The Presidential Assasination Movie

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
During this time of heated political discussion over Obama's Health Care and physical threats (Which is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong) perhaps Democrats & Republicans should be reminded of a different time and another President.
SIX YEARS into the Bush administration, are there any new lows to which the Bush-haters can sink?

George W. Bush has been smeared by the left with every insult imaginable. He has been called a segregationist who yearns to revive Jim Crow and compared ad nauseam to Adolf Hitler. His detractors have accused him of being financially entwined with Osama bin Laden. Of presiding over an American gulag. Of being a latter-day Mussolini. Howard Dean has proffered the ``interesting theory" that the Saudis tipped off Bush in advance about 9/11. One US senator (Ted Kennedy) has called the war in Iraq a ``fraud" that Bush ``cooked up in Texas" for political gain; another ( Vermont independent James Jeffords) has charged him with planning a war in Iran as a strategy to put his brother in the White House. Cindy Sheehan has called him a ``lying bastard," a ``filth spewer," an ``evil maniac," a ``fuehrer," and a ``terrorist" guilty of ``blatant genocide" -- and been rewarded for her invective with oceans of media attention.

What else can they say about Bush? That they want him killed?

Which brings us to ``Death of a President," a new movie about the assassination of George W. Bush.

A new low in Bush-hatred - The Boston Globe
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During this time of heated political discussion over Obama's Health Care and physical threats (Which is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong) perhaps Democrats & Republicans should be reminded of a different time and another President.
SIX YEARS into the Bush administration, are there any new lows to which the Bush-haters can sink?

George W. Bush has been smeared by the left with every insult imaginable. He has been called a segregationist who yearns to revive Jim Crow and compared ad nauseam to Adolf Hitler. His detractors have accused him of being financially entwined with Osama bin Laden. Of presiding over an American gulag. Of being a latter-day Mussolini. Howard Dean has proffered the ``interesting theory" that the Saudis tipped off Bush in advance about 9/11. One US senator (Ted Kennedy) has called the war in Iraq a ``fraud" that Bush ``cooked up in Texas" for political gain; another ( Vermont independent James Jeffords) has charged him with planning a war in Iran as a strategy to put his brother in the White House. Cindy Sheehan has called him a ``lying bastard," a ``filth spewer," an ``evil maniac," a ``fuehrer," and a ``terrorist" guilty of ``blatant genocide" -- and been rewarded for her invective with oceans of media attention.

What else can they say about Bush? That they want him killed?

Which brings us to ``Death of a President," a new movie about the assassination of George W. Bush.

A new low in Bush-hatred - The Boston Globe

NO! Calling a sitting president a "terrorist"? Accusing him of being allied with Osama Bin Laden? What kind of low life morons would do something like that?


p.s. - the war in Iraq a fraid? How could ANYONE think something like that?

Thanks for the chuckle, Lumpy.
During this time of heated political discussion over Obama's Health Care and physical threats (Which is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong) perhaps Democrats & Republicans should be reminded of a different time and another President.
SIX YEARS into the Bush administration, are there any new lows to which the Bush-haters can sink?

George W. Bush has been smeared by the left with every insult imaginable. He has been called a segregationist who yearns to revive Jim Crow and compared ad nauseam to Adolf Hitler. His detractors have accused him of being financially entwined with Osama bin Laden. Of presiding over an American gulag. Of being a latter-day Mussolini. Howard Dean has proffered the ``interesting theory" that the Saudis tipped off Bush in advance about 9/11. One US senator (Ted Kennedy) has called the war in Iraq a ``fraud" that Bush ``cooked up in Texas" for political gain; another ( Vermont independent James Jeffords) has charged him with planning a war in Iran as a strategy to put his brother in the White House. Cindy Sheehan has called him a ``lying bastard," a ``filth spewer," an ``evil maniac," a ``fuehrer," and a ``terrorist" guilty of ``blatant genocide" -- and been rewarded for her invective with oceans of media attention.

What else can they say about Bush? That they want him killed?

Which brings us to ``Death of a President," a new movie about the assassination of George W. Bush.

A new low in Bush-hatred - The Boston Globe

NO! Calling a sitting president a "terrorist"? Accusing him of being allied with Osama Bin Laden? What kind of low life morons would do something like that?


p.s. - the war in Iraq a fraid? How could ANYONE think something like that?

Thanks for the chuckle, Lumpy.
I am not sure if the sitting president is a terrorist, but he has terrorist colleagues. Silly, he is not Osama bin Laden, it's Obama bin Lyin'.
I've seen that film, well OK I saw a copy of it at a library and looked at the back of the box. Tis merely a hypothetical about what would happen if Bush was killed nothing more. Although I have to laugh at the 'but it might cause a crazy person to kill someone' line of reasoning. The same can be said of all the major holy books. In fact I remember hearing about a crazy women who drowned her kids because she saw a spider and thought it was a sign. Clearly these people would be normal functioning human beings if it weren't for works of fiction hypnotizing them into killing people.
Left Wingers are pushing all these trumped up violence charges for their own political gain. I think that's pretty obvious to anyone who still has any common sense left. These are the same violent nutters who routinely called for the deaths of Bush & Cheney for eight years. They also just shot up (R) Eric Cantor's campaign office while at the same time feigning outrage over violence. Just another sad & pathetic political ploy by the Democrats. I think most people see through it though.
Yes lets make this more simple...Could you imagine what the reaction would be from the Democrats & Liberal Press if someone made a movie depicting the assassination of one of their beloved Democrats? I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be too quiet about that. That assassination movie created by Leftist creeps was just plain obscene and wrong. When Democrats start condemning such despicable Leftist creations,i will possibly give them some credibility on these types of issues. Until then,they're just trying to gain some political points by feigning outrage over this issue. Pretty shameful.
Sometimes i still can't believe that the Leftist Nutters made that awful assassination movie. What were they thinking? Yikes!
Interesting moral relativism.

Opposing ObamaCare makes conservatives Racist Haters Who Wish To Assassinate The President.

But the Liberal Wet Dream CUM to the Big Screen of a Bush Snuff Film is Art.

Go figure.
Yes lets make this more simple...Could you imagine what the reaction would be from the Democrats & Liberal Press if someone made a movie depicting the assassination of one of their beloved Democrats? I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be too quiet about that. That assassination movie created by Leftist creeps was just plain obscene and wrong. When Democrats start condemning such despicable Leftist creations,i will possibly give them some credibility on these types of issues. Until then,they're just trying to gain some political points by feigning outrage over this issue. Pretty shameful.

I'm waiting for somebody to make a film about the Obama story.....We'll call it "The Story of O" or maybe "True Lies"
Yes lets make this more simple...Could you imagine what the reaction would be from the Democrats & Liberal Press if someone made a movie depicting the assassination of one of their beloved Democrats? I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be too quiet about that. That assassination movie created by Leftist creeps was just plain obscene and wrong. When Democrats start condemning such despicable Leftist creations,i will possibly give them some credibility on these types of issues. Until then,they're just trying to gain some political points by feigning outrage over this issue. Pretty shameful.

I'm waiting for somebody to make a film about the Obama story.....We'll call it "The Story of O" or maybe "True Lies"

I've emailed Will Smith to see if he's up for it. Can we assassinate him at the end? Just for fun, of course.
"Art?" Making a movie about assassinating a sitting President is called "Art" by the Left Wing Nutters. Yikes! Seriously,could you imagine the Democrat & Liberal Press reaction if an assassination movie was made about one of their beloved Democrats? Would they call that "Art?" I'm pretty sure they wouldn't. Oh well,i guess that was back when they were still pretending to support Free Speech. We all of course know now that Socialists/Progressives do not support Free Speech. What a scam.
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