The Trump Presidency


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
With Trump as President and a Republican Congress, the sky is the limit

What I think will happen:

The Wall: "A big, beautiful wall" I doubt it. Once the bill comes in and they see Mexico will not pay for it, Congress will downsize the effort. A token bill will be passed expanding the existing wall and Trump will declare victory

Rounding up aliens: Trump will concentrate on criminals and those who fall in the crosshairs, but there will be no roundup

Immigration: Enhanced vetting will correlate to....No Muslims

Putting Hillary in jail: Rudy Giuliani will appoint a special prosecutor who will drag this investigation on for years. He will write a scathing report but Hillary will not be criminally prosecuted

Obamacare: Tricky to repeal without having something better to replace it. Republicans will gut it, cut out funding for Medicaid and subsidies leaving millions without coverage

Trade: Trump will get tough but it is difficult to tear up deals and get something better

Keystone: Will pass

Gay marriage/gays in the military: That cat is out of the bag. Republicans will pass "wedding cake" laws saying you do not have to serve gays. Conservative courts will allow

Supreme Court: Trump will fill Scalias seat with a similar conservative

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We dodged a bullit. A return to the lying 90s would have sucked.
The poor guy will have to take a cut in pay and use public transportation (AF1) but I'm sure he will make the best of it. Meanwhile Hillary might finally face criminal charges once the incompetent A-hole FBI director is fired.
and i was afraid you might be cynical today.....

the signs were always there. i'm hoping my conservative people won't gloat and cajole like the democrat/media party would have. there's so much work to do.
Of course there won't be a wall: it's not practical. I would settle for actually enforcing our immigration laws and deporting criminal illegal aliens... like our president and law enforcement agencies are supposed to be doing.
The poor guy will have to take a cut in pay and use public transportation (AF1) but I'm sure he will make the best of it. Meanwhile Hillary might finally face criminal charges once the incompetent A-hole FBI director is fired.
i'll bet he gives his 1.6 million dollars salary to the veterans.
They will defund that damn pool and we are back where we started 8 years ago.
Nothing was talked about with the crooked Big Pharma and medical costs.

We will hear those who whined about Obamacare , whining about their health care costs ..

If your sick your basically screwed
I thought Rightwinger would trot out his electorial map yet again and show us once more how it would be totally impossible for Trump to reach 270. He did that almost every day. Just as Jake Starkey trotted out the Real Clear Politics polls and showed us all over and over how Trump was never going to win Florida, Ohio, or almost any state. LOL!!!
Soon, every executive order Obama rammed down our throats will be undone. We have a Republican majority in the Senate and in the House. We have Trump as President. Soon we will have a majority of Conservative Supreme Court Judges. We have retaken America. It is good.
Of course there won't be a wall: it's not practical. I would settle for actually enforcing our immigration laws and deporting criminal illegal aliens... like our president and law enforcement agencies are supposed to be doing.
there will be a wall. it will rely heavily on technology and collapsing tunnels, which actually sends a message of it's own.
Soon, every executive order Obama rammed down our throats will be undone. We have a Republican majority in the Senate and in the House. We have Trump as President. Soon we will have a majority of Conservative Supreme Court Judges. We have retaken America. It is good.
they won't waste it on obamacare or solyndra. shrimps on the treadmill... heh, those were the days

Of course there won't be a wall: it's not practical. I would settle for actually enforcing our immigration laws and deporting criminal illegal aliens... like our president and law enforcement agencies are supposed to be doing.

I can't see a giant wall built and Mexico paying for it. That's totally retarded and Trump knows it. With a fair share of republicans who distanced themselves from Trump, they won't go along with his wall idea and I doubt banning Muslims will get anywhere either.
With Trump as President and a Republican Congress, the sky is the limit

What I think will happen:

The Wall: "A big, beautiful wall" I doubt it. Once the bill comes in and they see Mexico will not pay for it, Congress will downsize the effort. A token bill will be passed expanding the existing wall and Trump will declare victory

Rounding up aliens: Trump will concentrate on criminals and those who fall in the crosshairs, but there will be no roundup

Immigration: Enhanced vetting will correlate to....No Muslims

Putting Hillary in jail: Rudy Giuliani will appoint a special prosecutor who will drag this investigation on for years. He will write a scathing report but Hillary will not be criminally prosecuted

Obamacare: Tricky to repeal without having something better to replace it. Republicans will gut it, cut out funding for Medicaid and subsidies leaving millions without coverage

Trade: Trump will get tough but it is difficult to tear up deals and get something better

Keystone: Will pass

Gay marriage/gays in the military: That cat is out of the bag. Republicans will pass "wedding cake" laws saying you do not have to serve gays. Conservative courts will allow

Supreme Court: Trump will fill Scalias seat with a similar conservative


Some form of wall will be funded and approved. At first it will just be increased patrolling.

Increased federal enforcement will be enacted by denying federal funds to State law enforcement agencies that refuse to report illegals who have been arrested. I have a feeling we will see a self deporting movement begin once he enters office.

Some origin countries will see their limits dropped or put on hold, but it will be country by country.

Maybe, but if Obama pardons her, all bets are off. Would Obama hold back a pardon just to get the GOP involved in the tabloid quagmire of a special prosecutor investigation?

Maybe he will let Stated decide if they want to continue with it. To me this is a State issue, not a federal one.

This one is a tough one.


No going back on it, but limiting PA's to actual PA's and not "any time money changes hands" may be a sop to the conservative right. If he were smart he would combine it with increased employment protections for gays.

One new conservative, plus more if any resign in the first 3 years of his presidency. If it gets to the 4th and the Senate flips, expect a hold motion.
Ha, Clinton Bootlickers still believe Mexico calls the shots. Well guess what? It doesn't. It will contribute to the costs of border security. Trump never said he was asking Mexico's permission to make that happen.

The People want border security and serious Immigration System reform. Trump has an incredibly difficult task ahead. Cleaning up Obama's awful Immigration mess will be a Herculean challenge.
With Trump as President and a Republican Congress, the sky is the limit

What I think will happen:

The Wall: "A big, beautiful wall" I doubt it. Once the bill comes in and they see Mexico will not pay for it, Congress will downsize the effort. A token bill will be passed expanding the existing wall and Trump will declare victory

Could be, but the "pay for" was never direct. Trump said that the reduced costs from crime committed by Illegals would pay for it.

Rounding up aliens: Trump will concentrate on criminals and those who fall in the crosshairs, but there will be no roundup


Immigration: Enhanced vetting will correlate to....No Muslims

I hope so.

Putting Hillary in jail: Rudy Giuliani will appoint a special prosecutor who will drag this investigation on for years. He will write a scathing report but Hillary will not be criminally prosecuted


Obama will pardon Hillary prior to leaving office. I suspect he will pardon Lois Lerner as well, due to the depth of her crimes on his behalf.

Obamacare: Tricky to repeal without having something better to replace it. Republicans will gut it, cut out funding for Medicaid and subsidies leaving millions without coverage

Obamacare is already in full collapse. If must be jettisoned.

Trade: Trump will get tough but it is difficult to tear up deals and get something better

Keystone: Will pass


Gay marriage/gays in the military: That cat is out of the bag. Republicans will pass "wedding cake" laws saying you do not have to serve gays. Conservative courts will allow

Supreme Court: Trump will fill Scalias seat with a similar conservative


He will fill the Scalia seat with a conservative, and possibly the Ginsburg seat with a conservative - which will change the court for the remainder of our lives, and is the reason this election was so crucial.

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