The Same People Who Pushed Early Release For Gun Felons Now Want To Take Guns Without Due Process


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Same People Who Pushed Early Release For Gun Felons Now Want To Take Guns Without Due Process

The same people who pushed early release for gun felons now want to take guns without due process - Conservative Review
15 Aug 10 ~~ By Daniel Horowitz
For every person who fits the profile of the El Paso shooter, there are likely thousands who fit the profile of Maurice Hill, the man arrested for shooting six cops in north Philadelphia yesterday. Based on a quick look at court documents from Philadelphia and Delaware Counties, Hill has a rap sheet dating back to 2001 that includes charges for illegal gun possession, drugs, driving offenses, assault, burglary, theft, robbery, kidnapping, and attempted murder. However, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer, he was only “convicted six times on charges that involved illegal possession of guns, drug dealing, and aggravated assault.” Instead, they very people who have created the drive in the criminal justice system to let these people out of jail are pushing a war on guns for law-abiding people. Meanwhile, the criminals who illegally get guns every day in places like Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Chicago are never punished!
On February 15, 2018, the day after the Parkland shooting, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed a “criminal justice reform” bill in a vote of 16-5 with overwhelming bipartisan support. In addition to reducing mandatory minimums for hardened career gang members in federal prison, sections 104 and 105 of this bill would reduce the mandatory minimums for those charged with firearms violations during the course of drug offenses or other violent crimes. Crimes involving firearms were the third most common offense in the federal system in recent years... Lindsey Graham, Richard Blumenthal, Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Kamala Harris, and the whole cast of characters pushing to strip gun rights without due process voted to release gun felons who were convicted after painstaking due process... Now they are seeking to cast a wide net around constitutional rights for a broad population without due process as they release known criminals, including criminal aliens who could be deported, who absolutely had extremely thorough due process. That’s exactly what the Dukakis Democrats stood for. Now, if conservatives will allow the GOP to become the party of Lindsey Grahamnesty and Ivanka Trump, that will be what Republicans stand for as well.

Conservatives need to start throwing around the REALLY BIG numbers, like yearly shootings and murders in inner cities. they dwarf mass shootings and would be an effective argument if relentlessly driven home. Something most the GOP isn't so good at.
"There have been 1,196 victims of mass shootings since 1966. That is 0.001 percent of the 928,093 homicide victims from 1966 to 2017. .. homicides, which account for 99.99 percent of victims, are perpetrated by known career criminals".
Remember, eighty five years of mostly ineffective gun laws is the primary reason. Since NFA34 was enacted, there have been thousands of laws both city, state and Federal passed attempting to regulate a right that specifically states “shall not be infringed”. Every stricture one can conceive of, from registration, to background checks, buybacks, arsenal laws, even outright bans have been legislated at some point. None of this Byzantine maze of oft-conflicting laws has made a whit of difference, or put a dent in violent crime. It has even been said that gun laws may have the opposite effect, when they bar citizens from defending themselves, or worse, criminalize them arbitrarily.
Firearms, with the possible exception of narcotics, are already the single most-regulated item available to the American citizen. What makes anyone think that more laws will have any effect at all? What magic bullet (so to speak) has anti gunners devised that will miraculously cause them to be satisfied?
As far as we can tell, the PMS/DSA Left will not be satisfied with anything less the a total ban on civilian ownership of firearms, and the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Many of the individuals driving this action have stated as much, publicly with the ultimate end confiscation doesn't inspire confidence.
The Same People Who Pushed Early Release For Gun Felons Now Want To Take Guns Without Due Process

The same people who pushed early release for gun felons now want to take guns without due process - Conservative Review
15 Aug 10 ~~ By Daniel Horowitz
For every person who fits the profile of the El Paso shooter, there are likely thousands who fit the profile of Maurice Hill, the man arrested for shooting six cops in north Philadelphia yesterday. Based on a quick look at court documents from Philadelphia and Delaware Counties, Hill has a rap sheet dating back to 2001 that includes charges for illegal gun possession, drugs, driving offenses, assault, burglary, theft, robbery, kidnapping, and attempted murder. However, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer, he was only “convicted six times on charges that involved illegal possession of guns, drug dealing, and aggravated assault.” Instead, they very people who have created the drive in the criminal justice system to let these people out of jail are pushing a war on guns for law-abiding people. Meanwhile, the criminals who illegally get guns every day in places like Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Chicago are never punished!
On February 15, 2018, the day after the Parkland shooting, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed a “criminal justice reform” bill in a vote of 16-5 with overwhelming bipartisan support. In addition to reducing mandatory minimums for hardened career gang members in federal prison, sections 104 and 105 of this bill would reduce the mandatory minimums for those charged with firearms violations during the course of drug offenses or other violent crimes. Crimes involving firearms were the third most common offense in the federal system in recent years... Lindsey Graham, Richard Blumenthal, Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Kamala Harris, and the whole cast of characters pushing to strip gun rights without due process voted to release gun felons who were convicted after painstaking due process... Now they are seeking to cast a wide net around constitutional rights for a broad population without due process as they release known criminals, including criminal aliens who could be deported, who absolutely had extremely thorough due process. That’s exactly what the Dukakis Democrats stood for. Now, if conservatives will allow the GOP to become the party of Lindsey Grahamnesty and Ivanka Trump, that will be what Republicans stand for as well.

Conservatives need to start throwing around the REALLY BIG numbers, like yearly shootings and murders in inner cities. they dwarf mass shootings and would be an effective argument if relentlessly driven home. Something most the GOP isn't so good at.
"There have been 1,196 victims of mass shootings since 1966. That is 0.001 percent of the 928,093 homicide victims from 1966 to 2017. .. homicides, which account for 99.99 percent of victims, are perpetrated by known career criminals".
Remember, eighty five years of mostly ineffective gun laws is the primary reason. Since NFA34 was enacted, there have been thousands of laws both city, state and Federal passed attempting to regulate a right that specifically states “shall not be infringed”. Every stricture one can conceive of, from registration, to background checks, buybacks, arsenal laws, even outright bans have been legislated at some point. None of this Byzantine maze of oft-conflicting laws has made a whit of difference, or put a dent in violent crime. It has even been said that gun laws may have the opposite effect, when they bar citizens from defending themselves, or worse, criminalize them arbitrarily.
Firearms, with the possible exception of narcotics, are already the single most-regulated item available to the American citizen. What makes anyone think that more laws will have any effect at all? What magic bullet (so to speak) has anti gunners devised that will miraculously cause them to be satisfied?
As far as we can tell, the PMS/DSA Left will not be satisfied with anything less the a total ban on civilian ownership of firearms, and the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Many of the individuals driving this action have stated as much, publicly with the ultimate end confiscation doesn't inspire confidence.
I like what President Trump said in his New Hampshire speech. To reopen insane asylums and put people who are totally off the wall into them. Half of the voters in the United States would end up in them, because we know how fucked in the head liberals are.

The Same People Who Pushed Early Release For Gun Felons Now Want To Take Guns Without Due Process

The same people who pushed early release for gun felons now want to take guns without due process - Conservative Review
15 Aug 10 ~~ By Daniel Horowitz
For every person who fits the profile of the El Paso shooter, there are likely thousands who fit the profile of Maurice Hill, the man arrested for shooting six cops in north Philadelphia yesterday. Based on a quick look at court documents from Philadelphia and Delaware Counties, Hill has a rap sheet dating back to 2001 that includes charges for illegal gun possession, drugs, driving offenses, assault, burglary, theft, robbery, kidnapping, and attempted murder. However, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer, he was only “convicted six times on charges that involved illegal possession of guns, drug dealing, and aggravated assault.” Instead, they very people who have created the drive in the criminal justice system to let these people out of jail are pushing a war on guns for law-abiding people. Meanwhile, the criminals who illegally get guns every day in places like Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Chicago are never punished!
On February 15, 2018, the day after the Parkland shooting, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed a “criminal justice reform” bill in a vote of 16-5 with overwhelming bipartisan support. In addition to reducing mandatory minimums for hardened career gang members in federal prison, sections 104 and 105 of this bill would reduce the mandatory minimums for those charged with firearms violations during the course of drug offenses or other violent crimes. Crimes involving firearms were the third most common offense in the federal system in recent years... Lindsey Graham, Richard Blumenthal, Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Kamala Harris, and the whole cast of characters pushing to strip gun rights without due process voted to release gun felons who were convicted after painstaking due process... Now they are seeking to cast a wide net around constitutional rights for a broad population without due process as they release known criminals, including criminal aliens who could be deported, who absolutely had extremely thorough due process. That’s exactly what the Dukakis Democrats stood for. Now, if conservatives will allow the GOP to become the party of Lindsey Grahamnesty and Ivanka Trump, that will be what Republicans stand for as well.

Conservatives need to start throwing around the REALLY BIG numbers, like yearly shootings and murders in inner cities. they dwarf mass shootings and would be an effective argument if relentlessly driven home. Something most the GOP isn't so good at.
"There have been 1,196 victims of mass shootings since 1966. That is 0.001 percent of the 928,093 homicide victims from 1966 to 2017. .. homicides, which account for 99.99 percent of victims, are perpetrated by known career criminals".
Remember, eighty five years of mostly ineffective gun laws is the primary reason. Since NFA34 was enacted, there have been thousands of laws both city, state and Federal passed attempting to regulate a right that specifically states “shall not be infringed”. Every stricture one can conceive of, from registration, to background checks, buybacks, arsenal laws, even outright bans have been legislated at some point. None of this Byzantine maze of oft-conflicting laws has made a whit of difference, or put a dent in violent crime. It has even been said that gun laws may have the opposite effect, when they bar citizens from defending themselves, or worse, criminalize them arbitrarily.
Firearms, with the possible exception of narcotics, are already the single most-regulated item available to the American citizen. What makes anyone think that more laws will have any effect at all? What magic bullet (so to speak) has anti gunners devised that will miraculously cause them to be satisfied?
As far as we can tell, the PMS/DSA Left will not be satisfied with anything less the a total ban on civilian ownership of firearms, and the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Many of the individuals driving this action have stated as much, publicly with the ultimate end confiscation doesn't inspire confidence.
I don't think anyone pushed for early release of gun felons.
The Same People Who Pushed Early Release For Gun Felons Now Want To Take Guns Without Due Process

The same people who pushed early release for gun felons now want to take guns without due process - Conservative Review
15 Aug 10 ~~ By Daniel Horowitz
For every person who fits the profile of the El Paso shooter, there are likely thousands who fit the profile of Maurice Hill, the man arrested for shooting six cops in north Philadelphia yesterday. Based on a quick look at court documents from Philadelphia and Delaware Counties, Hill has a rap sheet dating back to 2001 that includes charges for illegal gun possession, drugs, driving offenses, assault, burglary, theft, robbery, kidnapping, and attempted murder. However, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer, he was only “convicted six times on charges that involved illegal possession of guns, drug dealing, and aggravated assault.” Instead, they very people who have created the drive in the criminal justice system to let these people out of jail are pushing a war on guns for law-abiding people. Meanwhile, the criminals who illegally get guns every day in places like Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Chicago are never punished!
On February 15, 2018, the day after the Parkland shooting, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed a “criminal justice reform” bill in a vote of 16-5 with overwhelming bipartisan support. In addition to reducing mandatory minimums for hardened career gang members in federal prison, sections 104 and 105 of this bill would reduce the mandatory minimums for those charged with firearms violations during the course of drug offenses or other violent crimes. Crimes involving firearms were the third most common offense in the federal system in recent years... Lindsey Graham, Richard Blumenthal, Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Kamala Harris, and the whole cast of characters pushing to strip gun rights without due process voted to release gun felons who were convicted after painstaking due process... Now they are seeking to cast a wide net around constitutional rights for a broad population without due process as they release known criminals, including criminal aliens who could be deported, who absolutely had extremely thorough due process. That’s exactly what the Dukakis Democrats stood for. Now, if conservatives will allow the GOP to become the party of Lindsey Grahamnesty and Ivanka Trump, that will be what Republicans stand for as well.

Conservatives need to start throwing around the REALLY BIG numbers, like yearly shootings and murders in inner cities. they dwarf mass shootings and would be an effective argument if relentlessly driven home. Something most the GOP isn't so good at.
"There have been 1,196 victims of mass shootings since 1966. That is 0.001 percent of the 928,093 homicide victims from 1966 to 2017. .. homicides, which account for 99.99 percent of victims, are perpetrated by known career criminals".
Remember, eighty five years of mostly ineffective gun laws is the primary reason. Since NFA34 was enacted, there have been thousands of laws both city, state and Federal passed attempting to regulate a right that specifically states “shall not be infringed”. Every stricture one can conceive of, from registration, to background checks, buybacks, arsenal laws, even outright bans have been legislated at some point. None of this Byzantine maze of oft-conflicting laws has made a whit of difference, or put a dent in violent crime. It has even been said that gun laws may have the opposite effect, when they bar citizens from defending themselves, or worse, criminalize them arbitrarily.
Firearms, with the possible exception of narcotics, are already the single most-regulated item available to the American citizen. What makes anyone think that more laws will have any effect at all? What magic bullet (so to speak) has anti gunners devised that will miraculously cause them to be satisfied?
As far as we can tell, the PMS/DSA Left will not be satisfied with anything less the a total ban on civilian ownership of firearms, and the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Many of the individuals driving this action have stated as much, publicly with the ultimate end confiscation doesn't inspire confidence.

I don't think anyone pushed for early release of gun felons.

Just how many violent felons were caught carrying an illegal firearm?

New Criminal Justice Reform Law Releases Violent Felons ...
Dec 24, 2018 · Republicans and Democrats came together to pass the FIRST STEP Act into law this month, which will allow felons early release. It’s being touted as a criminal justice system overhaul
The same people who call Trump Hitler and the police Nazis, want to disarm the People and only allow "Hitler's government" to have weapons.

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