The Supernatural Is Really Heaven's Natural Laws At Work.


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
"Christianity is magical"__ John Internet Poster

JAG Replies:
Not to be picky, but there is nothing "magical" involved in Christianity's
There are natural laws in the unseen world and, in my view, one of those
laws is that physical material reality can be changed and manipulated
for the good, by thought processes. For example, my view is that when
Jesus healed people, He was exercising His power to use the natural
laws of Heaven, to do good here on earth ~ and of course that appears
to us, in our present condition, to be supernatural. But to Jesus, it was
natural to have the power to heal human diseases by merely speaking
words. Even to raise dead people. "Lazarus come out", said the
Lord Jesus, and Lazarus, who had been dead for four (4) days came out
of the tomb. (That's in John chapter 11.)

Jesus merely spoke words to a fig tree and the fig tree instantly died.
Jesus was using that situation as a teaching moment, to teach His disciples
how to do things like that ~~ and later on, in the book of Acts, they DID do
things like that.
( Matthew 21:19 tells about the fig tree incident.)


"Christianity is magical"__ John Internet Poster

JAG Replies:
Not to be picky, but there is nothing "magical" involved in Christianity's
There are natural laws in the unseen world and, in my view, one of those
laws is that physical material reality can be changed and manipulated
for the good, by thought processes. For example, my view is that when
Jesus healed people, He was exercising His power to use the natural
laws of Heaven, to do good here on earth ~ and of course that appears
to us, in our present condition, to be supernatural. But to Jesus, it was
natural to have the power to heal human diseases by merely speaking
words. Even to raise dead people. "Lazarus come out", said the
Lord Jesus, and Lazarus, who had been dead for four (4) days came out
of the tomb. (That's in John chapter 11.)

Jesus merely spoke words to a fig tree and the fig tree instantly died.
Jesus was using that situation as a teaching moment, to teach His disciples
how to do things like that ~~ and later on, in the book of Acts, they DID do
things like that.
( Matthew 21:19 tells about the fig tree incident.)


Great stories.
"Christianity is magical"__ John Internet Poster

JAG Replies:
Not to be picky, but there is nothing "magical" involved in Christianity's
There are natural laws in the unseen world and, in my view, one of those
laws is that physical material reality can be changed and manipulated
for the good, by thought processes. For example, my view is that when
Jesus healed people, He was exercising His power to use the natural
laws of Heaven, to do good here on earth ~ and of course that appears
to us, in our present condition, to be supernatural. But to Jesus, it was
natural to have the power to heal human diseases by merely speaking
words. Even to raise dead people. "Lazarus come out", said the
Lord Jesus, and Lazarus, who had been dead for four (4) days came out
of the tomb. (That's in John chapter 11.)

Jesus merely spoke words to a fig tree and the fig tree instantly died.
Jesus was using that situation as a teaching moment, to teach His disciples
how to do things like that ~~ and later on, in the book of Acts, they DID do
things like that.
( Matthew 21:19 tells about the fig tree incident.)

Certainly no one can prove you are wrong. On the other hand no one, including you, can prove that you're right so not a very valuable theory.
Certainly no one can prove you are wrong. On the other hand no one, including you, can prove that you're right so not a very valuable theory.
Christianity is a FAITH.
It is not subject to investigation using the scientific method.
It is not subject to so-called "empirical evidences."

By the way, you can NOT prove that there is a single person on this
earth that loves you or that has ever loved you ~~ they ALL could be
deliberately fooling you into believing that they do, for their own personal
reasons ~` when the truth is they do NOT love you and never have loved you.

Yet , , I'm pretty sure you believe BY FAITH that they do love you ~~ even though
you can NOT possibly use the scientific method to prove that they are not
deliberately fooling you for their own personal reasons.



Great stories.
Supernatural is simply a term used to define that which is SUPER (superior) to nature(NATURAL). Meaning: The natural and the laws that govern/measure/quantify it are not capable of measuring/quantifying that which is superior.

In Scripture, there is a reason for any and all supernatural events, the supernatural is used to confirm communication from a superior realm to an inferior realm.......and these events can only be confirmed through "eyewitness" prima facie testimony as its impossible to reproduce a supernatural event via application of the natural. Facts can only be derived through, Observable, Reproducible experimentation that results in consistency with each application.
physiology itself is a supernatural, metaphysical substance that disappears when it expires and is motivated by its particular spiritual content that may sometime fee itself from its physical constraints.

kid yourself not - the formula for the single cell is known only in the heavens for how it is manufactured.
When one considers the reality, you could define "vision", "eyesight" as a form of psychic projection/ability in dealing with the natural world. Eyesight is generated completely and controlled completely by that biological computer called the "MIND". Man uses vision to in order to interact/communicate with the physical world that surrounds him even void of human touch/action.:eusa_think:

Talk about your intelligent design. ;) The real question, where does that energy that is the human spirit/mind go once biological decay interrupts the bodies ability to regulate the controlled conditions (the body is considered an outside source manipulating the closed system called the human mind)?

Its a fact of science; Existing energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed within a closed system. In order to get around this ABSOLUTE 1st law of THERMODYNAMICS.....some argue that the Universe is not a closed system..........

When one argues from that position, its a logical admission there is an outside source more powerful than physical reality. Call it what you will........but logic dictates it must be SUPERNATURAL.
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The Word is the most powerful thing there is.
Instantly happy
Instantly sad
Instantly wanting to kill you
Instant laughing
....or ...if you're a politico, millions following you right off a cliff(you'll go last)
Trust me.
Heavens natural laws? Please explain what that is supposed to mean.
Heavens natural laws? Please explain what that is supposed to mean.
Money itself is evil not being a heavenly thing. God's mind, who is not of the world needs to control us. They that have no control will perish with what is, had free become a world wide reality.
A super natural power makes a person to change from wanting to arrest, condemn and kill, to not want to do any of that.
"Christianity is magical"__ John Internet Poster

JAG Replies:
Not to be picky, but there is nothing "magical" involved in Christianity's
There are natural laws in the unseen world and, in my view, one of those
laws is that physical material reality can be changed and manipulated
for the good, by thought processes. For example, my view is that when
Jesus healed people, He was exercising His power to use the natural
laws of Heaven, to do good here on earth ~ and of course that appears
to us, in our present condition, to be supernatural. But to Jesus, it was
natural to have the power to heal human diseases by merely speaking
words. Even to raise dead people. "Lazarus come out", said the
Lord Jesus, and Lazarus, who had been dead for four (4) days came out
of the tomb. (That's in John chapter 11.)

Jesus merely spoke words to a fig tree and the fig tree instantly died.
Jesus was using that situation as a teaching moment, to teach His disciples
how to do things like that ~~ and later on, in the book of Acts, they DID do
things like that.
( Matthew 21:19 tells about the fig tree incident.)


Jesus used every opportunity to teach. A human that does not bear fruit, even as that fig tree, will be hewn down. That tree was not a good tree. Neither is a person who has no good works. Jesus wants to work through us.

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