
Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Why does the media want Donald Trump to accept some kind of responsibility for the Alt-Right and neo-Nazis, when they didn't pressure Barack Obama to denounce Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and the Occupy Wall Street movement?
I don't hear the media or congressional leaders from BOTH parties calling for Trump to take responsibility. They are calling for him to give a clear and direct condemnation of the hate groups that instigated the violence. Why he tiptoes around this in contrast to how he handles other situations is pretty mind blowing
I don't hear the media or congressional leaders from BOTH parties calling for Trump to take responsibility. They are calling for him to give a clear and direct condemnation of the hate groups that instigated the violence. Why he tiptoes around this in contrast to how he handles other situations is pretty mind blowing

That's what I meant: "condemnation". Not so much accepting responsibility, but condemning them.

I never heard Obama or any member of Congress condemn BLM or the Occupy Movement. Pelosi and Hillary actually had good things to say about them.
The old 'both sides do it' deflection, lib please talk to the hand :eusa_hand:

I don't need to deflect anything. I never blamed Donald Trump for alt-right attacks. I'm not responsible for media bias, and what I said is true. It's hypocritical when either side accuses the other of partisan hackery. When people talk about it I just want to say "Yeah? Duh. Where have you been? This is American politics."
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I don't hear the media or congressional leaders from BOTH parties calling for Trump to take responsibility. They are calling for him to give a clear and direct condemnation of the hate groups that instigated the violence. Why he tiptoes around this in contrast to how he handles other situations is pretty mind blowing

That's what I meant: "condemnation". Not so much accepting responsibility, but condemning them.

I never heard Obama or any member of Congress condemn BLM or the Occupy Movement. Pelosi and Hillary actually had good things to say about them.

Even legal scholars on the left voiced concerns about the tolerance and even support of lawlessness by Democrats. The rule of law only works if people choose to obey the law, when leaders in government choose not to obey the law, and encourage others to break the law, a lawless society is not far off.
I don't hear the media or congressional leaders from BOTH parties calling for Trump to take responsibility. They are calling for him to give a clear and direct condemnation of the hate groups that instigated the violence. Why he tiptoes around this in contrast to how he handles other situations is pretty mind blowing

That's what I meant: "condemnation". Not so much accepting responsibility, but condemning them.

I never heard Obama or any member of Congress condemn BLM or the Occupy Movement. Pelosi and Hillary actually had good things to say about them.
Are saying that BLM and Occupy are on an even level as nazis and the KKK? Principly speaking those groups have very core differences. All those groups are guilty of unnecessary violence which should absolutely be condemned, but hate groups that support anti American discrimination should be called out
I have never gotten why a President should have to condemn these type of actions does a President really have to say I'm codemn a person driving a car into a crowd or ambushing police officers to prove their against it?
I don't hear the media or congressional leaders from BOTH parties calling for Trump to take responsibility. They are calling for him to give a clear and direct condemnation of the hate groups that instigated the violence. Why he tiptoes around this in contrast to how he handles other situations is pretty mind blowing

That's what I meant: "condemnation". Not so much accepting responsibility, but condemning them.

I never heard Obama or any member of Congress condemn BLM or the Occupy Movement. Pelosi and Hillary actually had good things to say about them.
Are saying that BLM and Occupy are on an even level as nazis and the KKK? Principly speaking those groups have very core differences. All those groups are guilty of unnecessary violence which should absolutely be condemned, but hate groups that support anti American discrimination should be called out

BLM, ANTIFA, and #Occupy are all anti-American hate groups that call for violence and discrimination.
I don't hear the media or congressional leaders from BOTH parties calling for Trump to take responsibility. They are calling for him to give a clear and direct condemnation of the hate groups that instigated the violence. Why he tiptoes around this in contrast to how he handles other situations is pretty mind blowing

That's what I meant: "condemnation". Not so much accepting responsibility, but condemning them.

I never heard Obama or any member of Congress condemn BLM or the Occupy Movement. Pelosi and Hillary actually had good things to say about them.

Even legal scholars on the left voiced concerns about the tolerance and even support of lawlessness by Democrats. The rule of law only works if people choose to obey the law, when leaders in government choose not to obey the law, and encourage others to break the law, a lawless society is not far off.
Wow, I actually agree with that statement unless we are talking about the federalism debate as I believe that states have the right to make their own laws if if they are contrary to federal laws within reason
I don't hear the media or congressional leaders from BOTH parties calling for Trump to take responsibility. They are calling for him to give a clear and direct condemnation of the hate groups that instigated the violence. Why he tiptoes around this in contrast to how he handles other situations is pretty mind blowing

That's what I meant: "condemnation". Not so much accepting responsibility, but condemning them.

I never heard Obama or any member of Congress condemn BLM or the Occupy Movement. Pelosi and Hillary actually had good things to say about them.
Are saying that BLM and Occupy are on an even level as nazis and the KKK? Principly speaking those groups have very core differences. All those groups are guilty of unnecessary violence which should absolutely be condemned, but hate groups that support anti American discrimination should be called out

BLM, ANTIFA, and #Occupy are all anti-American hate groups that call for violence and discrimination.

I don't hear the media or congressional leaders from BOTH parties calling for Trump to take responsibility. They are calling for him to give a clear and direct condemnation of the hate groups that instigated the violence. Why he tiptoes around this in contrast to how he handles other situations is pretty mind blowing

That's what I meant: "condemnation". Not so much accepting responsibility, but condemning them.

I never heard Obama or any member of Congress condemn BLM or the Occupy Movement. Pelosi and Hillary actually had good things to say about them.
Are saying that BLM and Occupy are on an even level as nazis and the KKK? Principly speaking those groups have very core differences. All those groups are guilty of unnecessary violence which should absolutely be condemned, but hate groups that support anti American discrimination should be called out

BLM, ANTIFA, and #Occupy are all anti-American hate groups that call for violence and discrimination.
They are civil rights activists fighting for minority and oppressed groups. They have at times gone too far with both their messaging and demostrations. With that said, are you implying that they are on par with Nazi and KKK White supremist groups?
I don't hear the media or congressional leaders from BOTH parties calling for Trump to take responsibility. They are calling for him to give a clear and direct condemnation of the hate groups that instigated the violence. Why he tiptoes around this in contrast to how he handles other situations is pretty mind blowing

That's what I meant: "condemnation". Not so much accepting responsibility, but condemning them.

I never heard Obama or any member of Congress condemn BLM or the Occupy Movement. Pelosi and Hillary actually had good things to say about them.
Are saying that BLM and Occupy are on an even level as nazis and the KKK? Principly speaking those groups have very core differences. All those groups are guilty of unnecessary violence which should absolutely be condemned, but hate groups that support anti American discrimination should be called out

BLM, ANTIFA, and #Occupy are all anti-American hate groups that call for violence and discrimination.


Yup. Those three organizations have a bigger body count than the Alt-Right and the American neo-Nazi groups. They've created more havoc, more destruction of property, and more denial of First Amendment rights.
Why does the media want Donald Trump to accept some kind of responsibility for the Alt-Right and neo-Nazis, when they didn't pressure Barack Obama to denounce Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and the Occupy Wall Street movement?
Liberal bias
I don't hear the media or congressional leaders from BOTH parties calling for Trump to take responsibility. They are calling for him to give a clear and direct condemnation of the hate groups that instigated the violence. Why he tiptoes around this in contrast to how he handles other situations is pretty mind blowing

That's what I meant: "condemnation". Not so much accepting responsibility, but condemning them.

I never heard Obama or any member of Congress condemn BLM or the Occupy Movement. Pelosi and Hillary actually had good things to say about them.
Are saying that BLM and Occupy are on an even level as nazis and the KKK? Principly speaking those groups have very core differences. All those groups are guilty of unnecessary violence which should absolutely be condemned, but hate groups that support anti American discrimination should be called out

BLM, ANTIFA, and #Occupy are all anti-American hate groups that call for violence and discrimination.


Yup. Those three organizations have a bigger body count than the Alt-Right and the American neo-Nazi groups. They've created more havoc, more destruction of property, and more denial of First Amendment rights.

Not even close to being accurate. But I get why you must push this false narrative and create this false equivalency. No need to explain.
Because they did not appreciate that he condemns the two sides,

He condemns the angry leftists too, they don't like it.

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