
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
There is no surprise at all to the educated and the informed that the Russian trail leads directly to the Democrats. Just look at the indisputable facts...
  • One of Barack Obama's primary foreign policy desires during his first term was to "repair" relations with Russia. It was at the top of his list and he campaigned on it. Eventually, he present Russia with a reset button.
  • While running for office a second time, Obama debates Mitt Romney who accurately predicts that Russia was the greatest geopolitical threat to the United States despite having none of the daily national security briefings that Barack Obama was privy to. In response, Obama mocks Romney stating "the 1980's called, they want their foreign policy back". Lead by Barack Obama, the Democrats still don't view Russia as a threat. Quite the contrary, they desperately want to suck up to them and yield to them on all global issues.
  • Once President Trump is elected president, there is suddenly a narrative about "Russian Collusion" despite every high profile Democrat acknowledging that not an ounce of evidence exists. So where does this narrative suddenly come from and why does it exist?
  • Democrats believe they land the "bombshell" when an email surfaces showing a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and an attorney from Russia. Unfortunately for the Democrats, that backfires in a major way when pictures surface showing the Russian attorney is in the inner circle of the Obama Administration. Worse yet, evidence surfaces showing that Natalia Veselnitskaya (the Russian attorney) cold-contacted Donald Trump Jr. out of the blue. How does she get the personal contact information of a high-profile individual such as that? The answer, of course, is obvious - high level individuals within the Obama Administration.
  • But the bad news for the Democrats didn't stop there. Records show that the Obama Administration allowed Natalia Veselnitskaya into the country without a Visa. That is some damning evidence. Obviously she was here for nefarious purposes. It's looking more and more like for the express purpose of framing President Trump.
There is a treasure trove of Russian evidence now - and all of it leads directly back to the Democrats. It also matches the M.O. of how the Obama Administration operated during their reign of terror.
Nobody has presented evidence of President Trump or Melania Trump receiving tens of thousand or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for "speaking engagements" and certainly not for dangerous materials used in the production of nuclear weapons.
That’s not all: The busy Podesta Group also represented Uranium One, a uranium company acquired by the Russian government which received approval from Hillary Clinton’s State Department to mine for uranium in the U.S. and gave Russia twenty percent control of US uranium. The New York Times reported Uranium One’s chairman, Frank Guistra, made significant donations to the Clinton Foundation, and Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 for one speech from a Russian investment bank that has “links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.”
No One Mentions That The Russian Trail Leads To Democratic Lobbyists
Yep. I had this same conversation this afternoon with a RWNJ relative. He's convinced the Mueller investigation is really focused on rehashing all the RWNJ claims for the last several years, and any connections between the Russians and our elections aren't really a concern, but was just thrown in there to keep liberals happy. Which right wing talking head is filling you with this goofy shit?
I might go so far as to say that the Road To Russia was PAVED by the Democrats. Hell, Bill Clinton even studied there as a Rhodes Scholar. They are like a kid who borrows the Dad's car and smashes the right bumper. What does he do? He waves his arms wildly and makes as much fuss as possible about the left side of the car, hoping to distract his dad for as long as possible from noticing the real damage on the right.

LIKEWISE WITH THE DEMOCRATS, you can BET YOUR LAST DOLLAR, that the reason why they fuss so much about the Russians now is not because of anything Trump ever did, but because they are trying like mad to keep the world from noticing all the ties THEY had with them.

You see, they are very scared that between Trump and Sessions, there is a very real possibility that for the first time ever a lot of them could actually face federal prosecution. Trump told them that much during the debates.
Every damn day there is more Russian evidence against the Trump Crime family.

Supporters..., let's make this out to be about the democrats. Yeah that's the ticket!
The entire premise of this OP is dumb as fuck. For your viewing pleasure, once again, here's the video of the Russian parliament celebrating and congratulating each other on Trump's victory:

Every damn day there is more Russian evidence against the Trump Crime family.

Supporters..., let's make this out to be about the democrats. Yeah that's the ticket!

There's still zero evidence, so how can there be more evidence?

You're a shameless lying moron.
The entire premise of this OP is dumb as fuck. For your viewing pleasure, once again, here's the video of the Russian parliament celebrating and congratulating each other on Trump's victory:

Remind me some day to show you the video I have of Governor Ventura meeting with the space aliens. Hey, they were pretty congratulatory that night on Fox News as well! I bet that they had ties with Russian operatives too. In fact, the ONLY place the Democrats don't find any Russian ties is with THEMSELVES, despite the fact that every hard connection to Ukraine and the Kremlin always leads back to Hillary or part of her campaign!

"The Democratic National Committee, acting on behalf of Hillary, actually contacted officials in the corrupt government of the Ukraine seeking opposition research against Trump.

"Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office," Politico said. "They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton's allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisors."

Is that not collusion? By the way, Ukrainian-supplied information about Manafort meeting with Russian officials led to him being fired by Trump. So the DNC actually used the information."

By law, using information collected from a foreign govt / source against a political opponent during an election is a CRIME...

"Viktor Vekselberg, a "Putin confidant," and other Putin cronies gave money to the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton charity also took in millions from Uranium One, which was sold to the Russian government in 2010. With its acquisition, Russia gained control of 20% of the U.S.' uranium deposits. Hillary's State Department approved the sale."

"In the last election, Hillary Clinton made special cause with left-wing green groups, since she had plainly stated her intent to take down the fossil fuel industry — and along with it, American industry and its way of life — a long-cherished goal of the far-left green movement. Now, according to House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, it turns out that the green groups were working in collusion with — you guessed it — Russia."

"Hillary's campaign manager didn't disclose during the campaign that he had received 75,000 shares of stock from Joule Unlimited, which was financed by the Kremlin. Podesta served as a director of the company from 2010 to 2014, when he joined the Obama White House. He hid the holdings from public scrutiny by transferring them to a shell company called Leonidio Holdings, that he incorporated a mere week and a half before taking a post in the White House. Tens of millions of dollars funneled to green groups to attack the U.S. energy industry, on behalf of Russia and global warming."

"Tony Podesta, John's brother, who was paid $24 million in fees as a lobbyist in 2016, much of it from foreign governments. He lobbied for Sberbank, a Russian financial firm, that was trying to get U.S. sanctions removed that had been imposed after Russia took the Crimea from Ukraine in 2014."

- Yes, Tony was working for the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails.

Of course, let's not leave Obama's own 'collusion' when he thought he was off-mike:

"President Obama met with then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, a protege of Vladimir Putin, at a 2012 conference in Seoul. In comments he thought weren't being picked up by a microphone, Obama said he needed time, "particularly with missile defense," until he was in a stronger political position."

- "The DNC used disinformation from a highly questionable source linked to the Russians to discredit Trump last year."

"The fact is, the Democratic Party and their allies on the left are up to their necks in real, actual, demonstrable and irrefutable collusion with the Russians and their dictatorial former-KGB leader, Vladimir Putin."


"The Democratic National Committee, acting on behalf of Hillary, actually contacted officials in the corrupt government of the Ukraine seeking opposition research against Trump.

"Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office," Politico said. "They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton's allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisors."

Is that not collusion? By the way, Ukrainian-supplied information about Manafort meeting with Russian officials led to him being fired by Trump. So the DNC actually used the information."

By law, using information collected from a foreign govt / source against a political opponent during an election is a CRIME...

"Viktor Vekselberg, a "Putin confidant," and other Putin cronies gave money to the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton charity also took in millions from Uranium One, which was sold to the Russian government in 2010. With its acquisition, Russia gained control of 20% of the U.S.' uranium deposits. Hillary's State Department approved the sale."

"In the last election, Hillary Clinton made special cause with left-wing green groups, since she had plainly stated her intent to take down the fossil fuel industry — and along with it, American industry and its way of life — a long-cherished goal of the far-left green movement. Now, according to House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, it turns out that the green groups were working in collusion with — you guessed it — Russia."

"Hillary's campaign manager didn't disclose during the campaign that he had received 75,000 shares of stock from Joule Unlimited, which was financed by the Kremlin. Podesta served as a director of the company from 2010 to 2014, when he joined the Obama White House. He hid the holdings from public scrutiny by transferring them to a shell company called Leonidio Holdings, that he incorporated a mere week and a half before taking a post in the White House. Tens of millions of dollars funneled to green groups to attack the U.S. energy industry, on behalf of Russia and global warming."

"Tony Podesta, John's brother, who was paid $24 million in fees as a lobbyist in 2016, much of it from foreign governments. He lobbied for Sberbank, a Russian financial firm, that was trying to get U.S. sanctions removed that had been imposed after Russia took the Crimea from Ukraine in 2014."

- Yes, Tony was working for the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails.

Of course, let's not leave Obama's own 'collusion' when he thought he was off-mike:

"President Obama met with then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, a protege of Vladimir Putin, at a 2012 conference in Seoul. In comments he thought weren't being picked up by a microphone, Obama said he needed time, "particularly with missile defense," until he was in a stronger political position."

- "The DNC used disinformation from a highly questionable source linked to the Russians to discredit Trump last year."

"The fact is, the Democratic Party and their allies on the left are up to their necks in real, actual, demonstrable and irrefutable collusion with the Russians and their dictatorial former-KGB leader, Vladimir Putin."
Yeah Ukraine, which is barely even a nation, colluded with Hillary. :rolleyes:

Trump was campaigning on rewarding the Russian superpower for taking Ukraine's land and threatening to take more. Of course they're going to voice displeasure about Trump.

The rest of the post is nonsense. Saying that "actually, it was Hillary colluding with the Russians" is the dumbest argument ever. That's the kind of debate tactic a 1st grader uses.
We Democrats fully support every investigation into Russian connections. That's because we have nothing to hide.

Republicans, on the other hand, oppose such investigations. They certainly act like they have something to hide. Everyone assumes they're guilty because they act so guilty.

The Republican Useful Idiot crowd here says they want Democrats investigated, but their leaders will never let that happen. Because they're not quite as stupid as the Useful Idiots, Republican leaders know any investigation will find nothing on Democrats, but will instead lead right back to the Trump administration corruption.

If congressional Republicans thought that an investigation could reveal Democratic wrongdoing, they'd launch it. Is anyone going to claim otherwise?
Yeah Ukraine, which is barely even a nation, colluded with Hillary.

Thank you for admitting Hillary Clinton illegally colluded with a foreign nation.

That was sarcasm. You'd have to provide proof for me to admit that. For example, try to get some e-mails of Chelsea accepting a meeting with important Ukranians promising to give her dirt on Trump. That would be a pretty good start.

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