The Republicans plan, Obama says,'Dirtier air, dirtier water, le


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"The Republicans plan, Obama says, boils down to this: 'Dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance.'"Obama...

Versus RESULTS of Obama's plans!

NO air unless you are authorized to breath out.

NO water unless the EPA approves you drinking.

NO physicians or hospitals!

Proof? NO air unless you are authorized to breath out.
Effective Jan 1, 2011 all over the counter inhalers will be banned for 'environmental reasons'. ... The idea that intermittent use of tiny inhalers containing trace ... That would be sure to limit all that CO2 us pesky humans emit into the .

NO water unless the EPA approves you drinking.
Federal regulators took the first step Wednesday in setting a drinking water limit
Perchlorate: EPA to set limits for drinking water - SFGate

NO physicians or hospitals!
The American Medical Association has long served as the self-appointed chief lobbying group for doctors, however the AMA now only counts about 17% of doctors as members. And one of the main reasons is the AMA's support of Obamacare:

Doctors Leaving AMA In Droves Over Obamacare :: Political News and commentaries :: Hyscience
"The Republicans plan, Obama says, boils down to this: 'Dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance.'"Obama...

Versus RESULTS of Obama's plans!

NO air unless you are authorized to breath out.

NO water unless the EPA approves you drinking.

NO physicians or hospitals!

Proof? NO air unless you are authorized to breath out.
Effective Jan 1, 2011 all over the counter inhalers will be banned for 'environmental reasons'. ... The idea that intermittent use of tiny inhalers containing trace ... That would be sure to limit all that CO2 us pesky humans emit into the .

NO water unless the EPA approves you drinking.
Federal regulators took the first step Wednesday in setting a drinking water limit
Perchlorate: EPA to set limits for drinking water - SFGate

NO physicians or hospitals!
The American Medical Association has long served as the self-appointed chief lobbying group for doctors, however the AMA now only counts about 17% of doctors as members. And one of the main reasons is the AMA's support of Obamacare:

Doctors Leaving AMA In Droves Over Obamacare :: Political News and commentaries :: Hyscience

Less than 3 years in and he has completely given up any Pretense of Bi-Partisanship, or even Civility. 3 Years in and he has given up on leading this nation. He is nothing but a perpetual Candidate.

He has just be moved up on my list of worst presidents ever! Terrible, Partisan, Arrogant, Divisive, Petty, Childish, Egotistical, ass.
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I heard his soundbyte on Rush today, he is one of the dumbest people on the planet.

Republicans should run a commercial...."we're for dirty air, dirty water, dirty underwear, dirty mouths, dirty fingernails, dirty minds......blah, blah, blah because Obaminationa says so like a 3rd grader."
Someone should run an add playing the clip and then say:

"President Obama. You are President of the free world. You are not in first grade. Grow the F*** up and show some leadership for one in your term."
O - "Uh, they want to uh starve YOU!"

Crowd - Boooooo!

O - "Uh, they want uh you uh to not have a job."

Crowd - Boooooo!

O- "Uh, uh, they like dirty underwear."

Crowd - Boooooo!

O - "Uh, vote for me, uh I mean the jobs bill."

Crowd - 4 more years, 4 more years!
Did you read the article on drinking water? It's not in any way what you claim. I'm sure you feel your freedoms are being hindered, but personally, I would prefer to not have rocket fuel in our tap water.

For Immediate Release: Sept. 22, 2011
Media Inquiries: Karen Riley, 301-796-4674, [email protected]
Consumer Inquiries: 888-INFO-FDA

FDA: Over-the-counter asthma inhalers containing chloroflouorocarbons (CFCs) will no longer be made or sold after Dec. 31, 2011
Users of Primatene Mist will need a prescription product to treat their asthma

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says users of epinephrine inhalers containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) should plan now to get a prescription for a replacement product because these inhalers will not be made or sold after Dec. 31, 2011.

Epinephrine inhalers, marketed by Armstrong Pharmaceutical Inc. as Primatene Mist, are the only FDA-approved inhalers for the temporary relief of occasional symptoms of mild asthma that are sold over-the-counter in retail stores without a prescription. The product uses CFCs to propel the medicine out of the inhaler so that consumers can breathe it into their lungs.

However, Primatene Mist will no longer be available by year’s end because no CFC-containing epinephrine inhalers can be made or sold after Dec. 31, 2011, to comply with obligations made under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. This is an international agreement signed by the United States, in which countries agreed to phase-out substances that deplete the ozone layer, including CFCs, after certain dates.
Yeah, you caught us....we like dirty air and rocket fuel in our water. It also goes well on food, kinda like mustard.....but it's a rich white person thing, so you don't understand.:eusa_whistle:

Did you read the article on drinking water? It's not in any way what you claim. I'm sure you feel your freedoms are being hindered, but personally, I would prefer to not have rocket fuel in our tap water.
Must....not......breathe air.....or....exhale.....air......might ......destroy......the......planet.

Why are you alive? You are damaging the planet by existing.....


For Immediate Release: Sept. 22, 2011
Media Inquiries: Karen Riley, 301-796-4674, [email protected]
Consumer Inquiries: 888-INFO-FDA

FDA: Over-the-counter asthma inhalers containing chloroflouorocarbons (CFCs) will no longer be made or sold after Dec. 31, 2011
Users of Primatene Mist will need a prescription product to treat their asthma

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says users of epinephrine inhalers containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) should plan now to get a prescription for a replacement product because these inhalers will not be made or sold after Dec. 31, 2011.

Epinephrine inhalers, marketed by Armstrong Pharmaceutical Inc. as Primatene Mist, are the only FDA-approved inhalers for the temporary relief of occasional symptoms of mild asthma that are sold over-the-counter in retail stores without a prescription. The product uses CFCs to propel the medicine out of the inhaler so that consumers can breathe it into their lungs.

However, Primatene Mist will no longer be available by year’s end because no CFC-containing epinephrine inhalers can be made or sold after Dec. 31, 2011, to comply with obligations made under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. This is an international agreement signed by the United States, in which countries agreed to phase-out substances that deplete the ozone layer, including CFCs, after certain dates.
Yeah, you caught us....we like dirty air and rocket fuel in our water. It also goes well on food, kinda like mustard.....but it's a rich white person thing, so you don't understand.:eusa_whistle:

Did you read the article on drinking water? It's not in any way what you claim. I'm sure you feel your freedoms are being hindered, but personally, I would prefer to not have rocket fuel in our tap water.

Federal regulators took the first step Wednesday in setting a drinking water limit for perchlorate, a noxious component of rocket fuel, flares and fireworks known to hamper thyroid function and hinder brain development in young children.

The Obama administration's announcement comes after two decades of research showing the dangers posed by the ubiquitous chemical and two years after the Bush administration exempted perchlorate from regulation.

You're not lying...
Yeah, left-wing kooks at the EPA always save us from ourselves.....(cough) DDT, ALAR.

When you dumbfucks claim Republicans living on the same planet, eating the same food, drinking the same water, breathing the same air are targeting people with just show how nuts you are.

It is not in the best interest of a company to harm the consumer, idiot. Ever heard of lawsuits?

Now, get off my radar.

Yeah, you caught us....we like dirty air and rocket fuel in our water. It also goes well on food, kinda like mustard.....but it's a rich white person thing, so you don't understand.:eusa_whistle:

Did you read the article on drinking water? It's not in any way what you claim. I'm sure you feel your freedoms are being hindered, but personally, I would prefer to not have rocket fuel in our tap water.

Federal regulators took the first step Wednesday in setting a drinking water limit for perchlorate, a noxious component of rocket fuel, flares and fireworks known to hamper thyroid function and hinder brain development in young children.

The Obama administration's announcement comes after two decades of research showing the dangers posed by the ubiquitous chemical and two years after the Bush administration exempted perchlorate from regulation.

You're not lying...

"The Republicans plan, Obama says, boils down to this: 'Dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance."
Obama's right...the RepubliCON$ ARE for dirty air and dirty water.
Yeah, left-wing kooks at the EPA always save us from ourselves.....(cough) DDT, ALAR.

When you dumbfucks claim Republicans living on the same planet, eating the same food, drinking the same water, breathing the same air are targeting people with just show how nuts you are.

It is not in the best interest of a company to harm the consumer, idiot. Ever heard of lawsuits?

Now, get off my radar.
This issue has nothing to do with protecting you from yourself. If you want to drink rocket fuel and inhale chloroflouorocarbons, I can assure you neither myself nor the EPA will stop you.

What this issue IS about, is protecting children from toxic chemicals. You guys talk big about freedoms, well, shouldn't a child have the freedom to choose between water over contaminated water?
Oh no! The sun is sending radiation at the little children.....quick turn off the Sun!

Your car is polluting the planet, quit driving it.

You are exhaling CO2, quit beathing.

Do you smoke? Come on admit it....many libs do. All that smoke is bad for the little children.

In fact when you take a crap, you are polluting the water.

Yeah, left-wing kooks at the EPA always save us from ourselves.....(cough) DDT, ALAR.

When you dumbfucks claim Republicans living on the same planet, eating the same food, drinking the same water, breathing the same air are targeting people with just show how nuts you are.

It is not in the best interest of a company to harm the consumer, idiot. Ever heard of lawsuits?

Now, get off my radar.
This issue has nothing to do with protecting you from yourself. If you want to drink rocket fuel and inhale chloroflouorocarbons, I can assure you neither myself nor the EPA will stop you.

What this issue IS about, is protecting children from toxic chemicals. You guys talk big about freedoms, well, shouldn't a child have the freedom to choose between water over contaminated water?
You wrote" What this issue IS about, is protecting children from toxic chemicals."
Kinda like Rachel Carson so concerned about the affects of DDT used to control Malaria that since it was banned, MORE KIDS have died from Malaria because mosquitos aren't controlled well without DDT then would have died from DDT!
There is a concept called "
The "law of unintended consequences"
"intervention in a complex system invariably creates unanticipated and often undesirable outcomes."
Unintended consequences - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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