The Rise of the Biden Republicans


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Pretty good article....

"Then something important happened: In leaning too hard into white identity politics—and perhaps being too focused on what he thought Reagan Democrats wanted—Trump accelerated the rise of a new voting bloc that is, in many ways, the mirror image of the Reagan Democrats.
Call them the Biden Republicans.
Like the Reagan Democrats, they’re heavily white and live in suburbs. But where the Reagan Dems are blue-collar and culturally conservative, Greenberg sees the Biden Republicans as more affluent, highly educated and supportive of diversity. Historically, they identified with the Republican Party as their political home. But the leaders who were supposed to fight for them seem to care more about white grievance and keeping out immigrants; seem to care more about social issues and “owning the libs” than about child-care payments and college tuition. They don’t consider themselves Democrats—at least not yet—but they are voting for them, delivering them majorities in the House and Senate, and making Joe Biden just the fourth candidate in the past century to defeat an incumbent president.
Now, with the support of Biden Republicans shored up—at least for the time being—Joe Biden is embarking on an audacious gambit that’s gone largely unnoticed, but, if successful, could kneecap national Republicans for a decade: Recapturing the support of the Reagan Democrats."
We don't call them "Biden Republicans."

They're "Republicans in Name Only."
Biden is the most popular president ever. He won by a bazillion votes. Everytime he speaks, the masses hang on every word. Everywhere I go I can't escape the sound of people singing his praises. Other Democrats need to bend the knee to his greatness.
Biden is the most popular president ever. He won by a bazillion votes. Everytime he speaks, the masses hang on every word. Everywhere I go I can't escape the sound of people singing his praises. Other Democrats need to bend the knee to his greatness.
Biden's doing alright..just delivered a huge legislative victory to the people...and his popularity is at heights never reached by know..that other guy~
It appears he's in the driver's seat..and unlike his predecessor, he knows how to drive.
The Rise of the Biden Republicans

Isn't that kinda like saying the rise of the Trump Democrats?

Anyone who would ask where their party was and vote for Biden because they think Biden is less harmful and objectionable to the nation than Trump never was a conservative in the first place. The GOP is full of republicans but apparently a lot of them aren't very conservative.
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Biden is the most popular president ever. He won by a bazillion votes. Everytime he speaks, the masses hang on every word. Everywhere I go I can't escape the sound of people singing his praises. Other Democrats need to bend the knee to his greatness.
Biden's doing alright..just delivered a huge legislative victory to the people...and his popularity is at heights never reached by know..that other guy~
It appears he's in the driver's seat..and unlike his predecessor, he knows how to drive.

Joe doesn't even know where the "Driver's seat" is. Hell he rarely evens knows where he is. Kamala will take over soon.
Pretty good article....

"Then something important happened: In leaning too hard into white identity politics—and perhaps being too focused on what he thought Reagan Democrats wanted—Trump accelerated the rise of a new voting bloc that is, in many ways, the mirror image of the Reagan Democrats.
Call them the Biden Republicans.
Like the Reagan Democrats, they’re heavily white and live in suburbs. But where the Reagan Dems are blue-collar and culturally conservative, Greenberg sees the Biden Republicans as more affluent, highly educated and supportive of diversity. Historically, they identified with the Republican Party as their political home. But the leaders who were supposed to fight for them seem to care more about white grievance and keeping out immigrants; seem to care more about social issues and “owning the libs” than about child-care payments and college tuition. They don’t consider themselves Democrats—at least not yet—but they are voting for them, delivering them majorities in the House and Senate, and making Joe Biden just the fourth candidate in the past century to defeat an incumbent president.
Now, with the support of Biden Republicans shored up—at least for the time being—Joe Biden is embarking on an audacious gambit that’s gone largely unnoticed, but, if successful, could kneecap national Republicans for a decade: Recapturing the support of the Reagan Democrats."
‘Reagan’ Democrats, or ‘weak’ Democrats, have been the Achilles heal of Democrats for decades.

It will be interesting to see if Biden Republicans likewise become long-term swing voters or if Biden Republicans were a response unique to Trump; as long as Republicans don’t nominate for president the likes of Trump again, there won’t be any more Biden Democrats.
Biden is the most popular president ever. He won by a bazillion votes. Everytime he speaks, the masses hang on every word. Everywhere I go I can't escape the sound of people singing his praises. Other Democrats need to bend the knee to his greatness.

Biden and the DemonRats in Isaiah.

Childish leaders oppress my people, and women rule over them. O my people, your leaders mislead you; they send you down the wrong road.
IS 3:12 (NLT)​
When is this country going to wake up and realize that we don't have a Repub. vs Dem. problem. We have an America vs the UN problem. Our politicians favor the UN over our sovereignty. It makes them rich at our expense...
they will wake up on that as soon as the country gets off their ass and fights back for their country and arrests all these criminal politicians in our country which will never happen.
Biden is the most popular president ever. He won by a bazillion votes. Everytime he speaks, the masses hang on every word. Everywhere I go I can't escape the sound of people singing his praises. Other Democrats need to bend the knee to his greatness.
Biden's doing alright..just delivered a huge legislative victory to the people...and his popularity is at heights never reached by know..that other guy~
It appears he's in the driver's seat..and unlike his predecessor, he knows how to drive.

Joe doesn't even know where the "Driver's seat" is. Hell he rarely evens knows where he is. Kamala will take over soon.
I bet you used say that Obama would be shot any day, right?

Too funny~
Biden is the most popular president ever. He won by a bazillion votes. Everytime he speaks, the masses hang on every word. Everywhere I go I can't escape the sound of people singing his praises. Other Democrats need to bend the knee to his greatness.
Biden's doing alright..just delivered a huge legislative victory to the people...and his popularity is at heights never reached by know..that other guy~
It appears he's in the driver's seat..and unlike his predecessor, he knows how to drive.

Joe doesn't even know where the "Driver's seat" is. Hell he rarely evens knows where he is. Kamala will take over soon.
I bet you used say that Obama would be shot any day, right?

Too funny~

Joe's cheese has slipped off his cracker. I don't it with joy, it's just a fact. Your abject partisan outlook makes you look silly. Oh yes, Rump was just a shiny object used to distract the Nation. Time to put on your big boy pants and man up.
Why would affluent people need government handouts for childcare and college tuition? More liberal trash being paraded around as 'journalism'. How sad.
Because affluent people understand that childcare and college tuition are wise investments in the future of America and that the notion of ‘government handouts’ is a lie.

Indeed, it’s the right’s incessant lying that’s driving the rise of Biden Democrats. How sad.

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