The Politics of Grievance

Nosmo King

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2009
Buckle of the Rust Belt
Once upon a time, not too long ago, those who identified themselves as Conservatives and voted Republican held an aspirational outlook. They aspired toward a smaller, less intrusive government. One with fewer regulations and dictates from the federal government. A government that taxed them less, spent less on the social safety net and, in their aspirational outlook, believed that such conditions would make it easier for the economically and socially disadvantaged to improve their own lot.

While I personally disagreed that a Conservative utopia would indeed make the poor better off, I did respect their sincerity.

But those aspirations have rung hollow and have now all but disappeared. The outlook is no longer aspirationalal. It is now instigational. The Right Wing is now more apt to pick a fight than offer a solution. They put their perceived grievances up front.

From the triggering culture wars to the inhumane immigration policy, Right Wingers act more like snowflakes than the Liberals they originally tagged with that epithet. Starbucks coffee cups during the holidays sets them off. A crying child wondering where her mother is while a uniformed guard leads her away gets the back of their hand.

A president who engaged in sexual misdeeds is forever thought of as a wretch. Another president pays hush money to a porn star is lauded. Same sex couples in a loving, committed relationship are demeaned and discriminated. And a senate candidate who is a pedophile gets votes and support.

We are told there are conspiracies lurking everywhere. We should not trust government or media because they are responsible for your lot in life. Before they told us that we as individuals were responsible for ourselves. This breeds cynicism. Cynicism eschews expertise. And that breeds ignorance. And here we are.

When Trump leaves to pursue his next endeavor as a pundit or gadfly or internet troll, who will tell you 'I alone can fix it!' and tell you who to blame?
Once upon a time, not too long ago, those who identified themselves as Conservatives and voted Republican held an aspirational outlook. They aspired toward a smaller, less intrusive government. One with fewer regulations and dictates from the federal government. A government that taxed them less, spent less on the social safety net and, in their aspirational outlook, believed that such conditions would make it easier for the economically and socially disadvantaged to improve their own lot.

While I personally disagreed that a Conservative utopia would indeed make the poor better off, I did respect their sincerity.

But those aspirations have rung hollow and have now all but disappeared. The outlook is no longer aspirationalal. It is now instigational. The Right Wing is now more apt to pick a fight than offer a solution. They put their perceived grievances up front.

From the triggering culture wars to the inhumane immigration policy, Right Wingers act more like snowflakes than the Liberals they originally tagged with that epithet. Starbucks coffee cups during the holidays sets them off. A crying child wondering where her mother is while a uniformed guard leads her away gets the back of their hand.

A president who engaged in sexual misdeeds is forever thought of as a wretch. Another president pays hush money to a porn star is lauded. Same sex couples in a loving, committed relationship are demeaned and discriminated. And a senate candidate who is a pedophile gets votes and support.

We are told there are conspiracies lurking everywhere. We should not trust government or media because they are responsible for your lot in life. Before they told us that we as individuals were responsible for ourselves. This breeds cynicism. Cynicism eschews expertise. And that breeds ignorance. And here we are.

When Trump leaves to pursue his next endeavor as a pundit or gadfly or internet troll, who will tell you 'I alone can fix it!' and tell you who to blame?

Sounds like a pretty good movie. But with the Wuhan Flu in full force I'll wait until it hits network TV.
Conservatives tended to be the better off professional classes. Now they use the ignorant underclass to push their agenda. Simplistic and hate filled shite is popular because its all they can get their head around.
Once upon a time, not too long ago, those who identified themselves as Conservatives and voted Republican held an aspirational outlook. They aspired toward a smaller, less intrusive government. One with fewer regulations and dictates from the federal government. A government that taxed them less, spent less on the social safety net and, in their aspirational outlook, believed that such conditions would make it easier for the economically and socially disadvantaged to improve their own lot.

While I personally disagreed that a Conservative utopia would indeed make the poor better off, I did respect their sincerity.

But those aspirations have rung hollow and have now all but disappeared. The outlook is no longer aspirationalal. It is now instigational. The Right Wing is now more apt to pick a fight than offer a solution. They put their perceived grievances up front.

From the triggering culture wars to the inhumane immigration policy, Right Wingers act more like snowflakes than the Liberals they originally tagged with that epithet. Starbucks coffee cups during the holidays sets them off. A crying child wondering where her mother is while a uniformed guard leads her away gets the back of their hand.

A president who engaged in sexual misdeeds is forever thought of as a wretch. Another president pays hush money to a porn star is lauded. Same sex couples in a loving, committed relationship are demeaned and discriminated. And a senate candidate who is a pedophile gets votes and support.

We are told there are conspiracies lurking everywhere. We should not trust government or media because they are responsible for your lot in life. Before they told us that we as individuals were responsible for ourselves. This breeds cynicism. Cynicism eschews expertise. And that breeds ignorance. And here we are.

When Trump leaves to pursue his next endeavor as a pundit or gadfly or internet troll, who will tell you 'I alone can fix it!' and tell you who to blame?

There is nothing inhumane about having total immigration of zero. This is the way it was intended.

Mass migration on the other hand has lead to war every time it has been tried. As it will again. The leftists advocate for policies that never work, because leftism just like leftists themselves never work.

Conservatives were losers who stood for nothing and let the enemies of America trample all over us. They conserved nothing, never again...

Friends, it is time to stand up for America.
Conservatives tended to be the better off professional classes. Now they use the ignorant underclass to push their agenda. Simplistic and hate filled shite is popular because its all they can get their head around.
That sounds like you are carrying a shit load of envy.

I guess that's good in the eyes of your conmie overloards. Envy is a communist virtue.

You could have just said "Republicans are deplorables"
Republicans are lost in the tall weeds of victim hood and grievance.

We are all victims these days. I need to pain my shed because I am a victim of paint that didn't last as long as it should but I cannot do it yet because I am a victim of global warming with all its wet weather here in the east.
You could have just said "Republicans are deplorables"
Republicans are lost in the tall weeds of victim hood and grievance.

We are all victims these days. I need to pain my shed because I am a victim of paint that didn't last as long as it should but I cannot do it yet because I am a victim of global warming with all its wet weather here in the east.
Sober up and try again.
Once upon a time, not too long ago, those who identified themselves as Conservatives and voted Republican held an aspirational outlook. They aspired toward a smaller, less intrusive government. One with fewer regulations and dictates from the federal government. A government that taxed them less, spent less on the social safety net and, in their aspirational outlook, believed that such conditions would make it easier for the economically and socially disadvantaged to improve their own lot.

While I personally disagreed that a Conservative utopia would indeed make the poor better off, I did respect their sincerity.

But those aspirations have rung hollow and have now all but disappeared. The outlook is no longer aspirationalal. It is now instigational. The Right Wing is now more apt to pick a fight than offer a solution. They put their perceived grievances up front.

From the triggering culture wars to the inhumane immigration policy, Right Wingers act more like snowflakes than the Liberals they originally tagged with that epithet. Starbucks coffee cups during the holidays sets them off. A crying child wondering where her mother is while a uniformed guard leads her away gets the back of their hand.

A president who engaged in sexual misdeeds is forever thought of as a wretch. Another president pays hush money to a porn star is lauded. Same sex couples in a loving, committed relationship are demeaned and discriminated. And a senate candidate who is a pedophile gets votes and support.

We are told there are conspiracies lurking everywhere. We should not trust government or media because they are responsible for your lot in life. Before they told us that we as individuals were responsible for ourselves. This breeds cynicism. Cynicism eschews expertise. And that breeds ignorance. And here we are.

When Trump leaves to pursue his next endeavor as a pundit or gadfly or internet troll, who will tell you 'I alone can fix it!' and tell you who to blame?

Wow, your side does everything in their power to marginalize the opposition, try to make opposing viewpoints equivalent to thoughtcrime, attack people personally for daring to disagree with SJW progressive bullshit, and then you wonder why we aren't playing "nice" anymore?

You set the rules here, cuck, now deal with it.
Once upon a time, not too long ago, those who identified themselves as Conservatives and voted Republican held an aspirational outlook. They aspired toward a smaller, less intrusive government. One with fewer regulations and dictates from the federal government. A government that taxed them less, spent less on the social safety net and, in their aspirational outlook, believed that such conditions would make it easier for the economically and socially disadvantaged to improve their own lot.

While I personally disagreed that a Conservative utopia would indeed make the poor better off, I did respect their sincerity.

But those aspirations have rung hollow and have now all but disappeared. The outlook is no longer aspirationalal. It is now instigational. The Right Wing is now more apt to pick a fight than offer a solution. They put their perceived grievances up front.

From the triggering culture wars to the inhumane immigration policy, Right Wingers act more like snowflakes than the Liberals they originally tagged with that epithet. Starbucks coffee cups during the holidays sets them off. A crying child wondering where her mother is while a uniformed guard leads her away gets the back of their hand.

A president who engaged in sexual misdeeds is forever thought of as a wretch. Another president pays hush money to a porn star is lauded. Same sex couples in a loving, committed relationship are demeaned and discriminated. And a senate candidate who is a pedophile gets votes and support.

We are told there are conspiracies lurking everywhere. We should not trust government or media because they are responsible for your lot in life. Before they told us that we as individuals were responsible for ourselves. This breeds cynicism. Cynicism eschews expertise. And that breeds ignorance. And here we are.

When Trump leaves to pursue his next endeavor as a pundit or gadfly or internet troll, who will tell you 'I alone can fix it!' and tell you who to blame?
Trump has his cult -- that's it. He lost everyone else, is going to lose the election as a result, and Biden already said he's NOT going to pardon Trump for his crimes. LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM UP!
Once upon a time, not too long ago, those who identified themselves as Conservatives and voted Republican held an aspirational outlook. They aspired toward a smaller, less intrusive government. One with fewer regulations and dictates from the federal government. A government that taxed them less, spent less on the social safety net and, in their aspirational outlook, believed that such conditions would make it easier for the economically and socially disadvantaged to improve their own lot.

While I personally disagreed that a Conservative utopia would indeed make the poor better off, I did respect their sincerity.

But those aspirations have rung hollow and have now all but disappeared. The outlook is no longer aspirationalal. It is now instigational. The Right Wing is now more apt to pick a fight than offer a solution. They put their perceived grievances up front.

From the triggering culture wars to the inhumane immigration policy, Right Wingers act more like snowflakes than the Liberals they originally tagged with that epithet. Starbucks coffee cups during the holidays sets them off. A crying child wondering where her mother is while a uniformed guard leads her away gets the back of their hand.

A president who engaged in sexual misdeeds is forever thought of as a wretch. Another president pays hush money to a porn star is lauded. Same sex couples in a loving, committed relationship are demeaned and discriminated. And a senate candidate who is a pedophile gets votes and support.

We are told there are conspiracies lurking everywhere. We should not trust government or media because they are responsible for your lot in life. Before they told us that we as individuals were responsible for ourselves. This breeds cynicism. Cynicism eschews expertise. And that breeds ignorance. And here we are.

When Trump leaves to pursue his next endeavor as a pundit or gadfly or internet troll, who will tell you 'I alone can fix it!' and tell you who to blame?

Wow, your side does everything in their power to marginalize the opposition, try to make opposing viewpoints equivalent to thoughtcrime, attack people personally for daring to disagree with SJW progressive bullshit, and then you wonder why we aren't playing "nice" anymore?

You set the rules here, cuck, now deal with it.
Your grievances go deep and wide. Are you offering solutions or assigning blame?
Once upon a time, not too long ago, those who identified themselves as Conservatives and voted Republican held an aspirational outlook. They aspired toward a smaller, less intrusive government. One with fewer regulations and dictates from the federal government. A government that taxed them less, spent less on the social safety net and, in their aspirational outlook, believed that such conditions would make it easier for the economically and socially disadvantaged to improve their own lot.

While I personally disagreed that a Conservative utopia would indeed make the poor better off, I did respect their sincerity.

But those aspirations have rung hollow and have now all but disappeared. The outlook is no longer aspirationalal. It is now instigational. The Right Wing is now more apt to pick a fight than offer a solution. They put their perceived grievances up front.

From the triggering culture wars to the inhumane immigration policy, Right Wingers act more like snowflakes than the Liberals they originally tagged with that epithet. Starbucks coffee cups during the holidays sets them off. A crying child wondering where her mother is while a uniformed guard leads her away gets the back of their hand.

A president who engaged in sexual misdeeds is forever thought of as a wretch. Another president pays hush money to a porn star is lauded. Same sex couples in a loving, committed relationship are demeaned and discriminated. And a senate candidate who is a pedophile gets votes and support.

We are told there are conspiracies lurking everywhere. We should not trust government or media because they are responsible for your lot in life. Before they told us that we as individuals were responsible for ourselves. This breeds cynicism. Cynicism eschews expertise. And that breeds ignorance. And here we are.

When Trump leaves to pursue his next endeavor as a pundit or gadfly or internet troll, who will tell you 'I alone can fix it!' and tell you who to blame?

Wow, your side does everything in their power to marginalize the opposition, try to make opposing viewpoints equivalent to thoughtcrime, attack people personally for daring to disagree with SJW progressive bullshit, and then you wonder why we aren't playing "nice" anymore?

You set the rules here, cuck, now deal with it.
Your grievances go deep and wide. Are you offering solutions or assigning blame?

Solution to what? How do you debate with a side that thinks their view is the only valid one?
Conservatives tended to be the better off professional classes. Now they use the ignorant underclass to push their agenda. Simplistic and hate filled shite is popular because its all they can get their head around.

Republicans have nothing else to run on. Their economic record is that three of the last four Republican Presidents have crashed the economy, and have deliberately sickened and impoverished the working class, to the benefit of the wealthy.

You can't kill 100,000 people through incompetence and ineptitude and write it off as the "cost of doing business in a pandemic", and issue Executive Orders that meat processing plants - which employ mostly minorities, must stay open. Minority unemployment and wealth has not recovered from 2008, and already, racial minorities are suffering more death and disease during this pandemic.

How long must black people put up with being "disposable"? Where a man who was stripped of his gun and his right to make arrests as a police officer, is allowed to hunt down and shoot an unarmed black jogger, and the response of white America is that the black man trespassed and might have stolen something so the white guys are allowed to chase him in their trucks and kill him with their guns?

What do blacks have to lose under Donald Trump? Their lives. Through pandemic or police, or through lack of PPE's. They peaceful protests lead to tear gas and rubber bullets. That's when they turned violent. The armed assault on Democracy in Michigan wasn't met with rubber bullets and tear gas. White protestors aren't gassed and shot at.

Just as 1000 American children pay for the right to bear arms, with their lives as well. Killing Americans is the cost of living in a "free" country. 35,000 Americans die by gun violence every single year. Other countries have hunting, and law abiding gun owners, but they have limits on weapons that kill people, or which have no purpose to kill people efficiently. Which are marketed for "urban safety". If guns kept you safe, the USA wouldn't be the most dangerous country in the first world.
You could have just said "Republicans are deplorables"
Republicans are lost in the tall weeds of victim hood and grievance.

We are all victims these days. I need to pain my shed because I am a victim of paint that didn't last as long as it should but I cannot do it yet because I am a victim of global warming with all its wet weather here in the east.
Sober up and try again.

Not my fault I am drunk. It is the legacy of slavery or my daddy didn't love me or sumpin totally having nothing to do with me.
Once upon a time, not too long ago, those who identified themselves as Conservatives and voted Republican held an aspirational outlook. They aspired toward a smaller, less intrusive government. One with fewer regulations and dictates from the federal government. A government that taxed them less, spent less on the social safety net and, in their aspirational outlook, believed that such conditions would make it easier for the economically and socially disadvantaged to improve their own lot.

While I personally disagreed that a Conservative utopia would indeed make the poor better off, I did respect their sincerity.

But those aspirations have rung hollow and have now all but disappeared. The outlook is no longer aspirationalal. It is now instigational. The Right Wing is now more apt to pick a fight than offer a solution. They put their perceived grievances up front.

From the triggering culture wars to the inhumane immigration policy, Right Wingers act more like snowflakes than the Liberals they originally tagged with that epithet. Starbucks coffee cups during the holidays sets them off. A crying child wondering where her mother is while a uniformed guard leads her away gets the back of their hand.

A president who engaged in sexual misdeeds is forever thought of as a wretch. Another president pays hush money to a porn star is lauded. Same sex couples in a loving, committed relationship are demeaned and discriminated. And a senate candidate who is a pedophile gets votes and support.

We are told there are conspiracies lurking everywhere. We should not trust government or media because they are responsible for your lot in life. Before they told us that we as individuals were responsible for ourselves. This breeds cynicism. Cynicism eschews expertise. And that breeds ignorance. And here we are.

When Trump leaves to pursue his next endeavor as a pundit or gadfly or internet troll, who will tell you 'I alone can fix it!' and tell you who to blame?
"We are told there are conspiracies lurking everywhere. We should not trust government or media because they are responsible for your lot in life. Before they told us that we as individuals were responsible for ourselves. This breeds cynicism. Cynicism eschews expertise. And that breeds ignorance. And here we are.

When Trump leaves to pursue his next endeavor as a pundit or gadfly or internet troll, who will tell you 'I alone can fix it!' and tell you who to blame?"

Bannon said Trump was an imperfect messenger for his message. But imo one can make the case that at least part of the working class has not benefitted from Reagan's free trade, or Slick and the DNC's adoption of it. Obama's bail out of the banks saved my retirement, but what of the people who lost houses and never had an private retirement savings plan? And there is a racial issue as well in financial aid to college.

I agree Trump has personalized the issues. "Only I can save you." But when the message becomes entwined with the popularity of the messenger, it's hard to sustain. Share our Wealth and Huey Long. Trump doesn't really have allies. McConnell is simply using him as the guy wielding the pen for his tax cuts, while protecting his father in law's free trade fortune. For some reason Lindsey Graham is outraged, outraged I tell you, over the treatment of Bret Kavenaugh, but seems really good with Merrick Garland. I sense lese outrage than self promotion from a guy who has never met a neo-con he wasn't ready to hug.

Truman's fair deal aimed at selling working class whites on the notion that they were stronger when they acted with African Americans on their similar economic interests. But the dems have become a party that tries to offer to each of it's special interest groups something special. LOL

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