The Simple FACTS of the Matter...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Democrats = Ever expanding government, ever higher taxes and unlimited spending.

Republicans = Smaller government, lower taxes and cutting spending.

Those are the facts, end of story.
Democrats = Ever expanding government, ever higher taxes and unlimited spending.

Republicans = Smaller government, lower taxes and cutting spending.

Those are the facts, end of story.

Whatever bumper sticker you are getting your "FACTS" from is a misprint.

I guess you are unaware of the explosion in the size of government when the GOP had control of the House, the Senate, and the White House, eh?

Department of Homeland Security anyone?

George W. Bush expanded the size of every government agency except two. And he created a whole new cabinet department. Guess which agencies are the only two he shrank?

The SEC and the EPA. How'd that turn out for ya? Here, have some oil-soaked gulf shrimp as you dine in your foreclosed home while you think about it.

As for spending, Bush and the GOP House and Senate doubled our national debt.

Here are the REAL facts:


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Total bullshit.

Bureaucracy and spending under Chimpola and the 3/3 republican majority expanded at a faster rate in their first four years, than it did during the previous eight under Bubba.

That's the fact, jack.


A) Didn't the marvelous ( that Clinton phony surplus bubble)* bust occur? YES! What did it cost?

1) $5 trillion in market losses which meant the taxpayers who had tax liabilities of $166 billion from 2002 and beyond GONE!
2) 300,000 jobs lost due to busts....billions in payroll taxes!!!

NOT BUSH's fault agree??

B) Did 9/11 happen??? YES what did that cost?
1) $2 trillion in losses meant $66 billion a year in reduced TAX payments from 2003 and beyond GONE!
2 145,00 jobs lost in NYC alone due to 9/11... what did that cost? Billions in payroll taxes!

NOT BUSH's fault Agree???

and regarding hurricanes... THE WORST SEASONS not hurricanes like Sandy SEASONS!!!
NOT BUSH's fault agree??
C) DID the worst hurricane SEASONS not hurricanes SEASONS occur? YES what did that cost?
1) $1 trillion in losses meaning $33 billion a year in reduced tax revenues!
2) 400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita

YET how many people seemingly forget those 3 events costing over $8 trillion which is being written off against taxes today.

Even idiot conservatives calling Bush spending like a drunken sailor NEVER seem to recognize that
A) All of the above $8 trillion meant LOST TAX REVENUE Just as SANDY now will have ...look for the NYSE losses in the billions!!!
B) All of the above costs 850,000 jobs... just like SANDY will but everyone blames Bush!
C) Finally all of the above EVENTS were NOT CAUSED BY BUSH JUST AS SANDY IS NOT Obama's FAULT!

BUT watch EVERYONE forgets those events and what the AFFECT there was on the USA and BLAME BUSH???

  • In PLAIN english the bust and 9/11 had this affect:
  • Year Tax Revenue Increase or decrease in Revenue:
  • === ======== ======================
  • 2000 $2.026 Trillion $198 billion
  • 2001 1.991 ( 35.1 billion less revenue then prior year)
  • 2002 1.853 (138. billion less revenue then prior year)
  • 2003 1.782 ( 70.8 billion less revenue then prior year)
  • 2004 1.880 $ 97.8
  • 2005 2.153 273.5
  • 2006 2.406 253.3
  • 2007 2.568 161.1
  • 2008 2.524 ( 44.0 billion less revenue then prior year)
  • 2009 2.105 (419.0 billion less revenue then prior year)
  • 2010 2.162 57.7
  • 2011 2.173 11.0
  • Thanks
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anyone who thinks a republican admin will shrink government should take some time and pull their empty skulls out of their fat asses.
Total bullshit.

Bureaucracy and spending under Chimpola and the 3/3 republican majority expanded at a faster rate in their first four years, than it did during the previous eight under Bubba.

That's the fact, jack.


A) Didn't the marvelous ( that Clinton phony surplus bubble)* bust occur? YES! What did it cost?

1) $5 trillion in market losses which meant the taxpayers who had tax liabilities of $166 billion from 2002 and beyond GONE!
2) 300,000 jobs lost due to busts....billions in payroll taxes!!!

NOT BUSH's fault agree??

B) Did 9/11 happen??? YES what did that cost?
1) $2 trillion in losses meant $66 billion a year in reduced TAX payments from 2003 and beyond GONE!
2 145,00 jobs lost in NYC alone due to 9/11... what did that cost? Billions in payroll taxes!

NOT BUSH's fault Agree???

and regarding hurricanes... THE WORST SEASONS not hurricanes like Sandy SEASONS!!!
NOT BUSH's fault agree??
C) DID the worst hurricane SEASONS not hurricanes SEASONS occur? YES what did that cost?
1) $1 trillion in losses meaning $33 billion a year in reduced tax revenues!
2) 400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita

YET how many people seemingly forget those 3 events costing over $8 trillion which is being written off against taxes today.

Even idiot conservatives calling Bush spending like a drunken sailor NEVER seem to recognize that
A) All of the above $8 trillion meant LOST TAX REVENUE Just as SANDY now will have ...look for the NYSE losses in the billions!!!
B) All of the above costs 850,000 jobs... just like SANDY will but everyone blames Bush!
C) Finally all of the above EVENTS were NOT CAUSED BY BUSH JUST AS SANDY IS NOT Obama's FAULT!

BUT watch EVERYONE forgets those events and what the AFFECT there was on the USA and BLAME BUSH???

  • In PLAIN english the bust and 9/11 had this affect:
  • Year Tax Revenue Increase or decrease in Revenue:
  • === ======== ======================
  • 2000 $2.026 Trillion $198 billion
  • 2001 1.991 ( 35.1 billion less revenue then prior year)
  • 2002 1.853 (138. billion less revenue then prior year)
  • 2003 1.782 ( 70.8 billion less revenue then prior year)
  • 2004 1.880 $ 97.8
  • 2005 2.153 273.5
  • 2006 2.406 253.3
  • 2007 2.568 161.1
  • 2008 2.524 ( 44.0 billion less revenue then prior year)
  • 2009 2.105 (419.0 billion less revenue then prior year)
  • 2010 2.162 57.7
  • 2011 2.173 11.0
I knew I could find an apologist to come in and throw the 9/11™ card to try and excuse Chimpy McShrub.

Face it, he and his neocon congressional glee club were a total failures as any sorts of "conservatives" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore)....We couldn't have been any worse off had Algore won in 2000.
If there is a fact anywhere, it is that Americans won't vote for cutting government.

Romney only hopes to slow government spending down enough to grow into paying for it in about 15 years. Even that will be a moonshot effort.

And even that is barely acceptable to the masses. I am afraid to say it, but we are Greece.
Democrats = Ever expanding government, ever higher taxes and unlimited spending.

Republicans = Smaller government, lower taxes and cutting spending.

Those are the facts, end of story.

Whatever bumper sticker you are getting your "FACTS" from is a misprint.

I guess you are unaware of the explosion in the size of government when the GOP had control of the House, the Senate, and the White House, eh?

Department of Homeland Security anyone?

George W. Bush expanded the size of every government agency except two. And he created a whole new cabinet department. Guess which agencies are the only two he shrank?

The SEC and the EPA. How'd that turn out for ya? Here, have some oil-soaked gulf shrimp as you dine in your foreclosed home while you think about it.

As for spending, Bush and the GOP House and Senate doubled our national debt.

Here are the REAL facts:


:lol: hilarious! :lol:
Democrats = Ever expanding government, ever higher taxes and unlimited spending.

Republicans = Smaller government, lower taxes and cutting spending.

Those are the facts, end of story.

You should change that to liberals/conservatives as the republicans have been expanding the government just like democrats.
Democrats = Ever expanding government, ever higher taxes and unlimited spending.

Republicans = Smaller government, lower taxes and cutting spending.

Those are the facts, end of story.

You should change that to liberals/conservatives as the republicans have been expanding the government just like democrats.

Hold on now.. I am a conservative and I have registered Rep to vote in the primaries in my state.. but if someone blindly things that Reps are all for cutting spending, you are sadly mistaken.. For example, Bush was horrid on spending (granted, not as bad as Obamalama)...
Democrats = Ever expanding government, ever higher taxes and unlimited spending.

Republicans = Smaller government, lower taxes and cutting spending.

Those are the facts, end of story.

You wish they were facts. Fact is since WWII both parties have been mostly Tax and Spend more each year.
The past four years of the socialist kenyan and his/democrats mind numbing spending has solidified the fact that democrats are now the party of TAX AND SPEND, PERIOD, and that is EXACTLY what the kenyan is planning on doing MORE OF if he's REELECTED...


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