The truth behind Obama's "6 million" Obamacare enrollees....


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
Will the Liberal Media, NBC, ABC, CBS, or CNN tell the truth behind the numbers??

White House Somehow Comes Up with 6 Million Who Have Something to Do with Obamacare, Throws a Party

The White House announced Thursday that ObamaCare has hit its March 31 objective — four days ahead of schedule. It says more than 6 million Americans have signed up for coverage through new insurance markets.

The initial goal of 7 million enrollees was revised downward by the Congressional Budget Office in February, a move that was embraced by the White House.

But here’s where the ambiguity begins.

1 The administration has yet to announce how many “enrollees” have paid their first month’s premium. Some independent estimates say that as many as 10 percent to 20 percent have not paid, which would bring the real enrollment number down to between 5 million and 6 million people.

2 Of the 3.3 million people that the White House said had “signed up” through January, less than 500,000 were uninsured people who actually gained new healthcare coverage, according to McKinsey, a leading management consulting firm.

3 The White House counts Medicaid enrollees in its numbers. Through December, between 1 and 2 million ObamaCare enrollees actually signed up for Medicaid vs. health insurance.

4 Moreover, when states report Medicaid enrollment data to the federal government, they don’t break down the number between the “gained Medicaid because of Obamacare” population and the “would have gotten Medicaid anyway” group.

So, while Team Obama can be congratulated on hitting its revised goal, many questions remain as to the bottom-line, actual number of people who have gained healthcare coverage exclusively because of ObamaCare. Chances are, we’ll never know.

For some reason I seriously doubt if the facts behind the numbers will get much airplay.

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