The Second Amendment is Part of the Constitution.


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
In 2020 21 million firearms were sold in America. 8.4 million Americans were first time buyers as the numbers of concealed carry permit holders also grew. In 2013 a report by the Center for Disease Control found Americans used firearms in defense 500,000 to 3 million times a year. The wide gap in the numbers is not to many times are these defenses reported and media never reports someone saving himself or others with a weapon but it happens and it happens a lot.

Dec. 2 2020, Yorkville, New York: Four armed intruders kicked in a door of a residence and forced a woman to the floor at gunpoint while they burglarized her home. Another resident heard the commotion from a bedroom, grabbed a “long gun,” and exchanged fire with the intruders, forcing them to flee, police said.

Dec. 4, Alexander City, Alabama: A driver recognized a wanted murder suspect walking along a rural road and held him at gunpoint until police arrived. A U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force and local police had been on a four-day manhunt for the suspect, who is alleged to have shot to death his girlfriend and her teenage son.

Dec. 6, Blountstown, Florida: A man used his AR-15 to defend himself against two armed, masked gunmen who approached his home, threatened the three residents, and demanded money. At one point, a robber pointed his gun at a resident’s head, which appears to have sparked a shootout, police said. Two residents were injured in the ensuing firefight, but the assailants fled and the residents were expected to survive.

Dec. 8, Lacombe, Louisiana: Four armed intruders broke into a residence and assaulted the homeowner, police said. The homeowner was able to grab and shoot his own firearm, killing two attackers and wounding the others, who now face felony charges. The homeowner’s 4-year-old daughter was injured in the crossfire, but was expected to make a full recovery.

Dec. 11, Las Vegas, Nevada: An employee of a car dealership confronted a homeless man who was attempting to break into the business, police said. The intruder became physically aggressive and shoved the employee to the ground, where he injured his head. Police said the employee then drew a firearm and shot and killed his attacker in self-defense.

Dec. 14, Atlanta, Georgia: During an argument at an apartment complex, a man pulled a gun and shot another man several times in the back, wounding him. A woman who lived there drew her own firearm and fatally shot the gunman in self-defense, police said. She was not expected to face charges.

Dec. 17, Pine Bluff, Arkansas: A paramedic defended himself and his partner with his firearm after a call to a domestic dispute turned violent. The paramedics began to treat a woman who told them that her boyfriend had beaten her; the boyfriend angrily confronted them for treating her injuries. After a physical altercation, he took out a gun and opened fire on the paramedics, police said. One paramedics was armed and, though injured, shot back, killing the boyfriend. Both paramedics were treated for gunshot wounds, but they and the woman survived.

Dec. 22, Green Township, Pennsylvania: A man at a gun range inexplicably turned his firearm on his friend, shooting and wounding him, police said. Another gun owner saw the attack and came to the friend’s aid, fatally wounding the gunman and likely saving the friend’s life.

Dec. 25, Stockton, California: Upset by an ongoing dispute, a neighbor forced his way into a woman’s residence on Christmas Day, police said. A verbal confrontation soon turned into a physical assault, prompting the woman to shoot and wound the man in defense of herself and her family.

Dec. 26, Chicago, Illinois: An armed robber walked into a cell phone store and demanded store property at gunpoint from an employee. The employee, a concealed carry permit holder, drew his own handgun and fatally shot the robber, police said.

Dec. 27, Port Arthur, Texas: Several armed men forcibly followed a woman into her residence, holding her and her young children at gunpoint, police said. The homeowner, who heard what was happening from another room, armed himself with a rifle and shot at the men, killing one and sending the other two fleeing.

Stupid Joe announced in mid February he would "tackle gun violence". So far all he has done is tackle honest gun owners as he tries to lessen time for violent offenders. Crazy Joe picked as ATF Director David Chipman. This gun control lobbyist openly mocked the 8.4 million new gun owners in America saying they were "afraid of zombies" and other just as crazy comments. At his recent confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee he blew those comments off as "self deprecating" what ever the hell that means. During the hearing he kept repeating false claims as the AR-15 is “a particularly lethal weapon” all the while saying he supports the Second Amendment that he knows nothing about.

An assault weapon use to be capable of full auto fire Then Sarah Brady made it something else with the help of the NRA who also call semi automatic rifles assault weapons. Nothing to do with caliber, type, muzzle velocity, muzzle energy, ballistics or stopping power. Only on UGLY. So right off the get go you know these clowns are not dealing with a full deck or suit.You can bet any anti gun nut talking about banning any weapon they don't have a clue, when called on it they fold. It's you can't get any media Socialist to call them on anything.

They are called fear words to generate donations and it took a lot of donations to pay organization heads over a million a year from their none profit organization.

A Saturday Night Special-A hand gun a poor man could afford, got to keep those guns from the poor.

A Plastic Gun that can go through airport screening. It's a Glock, over half our law enforcement carry and could never go throw airport screening.

A Cop Killing Gun- Brady Center gave 3 web sight links to learn about Cop killing Guns. All 3 went nowhere and I have still not found any information on Cop killing Guns. But according to the Brady Center there are Cop killing Bullets too.

.50 caliber rifles used to shoot jets out of the sky by terrorist and criminals. They must be ban!
If you have a gun in the house you are 47 times likely to shoot a love one than a low life.

There is other types of gun grabbers besides the 'for the money' jerk offs.
How bout "Just walk out your house, Fire one round in the air and Wake up" Joe. Half tyrant, all stupid. Then there is Beto. He's a felon and since he can't have firearms you can't have a firearms. 8.4 million new owners, 11 million super gun owners(their word not mine), anyone owning 10 weapons or more and I'm pretty sure they will have plenty of ammunition because there has never been a shortage, even handout some to neighbors and friends. They will never disarm us. It's just more proof joe is way too stupid to ever be ignorant. He will wonder around lost, thinking he can just squat there with his soiled panties and stain the ground.

To the 8,4 million 'NEW' gun owners you have just found a hobby that you will spend every dime on to get a small piece of lead in the middle of a target from 2 feet out passed 1,300 yards.
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Dec. 17, Pine Bluff, Arkansas: A paramedic defended himself and his partner with his firearm after a call to a domestic dispute turned violent. The paramedics began to treat a woman who told them that her boyfriend had beaten her; the boyfriend angrily confronted them for treating her injuries. After a physical altercation, he took out a gun and opened fire on the paramedics, police said. One paramedics was armed and, though injured, shot back, killing the boyfriend. Both paramedics were treated for gunshot wounds, but they and the woman survived.

This is why the left wants unarmed responders to domestic violence calls; the left hates women, as they prove each and every day - especially women of color.
Dec. 11, Las Vegas, Nevada: An employee of a car dealership confronted a homeless man who was attempting to break into the business, police said. The intruder became physically aggressive and shoved the employee to the ground, where he injured his head. Police said the employee then drew a firearm and shot and killed his attacker in self-defense.
What? Some guy didn't pass the credit check to buy a brand new car on a loan, so the dealer offed him.
This is why the left wants unarmed responders to domestic violence calls; the left hates women, as they prove each and every day - especially women of color.
You're full of shit. I ran my agencies DV Unit, and I'm a Democrat as were most of the officers I supervised. I wrote and managed two VAWA Grants and annually attended reviews with others in NY, Colorado and Minnesota.
You're full of shit. I ran my agencies DV Unit, and I'm a Democrat as were most of the officers I supervised. I wrote and managed two VAWA Grants and annually attended reviews with others in NY, Colorado and Minnesota.
And, in spite of all that, you still hate women. Amazing.
And where crime is much lower, liberty is much lower. Where the government and police monitor every aspect of everyone's life, crime is much lower.

Is it? Do you actually know this? Or is this something you read in a gun magazine without any sources to back up their claims?

Go on, prove it.

Here's some help.

The US isn't in the top 10 for liberty. Democracy is liberty, and the US has very little of that
Is it? Do you actually know this? Or is this something you read in a gun magazine without any sources to back up their claims?

Go on, prove it.

Here's some help.

The US isn't in the top 10 for liberty. Democracy is liberty, and the US has very little of that

Democracy isn't liberty. Democracy is mob rule.

Liberty is being able to make my own choices in my life and for my life. Liberty is being able to defend my rights and having the tools to do it. Liberty is the ability to speak truth to power, to argue against the government, to debate ideas openly and honestly. Liberty is where scientific ideas as well as political ideas can be spoken and debated without consequence for simply disagreeing with the powers that be.

Liberty is being able to raise my children and teach them my beliefs - even if my beliefs differ from yours. Liberty is when the government doesn't create their own approved belief system and use my own tax dollars to override the beliefs I choose to teach my children.

Liberty is when the government does not try to tell me that I am evil because of the color of my skin and that I must bow down in the street and worship someone who I have never harmed or even met.

Liberty is having the opportunity to build and control my own future, by my own efforts and labor, and rise above the condition of my birth and accomplish anything I wish without government working against me because of the color of my skin.

Ok.... You're right. Not much liberty around here these days. There's no liberty in those other countries either but their subjects are so stupid that they think they're free because the government allows them some privileges.
Democracy isn't liberty. Democracy is mob rule.

Liberty is being able to make my own choices in my life and for my life. Liberty is being able to defend my rights and having the tools to do it. Liberty is the ability to speak truth to power, to argue against the government, to debate ideas openly and honestly. Liberty is where scientific ideas as well as political ideas can be spoken and debated without consequence for simply disagreeing with the powers that be.

Liberty is being able to raise my children and teach them my beliefs - even if my beliefs differ from yours. Liberty is when the government doesn't create their own approved belief system and use my own tax dollars to override the beliefs I choose to teach my children.

Liberty is when the government does not try to tell me that I am evil because of the color of my skin and that I must bow down in the street and worship someone who I have never harmed or even met.

Liberty is having the opportunity to build and control my own future, by my own efforts and labor, and rise above the condition of my birth and accomplish anything I wish without government working against me because of the color of my skin.

Ok.... You're right. Not much liberty around here these days. There's no liberty in those other countries either but their subjects are so stupid that they think they're free because the government allows them some privileges.


So, having the ability to play a part in your own country's political system is "mob rule" huh?

It's amazing how many right wingers hate democracy.

Question here is, if you can't play a part in the power at the top, how can you have your own liberty?

Countries with dictators, how much liberty do they have? China? North Korea? Etc etc.

Now, countries with good Proportional Representation, they have a lot of liberty because they're able to decide what happens in their own country.

In the US, people get "representatives" given to them, people who don't care about them. People who are looking out for themselves and those who give them lots of money.
Democracy isn't liberty. Democracy is mob rule.

Liberty is being able to make my own choices in my life and for my life. Liberty is being able to defend my rights and having the tools to do it. Liberty is the ability to speak truth to power, to argue against the government, to debate ideas openly and honestly. Liberty is where scientific ideas as well as political ideas can be spoken and debated without consequence for simply disagreeing with the powers that be.

Liberty is being able to raise my children and teach them my beliefs - even if my beliefs differ from yours. Liberty is when the government doesn't create their own approved belief system and use my own tax dollars to override the beliefs I choose to teach my children.

Liberty is when the government does not try to tell me that I am evil because of the color of my skin and that I must bow down in the street and worship someone who I have never harmed or even met.

Liberty is having the opportunity to build and control my own future, by my own efforts and labor, and rise above the condition of my birth and accomplish anything I wish without government working against me because of the color of my skin.

Ok.... You're right. Not much liberty around here these days. There's no liberty in those other countries either but their subjects are so stupid that they think they're free because the government allows them some privileges.

Quite a thoughtful post.

Thank you.

So, having the ability to play a part in your own country's political system is "mob rule" huh?

It's amazing how many right wingers hate democracy.

Question here is, if you can't play a part in the power at the top, how can you have your own liberty?

Countries with dictators, how much liberty do they have? China? North Korea? Etc etc.

Now, countries with good Proportional Representation, they have a lot of liberty because they're able to decide what happens in their own country.

In the US, people get "representatives" given to them, people who don't care about them. People who are looking out for themselves and those who give them lots of money.

You demonstrate your political and constitutional ignorance. We are not a democracy; we have a representative republican form of government - often times referred to as a constitutional republic. The only electoral voice intended by the Founders was in electing representatives to the lower house of Congress. National Socialists led a successful push to change the Constitution turning us into a national government instead of a federal government by passing the 17th Amendment and adding people's vote to the Senate.

But, even still, the people have little voice in electing the President but, instead, the Electoral College elects the President.

If we were a democracy, as you wish, then any time 50% +1 voter wanted to change our government, they could. For instance, 50% + 1 could return us to slavery of black and brown people. Or 50% + 1 voter could reverse that and permit slavery of white people. 50% + 1 voter could vote out the 1st Amendment and end free speech.

I'm a conservative and I DO hate democracy. Socialists and communists, on the other hand, love it because it allows them to trick a bunch of uneducated, illiterate, ignorant, people into voting for government handouts and, eventually, destroying our republic.
And where crime is much lower, liberty is much lower. Where the government and police monitor every aspect of everyone's life, crime is much lower.

Have you ever been to Europe?

Trump blabbed on for months that the 2nd Amendment gave him unlimited power as president.. Of course he never read it.
Have you ever been to Europe?

Trump blabbed on for months that the 2nd Amendment gave him unlimited power as president.. Of course he never read it.
I've been to Europe many times but I wouldn't go today; it's a hellhole.

Please provide a quote where Trump said the 2nd Amendment gave him any power, let alone unlimited power, as president. Or admit you're just making it up as you go along.

Trump claimed Article 2 of the Constitution gives him the right to do 'whatever I want as president,' but that's not true.

President Donald Trump on Tuesday inaccurately suggested the Constitution gives him the power to do "whatever" he wants as president.
While criticizing the former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election interference, Trump said, "Then I have an Article 2, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president."
From a broad standpoint, it's inaccurate to say the president has authority to do "whatever" he wants. The Constitution outlines three separate but equal branches of government, which in turn provide for a system of checks and balances.
Trump on more than one occasion contended he had the authority under the Constitution to fire Mueller, an assertion that has been fiercely contested by Democrats and numerous legal experts.

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