The Real Reason Nothing Came From All Of The Evidence Of Voter Fraud


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Real Reason Nothing Came From All Of The Evidence Of Voter Fraud
The truth can be the toughest pill to swallow when it exposes realities some people don't want to face.

The real reason nothing came from all of the evidence of voter fraud (
19 Jan 2021 ~~ By J.D. Rucker

Ever since the election, I was exceedingly confident that President Trump would prevail in the end. Mountains of evidence of widespread voter fraud was available within a week after the election and only grew with every passing day. But invariably, it was ignored by mainstream media and suppressed by Big Tech.
This didn’t shake my confidence because I made a false assumption. Between the state legislatures and the judicial branch, I assumed there was enough support for exposing the facts to circumvent the propaganda and false narratives. My assumption was there were honorable people intermingled among The Swamp to make sure the truth not only came to light but resulted in action. Call me a fool, but I had no idea how pervasive The Swamp really is. It isn’t comprised of a handful of powerful people. It’s not just a majority of them. What we learned with this election is that The Swamp is represented by the vast majority of people in government.
“Representation” of The Swamp does not necessarily mean everyone is a direct part of it. Many are compliant with the edicts out of fear or for the sake of career advancement. These are the people who justify actions they know to be wrong by either throwing their hands up and saying they can’t stop it or because they have the delusional notion that the only way they can ever fix it is to work their way up. They play the game in hopes of someday changing the game… at least that’s what they’ve convinced themselves they can do.
How can this nation move forward knowing nefarious forces have more control than We the People? With the progressive policies of Joe Biden and the Democrats on the verge of becoming realities, the scariest part for many of us is knowing that we do not have a voice. If we did, Biden would not be president, the Senate would be controlled by the GOP, and even the House may have been flipped. But there’s a silver lining. Had all of these things happened, many would never have become aware of what we now know to be true. The GOP is, at best, a slightly less offensive alternative to the Democrats. There are as many if not more Republicans representing The Swamp than there are Democrats.

Good article, and thanks to J.D. for the Op-Ed.
As Americans, we may not like what is going on right now,
Everything we have seen has been old fashioned, home-grown collusion between two groups of people that have only pretended to be different from one another.
The Quisling Media have bent over backward to distract and keep the truth from the public about the massively fraudulent election.
Meanwhile there are those within the Republican Party that can be cowered and there are those that detest the air that Trump breathes. People like Murkowski, Romey, Sasse and yes Mitch "Turtle" McConnell have turned tail. McConnell has even threatened the president today.
They claim that it was the fairest election to ever take place, that Biden won, even questioning the possibility of voter fraud (which they have done in every election since 2000) is seditious, and we are horrible white racists people, that these are all just conspiracy theories. The lie that Biden won will be repeated until it is commonly held as fact. Like you said, we can’t let that happen.
The Real Reason Nothing Came From All Of The Evidence Of Voter Fraud
The truth can be the toughest pill to swallow when it exposes realities some people don't want to face.

The real reason nothing came from all of the evidence of voter fraud (
19 Jan 2021 ~~ By J.D. Rucker

Ever since the election, I was exceedingly confident that President Trump would prevail in the end. Mountains of evidence of widespread voter fraud was available within a week after the election and only grew with every passing day. But invariably, it was ignored by mainstream media and suppressed by Big Tech.
This didn’t shake my confidence because I made a false assumption. Between the state legislatures and the judicial branch, I assumed there was enough support for exposing the facts to circumvent the propaganda and false narratives. My assumption was there were honorable people intermingled among The Swamp to make sure the truth not only came to light but resulted in action. Call me a fool, but I had no idea how pervasive The Swamp really is. It isn’t comprised of a handful of powerful people. It’s not just a majority of them. What we learned with this election is that The Swamp is represented by the vast majority of people in government.
“Representation” of The Swamp does not necessarily mean everyone is a direct part of it. Many are compliant with the edicts out of fear or for the sake of career advancement. These are the people who justify actions they know to be wrong by either throwing their hands up and saying they can’t stop it or because they have the delusional notion that the only way they can ever fix it is to work their way up. They play the game in hopes of someday changing the game… at least that’s what they’ve convinced themselves they can do.
How can this nation move forward knowing nefarious forces have more control than We the People? With the progressive policies of Joe Biden and the Democrats on the verge of becoming realities, the scariest part for many of us is knowing that we do not have a voice. If we did, Biden would not be president, the Senate would be controlled by the GOP, and even the House may have been flipped. But there’s a silver lining. Had all of these things happened, many would never have become aware of what we now know to be true. The GOP is, at best, a slightly less offensive alternative to the Democrats. There are as many if not more Republicans representing The Swamp than there are Democrats.

Good article, and thanks to J.D. for the Op-Ed.
As Americans, we may not like what is going on right now,
Everything we have seen has been old fashioned, home-grown collusion between two groups of people that have only pretended to be different from one another.
The Quisling Media have bent over backward to distract and keep the truth from the public about the massively fraudulent election.
Meanwhile there are those within the Republican Party that can be cowered and there are those that detest the air that Trump breathes. People like Murkowski, Romey, Sasse and yes Mitch "Turtle" McConnell have turned tail. McConnell has even threatened the president today.
They claim that it was the fairest election to ever take place, that Biden won, even questioning the possibility of voter fraud (which they have done in every election since 2000) is seditious, and we are horrible white racists people, that these are all just conspiracy theories. The lie that Biden won will be repeated until it is commonly held as fact. Like you said, we can’t let that happen.

Never give up hope!
The real reason is because good people stood by and did nothing.

Now evil has prevailed, and we shall witness and experience the consequences.
America is dead. Killed by communist.

Freedom is never coming back.

Soon America will have camps full of political prisoners wishing they had done something when they had the chance.
The real reason is because good people stood by and did nothing.

Now evil has prevailed, and we shall witness and experience the consequences.
America is dead. Killed by communist.

Freedom is never coming back.

Soon America will have camps full of political prisoners wishing they had done something when they had the chance.
Freedom always comes back. Maybe not here. Not for a long time.
The real reason is because good people stood by and did nothing.

Now evil has prevailed, and we shall witness and experience the consequences.
America is dead. Killed by communist.

Freedom is never coming back.

Soon America will have camps full of political prisoners wishing they had done something when they had the chance.
Which communist killed America?
The real reason is because good people stood by and did nothing.

Now evil has prevailed, and we shall witness and experience the consequences.
America is dead. Killed by communist.

Freedom is never coming back.

Soon America will have camps full of political prisoners wishing they had done something when they had the chance.
Freedom always comes back. Maybe not here. Not for a long time.
America is dead and so is freedom.
The real reason is because good people stood by and did nothing.

Now evil has prevailed, and we shall witness and experience the consequences.
America is dead. Killed by communist.

Freedom is never coming back.

Soon America will have camps full of political prisoners wishing they had done something when they had the chance.
Which communist killed America?
The Democrats. That's what communist call themselves here in America
The real reason is because good people stood by and did nothing.

Now evil has prevailed, and we shall witness and experience the consequences.
America is dead. Killed by communist.

Freedom is never coming back.

Soon America will have camps full of political prisoners wishing they had done something when they had the chance.
Freedom always comes back. Maybe not here. Not for a long time.
America is dead and so is freedom.
The real reason is because good people stood by and did nothing.

Now evil has prevailed, and we shall witness and experience the consequences.
America is dead. Killed by communist.

Freedom is never coming back.

Soon America will have camps full of political prisoners wishing they had done something when they had the chance.
Which communist killed America?
The Democrats. That's what communist call themselves here in America
Name these Communist policies.
The Real Reason Nothing Came From All Of The Evidence Of Voter Fraud
The truth can be the toughest pill to swallow when it exposes realities some people don't want to face.

The real reason nothing came from all of the evidence of voter fraud (
19 Jan 2021 ~~ By J.D. Rucker

Ever since the election, I was exceedingly confident that President Trump would prevail in the end. Mountains of evidence of widespread voter fraud was available within a week after the election and only grew with every passing day. But invariably, it was ignored by mainstream media and suppressed by Big Tech.
This didn’t shake my confidence because I made a false assumption. Between the state legislatures and the judicial branch, I assumed there was enough support for exposing the facts to circumvent the propaganda and false narratives. My assumption was there were honorable people intermingled among The Swamp to make sure the truth not only came to light but resulted in action. Call me a fool, but I had no idea how pervasive The Swamp really is. It isn’t comprised of a handful of powerful people. It’s not just a majority of them. What we learned with this election is that The Swamp is represented by the vast majority of people in government.
“Representation” of The Swamp does not necessarily mean everyone is a direct part of it. Many are compliant with the edicts out of fear or for the sake of career advancement. These are the people who justify actions they know to be wrong by either throwing their hands up and saying they can’t stop it or because they have the delusional notion that the only way they can ever fix it is to work their way up. They play the game in hopes of someday changing the game… at least that’s what they’ve convinced themselves they can do.
How can this nation move forward knowing nefarious forces have more control than We the People? With the progressive policies of Joe Biden and the Democrats on the verge of becoming realities, the scariest part for many of us is knowing that we do not have a voice. If we did, Biden would not be president, the Senate would be controlled by the GOP, and even the House may have been flipped. But there’s a silver lining. Had all of these things happened, many would never have become aware of what we now know to be true. The GOP is, at best, a slightly less offensive alternative to the Democrats. There are as many if not more Republicans representing The Swamp than there are Democrats.

Good article, and thanks to J.D. for the Op-Ed.
As Americans, we may not like what is going on right now,
Everything we have seen has been old fashioned, home-grown collusion between two groups of people that have only pretended to be different from one another.
The Quisling Media have bent over backward to distract and keep the truth from the public about the massively fraudulent election.
Meanwhile there are those within the Republican Party that can be cowered and there are those that detest the air that Trump breathes. People like Murkowski, Romey, Sasse and yes Mitch "Turtle" McConnell have turned tail. McConnell has even threatened the president today.
They claim that it was the fairest election to ever take place, that Biden won, even questioning the possibility of voter fraud (which they have done in every election since 2000) is seditious, and we are horrible white racists people, that these are all just conspiracy theories. The lie that Biden won will be repeated until it is commonly held as fact. Like you said, we can’t let that happen.
Again, and I'm sure you've heard this before. There was little evidence presented in the only venue that can offer relief for voter fraud. Namely the judiciary. The few times it was the assertions made didn't amount to a reason to overturn the election. When asked point blank by judges,if the lawyers who where arguing for overturning the election results if they were aware of widespread voter fraud those lawyers had to say no. The AG, hardly a Biden fan flat out said there was no widespread voter fraud.

So the conclusion drawn by the OP-ed and you that all this is not proof that there was no voter fraud but that judges appointed by all presidents including Trump, the AG and even his own lawyers are part of some giant conspiracy would be funny if people aren't prepared to act on it as events have shown.
The Stolen Election is the end result of the Clintons, Dubya and Obama filling the government with people who prefer that America freedoms disappear. Look at psuedo Patriot General Mattis's "Death to America First" statement. He was a media darling and now we know that if the media likes him, that can't be good.

It probably goes back to FDR. But the only real exception was JFK who knew he had to have a relative at DOJ to have any chance - and they killed him.

Trump's only chance was to fire at least half of the entire government.

We are still a majority Freedom loving country. That they had to cheat out in the tens if millions column speaks to our strength. Trust me: they fear us. We are slow to anger and action, we are very much the Sleeping Giant that woke to defeat Fascism.

Pray. Stay vigilant. Act locally
There is a highly organized group that has control of the nation, and it operates in plain view. The self serving, self perpetuating duopoly has been securely installed for decades and will not soon be unseated, although it easily could be every two years. If you want to talk about conspiracy, there it is. If you want to talk about how to stop it, there it is.
If you want to know why it continues, look no further than the lazy, illiterate electorate.
There is no 'plot' against Trump. There is a plot against us.
The Real Reason Nothing Came From All Of The Evidence Of Voter Fraud
The truth can be the toughest pill to swallow when it exposes realities some people don't want to face.

The real reason nothing came from all of the evidence of voter fraud (
19 Jan 2021 ~~ By J.D. Rucker

Ever since the election, I was exceedingly confident that President Trump would prevail in the end. Mountains of evidence of widespread voter fraud was available within a week after the election and only grew with every passing day. But invariably, it was ignored by mainstream media and suppressed by Big Tech.
This didn’t shake my confidence because I made a false assumption. Between the state legislatures and the judicial branch, I assumed there was enough support for exposing the facts to circumvent the propaganda and false narratives. My assumption was there were honorable people intermingled among The Swamp to make sure the truth not only came to light but resulted in action. Call me a fool, but I had no idea how pervasive The Swamp really is. It isn’t comprised of a handful of powerful people. It’s not just a majority of them. What we learned with this election is that The Swamp is represented by the vast majority of people in government.
“Representation” of The Swamp does not necessarily mean everyone is a direct part of it. Many are compliant with the edicts out of fear or for the sake of career advancement. These are the people who justify actions they know to be wrong by either throwing their hands up and saying they can’t stop it or because they have the delusional notion that the only way they can ever fix it is to work their way up. They play the game in hopes of someday changing the game… at least that’s what they’ve convinced themselves they can do.
How can this nation move forward knowing nefarious forces have more control than We the People? With the progressive policies of Joe Biden and the Democrats on the verge of becoming realities, the scariest part for many of us is knowing that we do not have a voice. If we did, Biden would not be president, the Senate would be controlled by the GOP, and even the House may have been flipped. But there’s a silver lining. Had all of these things happened, many would never have become aware of what we now know to be true. The GOP is, at best, a slightly less offensive alternative to the Democrats. There are as many if not more Republicans representing The Swamp than there are Democrats.

Good article, and thanks to J.D. for the Op-Ed.
As Americans, we may not like what is going on right now,
Everything we have seen has been old fashioned, home-grown collusion between two groups of people that have only pretended to be different from one another.
The Quisling Media have bent over backward to distract and keep the truth from the public about the massively fraudulent election.
Meanwhile there are those within the Republican Party that can be cowered and there are those that detest the air that Trump breathes. People like Murkowski, Romey, Sasse and yes Mitch "Turtle" McConnell have turned tail. McConnell has even threatened the president today.
They claim that it was the fairest election to ever take place, that Biden won, even questioning the possibility of voter fraud (which they have done in every election since 2000) is seditious, and we are horrible white racists people, that these are all just conspiracy theories. The lie that Biden won will be repeated until it is commonly held as fact. Like you said, we can’t let that happen.

First, I am thankful that you were allowed to post this comment.

Second, I think that there may be another reason that the Establishment rushed to reassure everyone that the election was honest.

Every country has its myths.

Our myth is that we are the freest nation on earth.

It simply would have been too hurtful to admit to the whole world (and especially to ourselves) that there were enough unpatriotic Americans to rig such an important election.

Maybe this is why Vice President Nixon decided NOT to contest the 1960 Presidential election.

There are many people who feel that the decline of the USA is inevitable for many reasons. Future history books may cite the November 3 election as one reason.
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American prisoners might recall that initial pandemic media coming from communist China showed graphic images of people falling in the street, the interiors of hospitals, etc., whereas Western media sanitized such images, as the China puppet Biden bunkered to win a virtual election.
The real reason is because good people stood by and did nothing.

Now evil has prevailed, and we shall witness and experience the consequences.
America is dead. Killed by communist.

Freedom is never coming back.

Soon America will have camps full of political prisoners wishing they had done something when they had the chance.

What do you want to be free? Freedom for what??
"I had no idea how pervasive The Swamp really is. It isn’t comprised of a handful of powerful people. It’s not just a majority of them. What we learned with this election is that The Swamp is represented by the vast majority of people in government."

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