The 'Traitor' Takes Election Challenge Straight To The House Of Representatives....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After losing in the recent election the Un-American threat to our Democracy - the challenge of the election results is being taken straight to the house of Representatives...the nerve of this asshole! Why can't losers like this just accept their loss and move on instead of selfishly dividing the country?

Oh yeah...because this one is a DEMOCRAT, which makes it OK......

Iowa Democrat Rita Hart will challenge 6-vote loss by appealing directly to the House of Representatives

"On Monday Iowa certified the vote for all state races including the incredibly close race in the 2nd district. The vote totals show that Republican Marianette Miller-Meeks defeated Democrat Rita Hart by just six votes. It’s the closest House race in the country since 1984 and the closest in Iowa in more than 100 years.

Once the vote was certified, Rita Hart had three options. The first was to concede the loss and move on. The second was to contest the outcome in Iowa’s courts. The deadline for a court challenge was close of business today. The third option was to appeal directly to the U.S. House itself which has the power to investigate and determine who will ultimately get the seat."

GEE.....any bets on how Pelosi and the Democrat-controlled House, who already lost seats in the House to the GOP this election, is going to rule on who gets the win?


If Democrats 'overturn the will of the people'...does that mean GOP legislatures / reps should give Trump the win in swing states the vote says Biden won?

After losing in the recent election the Un-American threat to our Democracy - the challenge of the election results is being taken straight to the house of Representatives...the nerve of this asshole! Why can't losers like this just accept their loss and move on instead of selfishly dividing the country?

Oh yeah...because this one is a DEMOCRAT, which makes it OK......

Iowa Democrat Rita Hart will challenge 6-vote loss by appealing directly to the House of Representatives

"On Monday Iowa certified the vote for all state races including the incredibly close race in the 2nd district. The vote totals show that Republican Marianette Miller-Meeks defeated Democrat Rita Hart by just six votes. It’s the closest House race in the country since 1984 and the closest in Iowa in more than 100 years.

Once the vote was certified, Rita Hart had three options. The first was to concede the loss and move on. The second was to contest the outcome in Iowa’s courts. The deadline for a court challenge was close of business today. The third option was to appeal directly to the U.S. House itself which has the power to investigate and determine who will ultimately get the seat."

GEE.....any bets on how Pelosi and the Democrat-controlled House, who already lost seats in the House to the GOP this election, is going to rule on who gets the win?


If Democrats 'overturn the will of the people'...does that mean GOP legislatures / reps should give Trump the win in swing states the vote says Biden won?

da ya think your doctor can up the dosage
So what? The election is over. She lost. The fact that she is challenging the democratic process is, according to Democrats and snowflakes, a threat to our entire Democracy....unless a Democrat - like gore or Abrams - do it.
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da ya think your doctor can up the dosage

My vaccine to prevent me from being pestered by snowflake douche bags posting stupid insults and personal attacks aimed at me is at max dosage, but I still get idiots like you doing it... <sigh>
After losing in the recent election the Un-American threat to our Democracy - the challenge of the election results is being taken straight to the house of Representatives...the nerve of this asshole! Why can't losers like this just accept their loss and move on instead of selfishly dividing the country?

Oh yeah...because this one is a DEMOCRAT, which makes it OK......

Iowa Democrat Rita Hart will challenge 6-vote loss by appealing directly to the House of Representatives

"On Monday Iowa certified the vote for all state races including the incredibly close race in the 2nd district. The vote totals show that Republican Marianette Miller-Meeks defeated Democrat Rita Hart by just six votes. It’s the closest House race in the country since 1984 and the closest in Iowa in more than 100 years.

Once the vote was certified, Rita Hart had three options. The first was to concede the loss and move on. The second was to contest the outcome in Iowa’s courts. The deadline for a court challenge was close of business today. The third option was to appeal directly to the U.S. House itself which has the power to investigate and determine who will ultimately get the seat."

GEE.....any bets on how Pelosi and the Democrat-controlled House, who already lost seats in the House to the GOP this election, is going to rule on who gets the win?


If Democrats 'overturn the will of the people'...does that mean GOP legislatures / reps should give Trump the win in swing states the vote says Biden won?

Everyone knows that the Democrat Bigots hate Iowans
Hasn't the mantra been to count all legal votes?

Hart requested a recount in all 24 counties in the district after trailing by 47 votes, following the discovery of tabulation errors that twice flipped the lead back and forth between the two candidates.

The recount cut the deficit to six votes. Hart’s campaign noted that elections officials did not review all ballots that the machines considered overvotes or undervotes to determine voter intent, and were barred from considering others that were not counted during the initial canvass.

While that recount considered more votes, limitations in Iowa law mean there are more legally cast votes left to be counted,” Hart campaign manager Zach Meunier said. “With a margin this small, it is critical that we take this next step to ensure Iowans’ ballots that were legally cast are counted.”

The campaign said that some of the uncounted ballots came from active-duty military members overseas.

So what? The election is over. She lost. The fact that she is challenging the democratic process is, according to Democrats and snowflakes, a threat to our entire Democracy....unless a Democrat - like gore or Abrams - do it.

You really don't understand how retarded you sound,
You really don't understand how little I care about your hate-driven, TDS-suffering opinion.....
The OP's own article says that the last time something like this happened there the candidate who contested the vote ended up winning the seat.
So what? The election is over. She lost. The fact that she is challenging the democratic process is, according to Democrats and snowflakes, a threat to our entire Democracy....unless a Democrat - like gore or Abrams - do it.
Those are her legal, election law, options.... with the 6 vote difference.

There are reasons to have the House do the investigation, they have 30 days to research the thousands of over and under votes, if gone through the court option, that only allowed 7 days, which was not enough time to gather evidence.

The last time the house overturned the results, was in 1984, when they researched a 4 vote difference.

An election contest in Iowa would have set in motion the formation of a five-judge panel that would have been required to rule on who won the race by Tuesday, Dec. 8.

Hart’s campaign said that quick timeline would not allow enough time to review all the ballots, including thousands of unexamined undervotes and overvotes and a small number of others that were not counted for a variety of reasons.

Instead, the campaign said that Hart would file an election contest with the U.S. House under the Federal Contested Elections Act in the coming weeks.

Such a filing, due within 30 days after Monday’s certification, will trigger a proceeding in front of the House Committee on Administration that would allow Hart to gather testimony and evidence

President Trump lost by over 7 million votes

Lost with 300,000 votes in these battleground states, NOT even close to losing by just 6 votes.

President Trump does not have the option of going to the House, under election law...with losing by so much. Plus, it goes to the House, only if no candidate reaches the 270 threshold to win...from my understanding. Biden got to 306.
Those are her legal, election law, options.... with the 6 vote difference.

And contesting the 2020 Presidential election in Swing States is the president's legal right...thanks for the 'Dem Double Standard' BS display, snowflake....
So what? The election is over. She lost. The fact that she is challenging the democratic process is, according to Democrats and snowflakes, a threat to our entire Democracy....unless a Democrat - like gore or Abrams - do it.
Those are her legal, election law, options.... with the 6 vote difference.

There are reasons to have the House do the investigation, they have 30 days to research the thousands of over and under votes, if gone through the court option, that only allowed 7 days, which was not enough time to gather evidence.

The last time the house overturned the results, was in 1984, when they researched a 4 vote difference.

An election contest in Iowa would have set in motion the formation of a five-judge panel that would have been required to rule on who won the race by Tuesday, Dec. 8.

Hart’s campaign said that quick timeline would not allow enough time to review all the ballots, including thousands of unexamined undervotes and overvotes and a small number of others that were not counted for a variety of reasons.

Instead, the campaign said that Hart would file an election contest with the U.S. House under the Federal Contested Elections Act in the coming weeks.

Such a filing, due within 30 days after Monday’s certification, will trigger a proceeding in front of the House Committee on Administration that would allow Hart to gather testimony and evidence

President Trump lost by over 7 million votes

Lost with 300,000 votes in these battleground states, NOT even close to losing by just 6 votes.

President Trump does not have the option of going to the House, under election law...with losing by so much. Plus, it goes to the House, only if no candidate reaches the 270 threshold to win...from my understanding. Biden got to 306.

There is more than enough evidence for Rump to pursue his options.
After losing in the recent election the Un-American threat to our Democracy - the challenge of the election results is being taken straight to the house of Representatives...the nerve of this asshole! Why can't losers like this just accept their loss and move on instead of selfishly dividing the country?

Oh yeah...because this one is a DEMOCRAT, which makes it OK......

Iowa Democrat Rita Hart will challenge 6-vote loss by appealing directly to the House of Representatives

"On Monday Iowa certified the vote for all state races including the incredibly close race in the 2nd district. The vote totals show that Republican Marianette Miller-Meeks defeated Democrat Rita Hart by just six votes. It’s the closest House race in the country since 1984 and the closest in Iowa in more than 100 years.

Once the vote was certified, Rita Hart had three options. The first was to concede the loss and move on. The second was to contest the outcome in Iowa’s courts. The deadline for a court challenge was close of business today. The third option was to appeal directly to the U.S. House itself which has the power to investigate and determine who will ultimately get the seat."

GEE.....any bets on how Pelosi and the Democrat-controlled House, who already lost seats in the House to the GOP this election, is going to rule on who gets the win?


If Democrats 'overturn the will of the people'...does that mean GOP legislatures / reps should give Trump the win in swing states the vote says Biden won?


Another whining thread complaining that nobody will overturn Trumpy Bear's loss???

Don't you ever tire of being on the losing side of every legal argument, easy? You keep touting "absolute proof" that will get Clinton locked up, or make Trump a winner for a change, and still you're wrong.

Waiting for you to cite "proof" that Trump belongs in jail.
After losing in the recent election the Un-American threat to our Democracy - the challenge of the election results is being taken straight to the house of Representatives...the nerve of this asshole! Why can't losers like this just accept their loss and move on instead of selfishly dividing the country?

Oh yeah...because this one is a DEMOCRAT, which makes it OK......

Iowa Democrat Rita Hart will challenge 6-vote loss by appealing directly to the House of Representatives

"On Monday Iowa certified the vote for all state races including the incredibly close race in the 2nd district. The vote totals show that Republican Marianette Miller-Meeks defeated Democrat Rita Hart by just six votes. It’s the closest House race in the country since 1984 and the closest in Iowa in more than 100 years.

Once the vote was certified, Rita Hart had three options. The first was to concede the loss and move on. The second was to contest the outcome in Iowa’s courts. The deadline for a court challenge was close of business today. The third option was to appeal directly to the U.S. House itself which has the power to investigate and determine who will ultimately get the seat."

GEE.....any bets on how Pelosi and the Democrat-controlled House, who already lost seats in the House to the GOP this election, is going to rule on who gets the win?


If Democrats 'overturn the will of the people'...does that mean GOP legislatures / reps should give Trump the win in swing states the vote says Biden won?


Another whining thread complaining that nobody will overturn Trumpy Bear's loss???

Don't you ever tire of being on the losing side of every legal argument, easy? You keep touting "absolute proof" that will get Clinton locked up, or make Trump a winner for a change, and still you're wrong.

Waiting for you to cite "proof" that Trump belongs in jail.

Stuff it dumbass, this thread isn't about Rump.

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