The real reason the deep state is targeting Michael Flynn

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
The more you learn about “Spygate” — the Obama-era operation launched by the Deep State to trip up POTUS Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and then undermine his administration after he unexpectedly won — the more angry it should make you.

Shocking new details revealed last week by a former law enforcement official named Roscoe B. Davis in a series of tweets that were backed by previous reporting from Fox News allegedly implicate the Clinton Foundation as raking in millions of dollars running guns and other weapons into the Middle East.

Furthermore, according to Davis’ information, former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who once headed the Defense Intelligence Agency, was also allegedly targeted by special counsel Robert Mueller and the Deep State because he knows all the details.

Davis began his series of tweets claiming that people were once again showing interest in the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya, in which U.S. Amb. Chris Stevens, along with CIA operatives Glenn Doherty and Tyrone Woods and Information Officer Sean Smith, were all killed.

Benghazi Bombshell: Hillary ran weapons into Libya for the Obama admin and Michael Flynn was targeted because he knew the details - DC Dirty Laundry

This is another obvious MSM cover-up.
The more you learn about “Spygate” — the Obama-era operation launched by the Deep State to trip up POTUS Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and then undermine his administration after he unexpectedly won — the more angry it should make you.

Shocking new details revealed last week by a former law enforcement official named Roscoe B. Davis in a series of tweets that were backed by previous reporting from Fox News allegedly implicate the Clinton Foundation as raking in millions of dollars running guns and other weapons into the Middle East.

Furthermore, according to Davis’ information, former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who once headed the Defense Intelligence Agency, was also allegedly targeted by special counsel Robert Mueller and the Deep State because he knows all the details.

Davis began his series of tweets claiming that people were once again showing interest in the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya, in which U.S. Amb. Chris Stevens, along with CIA operatives Glenn Doherty and Tyrone Woods and Information Officer Sean Smith, were all killed.

Benghazi Bombshell: Hillary ran weapons into Libya for the Obama admin and Michael Flynn was targeted because he knew the details - DC Dirty Laundry

This is another obvious MSM cover-up.

Gee, I wonder why Flynn didn't clue in Trey Gowdy on the Lybian gun running.
Weapons exports rose dramatically under the Clinton State Department
Davis notes that the serial number on the missile fragment tracked back to a lot signed out by the CIA and turned over to Qatar the previous year — “weapons Hillary Clinton’s State Department intended for anti-Qadaffi forces in Libya through a contact of [late Sen.] John McCains named Mark Turi.”

Fox Newsnational security correspondent Catherine Herridge interviewed Turi in 2015, three years after the Benghazi attack, who told her that he had been licensed and regulated by the State Department for decades “to move weapons around the world,” working with the department, the CIA, and other agencies.

Turi threatened to spill the beans when the CIA started coming after him wanting answers, and they framed him up on a bogus weapons charge, and tried to ruin him. People are asking who is Marc Turi, well meet Marc Turi...

Marc Turi is from Phoenix AZ and was a neighbor of John McCain. McCain who has been on the Senate Arms Committee for years helped Turi secure billions in arms contracts with the DoD. Then Clinton and McCain came up with a plan to arm Al-Qaeda to get them to overthrow Qaddafi.

Turi, Davis explained, lives in Arizona and was a neighbor to McCain, who had been a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee for years and helped him “secure billions in arms contracts with the DoD.” Davis adds that McCain and Clinton “came up with a plan to arm Al-Qaeda to get them to overthrow” the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who was assassinated on Oct. 20, 2011, as the “Arab Spring” spread throughout the Middle East (recall how anti-Trump McCain always was).

After first denying it, the State Department eventually approved the Turi Defense Group’s $267 million request to move arms into Qatar, but the transfer never happened. Instead, Turi says, the weapons went directly to Libya instead of ‘third-party nation’ Qatar, where “half” of them subsequently“ended up in Syria.”

Turi told Herridge that shortly after weapons were sent to Libya on behalf of the Clinton State Department, he became extremely concerned that many were falling into the wrong hands — including those who eventually attacked and killed Ambassador Stevens and his staffers.

In her report, Herridge noted that during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, “U.S. arms dealers were awarded a record number of export licenses,” and most of the hardware was destined for the Middle East’s “Arab Spring” conflicts in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and elsewhere. In 2011 alone, more than 86,000 licenses totaling $44.3 billion were awarded — a $10 billion surge from the previous year.

To that point, Davis tweeted that the U.S. arms “bad guys” around the world all the time, but the CIA generally runs those operations. This time, however, Clinton’s State Department was running things, which was worrisome to Turi and the CIA; officials at the agency were concerned that arming “insurgents” with powerful weapons would lead to the downing of civilian aircraft and catastrophe for the U.S. on an international scale.
Still doesn’t explain why Flynn lied.
This is who he "lied" to.
Did you know that even ?

If you don't smell a rat you have no nose.
James & Joanne Moriarty were successful independent business operators, selling their unique oil well restoration system throughout Libya for many years. They established close personal relationships during the time they spent there and understand Libyan culture and customs intimately. General Michael Flynn has said they've provided the best intelligence the U.S. has received. The story they tell is vastly different than what you have heard. Their detailed account of unmitigated evil will chill you to your soul. The harassment they have been subjected to since their return to Texas will frighten you beyond words.

One of Robert Mueller's former top prosecutors said the outside prosecutor picked to review the case against retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn is a ruse to investigate President Trump's perceived enemies.

Andrew Weissmann, a former Justice Department official who was known as Mueller's "pit bull" during the Russia investigation, said the Justice Department swapped out the "loser case" of Andrew McCabe, who escaped criminal charges on Friday for allegedly lying to investigators about authorizing media disclosures, for a fresh one targeting top former FBI officials, including McCabe, led by Jeffrey Jensen, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri.

"All they did was swapped out a loser case for starting an investigation that is going to be of Comey, McCabe, Pete Strzok," Weissmann told MSNBC host Chuck Todd.

All three officials were involved in the investigation into the Trump 2016 campaign's alleged ties to Russia, which Trump and his allies have called a "witch hunt." Mueller, who took over the inquiry after FBI Director James Comey was fired in May 2017, found no criminal conspiracy when the investigation ended last year.

Attorney General William Barr picked Jensen, the top federal prosecutor in St. Louis, to work alongside the Flynn case's lead prosecutor Brandon Van Grack one month after the former Trump national security adviser filed to withdraw his guilty plea in Mueller's investigation.

Weissmann, now an NBC News legal analyst, has defended the FBI while raising concerns about Barr, who faced criticism this week after he intervened in the case of Roger Stone, another Trump associate caught up in Mueller's investigation. Barr is also under intense scrutiny for U.S. Attorney John Durham's inquiry into the origins of the Russia investigation, which critics claim is meant to discredit Mueller's work.

He said Jensen's appointment was "interesting" considering that the judge presiding over the Flynn case rejected claims that Flynn was set up by the FBI after seeing the facts about the underlying investigation. Flynn pleaded guilty in 2017 for lying to investigators about his conversations with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak regarding U.S. sanctions and a United Nations Security Council vote.
Weapons exports rose dramatically under the Clinton State Department
Davis notes that the serial number on the missile fragment tracked back to a lot signed out by the CIA and turned over to Qatar the previous year — “weapons Hillary Clinton’s State Department intended for anti-Qadaffi forces in Libya through a contact of [late Sen.] John McCains named Mark Turi.”

Fox Newsnational security correspondent Catherine Herridge interviewed Turi in 2015, three years after the Benghazi attack, who told her that he had been licensed and regulated by the State Department for decades “to move weapons around the world,” working with the department, the CIA, and other agencies.

Turi threatened to spill the beans when the CIA started coming after him wanting answers, and they framed him up on a bogus weapons charge, and tried to ruin him. People are asking who is Marc Turi, well meet Marc Turi...

Marc Turi is from Phoenix AZ and was a neighbor of John McCain. McCain who has been on the Senate Arms Committee for years helped Turi secure billions in arms contracts with the DoD. Then Clinton and McCain came up with a plan to arm Al-Qaeda to get them to overthrow Qaddafi.

Turi, Davis explained, lives in Arizona and was a neighbor to McCain, who had been a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee for years and helped him “secure billions in arms contracts with the DoD.” Davis adds that McCain and Clinton “came up with a plan to arm Al-Qaeda to get them to overthrow” the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who was assassinated on Oct. 20, 2011, as the “Arab Spring” spread throughout the Middle East (recall how anti-Trump McCain always was).

After first denying it, the State Department eventually approved the Turi Defense Group’s $267 million request to move arms into Qatar, but the transfer never happened. Instead, Turi says, the weapons went directly to Libya instead of ‘third-party nation’ Qatar, where “half” of them subsequently“ended up in Syria.”

Turi told Herridge that shortly after weapons were sent to Libya on behalf of the Clinton State Department, he became extremely concerned that many were falling into the wrong hands — including those who eventually attacked and killed Ambassador Stevens and his staffers.

In her report, Herridge noted that during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, “U.S. arms dealers were awarded a record number of export licenses,” and most of the hardware was destined for the Middle East’s “Arab Spring” conflicts in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and elsewhere. In 2011 alone, more than 86,000 licenses totaling $44.3 billion were awarded — a $10 billion surge from the previous year.

To that point, Davis tweeted that the U.S. arms “bad guys” around the world all the time, but the CIA generally runs those operations. This time, however, Clinton’s State Department was running things, which was worrisome to Turi and the CIA; officials at the agency were concerned that arming “insurgents” with powerful weapons would lead to the downing of civilian aircraft and catastrophe for the U.S. on an international scale.
Did the Gowdy investigation know nothing of this. I mean after 8 times ? And how do you connect it to Flynn lying to Congress?

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