The Unseen Underbelly Of Unreported California Crime


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Ah, yes, the Great State of California. I was having a discussion with a friend of mine in central California who happens to be a doctor and I was rather shocked and taken back by his accounting of how and why as bad as our crime is, that it is apparently even worse, at least in California, where much property crime isn't even reported or reportable, by design, and the high cost of it just passed onto the rest of us while little of it is even investigated, much less solved!

This isn't some story I just read on a website, and to be as accurate as possible, I will quote my friend here directly, with my comments is blue:

And the crime is much worse than the statistics say - at lest for property crimes. They came up with a $950 law. Effectively, if in a single event you do not steal property valued at greater than $950 they don't even bother arresting since they won't be prosecuted. So you literally have thieves going into stores and using their calculator to ensure they are not exceeding the $950 limit and then just waltzing out the door with the stuff.
In effect, this creates and funds a viable industry and entire class of criminal who finds a niche upon which he can exist outside the law but which the law justifies making possible for him to feed upon the public.

Pretty much every day I have someone new tell me they are leaving the state. Pretty much all of them are middle-income. If you are really rich you can afford to retire here. If you are someone who doesn't want to work they'll pay you not to work and you'll be technically poor but you'll be given benefits worth greater than about $50K per year and you can do as you wish - effectively vacation.

This should be the greatest state in the nation if you figure the natural resources, the access to ports/coastline, the size, etc. Instead, it is arguably the worst in the nation due to the fascists we keep electing to office. Oh, and our election laws have legalized the fraud - so things which would be considered fraudulent elsewhere are just encouraged here.

When I retire I fully expect to move away from here. My wife has some objections to that but it is actually just plain the responsible thing to do.

Well, technically it is a reportable crime. The problem is that merchants generally don't bother to report the crime because they have to first confront the criminal and somehow take them into custody and hold them until the cops arrive - and the crook will try to come up with a way to sue them for that. The cops may not even arrest because they have to book them and then release them and it's not like they'll ever be prosecuted for the crime.

So it is wasteful and costly to even report the crime.

So your property crimes often are just not reported.

But now Walmart puts even things like underwear into locked cabinets. They also have video cameras going. If you catch someone breaking and entering they actually might get arrested and prosecuted for a felony and spend a few months in jail. But you pretty much have to have video of them breaking and entering or nothing happens..

And the cost of all that of course gets passed along to the consumer and taxpayer.

So if you hear glass being smashed and then see a suspicious character holding your property which was inside your vehicle? Everyone knows they did the crime but there will be no prosecution.

This kind of thing really makes your crime statistics look great! Crimes are neither reported nor prosecuted so they never happened. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!

A neighbor was burglarized. The value was into the thousands of dollars. The cops eventually arrived and wrote a report but they didn't even bother with fingerprints and such. They pretty much only did the police report so that the neighbor could then use that to get something out of the insurance company. There was no serious intent to identify the criminals so that they could go after them.

Despite the supposed egalitarian aspirations of our fascist government, the actuality is such that they run the system for the rich and powerful. The rich and powerful get to live behind walls and purchase security. Everyone else should just be grateful enough to live in Kalifornia that they should just suck up the crime and go on. And somehow the rulers get re-elected. OK, OK, the system is rigged so that you really cannot throw out our version of an Oligarchy.

California is.png

This Man Will Pay You To Move Your Business Out Of California

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Wouldn’t mind this laissez faire approach to the criminal justice system; as long as settling these disputes ones self were not frowned upon. It would build a stronger, more self reliant people.
Ah, yes, the Great State of California. I was having a discussion with a friend of mine in central California who happens to be a doctor and I was rather shocked and taken back by his accounting of how and why as bad as our crime is, that it is apparently even worse, at least in California, where much property crime isn't even reported or reportable, by design, and the high cost of it just passed onto the rest of us while little of it is even investigated, much less solved!

This isn't some story I just read on a website, and to be as accurate as possible, I will quote my friend here directly, with my comments is blue:

And the crime is much worse than the statistics say - at lest for property crimes. They came up with a $950 law. Effectively, if in a single event you do not steal property valued at greater than $950 they don't even bother arresting since they won't be prosecuted. So you literally have thieves going into stores and using their calculator to ensure they are not exceeding the $950 limit and then just waltzing out the door with the stuff.
In effect, this creates and funds a viable industry and entire class of criminal who finds a niche upon which he can exist outside the law but which the law justifies making possible for him to feed upon the public.

Pretty much every day I have someone new tell me they are leaving the state. Pretty much all of them are middle-income. If you are really rich you can afford to retire here. If you are someone who doesn't want to work they'll pay you not to work and you'll be technically poor but you'll be given benefits worth greater than about $50K per year and you can do as you wish - effectively vacation.

This should be the greatest state in the nation if you figure the natural resources, the access to ports/coastline, the size, etc. Instead, it is arguably the worst in the nation due to the fascists we keep electing to office. Oh, and our election laws have legalized the fraud - so things which would be considered fraudulent elsewhere are just encouraged here.

When I retire I fully expect to move away from here. My wife has some objections to that but it is actually just plain the responsible thing to do.

Well, technically it is a reportable crime. The problem is that merchants generally don't bother to report the crime because they have to first confront the criminal and somehow take them into custody and hold them until the cops arrive - and the crook will try to come up with a way to sue them for that. The cops may not even arrest because they have to book them and then release them and it's not like they'll ever be prosecuted for the crime.

So it is wasteful and costly to even report the crime.

So your property crimes often are just not reported.

But now Walmart puts even things like underwear into locked cabinets. They also have video cameras going. If you catch someone breaking and entering they actually might get arrested and prosecuted for a felony and spend a few months in jail. But you pretty much have to have video of them breaking and entering or nothing happens..

And the cost of all that of course gets passed along to the consumer and taxpayer.

So if you hear glass being smashed and then see a suspicious character holding your property which was inside your vehicle? Everyone knows they did the crime but there will be no prosecution.

This kind of thing really makes your crime statistics look great! Crimes are neither reported nor prosecuted so they never happened. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!

A neighbor was burglarized. The value was into the thousands of dollars. The cops eventually arrived and wrote a report but they didn't even bother with fingerprints and such. They pretty much only did the police report so that the neighbor could then use that to get something out of the insurance company. There was no serious intent to identify the criminals so that they could go after them.

Despite the supposed egalitarian aspirations of our fascist government, the actuality is such that they run the system for the rich and powerful. The rich and powerful get to live behind walls and purchase security. Everyone else should just be grateful enough to live in Kalifornia that they should just suck up the crime and go on. And somehow the rulers get re-elected. OK, OK, the system is rigged so that you really cannot throw out our version of an Oligarchy.

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This Man Will Pay You To Move Your Business Out Of California

Don't do what I did and let your wife keep you in this fucked up state by brow beating, pussy whipping, incessant bitching or any other technique. Later on, like mine did, she'll wise up and see how fucked up it is but by then it will be too late or it'll cost you beaucoup dollars to pull off. Just get the hell out and never look back.
Ah, yes, the Great State of California. I was having a discussion with a friend of mine in central California who happens to be a doctor and I was rather shocked and taken back by his accounting of how and why as bad as our crime is, that it is apparently even worse, at least in California, where much property crime isn't even reported or reportable, by design, and the high cost of it just passed onto the rest of us while little of it is even investigated, much less solved!

This isn't some story I just read on a website, and to be as accurate as possible, I will quote my friend here directly, with my comments is blue:

And the crime is much worse than the statistics say - at lest for property crimes. They came up with a $950 law. Effectively, if in a single event you do not steal property valued at greater than $950 they don't even bother arresting since they won't be prosecuted. So you literally have thieves going into stores and using their calculator to ensure they are not exceeding the $950 limit and then just waltzing out the door with the stuff.
In effect, this creates and funds a viable industry and entire class of criminal who finds a niche upon which he can exist outside the law but which the law justifies making possible for him to feed upon the public.

Pretty much every day I have someone new tell me they are leaving the state. Pretty much all of them are middle-income. If you are really rich you can afford to retire here. If you are someone who doesn't want to work they'll pay you not to work and you'll be technically poor but you'll be given benefits worth greater than about $50K per year and you can do as you wish - effectively vacation.

This should be the greatest state in the nation if you figure the natural resources, the access to ports/coastline, the size, etc. Instead, it is arguably the worst in the nation due to the fascists we keep electing to office. Oh, and our election laws have legalized the fraud - so things which would be considered fraudulent elsewhere are just encouraged here.

When I retire I fully expect to move away from here. My wife has some objections to that but it is actually just plain the responsible thing to do.

Well, technically it is a reportable crime. The problem is that merchants generally don't bother to report the crime because they have to first confront the criminal and somehow take them into custody and hold them until the cops arrive - and the crook will try to come up with a way to sue them for that. The cops may not even arrest because they have to book them and then release them and it's not like they'll ever be prosecuted for the crime.

So it is wasteful and costly to even report the crime.

So your property crimes often are just not reported.

But now Walmart puts even things like underwear into locked cabinets. They also have video cameras going. If you catch someone breaking and entering they actually might get arrested and prosecuted for a felony and spend a few months in jail. But you pretty much have to have video of them breaking and entering or nothing happens..

And the cost of all that of course gets passed along to the consumer and taxpayer.

So if you hear glass being smashed and then see a suspicious character holding your property which was inside your vehicle? Everyone knows they did the crime but there will be no prosecution.

This kind of thing really makes your crime statistics look great! Crimes are neither reported nor prosecuted so they never happened. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!

A neighbor was burglarized. The value was into the thousands of dollars. The cops eventually arrived and wrote a report but they didn't even bother with fingerprints and such. They pretty much only did the police report so that the neighbor could then use that to get something out of the insurance company. There was no serious intent to identify the criminals so that they could go after them.

Despite the supposed egalitarian aspirations of our fascist government, the actuality is such that they run the system for the rich and powerful. The rich and powerful get to live behind walls and purchase security. Everyone else should just be grateful enough to live in Kalifornia that they should just suck up the crime and go on. And somehow the rulers get re-elected. OK, OK, the system is rigged so that you really cannot throw out our version of an Oligarchy.

View attachment 309005

This Man Will Pay You To Move Your Business Out Of California
I listen to Gavin Newsome's state of the state address the other day and he was saying the opposite of this.
Ah, yes, the Great State of California. I was having a discussion with a friend of mine in central California who happens to be a doctor and I was rather shocked and taken back by his accounting of how and why as bad as our crime is, that it is apparently even worse, at least in California, where much property crime isn't even reported or reportable, by design, and the high cost of it just passed onto the rest of us while little of it is even investigated, much less solved!

This isn't some story I just read on a website, and to be as accurate as possible, I will quote my friend here directly, with my comments is blue:

And the crime is much worse than the statistics say - at lest for property crimes. They came up with a $950 law. Effectively, if in a single event you do not steal property valued at greater than $950 they don't even bother arresting since they won't be prosecuted. So you literally have thieves going into stores and using their calculator to ensure they are not exceeding the $950 limit and then just waltzing out the door with the stuff.
In effect, this creates and funds a viable industry and entire class of criminal who finds a niche upon which he can exist outside the law but which the law justifies making possible for him to feed upon the public.

Pretty much every day I have someone new tell me they are leaving the state. Pretty much all of them are middle-income. If you are really rich you can afford to retire here. If you are someone who doesn't want to work they'll pay you not to work and you'll be technically poor but you'll be given benefits worth greater than about $50K per year and you can do as you wish - effectively vacation.

This should be the greatest state in the nation if you figure the natural resources, the access to ports/coastline, the size, etc. Instead, it is arguably the worst in the nation due to the fascists we keep electing to office. Oh, and our election laws have legalized the fraud - so things which would be considered fraudulent elsewhere are just encouraged here.

When I retire I fully expect to move away from here. My wife has some objections to that but it is actually just plain the responsible thing to do.

Well, technically it is a reportable crime. The problem is that merchants generally don't bother to report the crime because they have to first confront the criminal and somehow take them into custody and hold them until the cops arrive - and the crook will try to come up with a way to sue them for that. The cops may not even arrest because they have to book them and then release them and it's not like they'll ever be prosecuted for the crime.

So it is wasteful and costly to even report the crime.

So your property crimes often are just not reported.

But now Walmart puts even things like underwear into locked cabinets. They also have video cameras going. If you catch someone breaking and entering they actually might get arrested and prosecuted for a felony and spend a few months in jail. But you pretty much have to have video of them breaking and entering or nothing happens..

And the cost of all that of course gets passed along to the consumer and taxpayer.

So if you hear glass being smashed and then see a suspicious character holding your property which was inside your vehicle? Everyone knows they did the crime but there will be no prosecution.

This kind of thing really makes your crime statistics look great! Crimes are neither reported nor prosecuted so they never happened. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!

A neighbor was burglarized. The value was into the thousands of dollars. The cops eventually arrived and wrote a report but they didn't even bother with fingerprints and such. They pretty much only did the police report so that the neighbor could then use that to get something out of the insurance company. There was no serious intent to identify the criminals so that they could go after them.

Despite the supposed egalitarian aspirations of our fascist government, the actuality is such that they run the system for the rich and powerful. The rich and powerful get to live behind walls and purchase security. Everyone else should just be grateful enough to live in Kalifornia that they should just suck up the crime and go on. And somehow the rulers get re-elected. OK, OK, the system is rigged so that you really cannot throw out our version of an Oligarchy.

View attachment 309005

This Man Will Pay You To Move Your Business Out Of California
I listen to Gavin Newsome's state of the state address the other day and he was saying the opposite of this.

No surprise there.
I listen to Gavin Newsome's state of the state address the other day and he was saying the opposite of this.

Gavin Newsome is a liar and a thief and a crook—a typical example of the scum that keep getting elected to office over and over again in this state. And like most of our politicians, his rightful place is not in public office, but in prison.

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