The Secret Seduction of The Walking Dead


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2019
Those of you who have followed the series that is now in its TENTH season may continue to watch each episode with a subconscious desire to actually live in such a world. TWD is not about the flesh eating "walkers" although they do add a healthy dose of carnage and mayhem to the series.

TWD is about a society of people trying to exist in a world where you are completely responsible for your own survival. Personal accountability is the order of the day. There is NO safety net.

There are no welfare offices, no food stamps, no laws, no police, no IRS agents, no Wal-Marts, no gas stations. No auto repair centers, no malls, no jobs, no wages, no taxes, no courts, no judges, no radio or TV, no Internet, no cell phones, no assurance that you will live another minute, except for your own instincts and your own desire to survive.

The world represented by TWD is a romantic and seductive Eden of sorts, where YOU decide whether or not you will eat, bathe, sleep, have sex, or get exercise, for example. There is NO authority to answer to, except that which each community establishes by choosing a leader, or a group of leaders who are expected to make the bigger decisions in the best interests of the group.

Even with that, you can at any time say, "'I'm outta here!" and leave the community to go in search of greener pastures. No one has the authority to stop you or tell you that you must stay and contribute to the common good. If you ARE a part of the community, you are expected to pull your own weight. You are responsible for your own defense, you own existence. You are not "entitled" to food, water, clothing or shelter, but that which exists is shared with you, IF you contributed to producing it. Your participation in the group is expected, in exchange for shared benefits: "I will sleep while you keep watch..."

When I look at the world the way it is today, I almost wish that we would arrive at a post apocalyptic world, and end this miserable rat race we call present day society. I might be bitten and die on the first day, or I might find that I am adept at surviving in a world where I rely only on myself. However it may play out, one must admit that it is still more attractive than anything we can experience today, if one is HONEST.
I keep watching to see if it'll ever get as good as those first years. Probably not.

There are apocalypse stories everywhere and probably always have been in one form or another.

I think it may be a bit of an unrealistic romance, when people think of being some of the last folks on earth or even the last one. You come up with a bunch of scenarios like hot rodding about in a Bugatti or Mclaren. No traffic jams, lol! Free shopping, live in mansions...

And a whole host of real situations that aren't as nice.

James and I dropped off the hamster wheel when our kids were grown and we retired. We cleared this land and put up a house you wouldn't know was here if you didn't know. Our way of getting at least partially away from the craziness of society.

Anyway... interesting topic and post!
Those of you who have followed the series that is now in its TENTH season may continue to watch each episode with a subconscious desire to actually live in such a world. TWD is not about the flesh eating "walkers" although they do add a healthy dose of carnage and mayhem to the series.

TWD is about a society of people trying to exist in a world where you are completely responsible for your own survival. Personal accountability is the order of the day. There is NO safety net.

There are no welfare offices, no food stamps, no laws, no police, no IRS agents, no Wal-Marts, no gas stations. No auto repair centers, no malls, no jobs, no wages, no taxes, no courts, no judges, no radio or TV, no Internet, no cell phones, no assurance that you will live another minute, except for your own instincts and your own desire to survive.

The world represented by TWD is a romantic and seductive Eden of sorts, where YOU decide whether or not you will eat, bathe, sleep, have sex, or get exercise, for example. There is NO authority to answer to, except that which each community establishes by choosing a leader, or a group of leaders who are expected to make the bigger decisions in the best interests of the group.

Even with that, you can at any time say, "'I'm outta here!" and leave the community to go in search of greener pastures. No one has the authority to stop you or tell you that you must stay and contribute to the common good. If you ARE a part of the community, you are expected to pull your own weight. You are responsible for your own defense, you own existence. You are not "entitled" to food, water, clothing or shelter, but that which exists is shared with you, IF you contributed to producing it. Your participation in the group is expected, in exchange for shared benefits: "I will sleep while you keep watch..."

When I look at the world the way it is today, I almost wish that we would arrive at a post apocalyptic world, and end this miserable rat race we call present day society. I might be bitten and die on the first day, or I might find that I am adept at surviving in a world where I rely only on myself. However it may play out, one must admit that it is still more attractive than anything we can experience today, if one is HONEST.

I binge watched it while in the US a few months ago.

Have yet to see Season 9.

Apocalyptic times. How would we all survive if the power went out? After six days, would we be robbing our neighbours?
You turn the power off and couple it with a disaster of any kind and people turn rabid.
Apocalyptic times. How would we all survive if the power went out? After six days, would we be robbing our neighbours?

That depends on how much "prepping" you have done.

People laugh at "preppers" but you KNOW they make sure to make a mental note of who the preppers are. When it hits the fan, the preppers will be the ones who are laughing, and shooting.
I seriously thought about OPs thoughts before replying. My first impulse was to simply ridicule someone feeling dissatisfied with a world where they are surrounded by abundance and miracles of technology but then I thought of my own life. I like to go into the river swamps hunting and recovering driftwood and logs for my side business creating furniture and decorative wood carvings. There is a kind of manly satisfaction in living by your wits but if I had to do it all the time it would suck.

I go into the snake and gator infested swamps in order to have the material to indulge my real passion, creating things of beauty. Perhaps that is the real cure for OPs post modern malaise. Find something simple, beautiful and peaceful and nurture it.

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