The Rock Asks trump "Where Are You?"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
I have never seen any of his movies. I might check them out now.

I watched this video and can't agree with him more.

When you reach your hand out to help, when you become the leader we need, everyone will rise up with you. Everyone will join you. Just as we have in the past. No matter what party the president was. When our leader steps up to help, take responsibility and lead this nation, we have always risen with him and we came back stronger than before.

For the first time, we don't have that leader. Even the bush boy stepped up, pulled out that bullhorn and told the nation that he heard us and soon the terrorists will hear from all of us. Not this president.

I know all you far right wingers will now hate The Rock and call him names but it doesn't negate what he says. He's right.

I have never seen any of his movies. I might check them out now.

I watched this video and can't agree with him more.

When you reach your hand out to help, when you become the leader we need, everyone will rise up with you. Everyone will join you. Just as we have in the past. No matter what party the president was. When our leader steps up to help, take responsibility and lead this nation, we have always risen with him and we came back stronger than before.

For the first time, we don't have that leader. Even the bush boy stepped up, pulled out that bullhorn and told the nation that he heard us and soon the terrorists will hear from all of us. Not this president.

I know all you far right wingers will now hate The Rock and call him names but it doesn't negate what he says. He's right.

Hmmm...well, our leader isn't hiding out in the basement.
I have never seen any of his movies. I might check them out now.

I watched this video and can't agree with him more.

When you reach your hand out to help, when you become the leader we need, everyone will rise up with you. Everyone will join you. Just as we have in the past. No matter what party the president was. When our leader steps up to help, take responsibility and lead this nation, we have always risen with him and we came back stronger than before.

For the first time, we don't have that leader. Even the bush boy stepped up, pulled out that bullhorn and told the nation that he heard us and soon the terrorists will hear from all of us. Not this president.

I know all you far right wingers will now hate The Rock and call him names but it doesn't negate what he says. He's right.

Trump has been doing media constantly, taking questions, facing heat when appropriate and dealing with the most biased media in history.

Someone should ask The Rock to discuss whether he believes his movies and likeness should be released in China for profit and appeasement when the Communist Government of China throws Muslims into Concentration Camps.

Or, his opinion of what the consequences should be of the communist government going into HK, arresting people and violating their own agreement.

You will receive silence from him, and thus your answer. He's a pumped up coward, hypocrite and patsy whose soul and character is for sale. If you listen to cowards, then, listen to Hollywood and vote accordingly.

Meh. Another Hollywood Karen...
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I have never seen any of his movies. I might check them out now.

I watched this video and can't agree with him more.

When you reach your hand out to help, when you become the leader we need, everyone will rise up with you. Everyone will join you. Just as we have in the past. No matter what party the president was. When our leader steps up to help, take responsibility and lead this nation, we have always risen with him and we came back stronger than before.

For the first time, we don't have that leader. Even the bush boy stepped up, pulled out that bullhorn and told the nation that he heard us and soon the terrorists will hear from all of us. Not this president.

I know all you far right wingers will now hate The Rock and call him names but it doesn't negate what he says. He's right.

are we sure hes not talking about biden since hes the one hiding???
I have never seen any of his movies. I might check them out now.

I watched this video and can't agree with him more.

When you reach your hand out to help, when you become the leader we need, everyone will rise up with you. Everyone will join you. Just as we have in the past. No matter what party the president was. When our leader steps up to help, take responsibility and lead this nation, we have always risen with him and we came back stronger than before.

For the first time, we don't have that leader. Even the bush boy stepped up, pulled out that bullhorn and told the nation that he heard us and soon the terrorists will hear from all of us. Not this president.

I know all you far right wingers will now hate The Rock and call him names but it doesn't negate what he says. He's right.

You post that while China puppet joe biden is hiding in his basement, ending his campaign days before 9:30 in the morning......and taking days 20 minute speeches and taking no questions, and then, when he does take a couple of questions they are pre-arranged and he still needs a teleprompter....

You and the Rock really think that Trump, who is not only running the country but making 5 campaign appearances a day, answereing every single question they ask him, and they ask tough, in your face questions...not soft balls like biden....

Do you really believe what you post and what you see from morons like the Rock...or do you just post it because you are a power mad troll for china and their party, the democrat party?
I have never seen any of his movies. I might check them out now.

I watched this video and can't agree with him more.

When you reach your hand out to help, when you become the leader we need, everyone will rise up with you. Everyone will join you. Just as we have in the past. No matter what party the president was. When our leader steps up to help, take responsibility and lead this nation, we have always risen with him and we came back stronger than before.

For the first time, we don't have that leader. Even the bush boy stepped up, pulled out that bullhorn and told the nation that he heard us and soon the terrorists will hear from all of us. Not this president.

I know all you far right wingers will now hate The Rock and call him names but it doesn't negate what he says. He's right.

You are obviously IGNORANT of the enormous number of things that Trump HAS DONE to "take responsibility and lead this nation". This might be the biggest problem with this election. The huge number of people who are going into this election without a smidgn of the KNOWLEDGE they should have before they vote.

The mass media is largely responsible. For 3 years, I've been seeing them OMIT great accomplishments by President Trump. If the people who watch these heavily biased media only absorb them and don't go to any conservative media, they will remain information-deprived and very IGNORANT.
When you reach your hand out to help, when you become the leader we need, everyone will rise up with you. Everyone will join you.

The first step act (criminal justice & sentencing reform).
Opportunity zones.
The lowest black unemployment rate in history.
The lowest hispanic unemployment rate in history.
Very low energy costs.

The rock had better grow some eyes to see with!
President Trump has been calling out the BLM terrorists from the start. He has offered Federal assistance to cities under siege, but Democrats scream at him for the offer and tell him to not do anything. He’s also out campaigning, filling a SCOTUS seat, and signing more legislation.

What’s the Rock doing? He’s not wrestling and not making any movies.
I'm supposed to give a flying fuck what an ex-rassler and a B movie actor says about anything of any importance?


I have never seen any of his movies. I might check them out now.

I watched this video and can't agree with him more.

When you reach your hand out to help, when you become the leader we need, everyone will rise up with you. Everyone will join you. Just as we have in the past. No matter what party the president was. When our leader steps up to help, take responsibility and lead this nation, we have always risen with him and we came back stronger than before.

For the first time, we don't have that leader. Even the bush boy stepped up, pulled out that bullhorn and told the nation that he heard us and soon the terrorists will hear from all of us. Not this president.

I know all you far right wingers will now hate The Rock and call him names but it doesn't negate what he says. He's right.

Why would anyone give a rip what these Commie Hollywoodites have to say?

What kind of loser needs to hear an "actors" political opinion?
I have never seen any of his movies. I might check them out now.

I watched this video and can't agree with him more.

When you reach your hand out to help, when you become the leader we need, everyone will rise up with you. Everyone will join you. Just as we have in the past. No matter what party the president was. When our leader steps up to help, take responsibility and lead this nation, we have always risen with him and we came back stronger than before.

For the first time, we don't have that leader. Even the bush boy stepped up, pulled out that bullhorn and told the nation that he heard us and soon the terrorists will hear from all of us. Not this president.

I know all you far right wingers will now hate The Rock and call him names but it doesn't negate what he says. He's right.

NO. He's wrong.

Now, all of America can call out the Rock to keep quiet, and get himself INFORMED. All he has done is display IGNORANCE. This know-nothing is referencing Black Lives Matter (a low-class terrorist-dangerous, publicity-stunt crew for the Democratic Party), while telling us we need change in equality, to help blacks.

If this information-deprived liberal were out in the real world like the rest of us, he would know that we live under the racist oppression of Affirmative Action discrimination AGAINST WHITES, NOT BLACKS. Try going to any VA hospital, and see who is nicely well-paid employed there.

EARTH TO THE ROCK: Blacks are the beneficiaries of the inequality. It is whites (and Asians) who are the victims.

Same thing goes for all the rest of the Trump-bashing Hollywood knuckleheads.
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I have never seen any of his movies. I might check them out now.

I watched this video and can't agree with him more.

When you reach your hand out to help, when you become the leader we need, everyone will rise up with you. Everyone will join you. Just as we have in the past. No matter what party the president was. When our leader steps up to help, take responsibility and lead this nation, we have always risen with him and we came back stronger than before.

For the first time, we don't have that leader. Even the bush boy stepped up, pulled out that bullhorn and told the nation that he heard us and soon the terrorists will hear from all of us. Not this president.

I know all you far right wingers will now hate The Rock and call him names but it doesn't negate what he says. He's right.

Another inspired performance by a Hollywood actor. :clap:

Yeah, America has its hands out, begging, Rock, begging for an end to the Left's violence and insanity. But if you care so much, I'm sure you have 20-30 million spare change laying around the house to help with.
President Trump has been calling out the BLM terrorists from the start. He has offered Federal assistance to cities under siege, but Democrats scream at him for the offer and tell him to not do anything. He’s also out campaigning, filling a SCOTUS seat, and signing more legislation.

What’s the Rock doing? He’s not wrestling and not making any movies.
Information and current events are not exactly Leftist strong suites.
The first step act (criminal justice & sentencing reform).
Opportunity zones.
The lowest black unemployment rate in history.
The lowest hispanic unemployment rate in history.
Very low energy costs.

The rock had better grow some eyes to see with!
Leftist are lead by emotion .... not Facts.
I have never seen any of his movies. I might check them out now.

I watched this video and can't agree with him more.

When you reach your hand out to help, when you become the leader we need, everyone will rise up with you. Everyone will join you. Just as we have in the past. No matter what party the president was. When our leader steps up to help, take responsibility and lead this nation, we have always risen with him and we came back stronger than before.

For the first time, we don't have that leader. Even the bush boy stepped up, pulled out that bullhorn and told the nation that he heard us and soon the terrorists will hear from all of us. Not this president.

I know all you far right wingers will now hate The Rock and call him names but it doesn't negate what he says. He's right.

We elected a leader that is tireless and not afraid of you liars. You look to someone that pretends for a living.
I have never seen any of his movies. I might check them out now.

I watched this video and can't agree with him more.

When you reach your hand out to help, when you become the leader we need, everyone will rise up with you. Everyone will join you. Just as we have in the past. No matter what party the president was. When our leader steps up to help, take responsibility and lead this nation, we have always risen with him and we came back stronger than before.

For the first time, we don't have that leader. Even the bush boy stepped up, pulled out that bullhorn and told the nation that he heard us and soon the terrorists will hear from all of us. Not this president.

I know all you far right wingers will now hate The Rock and call him names but it doesn't negate what he says. He's right.

Boys and girls, this is what happens when you participate in a sport(?) such as wrestling, ya get hit in the head one too many times and lose any intelligence you may have had.

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