The U.S. war on ISIS is a Trojan horse: This is what's really going on


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008

In August of 2013, even as the words came out of US President Barack Obama's mouth regarding an "impending" US military strike against the Syrian state, the impotence of American foreign policy loomed over him and those who wrote his speech for him like an insurmountable wall. So absurd was America's attempt to once again use the canard of "weapons of mass destruction" to justify yet another military intervention, that many believed America's proxy war in Syria had finally reached its end.

The counterstroke by Russia included Syria's immediate and unconditional surrendering of its chemical weapons arsenal, and with that, so evaporated America's casus belli.

Few would believe if one told them then, that in 2015, that same discredited US would be routinely bombing Syrian territory and poised to justify the raising of an entire army of terrorists to wage war within Syria's borders, yet that is precisely what is happening. President Obama has announced plans to formally increase military force in Iraq and Syria "against ISIS," but of course includes building up huge armies of "rebels" who by all other accounts are as bad as ISIS itself (not to mention prone to joining ISIS' ranks by the thousands).

All it took for this miraculous turn in fortune was the creation of "ISIS," and serial provocations committed by these Hollywood-style villains seemingly engineered to reinvigorate America's justification to militarily intervene more directly in a war it itself started in Syria beginning in 2011.

ISIS could not be a more effective part of America's plans to overthrow the Syrian government and destroy the Syrian state if it had an office at the Pentagon.

Having failed to achieve any of its objectives in Syria, it inexplicably "invaded" Iraq,affording the US military a means of "easing into" the conflict by first confronting ISIS in Iraq, then following them back across the border into Syria. When this scheme began to lose its impact on public perception, ISIS first started executing Western hostages including several Americans. When the US needed the French on board, ISIS executed a Frenchman. When the US needed greater support in Asia, two Japanese were beheaded. And just ahead of President Obama's recent attempt to formally authorize the use of military force against "ISIS," a Jordanian pilot was apparently burned to death in a cage in an unprecedented act of barbarity that shocked even the most apathetic.

The theatrics of ISIS parallel those seen in a Hollywood production. This doesn't mean ISIS didn't really burn to death a Jordanian pilot or behead scores of hostages. But it does mean that a tremendous amount of resources and planning were put into each murder, except apparently, the effect it would have of rallying the world behind the US and its otherwise hopelessly stalled efforts to overturn the government of Syria.

Could ISIS have built a set specifically to capture dramatic shots like a flame trail passing the camera on its way to the doomed Jordanian pilot, planned crane shots, provided matching uniforms for all the extras on their diabolical movie set, but failed to consider the target audience and how they would react to their production? Could they have, just by coincidence, given exactly what the United States needed to continue its war on Syria in 2015 when it otherwise had effectively failed in 2013?

The answer is obviously no. ISIS's theatrics were designed specifically to accomplish this. ISIS itself is a fictional creation. In reality the legions of terrorists fighting across the Arab World under the flag of "ISIS" are the same Al Qaeda militants the US, Saudi Arabia and others in an utterly unholy axis have been backing, arming and exploiting in a variety of ways for decades.

Just as the "Islamic State" in Iraq was exposed as a fictional cover for what was also essentially Al Qaeda (as reported by the NYT in their article, "Leader of Al Qaeda group in Iraq was fictional, U.S. military says"), ISIS too is just the latest and greatest re-visioning yet.

The fighters are real. Their atrocities are real. The notion that they've sprung out of the dunes of Syria and Iraq, picked their weapons from local date trees and have managed to wage war regionally against several collective armies is entirely fantasy. Required to maintain ISIS' ranks would be billions in constant support. These are billions ISIS simply cannot account for from hostage ransoms and black market oil alone. The only source that could prop ISIS up for as long as it has allegedly existed and to the extent it allegedly exists, is a state or collection of states intentionally sponsoring the terrorist enterprise.

Those states are of course the chief benefactors of ISIS' atrocities, and we can clearly see those benefactors are the US and its partners both in Europe and in the Middle East. The US would claim that the threat of ISIS necessitates them to intervene militarily in Syria (when lies about WMDs were flatly rejected by the American and international public). Of course, before the serial headline atrocities ISIS committed, the US attempted to sell this same lie but without affect. Now that sufficient blood has been split and the public sufficiently riled, the US is once again trying to move forward its agenda.

Don't be surprised, if the US manages to succeed, that everything in Syria is left destroyed except for ISIS. A Hollywood villain this popular and effective is surely destined for a sequel in neighboring Iran or southern Russia, coincidentally where the US would like to create strife and carnage the most.

LINK: The U.S. war on ISIS is a Trojan horse This is what s really going on -- Puppet Masters --
LINK: All the wicked efforts to build a communist world government will fail
We got no way of trackin' the ones we already got...

Homeland Security Chair: 'We Don't Have the Ability to Monitor' the 2000 Syrian Refugees Already Here
December 9, 2015 | Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, says the Obama administration is "playing Russian Roulette with national security" by bringing thousands of Syrian refugees into the country.
"I will say 2,000 of them have been brought in already, and we don't have the ability to monitor them," McCaul told Fox News's Sean Hannity Tuesday night. "I think we need to put a pause on the program, put the brakes on it, pass my legislation to ensure the safety of Americans. I've had this both publicly and privately from the intelligence community and law enforcement that this poses a serious and imminent threat to the United States."

McCaul says the United States government has information indicating that people tied to terrorist groups in Syria already have tried to get into the U.S. through the refugee program. "I sent a letter to the DNI, FBI, secretary of homeland," McCaul told Hannity. "The DNI, Director of National Intelligence, responded that the National Counterterrorism Center has identified -- and this is very, very important to your viewers -- has identified already individuals tied to terrorist organizations in Syria that want to exploit and get into the United States through the refugee process. "Some of these have been stopped, but my concern is, if we allow this program to go forward, we could potentially be bringing ticking time-bombs into the United States that could perpetrate terrorist attacks." President Obama plans to bring in another 10,000 Syrian refugees next year, unless the Republican-led Congress can stop him.


As Europe reels under a flood of refugees, concerns are growing in the United States about the government's ability to adequately screen Syrians and others who may have ties to terror groups.​

McCaul and others say there is no reliable information on the Syrian refugees, and therefore they cannot be properly vetted. "And the fact is, when you have the FBI director, who testified before my committee, the secretary of Homeland Security to talk about the lack of a vetting process, first and foremost we have to protect the safety of Americans," McCaul told Hannity. "We're a humanitarian nation, but let's get this thing right before we start bringing in tens of thousands of Syrians. "That is why the bill I introduced in the House that passed overwhelmingly has to pass in the Senate. And if the president vetoes it, we have a veto proof majority in the House to override that.

The House passed a bill last month requiring stricter screening for Syrian refugees in the immediate aftermath of the Paris attacks, but the Senate has not taken it up and President Obama has threatened to veto it. McCaul said it's necessary to pause the influx, "because ISIS in their own words has said they want to exploit it to infiltrate the West. Now we have our intelligence community reporting to me that specific individuals now are trying to get into the United States through this program. It would be highly irresponsible for me to be complicit with a federal program that could bring terrorists into the United States at this particular time." McCaul also stressed the need for more intelligence on the ground in Syria and Iraq; "The jihad movement is spreading throughout northern Africa. And so we have to have a more robust process national security vetting process before we bring any of these refugees into the United States."

Homeland Security Chair: 'We Don't Have the Ability to Monitor' the 2000 Syrian Refugees Already Here
Refugee program could end up bein' a trojan horse program...

Iraqi Refugees’ Arrests Shows U.S. Refugee Program ‘Susceptible to Exploitation by Terrorists'’
January 8, 2016 – Two Iraqi-born refugees – one living in Texas and the other in California – were in federal court Friday facing terror-related charges, a fact the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee said is proof that the U.S. refugee program could be exploited by terrorists.
“While I commend the FBI for their hard work, these arrests heighten my concern that our refugee program is susceptible to exploitation by terrorists,” Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) said in a statement Friday. “The president has assured us that individuals from Iraq and Syria receive close scrutiny, but it is clearly not enough,” McCaul said. “We need to act, which is why today I call upon the Senate to take up my bill to overhaul the security vetting of Iraqi and Syrian refugees. “We cannot delay while more potential jihadists slip through the cracks,” McCaul said. “Terrorist groups like ISIS have vowed to use these programs to infiltrate the West, and now it is clearer than ever that we should take them at their word.”

The legislation McCaul introduced and that was passed by the House – the American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act of 2015 – would require all refugees from Iraq and Syria to be certified by the FBI and other intelligence and homeland security agencies and report that certification to Congress to ensure the individual does not pose a threat to the U.S. Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan, 24, a Palestinian born in Iraq, was charged in a three-count indictment alleging that he attempted to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), a designated foreign terrorist organization, according to Department of Justice (DOJ).

Al Hardan, who came to the U.S. as a refugee in 2009 and lives in Houston, was granted legal permanent residency in 2011. He was charged with one count each of attempting to provide material support to ISIL, procurement of citizenship or naturalization unlawfully and making false statements. If convicted, he could face as many as 25 years in prison if convicted. Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab, 23, is a Palestinian born in Iraq who emigrated from Syria to the United States as a refugee in October 2012. Between October 2012 and November 2013, while living in Arizona and Wisconsin, he communicated through social media with numerous other individuals about his plan to return to Syria to fight for terrorist organizations, according to DOJ.

On Nov. 9, 2013, he flew from Chicago to Turkey and then traveled to Syria. Between November 2013 and January 2014, Al-Jayab allegedly posted on social media that he was in Syria fighting with various terrorist organizations, including Ansar al-Islam, a designated foreign terrorist organization since 2004. Al-Jayab returned to the United States on Jan. 23, 2014 and was living in Sacramento, Calif., according to DOJ. If convicted, Al-Jayab faces a maximum statutory penalty of eight years in prison and a $250,000 fine. The DOJ said the arrests are the result of the work of federal, state and local law enforcement.

McCaul: Iraqi Refugees’ Arrests Shows U.S. Refugee Program ‘Susceptible to Exploitation by Terrorists'’

See also:

Philly Police Commissioner: Man Shot Officer Then 'Confessed to Committing This Cowardly Act in Name of Islam'
January 8, 2016 | Philadelphia police officer Jesse Hartnett was shot multiple times on Thursday evening by a man who later told police he acted “in the name of Islam” and that "the police defend laws that are contrary to the teaching of the Koran," Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross, Jr., said at a Friday press conference.
At the press conference, Ross explained the attack and what he said was the attacker's professed motive. “The suspect in question is a 30-year-old male from Yeadon, he has a Philadelphia address as well, I believe," said Ross. "He has confessed to committing this cowardly act in the name of Islam. According to him, he believes that the police defend laws that are contrary to the teachings of the Koran."

Ross also displayed some photographs of the actual attack. “You can see the male in question, moving toward Police Officer Hartnett already firing. Second shot: He is literally inside that car. He’s got his arm extended, firing at Officer Hartnett," said Ross. “I am absolutely amazed the Officer Hartnett is here today," said Ross. "This male fired at least 11 shot from a 9 millimeter at close range."

Philly Police Commissioner: Man Shot Officer Then 'Confessed to Committing This Cowardly Act in Name of Islam'

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