The Un-Answerable Questions


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Republican strategists have come up with an un-answerable question for Joe Biden and his running mate. The question is, "Do you intend to 'pack' the Supreme Court with Leftists if Democrats win the election?"

If Biden/Harris respond, "No," they can lose a big chunk of the Leftist whacko vote; if they respond "Yes," they aggravate and insult two-thirds of the American voting public, which sees what an insidious, evil plan this is. They cannot win, so they refuse to answer the question. Biden Hilariously poses as his "reason" for declining to answer, the fact that his answer will become Front Page News. Now there is some Leftist logic for you.

I'm sure there are other such questions.

How about this - since we are in the "Immigration" forum - "Do you intend to grant voting rights to 30 million people who are currently in the country illegally?"

How do you suppose the American people would react to a truthful answer to that question?
If Biden/Harris respond, "No," they can lose a big chunk of the Leftist whacko vote; if they respond "Yes," they aggravate and insult two-thirds of the American voting public,

That's what the chess master has been doing all along.

He got biden to denounce the new green deal...alot of leftists freaked out.

Last night Pence got kamala to say they would not ban fracking...many leftist freaked out.

Harris: “Mr. Vice President, I am speaking.”

Pence: “It would be important if you said the truth.”

How about this - since we are in the "Immigration" forum - "Do you intend to grant voting rights to 30 million people who are currently in the country illegally
The honest answer would be 'yes'. Those immigrants have become an important part of the economy. The 'indigenous' people won't be able to replace them in the foresee future. Granting them or their descendants the citizenship and voting rights is only a matter of time.

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