The projected map of 2020 presidential election. Sorry demOcraps


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019
I honestly think trump will will win California! I think democrat turn out will be very low.
That is a nice red dream --- I don't see how Trump can win California, but I agree Dem turnout is likely to be low (migod, the weirdos they have put up!!! Who could vote for any of them??). He got 307 last time, so I don't think 386 is at all impossible.

I am now interested in whether we'll retake the House, and firm up the Senate with a couple/three more seats. What do people think about the Senate? We're getting another one in Alabama, pretty certain. I don't know about the rest.
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A record number of republicans have filed to run for office! Thank you trump
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I hope the Second Amendment helps Republicans win more seats in California
That is a nice red dream --- I don't see how Trump can win California, but I agree Dem turnout is likely to be low (migod, the weirdos they have put up!!! Who could vote for any of them??). He got 307 last time, so I don't think 386 is at all impossible.

I am now interested in whether we'll retake the House, and firm up the Senate with a couple/three more seats. What do people think about the Senate? We're getting another one in Alabama, pretty certain. I don't know about the rest.

Yeah I think the demodummies are going to lose BIGLEY in the house, the senate, state houses and everywhere they're running for office. Every where where the insane aren't running the asylum like Californicated.
Yeah I think the demodummies are going to lose BIGLEY in the house, the senate, state houses and everywhere they're running for office. Every where where the insane aren't running the asylum like Californicated.

Governors, too, maybe. I love a landslide. Remember the Reagan landslide against Carter? Same deal as in 2016. All these fake-news pushers going on about how Carter is surging, he's gonna win ------- and Reagan won in a landslide. Why? Because people on the Dem side were so incredibly obnoxious. They were just frankly abusive to me in a university social environment so I did what everyone else voting for Reagan did --- I shut right up and never took any surveys (ever again). So Reagan had a landslide no one expected. Same thing happened in 2016, and probably the Right will pollbadly this time too and the SAME STUPID PROPAGANDA will be put out by the left --- because they can't poll us: we just won't play their corrupt game.
View attachment 307971 I honestly think trump will will win California! I think democrat turn out will be very low.

And...then you woke up from a very moist dream. :)

Dream a little dream (sorry, they stay blue)
- Illinois
- Minnesota
- Virginia
- New Mexico

Battleground and swing states (possibly purple).
- Arizona
- Colorado
- Pennsylvania
- Wisconsin
- Michigan
- North Carolina
- Florida
- New Hampshire
- Nevada

Identifying the 2020 Battleground States - Electoral Vote Map

And I'll even give you that Texas stays red.

Latest polls in the three states that handed Trump the 2016 election by less than 1% (Thank You James Comey!) :)
QU Poll Release Detail

This is the real map. We need to get rid of the EC. Low Pop states will still get 2 senators.
View attachment 307971 I honestly think trump will will win California! I think democrat turn out will be very low.

And...then you woke up from a very moist dream. :)

Dream a little dream (sorry, they stay blue)
- Illinois
- Minnesota
- Virginia
- New Mexico

Battleground and swing states (possibly purple).
- Arizona
- Colorado
- Pennsylvania
- Wisconsin
- Michigan
- North Carolina
- Florida
- New Hampshire
- Nevada

Identifying the 2020 Battleground States - Electoral Vote Map

And I'll even give you that Texas stays red.

Latest polls in the three states that handed Trump the 2016 election by less than 1% (Thank You James Comey!) :)
QU Poll Release Detail
Lol you think someone will vote for a democrat? Haha
That covey of fuckups the Dims has fielded is the worst collection of substandard defects ever presented as "presidential candidates". EVER. It supports your map. Let's review:

1. A fake injun squaw... who is best known for presenting solutions to all problems with "chick math"... as detestable and c*ntish as the Bag Lady, but much stiffer... if that's even possible.
2. An old, corrupt, stereotypical white-boy politician that hasn't put together a coherent sentence since the early 90's.... with a mild case of pedophilia... and a deadbeat, crack-addled son that will likely end up in prison after daddy dies.
3. A young gentleman who sits on the stiff dicks of other gentlemen.... who has never accomplished anything, and wouldn't even get re-elected to the village he fucked over. Not a big hit with the brothers.
4. A Corrupt Communist
5. A hobbit with tons of money that will be dropping out soon after pissing away $400 million dollars and then getting cucked by the fake injun squaw (see no. 1). That $400 million could have been used to help homeless people ya dumb c*nt.
6. A female zero. Best known for eating soup with a dirty comb, now. And asking sad little queers if they think she is dumb (see no. 3). Zero chance, zero skills. That idiot should be cleaning my pool house if the universe was in balance.

Wow. I get goosebumps just looking at that crew. I see Barron carrying 46 states in about 30 years.

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