The Right To Destroy Jewish History

It is always amazing when anyone takes something that has nothing to do with the issue, like who the Akkadians were, and generalizes it to the point where one should think that .....yes, that is right!!!!

The Akkadian language has nothing to do with who they were, and they clearly did not speak Arabic. And that language did not evolve into Arabic, either.

There are different people living in Arabia, as there were different people living in Mesopotamia, or in Ancient Canaan, and those people continue to be distinct from each other, regardless of the fact that so many of them have had their identity disappear with time.

Akkadians were not Arabs, and cannot be forced to be.

They were still Arabs from the Arabian peninsula... Who do you think they were?
They were still Arabs from the Arabian peninsula... Who do you think they were?
They did not think of themselves as Arabs. They were different from the Arabs as stated before and created an Empire which had nothing to do with Arabs or Arabic.

But you will forever insist that they were.

You rewrite their history, as much as Arabs now want to rewrite Jewish history.
Right before Rosh Hashanah, the American Federation of Teachers in San Diego, Local 1931, issued an anti-Israel statement.

This statement is worth reading in full, because not only does it say that Jews have no right to self-determination, but it relies on lies in nearly every sentence to make that point.

Teachers who teach bigotry and lies would appear to be supremely unqualified to be teachers.

Here is the statement:

WHEREAS, the AFT Guild condemns the forced removal of Palestinian residents in West Jerusalem,
West Jerusalem? This must be talking about 1948, and Arabs in West Jerusalem were not forcibly removed from their homes.
the bombing of civilian areas in the besieged Gaza Strip,
Every target in the Gaza Strip, in every war, was pre-determined according to the laws of armed conflict to have been military targets. Every one.
and the continued human rights violations committed by the Israeli government during its 73-year occupation of this land.
By saying "73-year occupation" the statement says that all of Israel is "occupied." Even the UN doesn't make that claim. It is a statement not against occupation but against the very existence of a Jewish state and the concept of Jewish self-determination. It is pure antisemitism.
It is unfortunate that civilians on both sides have suffered casualties, yet Israel’s use of advanced weaponry in its indiscriminate bombing of the Gaza strip has claimed a significantly greater and disproportionate number of Palestinian lives and destroyed essential infrastructure in the already oppressed occupied territories.
Here the statement switches its definition of "occupied," showing that the teachers that drafted this statement are completely unconcerned with consistency, let alone truth.
The bombing of Gaza has never been indiscriminate, which can be proven by a modicum of research.
The statement evokes a violation of international law with its use of the term "disproportionate" but in fact Israeli actions are not in the least disproportionate, and no army in history has taken more care to protect the civilian population of an area where they are used as human shields by the enemy as Israel has.

WHEREAS, the recent forced removal of Palestinian civilians from homes they occupied in Shaikh Jarrah for generations follows a 73-year pattern of disenfranchising Palestinians of their rights, property and the opportunity to live with dignity.
The Palestinians who have fought a losing legal battle for homes they do not own have not been forcibly removed.
Since 1967, home demolitions, land confiscations, systemic denial of building permits, and massive illegal settlement building (a violation of Article 49 of the Geneva Convention) on virtually every part of the occupied Palestinian territories, have become official Israeli policy, despite repeated condemnation by the international community.
It would take multiple articles to show how many lies are in this sentence, but all of the things listed here have been approved by the Israeli High Court - not to mention many things that the Israeli legal system did not approve - and one would be hard pressed to find a sober legal analysis of their rulings finding that they violate international law.
Building settlements is not a violation of Article 49 of the Geneva Conventions. It says nothing about building on disputed land.


The AFT, pretending to care about peace in the Middle East, accompanies its statement with a graphic of a raised fist - hardly the logo of someone who wants all peoples of the Middle East to live in peace and harmony.

Literally every paragraph and practically every sentence of this statement is a lie, and many of them are quite antisemitic. This is besides the fact that this statement gives a green light to attack Jewish teachers who believe that Israel has the right to exist in contradiction to the beliefs of the union. This statement chills free speech.

Teachers in San Diego are now open to being censured or attacked by their own union for telling the truth.

This is an outrageous litany of lies, supported by people who are supposed to care about the truth. It is a statement of bigotry written by those who are supposed to teach children to treat people equally. It is hypocrisy in its purest sense.

And every minute that this bigoted statement filled with falsehoods is not denounced by the national union of teachers, the lies and antisemitism are condoned by those who are teaching every American child.

(full article online)

The Palestinian Authority unremittingly teaches Palestinians - and in particular youth - that all of Israel is “Palestine” and that Israel has no right to exist in any borders. One way the PA instills the message is through activities in summer camps arranged by the PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports.

This year too, Palestinian children were taught that there is no Israel but only “occupied Palestine” as they spent time drawing maps in which all of Israel and the PA areas are painted as one country and in the colors of the Palestinian flag.

The following are maps of “Palestine” made by or shown to children in the PA summer camps which are run by the PLO:


A video showed drawings of the PA’s map that shows all of Israel and the PA areas as one “Palestine” made by children in PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports summer camps.

[Facebook page of the PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Aug. 19, 2021]


Camp participants hold a drawing of the PA map of “Palestine” in the colors of the Palestinian flag. To the west of the map is written “The Mediterranean Sea,” to the north is written “Lebanon,” to the east is written “Jordan,” and to the south is written “The Gulf of Aqaba.”

[Facebook page of the PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Aug. 4, 2021]


Camp participants have drawn the PA map of “Palestine.”

[Facebook page of the PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Aug. 7, 2021

(full article online)

Ignoring thousands of years of history and countless artifacts, the Palestinian leadership lies to their own children about the facts regarding Jerusalem and the Jewish People’s profound connection to the Holy City.

A Palestinian child standing in a playground says on an official PA TV program that Jerusalem is “occupied” by Israel. He says that the city is holy for Muslims and Christians but doesn’t mention the deep Jewish connection to their eternal capital.

The Palestinians “are demanding to liberate it,” he declares.

The world should be outraged that innocent Palestinian children are fed lies, especially when the result is hatred, anti-Semitism and violence.

(full article online)

They did not think of themselves as Arabs. They were different from the Arabs as stated before and created an Empire which had nothing to do with Arabs or Arabic.

But you will forever insist that they were.

You rewrite their history, as much as Arabs now want to rewrite Jewish history.

How do you know they didn't think of themselves as Arabs?
Sargon 2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria about 700 BC and they thought they were Arabs and so did Sargon.
Ignoring thousands of years of history and countless artifacts, the Palestinian leadership lies to their own children about the facts regarding Jerusalem and the Jewish People’s profound connection to the Holy City.

A Palestinian child standing in a playground says on an official PA TV program that Jerusalem is “occupied” by Israel. He says that the city is holy for Muslims and Christians but doesn’t mention the deep Jewish connection to their eternal capital.

The Palestinians “are demanding to liberate it,” he declares.

The world should be outraged that innocent Palestinian children are fed lies, especially when the result is hatred, anti-Semitism and violence.

(full article online)

The Zionists weren't given East Jerusalem, Shaaba Farms, the West Bank or the Golan Height.
How do you know they didn't think of themselves as Arabs?
Sargon 2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria about 700 BC and they thought they were Arabs and so did Sargon.

Because if they did, you wouldn't be asking for a proof of a negative,
arguing that Arabs were generically just about everyone and anyone in the Middle East.

Arabs have this cultural complex, to compensate by turning major historic figures and nations around them, by brainwashing their people to believe they were all Arabs.

The Samaritans are Mesopotamian, and today they're no more than 400 people left.
In recent decades the community had no girls being born, and they refused to
marry any Arabs, only Jewish women, all consider themselves Israelites.
Because if they did, you wouldn't be asking for a proof of a negative,
arguing that Arabs were generically just about everyone and anyone in the Middle East.

Arabs have this cultural complex, to compensate by turning major historic figures and nations around them, by brainwashing their people to believe they were all Arabs.

The Samaritans are Mesopotamian, and today they're no more than 400 people left.
In recent decades the community had no girls being born, and they refused to
marry any Arabs, only Jewish women, all consider themselves Israelites.

The Arabs have been there for more than 10,000 years because they began migrating in waves as the peninsula changed from savanna to desert. Why is that threatening?

The Canaanites have a very ancient history in the region.. Look at Urfa and Harran and the Ugarite tablets.

And the Natufians go way back to Jericho and Jordan and the Levant.

History is far older than Adam and Eve. My God, Israel has some of the finest Archaeologists in the world.
The Zionists weren't given East Jerusalem, Shaaba Farms, the West Bank or the Golan Height.

Is that how you brainwash kids to die
for Arab supremacy in the entire Middle East?

"The Zionists weren't given...!" Quiet cheap value for life, don't you think?
The Arabs have been there for more than 10,000 years because they began migrating in waves as the peninsula changed from savanna to desert. Why is that threatening?

The Canaanites have a very ancient history in the region.. Look at Urfa and Harran and the Ugarite tablets.

And the Natufians go way back to Jericho and Jordan and the Levant.

History is far older than Adam and Eve. My God, Israel has some of the finest Archaeologists in the world.

What is threatening? All you do is repeat stale none sense,
and ask for a proof of a negative changing the goalposts,
'cause you're a lame rug seller - without the rugs.
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RE: The Right To Destroy Jewish History
SUBTOPIC: Language
⁜→ surada, et al,

BLUF: The Arab Palestinians were not given anything.

The Zionists weren't given East Jerusalem, Shaaba Farms, the West Bank or the Golan Height.

This kind of banter does nothing to further poor outlined Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) claims or objections → to what is fact anded ground truth today.

I've been kind of quiet these last couple of days and just studied the implied allegations and the attempt to express an obligation that the HoAP is owed something.

You cannot detach your argument from the events of the modern-day → and force people to look backwards in time as a means of justification and validity to the HoAP claim to something.

IF there is a claim, THEN the HoAP must state it clearly and present arguments to support that claim. No finding, stela, token or stone tablet by Indiana Jones is going to change a damn thing for either side of the argument. The HoAP must offer something substantial, clear and convincing that demonstrates that whatever Israel did outside the actual way the world has worked in the past, today or in the future.

And one more thing. IF you are going to use the word "Zionist" THEN you must define that term. Are you talking about the ideology, the movement of the common belief that the development of Israel is - is in the best interest of the Jewish National Home (JNH). And the JNH - written into the seam of history is a concept made real by the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers over a century ago. What are you claiming the Supreme Council did that was not within their power to do - back then?

Most Respectfully,
In the days leading up to the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, NPR dedicated special coverage to the event and its implications. The way the news organization spun its story about Israel during that coverage, though, was anything but special. It was just more of the same slanted reporting, effectively erasing Palestinian terrorism while shifting blame for the violence onto the targets.

NPR has long been seen as biased against Israel, and those suspicions have been borne out by in-depth studies, moments of candor by NPR reporters, and even examples of NPR journalists amplifying antisemitism.

The latest example of skewed reporting, a September 10 Morning Edition segment anchored by NPR’s Daniel Estrin and entitled “How the Events of 9/11 Still Affect the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” was a tall tale of Palestinian leaders behaving responsibly after September 11 and Israel being responsible for Palestinian suicide bombing attacks on Israeli civilians.

In the account told by Estrin and his featured speakers, 9/11 came one year into a Palestinian “uprising” that involved “militant bombings and shootings and attacks by Israeli troops.” After the attacks on America, Palestinians, who Estrin says were merely “fighting for an independent state,” didn’t want to be conflated with real terrorists like Al-Qaida. So Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat called for an end to the intifada and, “for a short time, violence decreased.”

Stopping attacks on civilians certainly sounds like the responsible thing to do. But the violence continued. “t didn’t stop,” said one of the segment’s speakers, “and not because of Yasser Arafat, because of the Israeli side.” Estrin elaborated: “In January 2002, Israel killed a top West Bank militant, restarting a policy of assassinations.

The NPR anchor did admit that “not everyone puts the blame on Israel,” which is perhaps a concession, although “not everyone” certainly sounds a lot like “just about everyone.” The assassination, Estrin continued, was followed by a Palestinian suicide bombing in March 2002, on Passover. And that attack, coupled with Israel’s sense that America would understand its concerns after 9/11, led to an Israeli invasion of the West Bank, “killing hundreds of Palestinians.”

The general message of the segment, then, is that while 9/11 convinced Palestinians to turn away from violence, Israel used the attacks as an excuse to go on the offensive. And because of that, Israel, the victim of ongoing Palestinian terror attacks, should be blamed for those war crimes targeting its civilians.
Did Palestinian violence against Israelis really decrease after 9/11, as listeners were told?

Before the attacks, in the eleven full months between the start of the intifada in late September 2000 and September 11, 2001 an average of 15 Israelis were killed per month by Palestinian attackers.

The number of Israeli fatalities continued on its upward trend after Sept. 11, 2001, and December 2001 was the deadliest month yet. Click to expand. (Image source.)
By contrast, in the three months after September 2001 and before January 2002, when Israel supposedly ruined the relative calm by killing a Palestinian terrorist, an average of 22 Israelis were killed per month.

So contrary to NPR’s account of a Palestinian leadership chastened by 9/11, deadly Palestinian violence increased after the al Qaida attacks. Indeed, December 2001, the month just prior to the killing of the Palestinian terrorist, was by far the deadliest month for Israelis since the start of the Palestinian campaign of violence, with 40 Israelis killed.

(full article online)

Sept. 16 UPDATE:

New York Times Corrects​

Following the publication of this post and additional communication from CAMERA to senior New York Times staff, editors published corrections, online Sept. 14 and in print today, acknowledging "separate kingdoms remained sovereign for hundreds of years." See below for a detailed update.

In fact, the Kingdom of Judah was extant for more than 300 years, from the time of the collapse of the United Kingdom of Israel in 922 BCE until the Babylonian conquest in 586 BC. (The United Kingdom lasted for approximately a century, starting around 1020 BCE).
The northern Kingdom of Israel, the other half of what became of the United Kingdom when it fell apart in 922 BCE, lasted for approximately 200 years, until the Neo-Assyrian empire conquest.
Besides these three separate kingdoms of Jewish rule (two of which were contemporaneous), there was also the Hasmonean dynasty, which achieved autonomy from the Seleucides in 147 BCE and independence in in 129 BCE. The Kingdom lasted for some 80 years.
Thus, four Jewish kingdoms pre-dated the modern Jewish state during antiquity, and the longest one lasted more than three centuries, not 80 years. By falsely reporting that the longest Jewish rule in Israel fell in less than 100 years, The Times minimizes the historic Jewish connection to ancient Israel, eroding the legitimacy of the present Jewish state.

Tellingly, from the otherwise fascinating and informative article about what looks to be an intriguing film, The New York Times selected to highlight on Twitter that singular sentence with the falsehood underreporting the long Jewish sovereignty in the ancient land of Israel.

(full article online)

The statement has not been released yet, as the government plans to iron out some final points today. But according to Hezbollah media, the statement will include the "right of resistance and the liberation of the Lebanese territories occupied by 'Israel.' "

Yes, even though Lebanon is suffering its worst economic crisis in a century, it still wants to prioritize the right to attack Israel. Meaning, the right for Hezbollah to make unilateral decisions to attack Israel under the pretense of "liberating" territory that the UN certified as being part of Israel.

It turns out that this phrase has been part of Lebanese government policy for a while. The short-lived government of September 2020 included a nearly identical statement, no doubt at Hezbollah's insistence, in its own policy statement, although that one also "stressed the need for Lebanon to stay away from external conflicts."

(full article online)

while consistently using the “settlements” terminology in reference to the Jewish communities in northern Israel
Speaking of the ongoing land theft being called “settlements”

In the real world, if you are starting a new town or community in a country, you call it a town or community; not a “settlement”


Israeli settlements, or Israeli colonies, are civilian communities inhabited by Israeli citizens, almost exclusively of Jewish ethnicity, built in violation of international law on lands occupied by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War.[6] Israeli settlements currently exist in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and in the Syrian territory of the Golan Heights. East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights have been annexed by Israel, so residents are treated equivalently to the rest of Israel under Israeli law. Although the West Bank settlements are on land administered under Israeli military rule rather than civil law,
Israeli settlement - Wikipedia
The Truth Will Set You Free
Six-Month Report on Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem

In the first half of 2018 (January-June) advancement of housing units continued at a
higher level than in the previous reporting period (July-December 2017). More than
6,000 housing units in the occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem were advanced
in different stages of the planning and implementation process.
This development will,
over several years, enable potentially more than 27,000 Israeli settlers to move to
the Occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

More than 2,100 housing units (of the 6,000 units) are new plans, i.e. they have not
been introduced in the planning circuit in the years before 2018.
An important development during the reporting period was the promotion of two plans
that would establish two entirely new settlements (Zayit Ra’anan and Brosh) by
authorising illegal outposts and the establishment of a new settlement near Hebron,
north of the settlement of Kiryat Arba (based on a plan approved in 1988).
Another worrying development was the continued construction of and the approval of
funds for large scale road infrastructure projects in the occupied West Bank that
improves the connectivity of settlements to Israel.

There are currently approximately 215,000 Israelis living in East Jerusalem while the
settler population in Area C in the occupied West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem, is
some 399,300. This brings the settler population to approximately 600,000 Israeli
settlers in 143 locations in the West Bank (132) including East Jerusalem (11)[2].
According to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics 4.6% of the total Israeli population
resides today in the Occupied West Bank excluding East Jerusalem.

The above is four (4) years old, an update is needed

As Israeli civilians are butchered by Palestinian terrorists, the truth about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is also being butchered by a campaign of vicious lies. Here are ten of the most pernicious myths about the current attacks:

(full article online)

Speaking of the ongoing land theft being called “settlements”

In the real world, if you are starting a new town or community in a country, you call it a town or community; not a “settlement”


Israeli settlements, or Israeli colonies, are civilian communities inhabited by Israeli citizens, almost exclusively of Jewish ethnicity, built in violation of international law on lands occupied by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War.[6] Israeli settlements currently exist in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and in the Syrian territory of the Golan Heights. East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights have been annexed by Israel, so residents are treated equivalently to the rest of Israel under Israeli law. Although the West Bank settlements are on land administered under Israeli military rule rather than civil law,
Israeli settlement - Wikipedia
The Truth Will Set You Free

The truth Will Set You Free
The Nakba narrative is a lie. Should the UK have taught children Soviet propaganda so that they would have been better prepared to defend the UK at uni too? Yes campus is hostile. Some places have adopted a far darker and more Islamist vision. I know it is deeply uncomfortable for young Zionists, but submission is not the way forward. If we Jews do not defend ourselves – then who will defend us? Adopting the lies of our enemies onto our own platforms will only lead to self destruction.

The Nakba – as it is described by our enemies – never happened. They have taken isolated incidents, such as the disputed events of Deir Yassin or what took place in Lod – and built an entire fairytale around them. The truth of 1948 – the foundation of everything that followed – is very simple and we should never lose sight of it – nor stop teaching it to our children. The truth can sometimes be really unpopular – but it does not stop being the truth.

What follows is a list of pillars and myths. The pillars are the foundations of the self inflicted distaster that was to befall the Arab population. The myths are the lies upon which the history is being rewritten.

(full article online)


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