The Real-World Data Show the Covid Vaccines Are Ineffective

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

The Real-World Data Show the Covid Vaccines Are Ineffective

By Vasko Kohlmayer
August 11, 2021

“Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry” we read in a CNBC report. Astonishment is one’s first reaction when coming across this piece of information, since it was not so long ago the vaccine manufacturers claimed their products were 92 to 98 percent effective.

The manufacturers’ initial claims, however, have been steadily revised down as real-world data has been coming in. In March of this year news came from South Africa that “AstraZeneca vaccine doesn’t prevent B1351 Covid.” A couple of months later, the Hill ran a piece by a Baylor School of Medicine virologist who observed:

“A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine provides only 51 percent protection against B.1.351 of South Africa.”

Just a couple of weeks ago, we learned that recipients of the Sinovac Biotech’s vaccine have no antibodies after six months. This effectually means that merely half a year after being injected into people’s bodies the vaccine has zero percent efficacy in protecting against Covid-19.

Even factoring for the variants, the hard data makes it quite clear that the initial claims of vaccine effectiveness were greatly exaggerated.

Oh noes! I for one am SHOCKED


The Real-World Data Show the Covid Vaccines Are Ineffective

By Vasko Kohlmayer
August 11, 2021

“Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry” we read in a CNBC report. Astonishment is one’s first reaction when coming across this piece of information, since it was not so long ago the vaccine manufacturers claimed their products were 92 to 98 percent effective.

The manufacturers’ initial claims, however, have been steadily revised down as real-world data has been coming in. In March of this year news came from South Africa that “AstraZeneca vaccine doesn’t prevent B1351 Covid.” A couple of months later, the Hill ran a piece by a Baylor School of Medicine virologist who observed:

“A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine provides only 51 percent protection against B.1.351 of South Africa.”

Just a couple of weeks ago, we learned that recipients of the Sinovac Biotech’s vaccine have no antibodies after six months. This effectually means that merely half a year after being injected into people’s bodies the vaccine has zero percent efficacy in protecting against Covid-19.

Even factoring for the variants, the hard data makes it quite clear that the initial claims of vaccine effectiveness were greatly exaggerated.

Oh noes! I for one am SHOCKED

Yes, this.

I was alerted on Twitter that the NYT had a new article out about the effectiveness of the vaccines, of course citing the usual "only 1% of vaccinated hospitalized" but going back to Jan 1. SHOCKINGLY in both the NYT stream and the writer's stream, almost every single comment was disillusioned leftists saying "this is bogus, be honest about these stats"...."this goes back to January like we can't see what you're doing"...."I know a whole family of vaccinated they all have covid"....."why did the CDC stop recording vaccinated breakthrough cases".

Again I was really surprised. Heartened, but surprised.

Maybe real-world performance is beginning to pierce propaganda, even in the vaccinated. !!!!

One can hope
Yes, this.

I was alerted on Twitter that the NYT had a new article out about the effectiveness of the vaccines, of course citing the usual "only 1% of vaccinated hospitalized" but going back to Jan 1. SHOCKINGLY in both the NYT stream and the writer's stream, almost every single comment was disillusioned leftists saying "this is bogus, be honest about these stats"...."this goes back to January like we can't see what you're doing"...."I know a whole family of vaccinated they all have covid"....."why did the CDC stop recording vaccinated breakthrough cases".

Again I was really surprised. Heartened, but surprised.

Maybe real-world performance is beginning to pierce propaganda, even in the vaccinated. !!!!

One can hope
We got a Martha's vineyard break out to amongst the elderly
To bad we can't blame Obama party ....ohhh so close if it was only a couple weeks lol

Mostly elderly 3 dead so far
Yes, this.

I was alerted on Twitter that the NYT had a new article out about the effectiveness of the vaccines, of course citing the usual "only 1% of vaccinated hospitalized" but going back to Jan 1. SHOCKINGLY in both the NYT stream and the writer's stream, almost every single comment was disillusioned leftists saying "this is bogus, be honest about these stats"...."this goes back to January like we can't see what you're doing"...."I know a whole family of vaccinated they all have covid"....."why did the CDC stop recording vaccinated breakthrough cases".

Again I was really surprised. Heartened, but surprised.

Maybe real-world performance is beginning to pierce propaganda, even in the vaccinated. !!!!

One can hope

When you have more deaths than all other vaccines in history combined and then stop tracking them ...only a leftwinger would roll up his or her sleeve for a booster
We got a Martha's vineyard break out to amongst the elderly
To bad we can't blame Obama party ....ohhh so close if it was only a couple weeks lol

Mostly elderly 3 dead so far

Well, either way, I knew straight away it was highly vaccinated. Local news can thus far be trusted to tell the truth about that. Look:

But with the Delta case variant present on the Island, cases have risen dramatically since the end of July, prompting the reappearance of masks at the peak of the Vineyard’s busy season and a handful of restaurant closures.

In a weekly case update, health agents said 35 of the 48 new cases reported between August 1 and August 7 were symptomatic, two were asymptomatic and 11 were unknown.

Twenty-five of the cases are among fully vaccinated residents, one among partially vaccinated residents, 20 among unvaccinated residents and two are unknown.

Since July, the Island has reported 102 new cases, with 49, or just under 50 per cent, coming among fully-vaccinated residents.

When you have more deaths than all other vaccines in history combined and then stop tracking them ...only a leftwinger would roll up his or her sleeve for a booster

The uptake on those boosters is not going to be what it seems. I have family members who were pretty gung-ho on the original shots who will NOT get the boosters. So then: what qualifies as "vaccinated"? Are you still "vaccinated" after, say, 9 months? A year? In my profession and where I am, that's coming up really fast. As soon as January.

I think all this frenzy is about the collapse of the vaccines. It's death throes, not literally--the death of the vaccines.

The Real-World Data Show the Covid Vaccines Are Ineffective

By Vasko Kohlmayer
August 11, 2021

“Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry” we read in a CNBC report. Astonishment is one’s first reaction when coming across this piece of information, since it was not so long ago the vaccine manufacturers claimed their products were 92 to 98 percent effective.

The manufacturers’ initial claims, however, have been steadily revised down as real-world data has been coming in. In March of this year news came from South Africa that “AstraZeneca vaccine doesn’t prevent B1351 Covid.” A couple of months later, the Hill ran a piece by a Baylor School of Medicine virologist who observed:

“A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine provides only 51 percent protection against B.1.351 of South Africa.”

Just a couple of weeks ago, we learned that recipients of the Sinovac Biotech’s vaccine have no antibodies after six months. This effectually means that merely half a year after being injected into people’s bodies the vaccine has zero percent efficacy in protecting against Covid-19.

Even factoring for the variants, the hard data makes it quite clear that the initial claims of vaccine effectiveness were greatly exaggerated.

Oh noes! I for one am SHOCKED

Everything in the actual article is counter to the headline which says the vaccine is ineffective. WTF, is this a joke?
The uptake on those boosters is not going to be what it seems. I have family members who were pretty gung-ho on the original shots who will NOT get the boosters. So then: what qualifies as "vaccinated"? Are you still "vaccinated" after, say, 9 months? A year? In my profession and where I am, that's coming up really fast. As soon as January.

I think all this frenzy is about the collapse of the vaccines. It's death throes, not literally--the death of the vaccines.

They were promised salvation and got nothing but let down after let down...those who took the shot many will be wary to take boosters ..

Has anyone asked about the blood supply? ...let's say I get into an accident and I'm on the operating table ....I don't want tainted blood from a vaccine victim ...
Israel has also claimed that vaccine is only 16% effective in ppl who got vaccinated in January, so efficacy is dropping rapidly with each month, according to them. Now answer me this. Where in the US have you seen anything remotely like 16-39% efficacy? Wouldn't we be having massive outbreaks in the millions from those who are vaccinated? Nothing like that has happened. Cases and hospitals are still being flooded with unvaccinated at well over a 90% clip. I'm begging for someone to prove me wrong on this. Where are all these infected vaccinated patients hiding?!? Come on out!!!!!! We know you're out there!!!!!

As for Sinovac, i'm not surprised. Everything made in china eventually breaks.

Btw, brilliant article. If we've learned nothing else, it's that right wingers and antivaxxers continually search and seek out the most unreliable reading material online, even when said reading material manages to link to actual legitimate reporting. I guess it's an improvement getting your facts from memes on facebook.

The Real-World Data Show the Covid Vaccines Are Ineffective

By Vasko Kohlmayer
August 11, 2021

“Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry” we read in a CNBC report. Astonishment is one’s first reaction when coming across this piece of information, since it was not so long ago the vaccine manufacturers claimed their products were 92 to 98 percent effective.

The manufacturers’ initial claims, however, have been steadily revised down as real-world data has been coming in. In March of this year news came from South Africa that “AstraZeneca vaccine doesn’t prevent B1351 Covid.” A couple of months later, the Hill ran a piece by a Baylor School of Medicine virologist who observed:

“A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine provides only 51 percent protection against B.1.351 of South Africa.”

Just a couple of weeks ago, we learned that recipients of the Sinovac Biotech’s vaccine have no antibodies after six months. This effectually means that merely half a year after being injected into people’s bodies the vaccine has zero percent efficacy in protecting against Covid-19.

Even factoring for the variants, the hard data makes it quite clear that the initial claims of vaccine effectiveness were greatly exaggerated.

Oh noes! I for one am SHOCKED

I have been saying right along that the data collection is garbage. It continues to be garbage as Cherry picked numbers come out in the news constantly all in the high 90s in favor of an agenda favoring vaccination. That type of consistent pattern and what it's supposed to be a random number count is a dead giveaway.
Mostly elderly 3 dead so far
Sadly, they weren't "sophisticated and vaccinated". THAT comment alone should be enough to cause millions of Americans to be in the streets against these Elitist scum. Imagine how much worse they will behave when they have no restraints at all?

The Real-World Data Show the Covid Vaccines Are Ineffective

By Vasko Kohlmayer
August 11, 2021

“Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry” we read in a CNBC report. Astonishment is one’s first reaction when coming across this piece of information, since it was not so long ago the vaccine manufacturers claimed their products were 92 to 98 percent effective.

The manufacturers’ initial claims, however, have been steadily revised down as real-world data has been coming in. In March of this year news came from South Africa that “AstraZeneca vaccine doesn’t prevent B1351 Covid.” A couple of months later, the Hill ran a piece by a Baylor School of Medicine virologist who observed:

“A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine provides only 51 percent protection against B.1.351 of South Africa.”

Just a couple of weeks ago, we learned that recipients of the Sinovac Biotech’s vaccine have no antibodies after six months. This effectually means that merely half a year after being injected into people’s bodies the vaccine has zero percent efficacy in protecting against Covid-19.

Even factoring for the variants, the hard data makes it quite clear that the initial claims of vaccine effectiveness were greatly exaggerated.

Oh noes! I for one am SHOCKED

Your link is an opinion piece, the author is fear mongering.

Your link is an opinion piece, the author is fear mongering.

Here's an update for you! The history of the "highly effective" vaccines. Enjoy the music.

Here's an update for you! The history of the "highly effective" vaccines. Enjoy the music.

There is no audio in your link. My takeaway is another Character Assassination by another Trumpanzee. Of course, this is only my opinion. If this is an error and you can provide a credible link I will offer my Mea culpa.

The Real-World Data Show the Covid Vaccines Are Ineffective

By Vasko Kohlmayer
August 11, 2021

“Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry” we read in a CNBC report. Astonishment is one’s first reaction when coming across this piece of information, since it was not so long ago the vaccine manufacturers claimed their products were 92 to 98 percent effective.

The manufacturers’ initial claims, however, have been steadily revised down as real-world data has been coming in. In March of this year news came from South Africa that “AstraZeneca vaccine doesn’t prevent B1351 Covid.” A couple of months later, the Hill ran a piece by a Baylor School of Medicine virologist who observed:

“A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine provides only 51 percent protection against B.1.351 of South Africa.”

Just a couple of weeks ago, we learned that recipients of the Sinovac Biotech’s vaccine have no antibodies after six months. This effectually means that merely half a year after being injected into people’s bodies the vaccine has zero percent efficacy in protecting against Covid-19.

Even factoring for the variants, the hard data makes it quite clear that the initial claims of vaccine effectiveness were greatly exaggerated.

Oh noes! I for one am SHOCKED

Of course they are. Completewaste I money and time. The biggest con since Religi on invented God.
All those people who died without it have died in vain and those unvaccinated in hospital are all kidding everyone.

Both trump and Biden should be tried for treason.

Also, your an idiot.
Of course they are. Completewaste I money and time. The biggest con since Religi on invented God.
All those people who died without it have died in vain and those unvaccinated in hospital are all kidding everyone.

Both trump and Biden should be tried for treason.

Also, your an idiot.
It's you're ya filthy dog eating dink


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