The Thing About 2020 . . .


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Most all Hollywood movie scripts and New York big 5 published novels share one artistic aspect in common, a requirement really: no matter how evil their antagonists, no matter how expansive their disasters; no matter how dark the worlds of their characters become or how many people the bad guys take out there's always a good guy authority waiting in the wingsā€”a force of true justice. All their hero protagonists have to do is catch the bad guys or expose their evil deeds so that the good guy authority can prosecute them, lock them up and once that's done balance will be restored to their worlds. Even in the plot of my recently published first novel, a story set in a grime covered dystopian future mega city ruled by a cyborg religious cult, a world where the one remaining city on the planet is surrounded by trillions of monstrous hypercarnivores, some hope remains in the form of a ragtag resistance aided by the city's artificial intelligence and in the heart of one man who has no idea he's become a Godā€”a saviorā€”in the minds of millions.

Where were we? Ah, yes . . . talking about 2020, the year. See, throughout all of last yearā€”the thing about the entire year start to finishā€”there were no good guys. No good guy heroic authority emerged for any would be protagonists to hand over the bad guys to or expose their evil deeds to. 2020 was a year without the emergence of a single good guy and the rise of seemingly countless villains. Really, I can't seem to remember a year like itā€”least not in my lifetime.

Then again . . . perhaps 2020 was the first installment of a trilogy series. A series where all hope is lost and the hour darkest and in the sequel (2021) some kind of heroic force will make itself known. I suppose we'd better gather our collective sanity and hope that's the case.
Most all Hollywood movie scripts and New York big 5 published novels share one artistic aspect in common, a requirement really: no matter how evil their antagonists, no matter how expansive their disasters; no matter how dark the worlds of their characters become or how many people the bad guys take out there's always a good guy authority waiting in the wingsā€”a force of true justice. All their hero protagonists have to do is catch the bad guys or expose their evil deeds so that the good guy authority can prosecute them, lock them up and once that's done balance will be restored to their worlds. Even in the plot of my recently published first novel, a story set in a grime covered dystopian future mega city ruled by a cyborg religious cult, a world where the one remaining city on the planet is surrounded by trillions of monstrous hypercarnivores, some hope remains in the form of a ragtag resistance aided by the city's artificial intelligence and in the heart of one man who has no idea he's become a Godā€”a saviorā€”in the minds of millions.

Where were we? Ah, yes . . . talking about 2020, the year. See, throughout all of last yearā€”the thing about the entire year start to finishā€”there were no good guys. No good guy heroic authority emerged for any would be protagonists to hand over the bad guys to or expose their evil deeds to. 2020 was a year without the emergence of a single good guy and the rise of seemingly countless villains. Really, I can't seem to remember a year like itā€”least not in my lifetime.

Then again . . . perhaps 2020 was the first installment of a trilogy series. A series where all hope is lost and the hour darkest and in the sequel (2021) some kind of heroic force will make itself known. I suppose we'd better gather our collective sanity and hope that's the case.

I disagree. There were plenty of good guys and heros.

As Candycorn said, the doctors and nurses working this pandemic (without enough protective gear at the beginning) are good guys and heros.

There are plenty of stories about people helping other people. No, they are not national figures. They are just ordinary people doing extraordinary things to help businesses survive, families eat & pay their bills, and students to have as much of a school year as possible.

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