The Republican Party is Now the Party of Working Class Americans


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I have long been thinking this is the case. The unions have abandoned most working class Americans interests and are just another special interest group now. I guess it started when they began hiring college management majors instead of solely promoting from within in the AFL-CIO.

But the Democrats represent the wealthiest congressional districts and the GOP represents the working class districts today, a complete switch from the 1950s.

Analysis: Democrats Represent the Rich, Working Class Flocks to GOP

Meanwhile, Republican voters — the majority of whose jobs are threatened by free trade, as the research notes — have become the most supportive demographic group of tariffs on foreign imports and an economic nationalist agenda that reduces foreign competition in the labor market and American economy.

Of course, regionally, the Democrat base consists nearly exclusively on top income earners and rich executives who live in metropolitan areas and major cities along the coasts.

In the 2016 election, failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton won the vast majority of high-income coastal congressional districts in the West Coast and the Northeast.

Trump, who decisively won the election, took home electoral college votes from the heartland of the U.S., winning states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, and West Virginia, the very communities that had been devastated by the Washington, DC, free trade apparatus of the last three decades.​


Your own chart shows that Red Districts tend to be poorer and less affluent.

The idea of being for the working class is to make working people MORE affluent, not less.
Do you realize how stupid your comment is?
Your own chart shows that Red Districts tend to be poorer and less affluent.

The idea of being for the working class is to make working people MORE affluent, not less.
Unpack that statement a little further. I am not sure I received the full aroma of that turd you just laid.
So this year the Republicans are for the working class??

So all of those other years, they were just lying??

And how are Dems representing all of these wealthy districts in comparison to republicans when its the dems who are supposed to be the party who makes everyone poor??
So this year the Republicans are for the working class??

So all of those other years, they were just lying??

And how are Dems representing all of these wealthy districts in comparison to republicans when its the dems who are supposed to be the party who makes everyone poor??
If you ever believed any of that horseshit you deserve to be castrated and shot. Party of 'fuck you' is what both of them are.
Your own chart shows that Red Districts tend to be poorer and less affluent.

The idea of being for the working class is to make working people MORE affluent, not less.
Those poorer districts within states certainly pay a lot of tribute to the blue cities in the same states.
I have long been thinking this is the case. The unions have abandoned most working class Americans interests and are just another special interest group now. I guess it started when they began hiring college management majors instead of solely promoting from within in the AFL-CIO.

But the Democrats represent the wealthiest congressional districts and the GOP represents the working class districts today, a complete switch from the 1950s.

Analysis: Democrats Represent the Rich, Working Class Flocks to GOP

Meanwhile, Republican voters — the majority of whose jobs are threatened by free trade, as the research notes — have become the most supportive demographic group of tariffs on foreign imports and an economic nationalist agenda that reduces foreign competition in the labor market and American economy.

Of course, regionally, the Democrat base consists nearly exclusively on top income earners and rich executives who live in metropolitan areas and major cities along the coasts.

In the 2016 election, failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton won the vast majority of high-income coastal congressional districts in the West Coast and the Northeast.

Trump, who decisively won the election, took home electoral college votes from the heartland of the U.S., winning states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, and West Virginia, the very communities that had been devastated by the Washington, DC, free trade apparatus of the last three decades.​



Tramp won by the skin of his teeth and Mi won't vote for tramp again. They learned their lesson.
Your own chart shows that Red Districts tend to be poorer and less affluent.

The idea of being for the working class is to make working people MORE affluent, not less.

They have been doing it, you ever seen the upstate of South Carolina when the Democrats where in control? Nothing but farm land, now it's all industry.

So this year the Republicans are for the working class??

So all of those other years, they were just lying??

And how are Dems representing all of these wealthy districts in comparison to republicans when its the dems who are supposed to be the party who makes everyone poor??
If you ever believed any of that horseshit you deserve to be castrated and shot. Party of 'fuck you' is what both of them are.
Why didn't you type this comment to the person who made this dumb ass post??

Oh I remember.....he is your Trump circle jerk teammate..the one who brings the lotion...
So this year the Republicans are for the working class??

So all of those other years, they were just lying??

And how are Dems representing all of these wealthy districts in comparison to republicans when its the dems who are supposed to be the party who makes everyone poor??
If you ever believed any of that horseshit you deserve to be castrated and shot. Party of 'fuck you' is what both of them are.
Why didn't you type this comment to the person who made this dumb ass post??

Oh I remember.....he is your Trump circle jerk teammate..the one who brings the lotion...
Trump is a kikesucker.
I have long been thinking this is the case. The unions have abandoned most working class Americans interests and are just another special interest group now. I guess it started when they began hiring college management majors instead of solely promoting from within in the AFL-CIO.

But the Democrats represent the wealthiest congressional districts and the GOP represents the working class districts today, a complete switch from the 1950s.

Analysis: Democrats Represent the Rich, Working Class Flocks to GOP

Meanwhile, Republican voters — the majority of whose jobs are threatened by free trade, as the research notes — have become the most supportive demographic group of tariffs on foreign imports and an economic nationalist agenda that reduces foreign competition in the labor market and American economy.

Of course, regionally, the Democrat base consists nearly exclusively on top income earners and rich executives who live in metropolitan areas and major cities along the coasts.

In the 2016 election, failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton won the vast majority of high-income coastal congressional districts in the West Coast and the Northeast.

Trump, who decisively won the election, took home electoral college votes from the heartland of the U.S., winning states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, and West Virginia, the very communities that had been devastated by the Washington, DC, free trade apparatus of the last three decades.​


Be nice if they acted like it then instead of kissing the ass of their corporate pals.
Unpack that statement a little further. I am not sure I received the full aroma of that turd you just laid.

That Blue districts are more affluent because we have jobs and rules protecting working class people, opposed to the dumb-asses in the trailer parks working at a "Right to Work" factory.... You'll figure it out... or not.

They have been doing it, you ever seen the upstate of South Carolina when the Democrats where in control? Nothing but farm land, now it's all industry.

But still full of ignorant ass rednecks, that's the problem.
I have long been thinking this is the case. The unions have abandoned most working class Americans interests and are just another special interest group now. I guess it started when they began hiring college management majors instead of solely promoting from within in the AFL-CIO.

Quotes Breitbart - still thinks he ought to be taken seriously. Hilarity.

Let's look at that one, again:


Let's realize, it doesn't tell us anything about the inhabitants, their income, wealth or poverty. For that, we'd need GDP per capita. It may well be that (mostly urban) blue Congressional districts are bigger, and have grown since 2008, while (mostly rural) red districts are smaller by population size, have lost population, and thus economic activity (GDP).

To build on that a ... "theory" that the GOP - the most devoted servant of the plutocracy - is the party of the working class is ludicrous. Breitbart, of course, knows better. But they also know that their audience isn't just too dumb to detect the lies, they are also most eager to hear them. And so the clickbait is being brought into circulation, and the Trumpletons diligently spread it. Good doggies...
Let's realize, it doesn't tell us anything about the inhabitants, their income, wealth or poverty. For that, we'd need GDP per capita. It may well be that (mostly urban) blue Congressional districts are bigger, and have grown since 2008, while (mostly rural) red districts are smaller by population size, have lost population, and thus economic activity (GDP).

lol, you are such an idiot. Montana's 1st District has more population than any other district in the nation.

To build on that a ... "theory" that the GOP - the most devoted servant of the plutocracy - is the party of the working class is ludicrous. Breitbart, of course, knows better. But they also know that their audience isn't just too dumb to detect the lies, they are also most eager to hear them. And so the clickbait is being brought into circulation, and the Trumpletons diligently spread it. Good doggies...

Yeah, we do live in a Plutocracy, which is why we elected Trump.

Democrats do not represent Americans any more. They represent the Deep State, Globalism and China.

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Let's realize, it doesn't tell us anything about the inhabitants, their income, wealth or poverty. For that, we'd need GDP per capita. It may well be that (mostly urban) blue Congressional districts are bigger, and have grown since 2008, while (mostly rural) red districts are smaller by population size, have lost population, and thus economic activity (GDP).

lol, you are such an idiot. Montana's 1st District has more population than any other district in the nation.

My argument is that GDP per district numbers tell us nothing about the inhabitants, and you actually think that, having found a large red district, you somehow offered a contribution to the argument?

But then, you've also found flickering images on YouDupe. Isn't that glorious?

Heavens, Jim...

Yes, the GOP is the party of the globalist plutocracy. They also win, decisively, the white, male, mostly rural working class by offering nativism, racism, misogyny, and feeding into resentments of male, mostly rural working class Whites. That is not the same, arguably it is the opposite of, working for the best interests of the working class. Everyone not dependent on the Breitbart funnel knows that - you don't. If islamophobia, xenophobia, racism, homophobia didn't define "deplorable" already, and pretty well, relying on the Breitbart funnel for a daily dose of disinformation would offer a valid alternative.
Unpack that statement a little further. I am not sure I received the full aroma of that turd you just laid.

That Blue districts are more affluent because we have jobs and rules protecting working class people, opposed to the dumb-asses in the trailer parks working at a "Right to Work" factory.... You'll figure it out... or not.

They have been doing it, you ever seen the upstate of South Carolina when the Democrats where in control? Nothing but farm land, now it's all industry.

But still full of ignorant ass rednecks, that's the problem.
Talk me through disparity of income being highest in Democrat run areas.
Democrats Win Control Of The Wealthiest Districts, But Also The Most Unequal

It doesn't look all that egalitarian to me. It kinda resemble a share cropping operation.

Equality speaking and all...since Dems is all about equality and the workin man.
So this year the Republicans are for the working class??

So all of those other years, they were just lying??

And how are Dems representing all of these wealthy districts in comparison to republicans when its the dems who are supposed to be the party who makes everyone poor??
Every time Progs come to power they nickel and dime and even take real dollars from the peasants. Then they exclaim the rich ain't paying their fair share.
I have long been thinking this is the case. The unions have abandoned most working class Americans interests and are just another special interest group now. I guess it started when they began hiring college management majors instead of solely promoting from within in the AFL-CIO.

But the Democrats represent the wealthiest congressional districts and the GOP represents the working class districts today, a complete switch from the 1950s.

Analysis: Democrats Represent the Rich, Working Class Flocks to GOP

Meanwhile, Republican voters — the majority of whose jobs are threatened by free trade, as the research notes — have become the most supportive demographic group of tariffs on foreign imports and an economic nationalist agenda that reduces foreign competition in the labor market and American economy.

Of course, regionally, the Democrat base consists nearly exclusively on top income earners and rich executives who live in metropolitan areas and major cities along the coasts.

In the 2016 election, failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton won the vast majority of high-income coastal congressional districts in the West Coast and the Northeast.

Trump, who decisively won the election, took home electoral college votes from the heartland of the U.S., winning states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, and West Virginia, the very communities that had been devastated by the Washington, DC, free trade apparatus of the last three decades.​



White working class.

And that’s absolutely true.

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