The Political Metagame for 2020


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
1) A plurality of voters self- identify as conservative at 37%, while moderates come in at 35%, with liberals coming in at 24%


So it makes sense that the Nixon strategy of going to the party base till he got the nomination, then swing back out to tthe middle in the general election, that this generally worked.

But for Democrats their base is always raring to go and to appease them then try to go back to the middle ground leaves a bad taste in the mouth of a lot of people. It generally does not work as countless failed Democrat POTUS candidates can tell you.

2) The Senate will be a toss up with most incumbents winning as usual, the two exceptions being Susan Collins and Jones in Alabama.

But Trump had coat tails in 2016 and he might again this election.

3) The house looks like it will flip back to Republican control. in 2018 18 million Republicans did not vote that did vote in 2016, while only 4 million Dems sat out.

The Republicans will all be back this year and the GOP has made some strategic selections that will likely bring them back the house.

4) Biden is way too far left for the moderates and all the conservative base will show. Biden is going to lose in a landslide, with > 350 electoral votes.

By election time, COVID19 will be a memory, the economy will be back and indictments should have been well received.
You’re dreaming and Biden is not far left. His voting record is that of a conservative republican.
You’re dreaming and Biden is not far left. His voting record is that of a conservative republican.
Biden is controlled by far left. The Squad has his balls.
You righties have lost your minds, just like lefties.

Biden is against Medicare4All and the green new deal. Plus he wants to continue current immigration policies. Please get informed and stop watching Fox News and listening to Rush.

Biden is Trump, but with a tad more dementia.

The task force recommendations don’t include the kind of wide-scale systemic upheaval that won Sanders such a fervent following in his two presidential campaigns — while provoking an outcry from moderate Democrats and Republicans alike. A single-payer health care system such as “Medicare for All,” a “Green New Deal” overhauling environmental policy, and doing away with Immigration and Customs Enforcement are not among the policy Proposals.

Biden, Sanders unity task forces release policy recommendations
1) A plurality of voters self- identify as conservative at 37%, while moderates come in at 35%, with liberals coming in at 24%

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So it makes sense that the Nixon strategy of going to the party base till he got the nomination, then swing back out to tthe middle in the general election, that this generally worked.

But for Democrats their base is always raring to go and to appease them then try to go back to the middle ground leaves a bad taste in the mouth of a lot of people. It generally does not work as countless failed Democrat POTUS candidates can tell you.

2) The Senate will be a toss up with most incumbents winning as usual, the two exceptions being Susan Collins and Jones in Alabama.

But Trump had coat tails in 2016 and he might again this election.

3) The house looks like it will flip back to Republican control. in 2018 18 million Republicans did not vote that did vote in 2016, while only 4 million Dems sat out.

The Republicans will all be back this year and the GOP has made some strategic selections that will likely bring them back the house.

4) Biden is way too far left for the moderates and all the conservative base will show. Biden is going to lose in a landslide, with > 350 electoral votes.

By election time, COVID19 will be a memory, the economy will be back and indictments should have been well received.

Finally, a Rumpster that has displayed a Coherent series of thoughts. Okay, most of them are just wishful thinking. Okay, let's look at some of your points.

The House isn't flipping. There is a more than an even chance that the lone Republican from Colorado isn't returning. You see, Tipton lost the Primaries to a Q'Anon fruitcake. Seeing as his opponent lost last time with 49% of the vote to Tiptons 51% running a fruitcake won't cut it. She won't be carrying the Womens Votes. The Women don't need a Gun Totin (She goes everywhere with that gun her hip) that cusses like a drunk Sailor. While I agree the Dems might lose up to 10 spots but the current breakdown is Reps 197 and Dems at 233. Wishful thinking on your part.

Now, on to the Senate. Colorado is going blue this time and sending Gardner back to his Daddy's farm. One of the trends in the Primaries on both Dem and Rep, play dirty and you lose. And Gardner is playing real dirty. Dirty enough when even Conservative Stations hardly carry his attack ads anymore. There were some surprising upsets where incumbents or favorites played dirty and ended up losing in the Primaries on both sides. I don't see a change in the General Election. So you are wrong. Gardner is going against the most Popular Governor and Mayor that Colorado has seen in many decades. There are a total of 3 others that are close races including the one in Maine whom I believe will stay Republican. But States like Arizona won't state Republican, they may in the Presidential race but not the Senate Race.

As it stands right now with Covid 19, it's still a HUGE problem. And the Epicenters have just relocated to the Red States. If you want to visit NYC from any of a few Red Areas, you will be given a choice, either go into a 14 day isolation or just leave. Trying to stay without the isolation will bring thousands of dollars of fines and you will either be forced to go into that isolation or shown the state lines. And we aren't even close to a decent Vaccine until early next year even if they find one that works today in Trials. Trying to manufacture billions of the proper Vaccine Containers is just out of our reach at this time. And like Polio in the 50s, EVERYONE will be required to receive the vaccination or be thrown into force isolation.
You’re dreaming and Biden is not far left. His voting record is that of a conservative republican.
Biden is controlled by far left. The Squad has his balls.
You righties have lost your minds, just like lefties.

Biden is against Medicare4All and the green new deal. Plus he wants to continue current immigration policies. Please get informed and stop watching Fox News and listening to Rush.

Biden is Trump, but with a tad more dementia.

The task force recommendations don’t include the kind of wide-scale systemic upheaval that won Sanders such a fervent following in his two presidential campaigns — while provoking an outcry from moderate Democrats and Republicans alike. A single-payer health care system such as “Medicare for All,” a “Green New Deal” overhauling environmental policy, and doing away with Immigration and Customs Enforcement are not among the policy Proposals.

Biden, Sanders unity task forces release policy recommendations
Biden is so far gone that he doesn't even know what he's for or against anymore....His policy positions have been crafted for him by behind-the-scenes flacks.

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