The Power of the Media in Brainwashing the Left


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Top issues for the Right: Policy
Top issues for the Left: Republicans and slander about Republicans

There’s zero overlap between the responses from Dems and Reps. This indicates they weren’t offered the same items to choose from but each got an ideologically-framed plate of items. Put differently, we see which topics are triggering and persuasive, not necessarily which really matter.

We are in a post truth world where political figures make shit up in order to gain power

thats it
its not complicated

I wouldn't lay it at the door of the media the responsibility for brainwashing the left. It started with commies coming to this country after WWII in particular when they found they could not win elections. But they could pervert the culture...and for some reason...the left was open and accepting of it. I don't know...probably something as simple as power and money. THey infiltrated education, business, MEDIA, government (McCarthy was right) . The media destroyed him to shut him up and to this day claim he is unamerican when it is they..the left..that is most foul, unamerican. And now this is what we have.
The media the rightist prefer is biased also, in fact both sides are biased towards their favorite political party, why is that a surprise?

Ben Shapiro is biased...Next....
Top issues for the Right: Policy
Top issues for the Left: Republicans and slander about Republicans

There’s zero overlap between the responses from Dems and Reps. This indicates they weren’t offered the same items to choose from but each got an ideologically-framed plate of items. Put differently, we see which topics are triggering and persuasive, not necessarily which really matter.

We are in a post truth world where political figures make shit up in order to gain power

thats it
its not complicated
View attachment 461527View attachment 461528

You are brainwashed!
The media the rightist prefer is biased also, in fact both sides are biased towards their favorite political party, why is that a surprise?

Ben Shapiro is biased...Next....
WOW youre actually right for once,, well accept the part about what righties watch, righties watch both sides so they know what both sides are saying,, the left watches only left media and is why they sound like out of touch idiots most of the time,,

they did a big study on it a while back but I cant find it,,
Top issues for the Right: Policy
Top issues for the Left: Republicans and slander about Republicans

There’s zero overlap between the responses from Dems and Reps. This indicates they weren’t offered the same items to choose from but each got an ideologically-framed plate of items. Put differently, we see which topics are triggering and persuasive, not necessarily which really matter.

We are in a post truth world where political figures make shit up in order to gain power

thats it
its not complicated
View attachment 461527View attachment 461528

Hate to break it to you but if the "Left Media" were all doing what you claim I am sure, as sue crazy as the Right is, there would be a long list of successful court decisions. There aren't any and those that have been brought up have bounced like a bad check.

Note: The "Leftwing Media" isn't busy doing retractions and getting their butts sued off. Normally I would discount the fantastic reporting they have been doing and still are except they are reporting fanatical fantastic behavior of the Right that is actually happening.

The "Fake News" routine came right out of Mussolini's playbook written in 1926. If you can't outlaw the Free Press and can't control them, discredit them. That way, no matter how fantastic your behavior, them reporting your behavior is discredited as Fake News.

Your Deity was sent to the showers no matter how hard you try and not admit it and claim it is just fake news. The Republican Party is in shambles and won't get better any time soon. And 2022 is just over a year from now and the latest shenanigans won't be forgotten quite yet. You talk about the 7 R Senators that voted to convict who some are in serious trouble but you leave out the other 43 that voted to not remove "Him" from office once again. There are a few of them in deep deep trouble. And the House isn't any better. You are allowing the Ds to go unchecked and that should scare the living hell right out of all of us. It should be enough for you to stop playing this liars poker.
Top issues for the Right: Policy
Top issues for the Left: Republicans and slander about Republicans

There’s zero overlap between the responses from Dems and Reps. This indicates they weren’t offered the same items to choose from but each got an ideologically-framed plate of items. Put differently, we see which topics are triggering and persuasive, not necessarily which really matter.

We are in a post truth world where political figures make shit up in order to gain power

thats it
its not complicated
View attachment 461527View attachment 461528

Let's put it this way had the media been unbiased Trump would of won in a landslide and the coatatils would have the repubs in charge in both houses. A media monopoly campaign controlled everything. The entire balance of power in the most powerful ( well for now) nation on earth.
Top issues for the Right: Policy
Top issues for the Left: Republicans and slander about Republicans

There’s zero overlap between the responses from Dems and Reps. This indicates they weren’t offered the same items to choose from but each got an ideologically-framed plate of items. Put differently, we see which topics are triggering and persuasive, not necessarily which really matter.

We are in a post truth world where political figures make shit up in order to gain power

thats it
its not complicated
View attachment 461527View attachment 461528

The democrat Reich has it's followers absolutely convinced that all the problems in the nation, in the world, and indeed in history, are cause by Der Juden, the hated whites. For the average Nazis, the truth is self-evident that Nirvana is hampered only by the fact that whites exists.
Top issues for the Right: Policy
Top issues for the Left: Republicans and slander about Republicans

There’s zero overlap between the responses from Dems and Reps. This indicates they weren’t offered the same items to choose from but each got an ideologically-framed plate of items. Put differently, we see which topics are triggering and persuasive, not necessarily which really matter.

We are in a post truth world where political figures make shit up in order to gain power

thats it
its not complicated
View attachment 461527View attachment 461528

The democrat Reich has it's followers absolutely convinced that all the problems in the nation, in the world, and indeed in history, are cause by Der Juden, the hated whites. For the average Nazis, the truth is self-evident that Nirvana is hampered only by the fact that whites exists.

What a load of BRAINWASHED horse shit!

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