The Real Problem In Iraq


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This is probably the most insightful piece I've read to date on the situation. Here is a quote from it that really nails it:
"The Iraqi people have not known democracy ever. How can we just let them have it? I see democracy and freedom as vaccinations. If you give someone vaccines who has never had any exposure whatsoever, the proposed medicine that is meant to help them, will actually kill them. A better method would be to give this medicine slowly and in small chunks so the people could adapt to it. Over time the vaccine would be much more effective...

It is a tribal fiefdom and will never change. Ever. We should let it break down into the sectors it was always meant to be.

Get our troops and diplomatic people out of there! :mad:

Read more: Iraqi Colonel: 'Anarchy Is What America Has Granted Iraq' - Business Insider
The America I grew up in of one man one vote was heisted by One-worlders. I don't think a place where election results are myths lives up to the founder's America. We do need to clean our own house before we go about cleaning up someone else's. It's too bad children in Muslim countries are weaned on killing infidels.

We're so divided, every nutcase warmonger this world over has America in its sights:

1. North Korea's map of America:


Islamic decimation/jihad groups in America:

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