The religious right and social conservatism are going to destroy the Republicans.


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2020
The U.S is less and less religious every generation and as time goes on religious traditionalism becomes more and more of a loser at the polls. The party either needs a tune up or it needs to disband and reform as a party more focused on true economic conservatism. I might actually vote for Republicans from time to time if they ditched the bigoted, science denying religious nuts that constantly make the party look toxic and ignorant.
dude couldn't be any more psychic if he tried:


I've been hearing this for as long as I could remember and yet the Republican Party endures.

However, over-reaction to the perceived threat of the so-called religious right has given us some damn fine television.

I think if that were the case it would have already happened. Take the example of abortion. A subject that the religious right is passionate about and opposes. However, they always try to do away with it by legislation by states and stacking the courts to get it banned or restricted. They won't focus on the bigger picture of eliminating or even reducing the need for it. By supporting things like freely available contraception, Planned Parenthood (for's amazing how many of them use this as just a talking point), sex education in schools without screaming about parental rights, services for single mothers or underadvantaged women, and public education for children. They'll scream bloody murder about a fetus but once it drops out of the mother they couldn't give a shit about the kid. They'll vote to take everything away from the kid..even if there's a good chance the kid will end up out on the street.

But I don't believe the religious right is going to do the Republican party in this time. I truly believe it will be the Trump supporting wing of nutjobs. I've never seen fanaticism like this in my lifetime.
The U.S is less and less religious every generation and as time goes on religious traditionalism becomes more and more of a loser at the polls. The party either needs a tune up or it needs to disband and reform as a party more focused on true economic conservatism. I might actually vote for Republicans from time to time if they ditched the bigoted, science denying religious nuts that constantly make the party look toxic and ignorant.

I will agree that morals are certainly not important to Democrats and the country and the world is in a state of moral decline.
I've been hearing this for as long as I could remember and yet the Republican Party endures.

Conservatism as we know it has no choice but to change or become irrelevant. Religious conservatism is becoming more and more of a loser in politics.
The U.S is less and less religious every generation and as time goes on religious traditionalism becomes more and more of a loser at the polls. The party either needs a tune up or it needs to disband and reform as a party more focused on true economic conservatism. I might actually vote for Republicans from time to time if they ditched the bigoted, science denying religious nuts that constantly make the party look toxic and ignorant.

Looking down on a group of people, like religious people, as a group,

is bigotry.
I think if that were the case it would have already happened. Take the example of abortion. A subject that the religious right is passionate about and opposes. However, they always try to do away with it by legislation by states and stacking the courts to get it banned or restricted. They won't focus on the bigger picture of eliminating or even reducing the need for it. By supporting things like freely available contraception, Planned Parenthood (for's amazing how many of them use this as just a talking point), sex education in schools without screaming about parental rights, services for single mothers or underadvantaged women, and public education for children. They'll scream bloody murder about a fetus but once it drops out of the mother they couldn't give a shit about the kid. They'll vote to take everything away from the kid..even if there's a good chance the kid will end up out on the street.

But I don't believe the religious right is going to do the Republican party in this time. I truly believe it will be the Trump supporting wing of nutjobs. I've never seen fanaticism like this in my lifetime.

We're still in the process of religion becoming more and more irrelevant.
dude couldn't be any more psychic if he tried:



It is you liberals that are tying to make your views, the only alternatives.

ANY other views, are labeled as ist or phobic and dog piled.

barry goldwater was a (R) ... & a fiscal conservative.

that was when the GOP was worth a damn. saint ronny - who - by today's (R) 'standards' would ironiclly be considered a liberal.... started the whole christianity infused political arena.
It is you liberals that are tying to make your views, the only alternatives.

ANY other views, are labeled as ist or phobic and dog piled.

There is no room left for people that think gays shouldn't marry and the scientists are lying to us about evolution and other topics.

You just demonstrated my point.

You are the people that are trying to make your views that only allowable views.

Playtime posted a complaint about religious people, and you just demonstrated the action that she was complaining about.

Does that matter to you? Or are you actively aware that your stated concerns are not your real issues?
It is you liberals that are tying to make your views, the only alternatives.

ANY other views, are labeled as ist or phobic and dog piled.

There is no room left for people that think gays shouldn't marry and the scientists are lying to us about evolution and other topics.
You are insane. From the beginning of civilization until recently same sex couples were not recognized the same as a man and a woman. BTW there is no such thing as gay marriage. There is no evidence that man evolved from apes/chimps.
It is you liberals that are tying to make your views, the only alternatives.

ANY other views, are labeled as ist or phobic and dog piled.

There is no room left for people that think gays shouldn't marry and the scientists are lying to us about evolution and other topics.

You just demonstrated my point.

You are the people that are trying to make your views that only allowable views.

Playtime posted a complaint about religious people, and you just demonstrated the action that she was complaining about.

Does that matter to you? Or are you actively aware that your stated concerns are not your real issues?

my 'complaint' is that NO religion belongs in politics



dude couldn't be any more psychic if he tried:



It is you liberals that are tying to make your views, the only alternatives.

ANY other views, are labeled as ist or phobic and dog piled.

barry goldwater was a (R) ... & a fiscal conservative.

that was when the GOP was worth a damn. saint ronny - who - by today's (R) 'standards' would ironiclly be considered a liberal.... started the whole christianity infused political arena.

The op has admitted that he wants his views to be the only alternative.
You just demonstrated my point.

You are the people that are trying to make your views that only allowable views.

Playtime posted a complaint about religious people, and you just demonstrated the action that she was complaining about.

Does that matter to you? Or are you actively aware that your stated concerns are not your real issues?

I don't think my views should be the only views allowed. I just think it would be amazing if the Republicans stopped representing the religious right. It's not my fault your world view is becoming more and more irrelevant.

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