.

Local residents and environmental groups are fighting the project, saying it is an untested process that only promises to contaminate their already dwindling water supply with deadly benzene. If approved, the project — located in part of a major regional aquifer — would likely receive federal exemption from the Safe Water Drinking Act, a law that protects the quality of drinking water.

The Untold Story Of The Dangerous New Experiment Coal Companies Want To Bring To America | ThinkProgress

Wow, in order to make a profit they're going to do this shit? At least we control the little bit of waste from solar but we allow this shit to happen under ground that may get into our water supply?
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This experiment should be highly controlled. Nobody is proposing to do this in your backyard.
And for the record ---- I think its desparate and dangerous. But NOT for the reasons stated by the morons at ThinkProgress.

But in terms of engineering and knowledge --- I wouldn't stop an experimental demonstration..

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