The results are in for the two-party, Washington-Insider, false paradigm

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Democrat or Repub :up:

Nine in 10 Americans Agree D.C. Looks Out For Its Own Political Interest - NBC News

It's not every day when nearly 90% of Americans agree on something, so this got our attention in the most recent NBC/WSJ poll: 89% believe that the president and Congress want to stick to their partisan positions instead of work together. That includes 90% of Republican respondents, 89% of Democrats, and 85% of independents -- so about as unanimous as you'll get on any political question. Now, those who believe Washington figures act in their own political interest diagnose the problem differently: 26% blame Republicans more for this, 15% point the finger at President Obama, and 47% blame both sides equally. But if you wanted a theme to tie together the news of the past week -- Hillary's emails, the GOP reaction to them, that Senate Republican letter to Iran's leaders, and the Democrats' furious response back -- it's this story. Americans believe politicians are looking out for their own political interest than the common interest. And they're not wrong.

Stop supporting the two parties. I did last year. They are two sides of the same coin only looking-out for their own selfish personal interests at the expense of the people who vote for them (you know who you are).
Democrat or Repub :up:

Nine in 10 Americans Agree D.C. Looks Out For Its Own Political Interest - NBC News

It's not every day when nearly 90% of Americans agree on something, so this got our attention in the most recent NBC/WSJ poll: 89% believe that the president and Congress want to stick to their partisan positions instead of work together. That includes 90% of Republican respondents, 89% of Democrats, and 85% of independents -- so about as unanimous as you'll get on any political question. Now, those who believe Washington figures act in their own political interest diagnose the problem differently: 26% blame Republicans more for this, 15% point the finger at President Obama, and 47% blame both sides equally. But if you wanted a theme to tie together the news of the past week -- Hillary's emails, the GOP reaction to them, that Senate Republican letter to Iran's leaders, and the Democrats' furious response back -- it's this story. Americans believe politicians are looking out for their own political interest than the common interest. And they're not wrong.

Stop supporting the two parties. I did last year. They are two sides of the same coin only looking-out for their own selfish personal interests at the expense of the people who vote for them (you know who you are).
Stop supporting the two parties. I did last year.
yea sure you did.....thats why every thread you start is bad mouthing republicans and you do nothing but defend the democrats you say you dont like....its called being a hypocrite are one of the bigger ones around here.....
26 views and ony 1 1/2 replies? The truth hurts. Stop maintaining the status quo!!! :banghead:

this is the problem- people think the parties are different lol. Well I got news for you people. They aren't. They're a duopoly but you people have the partisan blinders on so tight that you refuse to see it..
We see this constantly and next year the sheeple will march to the ballot an elect some more corporate whores to drag this country down more as they get richer and we get poorer.
26 views and ony 1 1/2 replies? The truth hurts. Stop maintaining the status quo!!! :banghead:

this is the problem- people think the parties are different lol. Well I got news for you people. They aren't. They're a duopoly but you people have the partisan blinders on so tight that you refuse to see it..
but you people have the partisan blinders on so tight that you refuse to see it..

unfucking believable.....

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