The Spark Turned Into A Fire


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
In April I posted a thread of a spark of good news. That cases of the virus were showing a start of leveling off in Kirkland where the first case of the virus in America was reported. I hoped that spark would catch on and turn into a fire.

It has.

Our governor shutdown 3 counties at the beginning of March. I live in one of those counties. Right now, I'm finishing up the 3rd month in shutdown.

It has not been easy. But it has been working.

We started a slow and cautious opening at the beginning of the month. We are scheduled to be completely open by June 1st but the governor says there are a few counties that won't be completely open by then. I hope my county isn't one of them.

In February articles were being written that we would become the Wuhan Province of America.

That never happened.

The reason being that our governor took quick and proper action. It did spread in the state but nothing like many other parts of the nation.

Some people may protest the strict restrictions we endured but they were wrong. What we did was the right thing. We prevented a catastrophe and the needless deaths of many people here.

I give full credit to our governor and the people of our state. We did a good job.

I hope to see our fire turn into a full blown wildfire of health and zero cases of the virus as soon as possible.

I hope other states can have the results we have had here.


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